Saturday, February 20, 2016


Monday at City Hall, the Council's Committee on Housing and Buildings, chaired by Council Member Jumaane D. Williams, will hear testimony on a package of  four bills designed to strengthen the city's tool-kit for preserving existing affordable housing. The preservation-focused hearing comes in the midst of negotiations with the de Blasio administration on both the Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, and Zoning for Quality and Affordability proposals.

The Committee expects to hear testimony from the Department of Buildings (DOB), The Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), housing advocates, legal services providers, members of the real estate industry and housing advocates.
  • Int. 152 - Sponsored by Council Member Lander would require a certificate of no harassment for the demolition or material alteration of residential buildings.
  • Int. 543 - Sponsored by Council Member Torres, addresses the issuance of orders to correct underlying conditions.
  • Int. 1015 - Sponsored by Council Member Kallos would establish a housing portal.
  • Int. 1044 - Sponsored by Public Advocate James would deny building permits where a residential building has an excessive number of violations.
Where: City Hall Chambers

When: Monday, February 22, 2016, 10:00AM

Friday, February 19, 2016


  On education, Borough President Diaz proposed that the Department of Education, and not the students themselves, should be responsible for the cost of remedial classes for public high school graduates at the City University of New York.

“We also need to do more to keep our college students from accumulating unnecessary debt,” said Borough President Diaz. “If you earned a public high school diploma, shouldn’t you be prepared for college? What does it mean when high school graduates are force to pay for their own remedial classes at CUNY?”

Borough President Diaz also called for expanded testing for gifted and talented programs for children in public universal pre-K programs, and for the City to consider using underutilized NYCHA community centers for UPK programs. He also called on all sides of the education debate to remember that children are the top priority in our schools.

Remember, the education of our students is not about the grown-ups, or anyone’s particular ideology. It is about the children,” said Borough President Diaz. “All students must be treated equitably by the Department of Education, whether they are in a traditional public school or a public charter school.”

During the speech, Borough President Diaz also highlighted a number of new projects and new businesses that have made their way to the borough. He also announced that his office would take the lead on the redevelopment of the historic Orchard Beach Pavilion, and committed $10 million of his own capital funding to the effort.

“We need first-rate concessions, performance spaces and the ability to host top-notch events. We need to create jobs and rebuild Orchard Beach’s historic pavilion as the economic engine it once was and could be again,” said Borough President Diaz, who also announced that this initiative has also secured the support of his Bronx colleagues in the New York State Legislature.

Borough President Diaz also outlined other economic development and infrastructure priorities for his borough, including the consideration of a platform over the Concourse Yard in the Northwest Bronx, the continued push to bring four new Metro North station to the East Bronx and the need for a redevelopment plan for the Hunts Point food wholesale markets.

This administration must finalize a plan for the redevelopment of the Hunts Point markets,” said Borough President Diaz. These markets employ thousands of people directly, and have an economic impact that can be felt across the east coast. City, state, and federal dollars have been put aside for this plan, and we cannot afford to wait any longer.

Borough President Diaz also discussed his office’s efforts on housing, noting that his office has directly funded nearly 7,000 units of mostly low and moderate income housing since 2009 and has been working hard in numerous areas to fight displacement. He also reiterated his call for the administration to abandon its proposed zoning text amendments, Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Zoning for Quality and Affordability.

How can we totally change the look and feel of this entire city on such short notice? How can we dramatically alter something so profound as how our city is built with a broad stroke?” asked the borough president. “These amendments as they stand are not the way to accomplish affordable housing for all New Yorkers. 

He also issued a call to conscience on homelessness, urging communities to be more accepting of housing units for the less fortunate while also calling for new metric to measure shelter performance.

“Can you imagine how deplorable the conditions have to be in the shelters that so many homeless would choose instead to brave the elements and unpredictability of the streets?” asked Borough President Diaz. “In addition to holding the right people accountable for these conditions, the City should provide the resources to augment services at shelter sites, such as mental health and job counseling. We must track the results of these programs to replicate the models of successful service providers, and to finally end homelessness one individual at a time.”

Borough President Diaz also outlined several new initiatives for the upcoming year that his office will take on, including the creation of a “Bronx Youth Corps” leadership program and a push to allow EBT users to purchase from online retailers. In closing, the borough president noted the tremendous success the borough has seen since 2009, and suggested that The Bronx is a model for progress to all five boroughs.

“Together, we have done the work to make The Bronx a better place,” said Borough President Diaz. “And what is good for The Bronx is good for the city.”Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. delivered his annual “State of the Borough” address, his seventh since becoming borough president in 2009. In his speech, which he delivered at Cardinal Hayes High School on the Grand Concourse, Borough President Diaz discussed the progress The Bronx has made since he took office while also outlining new programs and initiatives his office will pursue in the coming year on a wide variety of topics, including education, economic development and housing.

Borough President Diaz noted that, since 2009, more than 23,000 new units of housing and over 68 million square feet of total development. He also noted that unemployment has been cut nearly in half to 6.9 percent since 2009, that more than 100,000 Bronxites are employed today than when he first took office, and that the borough saw over $2 billion in new investment in 2015, an all-time record.

“It’s not just about new development, new jobs and new housing. It’s about a new mindset and a new image,” said Borough President Diaz in his speech. “We are changing how people feel and think about this borough. We are elevating expectations in all facets of Bronx life.”

Read the complete speech here:

Above - New York City Public Advocate Letitia James, City Comptroller Scott Stringer, and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito were the highest ranking elected officials in attendance. Mayor Bill de Blasio, any Deputy Mayor, any of the three statewide elected official, and even Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie were not in attendance.
Below - Former Bronx Borough President Freddy Ferrer chats with current Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo. Bronx DA Darcel Clark is seated on the other side of Crespo, while behind them Assemblyman (and former Bronx Democratic County Leader) Jose Rivera is speaking to the new Community Board #7 District Manager Andrew Sandler, as Assemblyman Victor Pichardo looks on. 

North Bronx Democratic Club - Meet & Greet!

Join Us for a Meet & Greet 
The North Bronx Democratic Club
NYS Senator Jeff Klein
NYS Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj
Invite you to a
Meet & Greet
with Executive Board & Club Members

Tuesday February 23, 2016 
Morris Park Community Association  
1824 Bronxdale Avenue 
Bronx, NY 10462 
Light refreshments will be provided

To Join or RSVP, please call (718) 684-4888


“Taking Care of Caretakers” lays out wage increases resulting in $330 million in public assistance savings for the state, economic growth and less worker turnover

Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein, and State Senator Diane Savino joined George Gresham, president of 1199 SEIU, at a rally for a $15 minimum wage on Thursday, and released, “Taking Care of our Caretakers,” a report laying out the IDC’s proposal to raise the wage for home health aides, direct care workers and personal care aides.

The report highlights how raising the minimum wage for caretakers would result in $330 million in public assistance savings to the state and $535 million in economic growth. Workers would see an average of $5,000 in additional pay per year, as well as an addition of up to 4,200 new jobs across the state.

“Home and healthcare workers are the people we turn to when we need to care for our mothers, fathers and grandparents. However, while these workers are ensuring that our loved ones’ health needs are met, their own financial health is ailing. As “Taking Care of Our Caretakers” shows, raising home and healthcare worker wages to $15 per hour will do more than just raise the wage — it will raise up New York’s economy, save the state and local municipalities $330 million in public assistance funding, and halt the high turnover of workers in this critically important field. This is our opportunity to lift these workers out of poverty-level wages by putting an additional $5,000 in workers’ pockets, and to provide a better quality-of-life for those that we trust to care for our most vulnerable. Let’s care for our caretakers and fight for $15,” said Senator Klein.

“It is unconscionable to think that those who we entrust with the care of our loved ones must struggle to make ends meet for themselves and their own loved ones. While cost of living continues to rise, $11 an hour is not going to pay the bills. No person should have to juggle extra jobs while working full-time in the healthcare industry. That is why Senator Klein and I are committed to fighting for this raise in Albany, so that home and health care workers receive the pay they need to be able to stay in their jobs and support their families,” said Senator Savino.

“Homecare, direct care and all New York healthcare workers thank Senators Klein and Savino and the Independent Democratic Conference for their support. Homecare workers perform all the vital duties that allow patients to live in their own homes – they lift them out of bed, make sure they take their medicine, bathe and dress them. Yet most homecare workers only make around $10 an hour and are forced to rely on public assistance. It is a moral travesty that 30% of New York homecare workers are on food stamps. That’s why we’re fighting for the $15 minimum wage so homecare, healthcare and all working New Yorkers have dignity, security and a better future for their children,” said 1199SEIU President George Gresham.

“Taking Care of Our Caretakers,” details the 274,548 home and healthcare workers who would see an increase in gross wages by a total of $2.287 billion, with a net gain in wages of $1.372 billion dollars. For home health aides, the average net gain would be $5,304, while personal care aides would gain an average of $4,649.

These raised wages would be reflected in overall economic growth, as workers would most likely spend their new wages on needs or expenses they had been previously unable to afford. The result would be increased consumer spending and a rise in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of an estimated $312 million to $535 million, annually.

Higher wages for these workers would also result in higher income tax revenues for the state — to the tune of $97 million to $101.7 million. The higher hourly wage would additionally lower the number of individuals eligible for a number of public assistance programs, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, and the Earned Income Tax Credit, ultimately saving the state approximately $330 million.

Additionally, higher wages would result in lower worker turnover rates. In an industry known for its high worker turnover, keeping workers in their current roles for longer means more consistent care for patients, and better overall care for those most vulnerable.

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Women of Distinction Luncheon March 18, 2016

Attend the upcoming 
Business & Networking Mixer!

Take advantage of the 
Early Reservation and Member Discounts!

We look forward to seeing you at this excellent business networking event!

Assemblyman Mark Gjona - Kosova Independence Celebration 2016

You are Cordially Invited to Join
 NYS Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj  
Albanian American Business Network
Albanian American Community Assoc.
Albanian American Educators Assoc.
Albanian American Open Hands Assoc.
Fondacion Plave Guci
Komuniteti Hasan Prishtina Waterbury
Shoqata Batalioni Atlantiku
Shoqata Malesia e Madhe NY
Shoqata Peja
Shoqata Rugova
Shoqata Shqiptare Amerikane Ana e Malit
As We Celebrate the 
8th Anniversary of
Kosova Independence!
 Saturday - February 20, 2016
12:00pm- 5:00pm
Maestro's Caterers
1703 Bronxdale Avenue ~ Bronx, NY 10462

Food & Beverages
 with Special Guest
Miss New York USA Serena Bucaj
Special Performances by:
Alberije Hadergjonaj ~ Hajro Ceka ~ Gezim Nika 

Seating is Limited
You Must RSVP!
Tickets: $25 each

Event Supporters: 
AAWO Motrat Qiriazi
Albanian American Community Waterbury
Albanian American Council
Albanian American National Org.
Albanian Roots-Rrenjet Shqiptare
Ansambli Bashkimi Kombetar
Dom Simon Filipaj Foundation
Qendra Kulturale Shqiptaro Amerikane
Shoqata Atdhetare Dibra
Shoqata Atdhetare Kraja
Shoqata Cameria
Shoqata Kelmendi
The Woman's Organization Hope & Peace

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Eliot Spitzer vs Hiram Moserrate

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
District 32 Bronx County, New York

  You should know that back in 2009, my friend and former New York State Senator Hiram Monserrate was accused of slashing his girlfriend in a jealous rage, facing serious charges at trial for those accusations. The only two people in the room at the time the incident took place were Hiram Monserrate and his girlfriend, Karla Giraldo.
 You should also know that they both testified that she got cut by accident, and that Hiram never cut her nor abused her.
It is important for you to know that there was a lynch mob, led by now Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, that took Hiram Monserrate to court where he was convicted of assaulting Karla Giraldo, and had him expelled from the New York State Senate.
 This all took place regardless of both Hiram Monserrate testifying that he was innocent, and Karla Giraldo testifying that it was an accident.
 It is important for you to know that now, it seems that the story is being repeated absent of the lynch mob.
This week, our newspapers are filled with stories about how former Governor Eliot Spitzer is under investigation by the NYPD for assaulting a 25-year old woman at the Plaza Hotel who had called 911 to say that she cut her own wrists. According the media reports, the lady told hospital employees at Mount Sinai West that Eliot Spitzer had choked her.
 Following those news stories about Eliot Spitzer were reports that the lady says it was all a mistake, and Eliot Spitzer’s lawyers insist that he didn’t do anything wrong.
 My dear reader, I have to wonder if the laws that applied to Hiram Monserrate are the same laws that apply to Eliot Spitzer.
 I have to ask myself: Where is the outrage against Eliot Spitzer? Will that same crowd who claim there is a War on Women and who focused their energy to defend and protect Karla Giraldo from what they accused Hiram Monserrate of doing, be dragging Eliot Spitzer into the Criminal Courts to have him tried and convicted under the law?
 Or, unlike Hiram Monserrate, does Eliot Spitzer have extra special privileges? Will Eric Schneiderman and the lynch mob that destroyed Hiram Monserrat's career go after Eliot Spitzer? I wonder.
 I am Senator Reverend RubĂ©n DĂ­az, and this is what you should know.

Did Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. Give his State of the Borough Speech Already?

  Above is a copy of the front page of the Riverdale Review I picked up today Wednesday February 17, 2016. As you can see the front page (and only story in this paper) is about Thursday's February 18, 2016 State of the Borough speech by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. As one reads the story Bronx Borough President Diaz is quoted as if he has already given the State of the Borough Speech. I have circled several areas where the following is - 'Said Borough President Diaz in his speech'. 

  Also in the story the words 'In his speech, the borough president will note that the borough has seen 23,000 new units of housing and over 68 million square feet of total development since he took office in 2009.  Also mentioned is that Borough President Diaz will also focus on his recent report that considers building a platform over the Concourse Yards adjacent to Lehman College. it is also mentioned that the borough president will also call for all students in public universal pre-K programs to be tested for gifted an talented programs.
  In all there are four times 'Said Borough President Diaz in his Speech' appears in the Review story. Today we are leading the way in job creation -said Borough President Diaz in his speech. 
The economic benefits of new transit projects are undeniable, and we look forward to full approval by the State Legislature 'said Borough President Diaz in his speech. 
And, perhaps, we must generate new real estate in areas where none exists 'said Borough President Diaz in his speech'. 
If more students are tested more students will qualify, and more students will be given the same opportunity I was, 'said Borough President Diaz'.

  I almost feel as if I have already heard the Thursday February 18, 2016 State of the Bronx speech by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. after reading the story in the Wednesday February 17, 2016 story about the State of the Borough Speech by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. 

  Maybe I can have Deja vu tomorrow when I see the State of the Borough Speech given by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.