Monday, March 28, 2016


 It was a cold rainy morning, but the Veteran's on the Bronx Veteran Advisory Board, Bronx Community Board members, and invited guests came to the Samuel Young American Legion Post located at 1530 Hutchinson River Parkway to hear from BP Diaz and see the new 'Bronx Veteran Resource Guide'. 

   Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and the Bronx Veteran Advisory Council hosted a special meeting to educate & update community boards and elected officials on veterans’ resources in The Bronx and across the city.

In addition, Borough President Diaz released the “Bronx Veteran & Military Resource Guide,” the first of its kind, published by his office.

“Our veterans have given so much for the safety and security of this nation, and my office is proud to support them,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “It is my hope that this guide will serve as a key resource for both veterans and service providers across the borough, and I encourage our servicemen and servicewomen to take advantage of the ‘Bronx Veteran & Military Resource Guide.’”

  Also on hand were Ms. Loree Sutton Commissioner NYC Mayor's Office of Veteran Affairs, Jamal Othman Deputy Director NYS Division of Veteran Affairs, and Shawn Kingston of the Bronx VA medical Center located on Kingsbridge Road. Special thanks also goes out to Mr. Joe Mondello the Chair of the Bronx Veteran Advisory Council and to Ms. Tracy McDermott of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.'s office. 

The complete 55 page Bronx Veteran Resource Guide can be viewed at

A JPEG of the guide’s cover can be downloaded at

Above - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. tells of the many battles a veteran may have after leaving the armed forces, and how he hopes that the new Bronx Veteran Resource Guide can help make it easier for veterans to navigate the system. 
Below - Just a few of the Veterans, Community Board members, and representatives of elected officials who were on hand. 

Veteran Leroy Archibald who joined the armed forces in 1949 speaks of being a veteran and still is asking the city, state, and federal governments don't do more for his fellow veterans who are in need.

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj - Rain Barrel Giveaway on Saturday, April 2

On behalf of Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj & Senator Jeff Klein
with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection

Rain Barrel Giveaway!
Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

Reserve Your Free Rain Barrel!
P.S. 97
1375 Mace Ave
Bronx, NY 10469 
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
(While supplies last)

All interested must contact the 
80th Assembly District Office at 718-409-0109 
or the 34th Senate District Office at 718-822-2321


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
District 32 Bronx County, New York

You should know that Assemblyman Luis Sepúlveda and I have been leading the fight against the draconian and unsubstantiated hike in maintenance fees at the Parkchester South apartment complex here in Bronx County.
It is important for you to know that on March 23, 2016, we, along with the support from condo owners and renters, filed a lawsuit in Bronx County.
As the owner of a Condominium in Parkchester South, I am the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit, where we are seeking to block Parkchester South Management’s 15.9 percent maintenance hike until the Parkchester South Management explains in detail the need and process for recovering costs for repairs to the aging buildings.
We were all encouraged on Friday, March 25, 2016 to learn that an Order was issued in New York State Supreme Court barring, for now, Parkchester South Management from pursuing any eviction proceedings against residents for withholding payment.
On March 25, Bronx State Supreme Court Justice Ruben Franco ordered Parkchester South Management to "take no steps to evict unit owners for failure to pay the 15.19 percent from February 1, 2016 until or after April 4, 2016," pending a court hearing on that date.
On April 4, we will ask the Court to assist us in regard to this maintenance fee hike of almost 16 percent, which is unprecedented, and to ask the Court to help us to find out what crucial financial information, records, and “unknown computations relating to unverified costs” for repairs have been kept secret from Parkchester South’s residents.
The lawsuit charges that Parkchester South Management has failed:
    to provide an accounting and backup documentation of the bidding process used
    to select the contractor(s) who performed the repairs
    to demonstrate to individual unit owners that management utilized the most cost-effective course for the repairs
    to honor its fiduciary duty to give individual owners a way to readily review the condominium' s books
    to provide an independently audited review of the relevant financial records
    to provide a full explanation of and justification for the computations employed and their underlying methodology in determining the increases imposed on owners, or
    to utilize an objective and independent accounting firm to ensure that the individual owners can review a proper audit for the last three years, including revenues and expenditures relevant to the increases in question.
You should already know that during the past couple of months, Assemblyman Luis Sepúlveda and I have held Town Hall Meetings where hundreds of Parkchester residents joined us to express their outrage about Parkchester South Management’s maintenance hike.
We have implored Parkchester South Management to demonstrate transparency, and show us their past and future budgets so we could try to understand why this sharp spike in fees would be imposed on the residents.  They refused.  
On February 10, we were joined by dozens and dozens of residents at a public protest outside Parkchester South’s Management Office. We promised legal action, and Management ignored us.
Assemblyman Luis Sepúlveda and I continue to refuse invitations to meet behind closed doors with Parkchester South Management, and continue to insist that any meetings are to be done in the presence of the residents whose lives will be affected by their staggering and unaffordable maintenance increase.
And so, ladies and gentlemen, on April 4th, Assemblyman Luis Sepúlveda, myself and the residents of Parkchester South will have our day in Court.  My hope and prayer is that the Court will help us to find a way to prevent the pending economic disaster that Parkchester South Management has in store for the owners and renters of their 8,286 units who never saw this coming.
I am Senator Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

100 PERCENT March 26, 2016

By Robert Press

Budget Time in Albany

     With less than a week until the April 1st deadline for a state budget, there seems to be a feeling that this year the budget may be late rather than on time. The State Assembly and State Senate are busy passing their one house bills, and some of the local elected officials are sending out press releases that their bills have been passed, but it is only by the one house they are a member of. To become law a bill must pass both the State Assembly and the State Senate, and then be signed into law by the governor. A lot of things can happen after these one house bills leave their one house. The other house can amend or modify the other houses bill, the bill can be changed entirely or just by one word, and the governor can sign, veto, or also ask to have said bill amended or changed to his likings. There is also what is known as 'Horse Trading' that can go on, which is I will vote for your bill if you vote for my bill, or any of the many ways that bills can be adopted or changed to get them passed into law. That is why you so often hear from elected officials that they really didn't want to vote for something, but there was more good than harm in the bill. Another explanation is that 'sometimes you have to compromise' to get things done or bills passed. Whatever happens I am sure we will hear all of those answers and probably a few new ones as the state budget finally gets passed. 
       Passing the state budget and on time is very important to New York City as the fiscal year for the city begins on July 1st. The city is dependent on state funding as well as federal funding for a good part of its budget or the city has to cutback on either services or staff. We shall see how Ambassador Bill de Blasio does in Albany this year compared to past years. It is not looking good for the city as there are big cuts in state funding proposed to CUNY, and Medicaid, as well as the continued lack of proper funding to New York City schools. Will Democrat Bill de Blasio anger State Senate Republicans again this year as he has done in the previous election year, or will the pressure of a shrinking majority (if any) put the pressure on State Senate Republicans. One thing that is up is Mayoral Control of the public schools, and I for one hope that it is not renewed. 10 years of Mayoral Control has not made the city public schools any better, and there is no accountability at all.
      Moving to the race to replace Charlie Rangel in Congress, Manhattan Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Keith Wright (and leading candidate) continues to rack up the endorsements. He has several unions already and the Bronx Democratic County organization endorsing him. However is there dissent among the Bronx Democratic County organization as State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Assemblyman Victor Pichardo, and now City Councilman Ritchie Torres have endorsed State Senator Adriano Espaillat for the congressional seat. Then there is Assemblyman Jose Rivera who has endorsed his friend Adam Clayton Powell in the same race. Candidate Powell has not been without controversy after a story appeared in the City and State on line report that one of his Bronx political operatives was offering five dollars an hour for canvassing which set off a fury of Facebook comments about the PO and candidate Powell. Candidate Powell completely denied paying the PO anything even for his endorsement, which appears on this blog in a previous post. 
       Finally, Mayor Bill de Blasio is taking victory laps after getting his MIH and ZQA text amendments passed. It may have been watered down a bit (and just a bit at that as you can still taste the real flavor), but next is to see if de Blasio can get some kind of replacement for the disbanded 421A program so developers can afford to build affordable housing. Then there are the possible court challenges to MIH and ZQA that may be looming ahead.  
      If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on this blog, you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.   

Community Board #7 Civics Lesson

  It was titled 'Livable Neighborhoods Program' by the CB 7 Community Relations, Intergovernmental, and Long Term Planning Committee and the Municipal Arts Society of New York, which appeared to be a lesson in Civics. Topics discussed after a welcome and introduction by the committee chair Ms. Samelys Lopez included New York City Government 101, and Planning 101. also on the agenda were Programs and Resources for Businesses, Small Business Survival Act and Commercial Harassment Bills, an update on Participatory Budgeting, and Diagnosing your District for Action. 
  In all there were about 100 people (which included children) in attendance at the PS 54 Cafeteria location for the meeting. Also on hand were several members of CB 7 (as you will see in one photo below), the boards new District Manager Andrew Sandler, Councilman Ritchie Torres, Assemblyman Jose Rivera (complete with his video camera), and many other community advocates. 

Above - City Councilman Ritchie Torres speaks a little about his role in New York City Government as CB 7 Vice-Chair Samelys Lopez is also in the photo. 
Below - Councilman Torres and new CB 7 District Manager Andrew Sandler. 

An impromptu  photo of CB 7 members in attendance and CB 7 District Manager Andrew Sandler.

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman - Stopping Illegal Online Gambling

AG banner_NEW

Taking Action Against Illegal Online Gambling

The Attorney General announced that both FanDuel and DraftKings will stop taking bets in New York State, consistent with New York State law and cease and desist orders previously issued to the companies by his office. Watch video of the Attorney General discussing the agreements here.
Following the Attorney General’s agreements with FanDuel and DraftKings, Yahoo! announced that it would also stop taking bets in New York for daily fantasy sports games.  


Building On Our Success Fighting Opioid Addiction 

The Attorney General wrote an op-ed in Newsday urging policymakers to reject efforts by special interest groups that would gut critical provisions of New York's landmark opioid abuse prevention program, I-STOP.

Stopping Illegal Outsourcing

Think you are a government contractor that can get away with shipping jobs overseas? Think again. Read more about the Attorney General’s groundbreaking agreement that cracks down on a contractor caught sending jobs to India.

Going After Tax Fraudsters, Big and Small

There has to be one set of rules for everyone, no matter how rich or how powerful, and that includes big developers paying their fair share of taxes. Read about the Attorney General’s tax fraud case against real estate mogul Asher Roshanzamir.

 A Fake Optometrist Is Shut Down

The Attorney General’s office has secured a consent judgment against a Rochester area man found to be unlawfully practicing as an optician without the required license—twice.

Have a question, comment, or complaint? Click here. You can also learn more about the various initiatives of the Attorney General's office by visiting our website at You can also call our General Hotline: 800-771-7755


This following was found on City & State -

Adam Clayton Powell IV found himself the target of Facebook users’ fury after a Bronx political operative posted that the congressional candidate’s campaign had canvassing openings that pay $5 an hour, which Powell vehemently denied his campaign would ever offer. Last Sunday night, Anthony Rivieccio posted in the Northwest Bronx Democrats’ Facebook group that he was aware of “2 offerings we want to share with you.” “Anyone looking to work on the Cogressional Campaigns of Adam Powell and Yohanny Caceres, they are paying $5 an hour for canvassing,” he noted. “If interested please inbox me which opportunity and I will send the perspective manager your informaion.”

Editor's Note: 

I reached out to Mr. Rivieccio for a comment, and received his usual baloney answer which was full of Baloney with no meat in it or any answer. I have also reached out to Adam Clayton Powell for a response, but have not received a comment from him. 

The following is Adam Clayton Powell's e-mail response, received earlier today.

Mr. Rivieccio endorsed me months ago. The Northwest Bronx Democrats endorsed me weeks ago. And no one is getting any money from me.

You can call me anytime. But without talking to me how you infer something like that from a $5/hour comment or a $500 for 500 signatures suggestion is shocking to say the least.

Friday, March 25, 2016

HEARD AROUND TOWN:- Adam Clayton Powell IV

  This following was found on City & State -

Adam Clayton Powell IV found himself the target of Facebook users’ fury after a Bronx political operative posted that the congressional candidate’s campaign had canvassing openings that pay $5 an hour, which Powell vehemently denied his campaign would ever offer. Last Sunday night, Anthony Rivieccio posted in the Northwest Bronx Democrats’ Facebook group that he was aware of “2 offerings we want to share with you.” “Anyone looking to work on the Cogressional Campaigns of Adam Powell and Yohanny Caceres, they are paying $5 an hour for canvassing,” he noted. “If interested please inbox me which opportunity and I will send the perspective manager your informaion.”

Editor's Note: 

I reached out to Mr. Rivieccio for a comment, and received his usual baloney answer which was full of Baloney with no meat in it or any answer. I have also reached out to Adam Clayton Powell for a response, but have not received a comment from him.