Wednesday, May 27, 2015

SMILE Your on Candid Speed Camera.

This white Ford Escapade parked in front of P.S. 81 located at 5550 Riverdale Avenue (between West 254th and 256th Streets) looks like almost any other white Ford Escape, or does it. If you look at the top of this car you will notice a camera and flash bulb that flashes as the camera take a photo of your license plate number if you are speeding at least 10 miles over the posted 25 mile per hour speed limit. At least that was what Mayor Bill deBlasio said when he introduced the 6 speed camera cars in the photo below on September 2, 2014. 

Above - You can tell this is a city owned car by the license plate.
Below - There is a DOT employee (or at least someone in a DOT jacket) sitting in this air conditioned Ford Escape Speed camera car.

Above - Apparently this Speed camera car can be parked next to a hydrant as it is in this photo.
Below - It appears however that the Speed Camera car can only pick up speeds of cars going past it northbound only, and needs lots of room as you see the cones that are needed to seperate the Speed Camera car from the school bus it is behind.

Here you see someone who is talking to the operator of the Speed Camera car. However when I approached the Speed camera car the operator refused to speak to me, I wonder why Mayor deBlasio, what was I not suppose to know about the Speed Camera cars?

Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda Introduces Legislation to Create a Board of Review for Police Officer Involved Death and Near Death Incidents

  New Legislation Would Help Alleviate Distrust in the Criminal Justice System

  With the state legislature still in session Assemblyman Luis R. SepĂșlveda today announced new legislation that would create an independent board of review to examine cases in which police officers are involved in the death or near death of a civilian. The bill would establish a ten member board made up of former law enforcement officials and appointees by a broad range of stakeholders to examine in real time the evidence found during an investigation into an incident involving a civilian death or near death by a police officer.

“Recent events around the country and in New York have resulted in a feeling of distrust in the current criminal justice system, especially amongst blacks and Latino communities,” said Assemblyman SepĂșlveda. “The goal of this legislation is to remove that distrust and the politics that exist in grand jury proceedings and between police officers and communities of color. While still leaving the district attorney in charge of grand jury proceedings, this independent board will review and will hold them accountable for their decisions once an investigation has commenced.  Unlike other proposals offered, this legislation will provide real time oversight of an investigation.”

The bill requires that cases of death or near death of a civilian be reported immediately to the Superintendent of State Police, who is then responsible for overseeing the investigation of the local police authority and then report to the board of review. The bill also requires the respective district attorney to cooperate and share relevant information with the board of review. The board of review would act as an additional opinion prior to a district attorney’s presentation to a grand jury in their respective county.

The bill has received support from the New York Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force and is part of the criminal reform package of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Caucus.  It will soon be introduced in the Senate as well.

Bronx Puerto Rican Day Board Announce the 29th Annual Bronx Puerto Rican Day Parade

  The Bronx Puerto Rican Day Board announced the 29th Annual Parade honorees and legends during the press conference this morning at the Affinity headquarters. The press conference commenced with an introduction by the vice president of Affinity Health Plan. There were over fifty people in attendance. Honorees and Legends received their awards for dedicating years of service to the community. They included: NY State Assemblyman Jose Rivera, Robert Sancho—Health services provider of the year, Sofia Thiebaud—in honor of her legendary father, two madrinas: Paloma Hernandez & Rosalba Rolon—Pregones Founder, and Joe Torres—owner of Joe’s Place. Furthermore, Victor Pupo—El Padrino was honored as the Grand Marshall of the parade! Legends and their awards went as follows: Boxer Alberto Mercado, Larry Scott Blackmon—New Business, Mike Sassano (La Sorsa Auto Group)—International Grand Marshall, Mikey Melendez—community Activist and Arnie Segarra—humanitarian! The national anthem was beautifully sung by the Queens, Kings, and Princesses for 2015.

   The 29th Annual Bronx Puerto Rican Day Parade. It will commence with the Kick-off party at Poe Cottage Park at 10:AM. The parade will run along the Grand Concourse from 192nd Street to Van Courtlandt Ave East (+20 block stretch). This is the largest Multi Cultural Event held in the Bronx that is celebrating the diversity of the Puerto Rican Culture and people. The Bronx then and now is the location with the largest population of Puerto Ricans outside to the beloved Island, over 350,000 strong. Below are photos from the announcement.

Mr. Francisco Gonzalez welcomes everyone to the 29th Annual Puerto Rican Day Parade press conference, and says a few words about the humble beginnings of the parade that has grown from only a few to more than 100 groups and organizations that participate. 

Mr. Victor Pupo of Affinity Health Care (where this event was held) is glad to be honored by the Bronx Puerto Rican Board.

Here is the King of the Bronx Puerto Rican Day Parade, standing between one of the Princesses, and Princes of the parade.

A group photo of all the Princesses, Princes, King and Queen of the Bronx Puerto Rican Day Parade.

Another photo of the parade royalty with a few of the Honorees who were able to attend the event.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Corruption is Not Exclusive to Politics in Albany

What You Should Know 
By Senator Rev RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District 

  You should know that in his Commencement Address on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at Pace Law School in Westchester County, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara – one more time – has singled out corruption in Albany.  Standing before the Graduating Class of 2015, he announced: “We have corrosive corruption in our State Capital,” giving the impression that corruption only happens in Albany.
It is important for you to know that I do believe that there is corruption in Albany, and it has been proven.  But I also believe that when the U.S. Attorney keeps going after and saying that there is a culture of corruption in Albany, you should also keep in mind that it’s not only in Albany.
I can assure you that if U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara could use all of the resources that the federal government provides for his office (including but not limited to money, lawyers, personnel, etc. etc.) on any other place such as the New York City Council, City Hall, state businesses, factories, media, Wall Street, Main Street, school systems, unions, etc. – if he concentrated on any of those institutions – he would also conclude that Albany is not an exclusive cesspool of corruption.
For example, an article titled “Lobbyist who helped Viv become council boss reaps rewards - SI FIRM THE LAW ‘MAKER’ FOR CITY UNIONS” written by Amber Jamieson appears on pages 10 and 11 of the May 24, 2015 New York Post print edition.  The first three sentences of this news story state:
“The lobbying firm Pitta Bishop Del Giorno & Giblin helps elect politicians — then tells them how to vote when they get in office.
In her quest to become City Council speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito enlisted the help of the firm, paying it more than $61,000 in consulting fees.
Since Mark-Viverito took power last year, Pitta Bishop has been paid more than $3.3 million by clients to lobby council members, including the speaker, to get mostly pro-union laws passed.”
The article quotes Citizens Union Executive Director Dick Dadey: “ … when one firm or individual controls too much of the information coming in and out of the elected official’s office, it’s a problem.
My dear reader, if U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is cheering on recent law graduates to concentrate on Albany by highlighting the evil that is being done in Albany, and not concentrating on the good things that are done in Albany, the conclusion that everyone will come to is that Albany is exclusively corrupt. But we all know that we can find corruption in any part of life. Man’s heart can be geared toward evil things. Where you find human beings, you are bound to find corruption.
You should know that for now, Albany happens to be the Preet Bharara’s bull’s-eye. Not only is he concentrating his U.S Attorney General attention and resources on State elected officials, but the media is also focusing on Albany with the sole purpose of finding corruption.
Even though there are many decent, well-intentioned and God-fearing elected officials in Albany who work hard on behalf of their communities, the topic of corruption is crushed into almost every news story and editorial about politics in Albany. It is a shame for all elected officials to be painted with the same brush and for so much good work to be overshadowed with the crushing message of corruption everywhere. It is as if nobody should know  nor care about the real fights and struggles for social justice that some of our most dedicated elected officials take on in Albany to produce very good legislation and effectively represent their constituents.
To my colleagues in Albany whose good work and truly noble efforts are being ignored because of the concentration and fixation on evil and not good deeds in Albany: I take my hat off to you!
Ladies and gentlemen, I can assure you that Albany is not the only place where corruption can be found. While I agree that it needs to be addressed, its presence in the New York City Council, City Hall, corporate New York or elsewhere is probably just as much in need of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s resources and attention. The law school graduates he is cheering on should know about this as well.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

Assemblyman Dinowitz Warns Consumers of Predatory Towing Practices

  After a series of incidents in the Northwest Bronx, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz is once again warning the community of unscrupulous towing practices. Recently, the Assemblyman’s office has received several complaints about cars being unfairly towed from private ‘customers only’ parking lots, leaving local shoppers in compromising situations and subject to predatory towing practices.

In many instances, a consumer will park in a private ‘customers only’ parking lot to go shopping, only to find their car has been, or is about to be, towed if they’re not in the area. But some towing companies will hook up a car to their trucks even if the motorist is still shopping nearby, and then try to extort higher fees than what is legally permitted by the city.

“It is despicable that towing companies are preying on people like this,” Assemblyman Dinowitz said. “When people are put in the position of being told to either pay an outrageous fee, or see their car taken away from them it is easy to forget that you have rights in these situations.”

According to city law, if a car is about to be towed from a private lot, the drop fee for unhooking a car is $62.50; and if you’ve been towed, the fee is $125 for the towing and $25 per day for the first three days of storage. Also, tow companies must accept at least two major credit cards, and are not permitted under any circumstances to demand cash.

“Predatory practices like these hurt not only the shoppers, but local businesses as well. If customers can’t park without fear of being towed they will be forced to take their business elsewhere,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “I strongly encourage consumers to be cautious in where they park, and always be aware of their rights. Moreover, any business with a private ‘customers only’ parking lot should have appropriate signage posted at the entrance and exit of their lots so as to properly inform their customers.”

The Assemblyman also added that “if you are ever in the unfortunate situation where you need your car towed, you should always check with the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs to make sure the company you’re using is licensed, and if you are ever in an accident, only use the tow company contacted for you by the NYPD.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Rudy Macina Peace Memorial Plaza - ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE

  Over 150 people came to Peace Plaza located at the intersection of Pelham Parkway North and Williamsbridge Road to honor soldiers from the past 5 wars overseas. 5 monuments stand in Peace Plaza for soldiers from World War I, World War II, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, and The Persian Gulf War. Silvio Mazzella a veteran from one of the 5 wars (he didn't say which one, but I would have to guess the Korean War) opened this Memorial Day Services with the story of the Civil War, and how after the Civil War had ended there was a coming together of the entire United States to remember those who died in the war. He said the first Memorial Day services were held In 1886. Silvio added that now Memorial Day has become the third day of a long weekend that people use to go shopping or to the beach, and to many are forgetting the real importance of Memorial Day, that being so Americans today can live the way they do, IN FREEDOM. The photos below will tell the rest of the Memorial Day services at the Peace Plaza off Pelham Parkway in the Morris Park section of the Bronx.

War Veteran Silvio Mazzlla opens the Peace Plaza Memorial Day services by telling the story of how Memorial Day came to be, as a remembrance of those who fought (and died) in the civil war. He then called up the elected officials and other veterans to say a few words. Behind Silvo are two of the remaining World War II veterans who are seated due to their age.

Above - The flag of the United States is raised.
Below - Father John Knapp says a prayer for all the fallen soldiers.

Left - State Senator Jeff Klein says a few words about what Memorial Day means to him.
Right - Assemblyman Mike Benedetto Chair of the Assembly Committee on Veteran Affairs speaks.

Left - City Councilman Ritchie Torres tells what Memorial day means to him.
Right - Veteran and Executive Director of the White Plains Road BID Joe Thompson told the story of being 5 years old during a war and how he knew that he would enlist to fight as soon as he was old enough.

Above - The laying of this years wreath above the 5 headstones that represent the past 5 wars the United States was involved in overseas.
Below - A salute to the soldiers who fought in those wars.

Above - You can see a few of the inscriptions on the headstones to remember each of the 5 past wars. 
Below - Old Glory flies high above Peace Plaza.

Friday, May 22, 2015

UPDATE on Elected Officials Announce Agreement with TLC

The following came in from Allan Fromberg the Deputy Commissioner for public affairs at the Taxi and Limousine Commission. 

I read your blog this morning with great interest and very much appreciate your highlighting our policy change.  I was hoping, however, to respectfully clarify a couple of things.

First, I should mention that Vision Zero remains the TLC's first and foremost mission.

Our goal of zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries is a bold and ambitious one, but it is a goal that is well worth pursuing in this city full of children, and quite realistic.  While your blog uses the word "oppressive" with regard to our efforts to enforce safety rules,  I want to share a perspective with you that I hope and believe you will agree with....and it's that we all share the responsibility to make our streets safer, and protect our children's lives, and that we all have a role to play in making that happen.  This is especially true for our professionally-licensed drivers, not only because they carry precious cargo in their work, but also because they are the greatest users of our streets.  It's appropriate that we hold them to a higher standard, and most drivers and industry representatives with whom we speak agree on that, as do the many elected officials, like Ydanis Rodriguez, who partnered with us to make it happen.  This policy change is in no way diminishes of our unshakable commitment to Vision Zero.  Rather, it was a decision reached after positive discussions with Senator Diaz and his colleagues and industry leaders, in the understanding that vehicle owners who receive a camera summons from DOT often pass the summons along to the driver who was driving at the time of the offense.  It was never the TLC's intent that drivers be penalized twice for the same offense, and so we were happy to effect the policy change in the name of fairness.  We look forward to similarly constructive dialogue on other, non-related issues, and we will continue to weigh them with an eye to fairness, but that said, such decisions will never, ever come at the sacrifice of safety.  I strongly encourage you to take a few moments to watch our recently-produced public safety announcement, "Drive Like Your Family Lives Here" -- I am certain you will find it as compelling as others have.  Here's the link:

Lastly, your post refers to the potential for some drivers to receive "30 summonses" -- and while I am at the disadvantage of not knowing the circumstances that led to your statement, I assure you, this is not in any way accurate in this context.

Editors Note:
The reference to the 30 summonses was said by Senator Diaz Sr. and other elected officials in which drivers had no knowledge that their vehicles had received red light summonses (most of which I was told were in the Manhattan area where being caught in the intersection is a violation after the light turns red, thus making it a red light summons). 

Jewish American Heritage Month Event By Senator Klein