Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bronx Democratic County Organization Wins 17th City Council Special Election

  It was a joyous victory celebration as the Bronx Democratic County Organization came in with under 40 percent of the vote to win Tuesday's Special Election in the 17th City Council District. However the vote would show that over 60 percent of those who came out in the cold rainy day rejected the Bronx Democratic County organization. 

  Under 3,300 people voted, and the Bronx Democratic County garnered less than 1300 of them, leaving over 2,000 votes going to non Bronx Democratic County candidates. Then there will be the final cost per vote, and which candidate got the most 'Bang for their Buck'.  Also one has to wonder just how much was not reported. King Stanley Schlein does not come cheap. It seems that the old charge was $5,000.00 to challenge a candidate by King Stanley. Since 10 challengers were challenged just who paid the $50,000.00 fee to King Stanley. He may be a nice guy, but he does not work for free, and even then there would be the fair market value of his service charged to the campaign. With all the favors that were called in that could be many, all the money that was spent, and Red Horses (the consultant) that were mounted, not even 40 percent. All it means is that the Bronx Democratic County organization is slipping. In the past there would have been a two to one victory not a one to two victory. 
  As for our prediction, one loves to say the Yankees will go all the way every year, but I like to find the longshot that will win the race. You can't win them all, and congrats anyway to whomever the new councilman really is. I would bet it will be one of State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.'s people even though the name on the ballot said Rafael Salamanca. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Bronx CB #2 Answer About My FOIL Letter Dated Jan. 19, 2016.

  First I will repeat what happened on January 19th when I went into look at some papers that should have been in the Bronx Community Board #2 office. 

 To Dr. Ian S. Amritt Chair of Bronx Community Board # 2, January 19. 2016.

Having been unable to view the following requested documents that are or should be in the possession of the Community Board # 2 office I file the this Freedom of Information Letter requesting to view (and/or have copies made available at the New York City standard price).
These documents are required by the Open Meetings Law to be available to any member of the public to view.

  1. Minutes of the full board meetings dating back January 2011.
  2. Minutes of the Executive Board meetings dating back to January 2011.
  3. Minutes of the District Service Cabinet meetings dating back to January 2011.
  4. Time sheets for Community Board staff dating from July 1, 2015 to January 15, 2016.
  5. Any communication from the district manager Rafael Salamanca as to when he decided to run for elected office in 2015 or 2016.
  6. Any discretionary funding spent by Bronx Community Board # 2 dating back to January 2011.
I hope this can be cleared up before the Special election your current District Manager Mr. Salamanca is involved in, as there are several questions that have come to light on response to his candidacy for public office and his being a Community Board District Manager.

Thank You,
Robert Press
You can reach me at my e-mail
Dated January 19, 2016.


The response I received from Dr, Amritt Chair of BXCB 2 was the following - 

January 25, 2016
I am writing as the Chairman of Bronx Community Board #2, with respect to the New York State FOI Law (Public Officers Law, Article 6, S.84 et. seq., referred to herein as the “FOIL”), Community Board #2 has received your FOIL request.  

As per the FOIL, we will contact you within the next 20 business days to let you know which documents we are in possession of that are responsive to your request, how to access those documents and whether access has been denied to any documents. 


Dr, Ian Amritt


I have just received the following from Dr. Amritt Chair of BXCB # 2 -

Dear Mr. Press

We have prepared a production in response to your FOIL request dated January 19, 2016  It is ready to be picked up at the Bronx Community Board #2 office. This package contains a total of 390 pages; consistent with FOIL procedures, a charge of 25 cents per page has been assessed. Please advise me of the time and date when you will be picking up these materials.  Lastly, please provide a money order in the amount of $97.50, made payable to NYC Department of Finance.

The Community Board #2 office is not in possession of the time sheets for the individuals referenced in the request.

Yours truly

Dr. Ian S Amritt


My response to Dr. Amritt is the following,

  At 10 meetings a year the full board meetings, executive board meetings, and District Service cabinet meetings would amount to 30 meetings a year. Since I have requested to see those minutes back to 2011 that would make 150 meetings not counting any public hearings the board is scheduled to have such as the MIH and ZQA public hearings conducted at the end of 2015. There are also Budget Priority Public Hearings for the 5 years, so I can not believe that this amounts to only 390 pages. By the way I have asked first to view what should have been in the board office. Lastly I would like to know exactly what minutes are on file, and which minutes are not in the possession of CB #2 at this time. 
  I also asked to view the time sheets which a copy should be kept in the board office, and would show the time your District Manager worked on what days, which you say the board does not have possession of. How then is the public to know if the District Manager Mr. Salamanca was working at all then? 
  You do not answer when your District Manager Mr. Salamanca told BXCB #2 when he had decided to run for public office, or it seems that BXCB #2 has no record of any city monies that it may have spent. Were receipts not kept with an explanation?
  I find this very disturbing and have already been in contact with the Mayors office, and will have to contact the Manhattan District Attorney's office since the Bronx DA may have a conflict of interest in the matter. 
Robert Press. 

Editors Note:
I would now suggest to candidate Rafael Salamanca that he withdraw from the 17th City Council Special Election.

100 PERCENT - 17th City Council Special Election Prediction

By Robert Press

17th City Council Special Election Prediction 

    I found my Crystal Ball and asked it about the 17th City Council Special Election tomorrow. My Crystal Ball said do not look at that CB candidate as he is not real and only a puppet of a Republican dressed as a Democrat. There is one real candidate of the people, and he will prevail even though he is facing tremendous odds of winning. My CB also said to be careful when you go to vote as you may be told that there is no voting book for you area, or that your name is not in the book. After that you may be told that you have to go to the Board of Elections or to fill out an affidavit ballot which is an emergency ballot that most likely will not be counted. If this happens and you know that you are a registered voter no matter in which party or no party since this is a non-partisan election demand to see the person in charge. Ask for their name, are they a Democrat or Republican (since it will be a member of either party), and demand that they find out what the problem is, and most important let the people outside which should be for more than one candidate know what happened, as well as putting it on social media or contacting the local newspaper or News 12.
   When you are given your paper ballot to mark your choice make sure that there are no other marks of any kind on that ballot. A common way to render your ballot void is that there was a mark placed next to another candidate so that your ballot would have marks for two candidates and render it invalid. If you look at the totals after an election it includes invalids, and in a close election it could make a difference.  
   On to my Crystal Ball prediction. As the winner of the 17th City Council special election my CB calls it like this. Julio Pabon Winner with 37 PERCENT of the vote. Second Rafael Salamanca with 32 percent of the vote. Third Loreen Russell with 18 percent of the vote. The other three candidates Marlin Molina, Joann Otero, and George Alvarez split the remaining 13 percent of the vote. 
  Our congratulations to the new 17th City Councilman Julio Pabon. 


Committee on Housing and Buildings Holds Hearing on Four Bills to  Strengthen NYC's Housing Preservation Tool-Kit
  Today at City Hall, the City Council's Committee on Housing and Buildings heard testimony on a package of  four bills designed to strengthen the city's tool-kit for preserving the existing housing where most low- and moderate-income New Yorkers live.

The preservation-focused hearing comes in the midst of negotiations with the de Blasio Administration on the Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIH) and Zoning for Quality and Affordability (ZQA) proposals.  Council Members, advocacy organizations, City officials, and New Yorkers from across the city highlighted the need to strengthen the City's preservation efforts, even as discussion about developing new affordable housing through MIH and ZQA continues.

Most low- and moderate-income New Yorkers live in privately-owned housing. Unfortunately, this housing stock is at great risk. Some landlords harass and seek to displace low-income tenants in order to replace them with higher rents -- either by emptying an entire building for demolition, or more gradually, as a building is turned over unit-by-unit. Some landlords fail to provide adequate living conditions, by refusing to make repairs, or by only making short-term, superficial, fixes that leave dangerous underlying conditions in place. And in some cases, even where owners have received subsidies to provide affordable housing, they fail to live up to their obligations. Recent investigations by Pro Publica have revealed thousands of units that are required to be affordable, but have not been preserved for low-income families.      

Four proposed bills were discussed at the hearing:
  • Int. 152 -   Sponsored by Council Member Brad Lander, would require building owners seeking to demolish or materially alter a building to obtain a "certificate of no harassment" from NYC HPD in order to make sure that landlords have not used harassment to empty their building of low-income tenants.
  • Int. 543(CM Torres) would empower tenants to bring claims in housing court against landlords for failing to fix a recurring issue caused by an unfixed, underlying condition. The bill would expand a 2013 law that allows HPD to pursue underlying conditions claims against landlords.
  • Int. 1015(CM Kallos) would create an affordable housing internet portal that would identify all of the requirements (and related information) for City-subsidized or supported affordable housing, to help make sure we have all of the necessary information to make sure the rules are being followed.
  • Int. 1044(Public Advocate James) would require DOB to deny a permit when a building has a significant number of immediately hazardous violations (2 or 3 per unit, depending on the size of the building). The local law excludes permits sought to correct DOB or HPD violations.
"Our City is in the midst of an affordability crisis, and too often seniors and working families are forced to endure harassment and live in deplorable conditions simply because some landlords view affordability as an excuse to neglect their responsibilities, or worse, an invitation to force their tenants out," said Council Member and Chair of the Housing and Buildings Committee Jumaane D. Williams. "One thing is clear: we cannot build our way out of the housing crisis. I'm proud of the Housing Committee's work to preserve existing affordable housing and ensure all New Yorkers can afford safe, stable housing free from harassment."

"As we are learning from Matthew Desmond's troubling new book Evicted, low-income families are facing an epidemic of harassment, eviction, displacement, and trauma. We've got to do everything we can to preserve NYC's existing affordable housing stock, even as we engage in conversations about how to build more," said Council Member Brad Lander. "Unscrupulous landlords too often seek to force tenants out through harassment, so they can dramatically raise rents. When the City rezones to allow more density, these bad actors seek to empty the building of rent stabilized tenants, so they can demolish the building to build a bigger one. By requiring building owners to obtain a "Certificate of No Harassment" from NYC HPD -- before they obtain DOB approval for demolition or material alterations -- we can make sure no building owner is rewarded for tenant harassment. This requirement has already been used successfully to bolster the preservation of affordable housing in the Special Clinton District in Hell's Kitchen. Now is the time to expand the same protections to tenants in danger of harassment citywide."

"When landlords opt to superficially fix a housing issue without addressing the underlying problem, for example patching a leaky ceiling and not fixing the pipe leak, it causes significant frustration to tenants who see the recurring problems in their apartments. Tenants, who have the most knowledge of problems in their apartments, should have the ability to bring underlying condition claims in court. Our city needs resources to preserve the entire housing stock, and my bill would give tenants an extra tool to protect their homes," said Council Member Ritchie Torres.

"Our City is in desperate need of affordable housing and we cannot allow landlords to hide even a single unit of it from the public," said Council Member Ben Kallos. "We need a full accounting of every affordable unit of housing in the City and we need regular monitoring and strict enforcement. If we're going to give away billions of dollars in incentives and property tax reductions to developers in exchange for building affordable units, we need to know where every single one of those units is and ensure struggling New Yorkers have the tools to find, apply and get affordable housing."

"We have a moral responsibility to protect all New Yorkers, especially our most vulnerable who are too often taken advantage of by unscrupulous landlords," saidPublic Advocate Letitia James. "This critical tenant protection bill will ensure that no bad actor can use practices of intimidation or harassment for financial gain and tenant displacement. All New Yorkers deserve access to safe and decent homes and this bill will help to uphold this basic housing right."

"Tenants in neighborhoods throughout the City are facing increasing pressure from landlords who want to profit off of harassment. The city needs more proactive tools to prevent the displacement of low-income tenants and preserve our existing affordable housing stock. Putting a smart, citywide Certificate of No Harassment Program in place would go a long way towards discouraging harassment and keeping tenants in their homes and communities." said Benjamin Dulchin, Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development (ANHD).

"New York City is losing affordable housing at an alarming rate and landlords' harassment tactics are ever evolving. The City Council needs to respond swiftly and strongly to combat displacement. Passing the four bills being heard today and the 12 bills in the Stand for Tenant Safety legislative package creates a diverse set of tools that tenants can use to fight harassment and stay in their own homes, said Harvey Epstein, Urban Justice Center.

Dulce María Rivera, a Staten Island tenant and Make the Road New York member, said, "I have lived through six New York winters without heat and hot water with my daughter. Even as I've taken my landlord to court, we still don't get enough heat. Landlords need to know there will be real consequences for treating their tenants like this. That's why I'm supporting Intro 152, to stop my landlord and bad landlords across the city from treating tenants like they've treated me."

TOMORROW: North Bronx Democratic Club - Meet & Greet!

Join Us for a Meet & Greet 
The North Bronx Democratic Club
NYS Senator Jeff Klein
NYS Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj
Invite you to a
Meet & Greet
with Executive Board & Club Members

Tuesday February 23, 2016 
Morris Park Community Association  
1824 Bronxdale Avenue 
Bronx, NY 10462 
Light refreshments will be provided
To Join or RSVP, please call (718) 684-4888

Women for Ischia Bravo Fundraiser Thursday Feb. 25th


   In early February, former Executive Director of the Bronx County Democratic Committee Ischia Bravo announced her bid to represent the 78th Assembly District of The Bronx.  A lifelong Bronx resident who grew up in public housing, Ms. Bravo was instrumental in creating opportunities for talented and devoted citizens to serve The Bronx proudly as elected officials.

Now, Ms. Bravo looks to serve as an example for women across the borough to pursue their goals, as she mounts a campaign to represent the constituents of the 78th Assembly District of the Bronx, covering the areas of Kingsbridge, Belmont, Fordham and Bedford Park.

On Feb 25th, 2016 Ms. Bravo will bring together hip-hop pioneer and radio personality Angie Martinez with local leaders and residents to mobilize and empower women of color at Beso Lounge in the Bronx. Ms. Bravo commends Angie on her accomplishments and is honored to have the support of women such as Ms. Martinez who have defied obstacles to shatter the glass ceiling of opportunity.

“Angie Martinez has been at the forefront of entertainment and social activism, inspiring countless young women to pursue careers in entertainment, music and the arts,’ says Ms. Bravo. “Trailblazers such as Ms. Martinez consistently defy barriers to success, and serve as inspiration for our young girls, wives, mothers and daughters to accomplish goals both large and small.”

Ms. Bravo notes that in the 78th Assembly District, female voters outnumber male voters 6-1. With this voting power, she urges women to take a more active political and social stance.  “We must exercise our political power to enact the changes we want to see - not only for women’s rights, but for issues concerning our youth, seniors, and housing.” says Ms. Bravo.

A mother of two, Ms. Bravo states that she is ready to shape an atmosphere where other young women are inspired to pursue their goals, and is ready to represent her community with “pride and dignity” at home and in Albany. 

“I am proud that The Bronx will help shape the path for my two young boys, and look I forward to taking advantage of opportunities to be a part of the new wave of progress of this great borough.” said Ms. Bravo. “From music to social activism, from entertainment to politics - let’s give all little girls from the Bronx an incentive to be the voices they want to hear!”

February 25, 2016, Beso Lounge: 320 East 204th Street, Bronx NY from 6:30pm-8:30pm
You can contribute online for this event at:

View event flyer:

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman - Safeguarding Investors, Fighting Fraudulent Home Contracts & More

AG banner_NEW

Safeguarding Investors Against Ponzi-Schemes

Albany Broker Frederick Monroe has been sentenced to 5 1/3—16 years in prison for stealing more than $5 million from investors in a scheme that lasted more than ten years. Monroe used the relationships he had established over his twenty year career to lure investors to reinvest their retirement funds, which he then diverted for his own personal use and to pay back earlier investors he had defrauded. The investigation revealed that since 2002, Monroe used the investments of his clients in part to purchase airline tickets, timeshares, and pay credit card, car and mortgage payments. Purchases included more than $200,000 on automobiles, $215,000 on recreational and travel expenses and more than $150,000 on items such as groceries, alcohol and cigars.

Stopping Fraudulent Home Contracts

Two home improvement contractors accused of defrauding customers in the Southern Tier and Western New York are now prevented from operating thanks to a court judgment obtained by the Attorney General. Douglas and Nicholas Cooper of N. Cooper Paving must pay a $100,000 performance bond and return thousands in restitution and fees before starting up business again. It is charged that the duo harassed and intimidated consumers into allowing them to do work, which was then left incomplete and shoddy. In addition, it is also charged that the Cooper’s would quote prices that were significantly inflated after the customers agreed to accept their services. Remember to follow tips from the Attorney General’s office, which can be found here, before hiring a home improvement contractor.  

Taking Dangerous Designer Drugs Off Store Shelves

The Attorney General announced that his office secured a consent order and judgment ordering a Plattsburgh area head shop to remove mislabeled and unlabeled designer drugs. An undercover investigation found that “The Grateful Toad” purchased the designer drug “Kratom,”which did not include necessary warnings and labels, as the packaging only indicated it should not be used by nursing or pregnant women. Kratom is an extremely potent plant with opiate-like effects banned in even its own country of origin. In addition to the removal of these harmful products, owner Jason S. Ashley must also pay a total of $12,000 in penalties and costs. Because of his innovative efforts aimed at cracking down on those who violate state labeling laws, the Attorney General has successfully stopped more than 20 head shops from selling dangerous designer drugs.

Protecting Small Businesses  

The Attorney General doesn’t tolerate those who intimidate small businesses with unjust lawsuits. That is why the office reached an agreement with Buffalo Biodiesel, which filed more than 600 lawsuits against mom and pop stores across the state. An investigation showed that the complaints initiating the lawsuits against the small businesses were virtual carbon copies of each other.  The complaints, while alleging breach of a contract, provided very little specific information on how the small business was alleged to have done so. The lawsuits sometimes sought tens of thousands of dollars from these stores, and the Attorney General’s agreement requires Buffalo Biodiesel to return any money it might have collected on judgments.

Recovering Lost Gift Cards

Ever dine out at Schimshack’s Restaurant in Buffalo? The Attorney General has reached an agreement to refund gift certificates that still have outstanding balances following the restaurants closure last October. Consumers should be sure to submit a complaint to the Attorney General’s office by April 10, 2016 in order to apply for a refund.
Have a question, comment, or complaint? Click here. You can also learn more about the various initiatives of the Attorney General's office by visiting our website at

Saturday, February 20, 2016

100 Percent Saturday February 20, 2016 - Vote For Julio Pabon

By Robert Press

Vote For Julio Pabon

    The Committee of 100 Democrats Executive Director Mr. John Perez was a candidate in the 17th City Council Special Election to be held this Tuesday February 22nd. On the way to the voting booth however Mr. Perez and four other candidates were knocked off the ballot by the Bronx Democratic County organization. Mr. Perez was angry, but he learned a lesson about politics. He then spoke to his longtime friend (who might have been his opponent) Mr. Julio Pabon (who the Bronx Democratic County organization was not able to knock off the ballot), and along with Elliot Quinones another former candidate who was knocked off the ballot by the county organization wound up today endorsing Julio Pabon for the 17th City Council Special Election. 
    There were false rumors set out by candidate George Alvarez (who the county organization also could not knock off the ballot, or intentionally left on the ballot to take away votes from other candidates) that the Committee of 100 Democrats had endorsed him. Today the Committee of 100 Democrats in addition to the two former candidates, Teamsters Local 210, other unions, and several prominent community people endorsed candidate Julio Pabon in Tuesday's 17th City Council Special Election.  
    The Committee of 100 Democrats thanks Mr. Anthony Rivieccio and Mr. Michael Benjamin (or is it Michael Blake (its an inside joke from Friday night's African American Abroza)) for their help in uncovering this false endorsement. We are now learning more about this scheme by a Republican operative from Queens County, and the Committee of 100 Democrats has learned it may have something to do with the matching funds that Mr. Alvarez was seeking from the Campaign Finance Board. 
   Candidate Alvarez rest assured that the Committee of 100 Democrats will be in contact with the Campaign Finance Board so the Committee hopes you have not spent any monies that you should have to return to the CFB. 
   The Bronx Democratic County organization has invested heavily, called in many favors, and just tried to buy the special election thinking they are some kind of Donald Trump or Michael Bloomberg, when in fact they have a bad candidate. I had to file a Freedom Of Information Letter with Bronx Community Board #2 where the County organization candidate is the District Manager because there were no Community Board #2 minutes, Executive Board minutes, or District Service Cabinet minutes which all are suppose to be on hand in the community board office for viewing at any time, and it is the job of the District Manager to have this information available. So Community Board #2 District Manager Rafael Salamanca the county candidate what have you been doing with your time, it certainly was not your job as District Manager. I also requested to see the correspondence from the District Manager to Community Board #2 as the exact date he submitted to the board that he was a candidate for public office since the District Manager according to his campaign Financial Disclosure statements had been collecting monies for his City Council Campaign as far back as September 2015. Also the Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo announced on December 18th that after interviewing the interested candidates for the soon to be vacant 17th City Council seat that the Bronx Democratic County organization has decided to endorse the District Manager of Community Board #2 Mr. Rafael Salamanca. Another question is why is the county candidate still being introduced as the Community Board #2 District Manager when he should be introduced as either former District Manager or just plain Mr. 
    Check this blog archive for many other important items besides the February 22nd 17th City Council Special Election which have occurred such as the Bronx Parks Speak Up, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.'s 'State of the Borough Address, Statements from the New York State Attorney's office, Statements from the U.S. Attorney's office, and of event to come such as the many Bronx Chamber of Commerce events, or other events that may be coming up. 
      If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on this blog, you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.