Thursday, January 19, 2017


Link usage rises to 4 million Wi-Fi sessions every week78 percent of New Yorkers have a favorable opinion of world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi network

   LinkNYC announced today that the world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi network has added its millionth user less than a year after publicly launching on the streets of New York City. As of January 4th, over 1,040,000 people – more than the populations of San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, or Denver – have signed up to use its gigabit Wi-Fi service, with approximately 40,000 people joining the network for the first time each week.

“Bringing free Wi-Fi to our sidewalks is an important part of our efforts to increase internet access for all New Yorkers. It’s no surprise that people are using the LinkNYC program and are happy about the services it provides – ultrafast Wi-Fi, phone calls, and more – at no cost to taxpayers,” saidMayor Bill de Blasio.

“With Link kiosks now in all five boroughs, we have helped more than a million New Yorkers and visitors get online at the fastest speeds available in New York City, for free.” said Jen Hensley, General Manager of LinkNYC. “Less than one year in, we are thrilled with the response to LinkNYC.”

LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)

  • Total Wi-Fi subscribers: 1,040,000
  • New Wi-Fi sign-ups per week: 40,000
  • Wi-Fi sessions per week: 4,000,000
  • Data downloaded by LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
  • Busiest day by users: Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
  • Busiest day by data transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB

New Yorkers Know – and Love – LinkNYC

71% of New Yorkers are aware of LinkNYC, and of them, 92% believe it has positive benefits for New York City, according to a survey conducted by Sachs Insights of 1,000 people across the New York City region. Among those aware of LinkNYC:

  • 78% have a favorable opinion of the network.
  • 89% believe LinkNYC makes NYC more innovative than other cities.
  • 89% appreciate that LinkNYC’s services are free thanks to advertising, which reaches over 11 million people weekly. 

Where to Find the City’s Most Popular Link
The city’s most popular Link stands in Herald Square (at 1313 Broadway) and has served about 600,000 Wi-Fi sessions all by itself.

“We’re incredibly excited to see the overwhelmingly positive response to LinkNYC over the past year,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications. “Reaching 1 million users demonstrates that New Yorkers and our City’s record-breaking number of visitors are taking advantage of the free services that LinkNYC provides - superfast Wi-Fi, USB charging, City and emergency services, and phone calls. Our progress has been incredible so far, with over 500 active kiosks across the city, and we will continue to build on this ambitious, first-of-its kind network across the City in the coming years.”

“Over 1 million users is a major milestone but it is just the beginning for LinkNYC. As the network expands and the word gets out, LinkNYC will continue to be a key component to provide connectivity for New Yorkers across the 5 boroughs,” said New York City Chief Technology Officer Miguel Gamiño.

About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no cost to taxpayers. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to 911 and 311.

To find a Link near you, visit:

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. - 2017 State of the Borough Address

You are cordially invited to Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.'s
2017 State of the Borough Address.
The Honorable Ruben Diaz Jr.
President, Borough of The Bronx

cordially invites you to
The State of The Borough Address
Thursday, February 23, 2017
11:30 a.m.
John F. Kennedy High School
99 Terrace View Avenue
The Bronx
seating is limited
The Office of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. | 718-590-3500 |

Bronx Democratic Party - 2017 Winter Networking Reception


Ensuring residents are represented in decision-making is a strategic objective of NextGeneration NYCHA, the Authority’s ten-year strategic plan

   Mayor Bill de Blasio today appointed three public housing residents to the Board of the New York City Housing Authority.

“No one understands the challenges and importance of public housing more than our residents and I’m proud to welcome Jacqueline Young and Jacqueline Arroyo who will join Victor Gonzalez to share their first-hand experiences and knowledge,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “As active leaders in their NYCHA communities, they will help move us forward as we work tirelessly to protect and strengthen public housing.”

“The voices of NYCHA community members’ are central to our mission and inform all of our work. These resident board members bring years of service as community leaders and their personal experiences to the table to help us improve quality of life for all our residents,” said Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye. “Now more than ever, resident input is critical as we continue to implement NextGeneration NYCHA, our long-term strategic plan to create safe, clean and connected public housing.”

Resident members of the Board represent the more than 400,000 people who call NYCHA home when voting on contracts, resolutions, policies, rules and regulations, and other administrative matters. They attend each monthly board meeting along with Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye, General Manager Michael Kelly, other NYCHA executive leadership and appointed board members who bring relevant professional expertise to bear on NYCHA business decisions. Resident board members also represent NYCHA at a variety of events ranging from press conferences to Family Days.

About the Appointments:

Victor A. González was appointed as the first NYCHA Resident Board Member in 2011 by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and reappointed by Mayor Bloomberg in 2013. A public housing resident for more than 50 years, González currently resides in the Rabbi Stephen Wise Towers on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. He is the former President of the Wise Towers Residents Association and also served as an alternate member of NYCHA’s Resident Advisory Board.

González has worked extensively with advocacy groups, organizing workshop meetings for residents and supporting activities that impact not only his development, Wise Towers, but also the surrounding community. During his tenure as a NYCHA Board member, he has worked to streamline maintenance requests for apartment repairs and improve family services for formerly homeless residents and senior citizens.

Born in New York City to Puerto Rican parents, González received his Bachelor’s degree from Mercy College and served for five years in the U.S. Air Force, honorably discharged after reaching the rank of Sergeant of Security Police. Following his military service, he spent 33 years working for the United Parcel Service, retiring as International Team Leader in Customer Service in 2005.

Jacqueline Young is a 30-year public housing resident currently residing at Lenox Road Houses who raised two daughters as a single mother. Young served as President of the Lenox Road Houses Residents Association from December 2014 to January 2017. She has worked on behalf of formerly homeless and low-income individuals for the past 20 years at three not-for-profit agencies and presently serves as Low Income Housing Compliance Manager at Comunilife, a community based health and housing service provider. Prior to this role, Young served as a Property Manager for Services for the Underserved and as a Senior Property Manager at Northeast Brooklyn Housing Development Corporation. Young is active on pastoral committees in her church and in the Bedford-Stuyvesant community. She holds an Associate’s degree from LaGuardia Community College/CUNY, a certification in property management from the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development and a Registered in Apartment Management (RAM) certification from Boricua College.

Jacqueline Arroyo is a resident of Louis Armstrong Houses, where she attends Residents Association meetings and NYCHA town halls on initiatives such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration and NextGeneration NYCHA, the Authority’s 10-year strategic plan. While raising two children, Arroyo has pursued a career in City service, working for 15 years for two City agencies. She is currently employed in the New York City Department of Education as a supervisor in the Office of the Auditor General and has also worked at high schools located in the South Bronx, Williamsburg and lower Manhattan. Prior to that, she was employed at the Health and Hospitals Corporation. Arroyo participates in parents’ associations at her children’s schools and in fundraising drives to fight diabetes and breast cancer. She holds an Associate’s degree in Liberal Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, both from Boricua College.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW - By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz 
District 32 Bronx County, New York 

Another Brilliant Divide and Conquer Move By Governor Andrew Cuomo 
You  should know that today, Governor Andrew Cuomo, the head of the Democratic Party in New York State, is all set to implement Machiavelli’s infamous  “divide and conquer” technique right here in Albany. 
You should know that Governor Cuomo’s has invited the 25 Members of the Senate Democrats to the Governor’s Mansion at 5PM  where he will present his Budget to us. Following that meeting, Governor will present his Budget to the more than 100 Democratic members of the Assembly. And then at 7 PM, Governor Cuomo will present his Budget to the Press. 
It is important for you to know that it is Governor Cuomo is trying to present his Budget to Albany’s Democrats in 2 hours: first to the 25 Members of the Senate, and following that to the more than 100 Democrats in the Assembly – and then to the press 
This does not give us Democrats any time to ask any questions. 
It is also important for you to know that Governor Cuomo has already presented his Budget to the Senate Republicans and the Independent Democratic Conference during lunch today, giving them time to ask a question or 2. 
This is a great divide and conquer move by the Governor, with a tremendous lack of respect for the Legislature. 
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.


Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. however does not tell us of his own intention to run for the term limited 18th City Council District, as he did before he was re-elected to the state senate. On the latest Campaign Finance Board reporting as of January 15th 2017, Ruben Diaz Sr. is not listed as a candidate for the 18th City Council District.

So State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. are you running for the 18th City Council seat as you said, or are you trying to divide and conquer the voters with a lie. 

Clear your soul now before it is to late, and let us know if you are running for the 18th City Council seat or not.

God will not like it if you are lying to the good people of the Bronx. 

That is what we should know.


Participation and performance gains largest among Black and Hispanic students

AP for All is bringing all NYC high schoolers access to at least five AP classes by fall 2021

  Mayor Bill de Blasio and Chancellor Carmen Fariña today announced record numbers of New York City students taking and passing Advanced Placement exams. The number of students taking at least one Advanced Placement exam in 2016 rose 8.4 percent, from 41,419 students to a record 44,906 students compared to the year prior. The number of students passing at least one Advanced Placement exam rose 8.2 percent, keeping pace with the increase in participation.

The City will build on this highest-ever participation and performance through AP for All, part of Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña’s Equity and Excellence for All agenda. Through AP for All, 75 percent of high school students will have access to at least five AP classes by fall 2018 and all high school students will have access by fall 2021.

“We are shaking the foundation of this system by putting rigorous AP courses in every neighborhood in every borough,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “By providing the coursework needed for college and careers for all New York City students, we are sending a message that we believe in them and support them on the path to success. The increases in participation and performance we see today – particularly among Black and Hispanic students – show that we’re moving in the direction of equity and excellence, and I look forward to the work ahead.”

“I am focused on giving all our students the classroom instruction they need to graduate high school and succeed in college and careers,” said Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña. “Today, we are celebrating real progress on students’ access to rigorous AP courses and exams, but we know there’s more work to do. Through our AP for All initiative, we are ensuring access to AP courses and exams for every high school student across all five boroughs, and giving our high schools the training and support they need to make this a reality.”

Participation and performance gains were largest for Black and Hispanic students: specifically, 14.1 percent more Black students and 9.9 percent more Hispanic students took at least one AP exam in 2016 than in the previous year. Performance gains outpaced these groups’ increases in participation: specifically, 18.0 percent more Black students and 10.8 percent more Hispanic students passed at least one AP exam in 2016 than in the previous year.

While these increases represent high school students in all grades who took an Advanced Placement exam during 2016, there were also increases at the cohort level – high school seniors who took and passed at least one Advanced Placement exam during their high school career. The percentage of all NYC seniors – students in the Class of 2016, who started high school in Fall 2012 – who took at least one Advanced Placement exam during their four years of high school increased to 31.1 percent, a 2.4 percentage point increase from the Class of 2015. Despite gains in 2016 and at the cohort level, a lower percentage of Black and Hispanic students take and pass AP exams when compared to their Asian and white peers.

The increases in participation and performance are supported by the DOE’s AP Expansion program, which brought new AP courses to over 70 schools since 2013. AP for All builds on this work, and this school year, 63 high schools are offering new Advanced Placement courses through the initiative, including 31 that offered no AP courses during the 2015-16 school year. An additional 71 high schools are receiving Pre-AP support to strengthen student and teacher readiness for AP courses in future years.With the introduction of AP for All, the DOE improved its technical reporting procedures; as a result, participation and performance data for prior years has been revised.

AP for All is one of Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña’s Equity and Excellence for All initiatives to ensure that, by 2026, 80 percent of students graduate high school on time and two-thirds of graduates are college-ready.Research has shown that the rigor of AP courses and exams better prepare students for college. Other initiatives including College Access for All, Algebra for All, and Single Shepherd will promote increased college readiness and access to postsecondary options across all five boroughs. This month, elementary, middle, and high schools across the City are participating in the DOE’s first-ever College and Career Month.

More information on AP participation and performance is available online.


Governors Island Announces 2017 Season To Open One Month Early On May 1

Visitors to enjoy an additional month on the Island during its expanded public access season

Island Oyster, a new interim food and beverage concession, to open near Soissons Landing during the 2017 season

    The Trust for Governors Island announced today that Governors Island will open to the public on May 1, extending its public access season by nearly one month.  For the first time in history, New Yorkers will be able to experience the spring season on the Island, and will have the opportunity to explore its beautiful public spaces and springtime plantings, recreational activities and diverse cultural programming during the month of May. The Trust also announced today that Island Oyster, a new food and beverage concession featuring sustainably sourced seafood in a garden-like atmosphere, will open during the 2017 season, providing visitors to the Island with new, expanded dining options in a distinct setting with unparalleled views of the Lower Manhattan skyline and New York Harbor.

“An extra month on Governor’s Island means more arts, culture and outdoor time for New York families. We are proud of the focused progress that got us to a spring opening this year, and will note that a May Day opening stands as a symbol of changes as we create a more livable and affordable city,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“An expanded season in 2017 opens an exciting new chapter for Governors Island, and we invite every New Yorker to take in the Island’s surroundings for an additional month this spring,” said Michael Samuelian, President of the Trust for Governors Island. “Island Oyster will truly complement the spirit of Governors Island by expanding dining options for visitors and promoting the health and sustainability of New York Harbor. What better place than Governors Island to enjoy oysters along the waterfront.”

Governors Island will open its doors to the public on May 1, extending the 2017 public access season from 120 days to 146 days. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience a wide range of arts, cultural, educational and recreational programs, as well as the Hills, Governors Island’s new 10 acre park featuring play areas, public art, and expansive, breathtaking views of New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty, Lower Manhattan, Brooklyn and New Jersey.

“Governors Island is a jewel of a destination in all seasons. This year, we are delighted to expand opportunities for more visitors to enjoy the Island,” said Ronay Menschel, Chair of the Trust for Governors Island. “With the Hills and stunning harbor views, an ever-expanding rotation of arts and cultural programming, and now a longer public season, Governors Island continues to be a unique public resource for all New Yorkers.”

“The month of May on Governors Island is a feast for the senses. We are thrilled that the public will experience for the first time the Island’s flowering trees in full bloom, and enjoy favorite spring past-times like car-free biking, strolling, and picnicking,” said Merritt Birnbaum, Executive Director of the Friends of Governors Island. “There is nothing better than soaking up the gentle spring sunshine from one of the Island’s hammocks.”

Governors Island is open seasonally to the public from the beginning of May through the end of September. During that time, the Island hosts a wide range of arts, cultural, educational and recreational programs through OpenHouseGI. OpenHouseGI offers 150,000 square feet of indoor space in former officers’ houses and over 20 acres of outdoor space free of charge to organizations that create programming that is free and open to the public during the Island’s public season.  Applications for OpenHouseGI programs will now be accepted for the month of May via an online permit process. The OpenHouseGI permit process, as well as information to apply for the 2017 season, is available at

The Trust also announced today at a meeting of its Board of Directors the designation of Island Oyster, a picnic-style “Oyster Garden” set in a park-like landscape on a one-acre site adjacent to Soissons Landing.  Conceived by the team behind Hudson River Park’s Grand Banks, Island Oyster will offer fresh, sustainably produced seafood complemented by local summer fare, craft beer, wine and a festive cocktail program. In partnership with the Billion Oyster Project and Earth Matter, Island Oyster will showcase oyster shell collection and recycling, furthering Governors Island as a focal point towards a more sustainable future.

“We are truly honored that the Trust selected Island Oyster as a food and beverage partner. As a public agency, the Trust’s vision for a culturally engaging and sustainable future is truly commendable”, said Miles Pincus of Island Oyster. “Abundant with wildlife, and rich in oysters, the shores of Governors Island were once a prized hunting and fishing ground of both the Lenape tribe and New York’s early settlers. We look forward to once again establishing the Island as a pilgrimage-worthy food destination.”

The permittee designated today responded to a Request for Proposals for Interim Use of the Manhattan Ferry Landing on Governors Island in November.  The Trust received multiple complete responses to this RFP, representing a broad range of entertainment, food and beverage, and recreational uses. The Trust evaluated those proposals with respect to criteria outlined in the RFP, including respondents’ qualifications and financial capacity, financial impact to the Trust, operational plan, and compatibility with the character and vision for Governors Island as an extraordinary public resource with a vibrant mix of uses and activities.

The Island typically welcomes 10,000 visitors each weekend day and last year welcomed nearly 600,000 visitors over the course of the season. More than 75% of visitors to the Island are from New York City and over 90% are from the Tri-State area.

In 2017, Governors Island will be open every day from May 1 through October 1. The Island is open from 10 AM to 6 PM on weekdays and from 10 AM to 7 PM on weekends, Memorial Day, July 4 and Labor Day.

During the new and expanded 2017 season, ferries will run from Lower Manhattan all seven days and will also run from Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pier 6 on Saturdays, Sundays, Memorial Day and Labor Day.  All weekday and weekend afternoon ferries from Brooklyn and Manhattan are $2 round trip for adults. Children under 12 ride for free at all times and senior citizens’ fares are half price. Morning ferries (10 AM and 11 AM) on Saturdays and Sundays are free for all. There is no surcharge for bicycles.

About The Trust for Governors Island
The Trust for Governors Island is the not-for-profit corporation created by the City of New York that is responsible for the redevelopment and operation of 150 acres of Governors Island. The Trust's mission is to transform Governors Island into a vibrant resource for New York City, making this island at the center of New York Harbor a destination with extraordinary public open space, as well as educational, not-for-profit and commercial facilities.
For more information, visit


City’s first-of-its-kind training program to increase availability of Certified Recovery Peer Advocates for substance use treatment will help meet industry demand

   Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced a first-of-its-kind Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) training program connecting those with experience in substance use recovery programs with training for careers helping others in recovery. The program, a product of the Department of Small Business Services’ New York Alliance for Careers in Healthcare (NYACH), will fill a growing demand for peer support services in substance use treatment. Peer support services have been found to reduce hospitalizations, reduce recovery times and result in improved patient experiences.

“We have been working every day to destigmatize substance use and mental health issues through our ThriveNYC initiative,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “The Certified Recovery Peer Advocate program is yet another tool we will use to ensure that New Yorkers struggling with these issues not only have the support they need to overcome their challenges, but that they can utilize their experience to help others.”

“For those struggling with substance misuse, the support and understanding of people who have gone through recovery can make all the difference. This program will add counselors in all of the five boroughs for those seeking rehabilitation from substance misuse, and provide these coaches with the opportunity to give back to their brothers and sisters in need. As the de Blasio Administration continues to expand access to mental health and substance misuse help through our comprehensive citywide planThriveNYC, we recognize that this is the sort of program that will help propel New Yorkers taking the next step into recovery,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray, Chair of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance NYC, who spearheads the City's mental health and substance misuse efforts.

“Quality behavioral health services are vital to our City and the wellness of our people. New Yorkers who are confronting behavioral health challenges deserve the support and resources they need for recovery and this program helps meet this challenge,” said Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of the Department of Small Business Services. “This new peer advocate program supports behavioral health service providers in delivering successful treatment while connecting New Yorkers with a path to quality employment in the healthcare field.”

“A peer support worker can connect to people with mental illness or substance use disorder in a way that no one else can,” said Health Department Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett. “And peer support workers help the people they work with have more sustained recovery with lower treatment costs. I thank Mayor Bill de Blasio and Small Business Services Commissioner Gregg Bishop for further investing in this successful model.”

Treatment and recovery providers anticipate an increased demand for peer support services following Medicaid’s enhanced reimbursement rates for peer services and the integration of behavioral health services in Medicaid managed care plans. In the past, the majority of peer support specialists were limited to funding through grant programs or working as volunteers. This is the first program in New York City that provides a seamless, credit-bearing training path through post-secondary education to CRPA certification and employment. The program is open to individuals who self-identify as having lived with a substance use disorder.

The CRPA training program is part of First Lady Chirlane McCray’sThriveNYC initiative, which will train 200 peer support workers per year. The ThriveNYC training prepares graduates to obtain their New York State Certification and pursue careers in the behavioral health workforce. The first cohort of peer support workers will graduate by the end of June 2017

ThriveNYC emphasizes peer support as part of the effort to create sustainable recovery models. Training for certified peer specialists is one of the goals of ThriveNYC.‎

Certified Recovery Peer Advocate Training Program
The CRPA training program at Queensborough Community College will prepare participants to become certified in providing support, information, guidance, and motivation to those seeking or sustaining recovery from a substance use disorder. The curriculum will incorporate feedback from the industry and will include test preparation, professional skills, boundaries and ethics and academic remediation. The program will also provide participants with case management and employment services to ensure they receive the support needed to successfully complete the program and advance to or begin employment as CRPAs.

After completing the three month program, trainees will be fully prepared to sit for the certification exam and to work as CRPAs. Peer advocates can perform tasks such as helping peers develop recovery plans, helping peers self-monitor their progress, modeling effective coping skills, attending court and other system meetings as a support, and supporting another peer in advocating for themselves to obtain effective services.

This initiative has been developed in collaboration with Queensborough Community College, City University of New York, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, and Mount Sinai Beth Israel.

NYACH is an Industry Partnership, bringing together multiple stakeholders of the healthcare workforce development system in order to address the industry’s rapidly changing labor force needs. NYACH is an initiative of the public-private partnership between the NYC Department of Small Business Services and the NYC Workforce Funders. For more information, visit

About NYC Small Business Services (SBS)
SBS helps unlock economic potential and create economic security for all New Yorkers by connecting New Yorkers to good jobs, creating stronger businesses, and building thriving neighborhoods across the five boroughs. For more information, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or visit our website.