Saturday, January 28, 2017


  “As an American and the grandson of immigrants I am profoundly saddened by the President’s Executive Order on immigration issued today. The United States has been a beacon of hope to the world. We are a country founded on the belief of religious pluralism and equality. Today the President sent a shamefully different message. He has temporarily suspended nearly all refugee admissions, indefinitely banned refugee admissions from Syria, and imposed a 90-day ban on all immigration from a number of Muslim-majority countries. These policies do not reflect the values of the United States or of New York City. We must continue to embrace refugees in need who are victims of terror, not terrorists. We must protect and celebrate religious pluralism. In this great city of immigrants we will remain true to our values and always welcome all who yearn to breathe free.”


Also signs legislation reauthorizing the City of New York’s tax lien sale program for four years

    Mayor Bill de Blasio has signed two pieces of legislation – Intro. 1061, in relation to the sale of plants and flowers during the Asian Lunar New Year, and Intro. 1385-A in relation to the sale of tax liens.

“For many Asian cultures, flowers and plants for the Lunar New Year symbolize good luck and good fortune. With this bill, New Yorkers celebrating the holiday will have greater access to the distribution and purchase of flowers and plants to fully embrace Lunar New Year,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I would like to thank the bill’s sponsor, Council Member Margaret Chin. I also would like to thank Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and the rest of the City Council for passing this legislation.”

The first bill, Intro. 1061, mandates that on Asian Lunar New Year and the week before, people may sell flowers or plants without acquiring a vending license. This bill allows New Yorkers who celebrate Lunar New Year to carry on with this tradition without fear of penalty.

“Too many members of our community have faced the threat of large fines, and even arrest, for the ‘crime’ of selling flowers in the days leading up to Asian Lunar New Year. This legislation will correct this injustice, and ensure that vendors selling flowers during the Asian Lunar New Year season will be able to do so without fear of enforcement agents. I thank the Mayor for signing this legislation, and for acknowledging the specific enforcement concerns of our community,” said Council Member Margaret S. Chin.

The second bill, Intro 1385-A, reauthorizes the City of New York’s tax lien sale program for four years. This bill will allow more flexibility for payment plans, giving struggling homeowners a greater opportunity to pay back taxes and keep their homes.

Jacques Jiha, Commissioner of the Department of Finance, said, “We are very committed to making sure that we provide important information and vital resources to homeowners to ensure that they stay in their homes. This legislation is important to advancing such efforts.

News from State Senator Jeff Klein

Senator Jeffrey D. Klein

Dear Neighbor:
As this year’s legislative session moves along, I continue to make progress pushing our legislative agenda and bringing awareness to the issues that we all care about to get real results for hard-working New Yorkers.
As part of our Changing New York policy agenda I am calling for needed funding for immigrants facing deportation, our senior citizens facing the increasingly burdensome costs of homeownership and home health aides who still don’t make enough to pay their bills.
The deplorable conditions children and families currently endure within New York City’s temporary homeless shelter system continues to be a serious problem and I have released an investigative report documenting the extent of it and have proposed a comprehensive solution to finally tackle this epidemic.
Recently, I had the distinct honor of commemorating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on his 88th birthday while speaking at the House of Justice alongside Reverend Al Sharpton and the National Action Network and subsequently on the State Senate floor. It was truly a fitting occasion to continue the fight to Raise the Age of criminal responsibility in memory of Dr. King and his fight for social justice.
As always, should you have any questions or concerns on all matters of importance, please feel free to contact my office at (718) 822-2049. My staff and I are here to help you and are happy to offer any assistance that we can.

Senator Jeff Klein

Friday, January 27, 2017

John Cerini for NYC Council - Campaign Announcement

John Cerini to Announce Candidacy for City Council District 13

   Local small business owner, John Cerini, will announce his candidacy for New York City Council during the Bronx GOP’s field office grand opening/open house this Saturday, January 28 at 3:00PM at 3029 Middletown Road in Pelham Bay.  Members of the local media are cordially invited to cover the announcement.

Cerini, owner of the well-known business “Bronx Tax Man,” a family business serving the Bronx for 30 years, decided to enter the race after recently engaging in local community activism.  John has been a vocal opponent of the East Tremont Avenue “road diet” that took away a lane of traffic on each side of the vital roadway, causing needless traffic and longer commutes for residents.

Some other recent community involvement highlights by Cerini include founding the Throggs Neck Merchants Association, which is considered one of the best run in New York City.  John was also appointed to the New York State Insurance Department’s Special Panel for Homeowner’s Insurance by Senator Jeff Klein, which was considered by many a nod of gratitude and an acknowledgement of excellent service for John’s advocacy on behalf of City Island and Throggs Neck homeowners who were facing difficult business relations with their homeowner and flood insurance carriers.

A lifelong resident of Throggs Neck, John and his high school sweetheart turned wife, Grace, decided to stay in The Bronx to raise their four children in the only community they ever called home and loved.

John recently made the following comments during a small gathering of Bronx Republicans:

“One of the many factors for deciding to enter this race is to make sure our Southeast Bronx neighborhoods remain a place my children will want to remain to raise my future grandchildren.”

“Therefore, fighting over-development will be one of my main campaign platform.  Those of us who have lived in the area for decades have seen firsthand the damage done by unscrupulous real estate developers.  Many local and city wide elected officials have not done enough to prevent the developers from over developing our area. Variances must be stopped from being the norm.”

“That is why we have seen so many single family lots turn into multifamily eyesores, why our streets are clogged with traffic and why our local police are stretched thin.  I will never put our community second.  Our residents and families deserve the best.” 

New from - Congressman Eliot L. Engel

Rep. Engel Receives ‘A’ Grade From National Education Association

Says he will continue to stand up for public schools and oppose new administration’s voucher programs

 Congressman Eliot L. Engel received an “A” on the National Education Association’s (NEA) legislative report card for the 114th Congress.

The report card, which can be found here, evaluates Members of Congress based on their votes on issues of importance to the NEA. In the 114th Congress, those issues included reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, preserving the Affordable Care Act and protecting DREAMers.

“I am tremendously pleased to have earned an ‘A’ from the NEA,” Engel said. “As a former teacher and union member, I share the NEA’s commitment to high-quality public education, strong labor protections, affordable health care coverage, and LGBTQ rights. Given the new administration’s nominee for Secretary of Education, it is more important than ever to stand up for the indispensable federal programs that serve our students and to speak out against ill-advised proposals, such as school vouchers. We ought to support our public school students– not shift valuable resources away from already cash-strapped public classrooms.

“As a Member of Congress, I will continue to work to promote these values and make these issues a priority during the 115th Congress.”


Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and co-chair of the Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating anti-Semitism, today issued the following statement marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day:

“On this International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I remember the 11 million people—including six million Jews—who perished in one of humanity’s darkest chapters. In honor of those murdered, we must reassert our commitment to speak out against hatred—in all its heinous forms—in addition to any efforts to deny the Holocaust and rewrite history.  

“Combating the same racism and hatred that led to Holocaust must remain an international priority—in our country and around the world—as we continue to reinforce the words of ‘never again’ with international action. We look to Shoah survivors and those who resisted these crimes against humanity to inspire our struggle against bigotry. Because this hatred knows no borders, we must be united worldwide to ensure violence and hatred cannot prevail.”


Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement:

“This is a profoundly dark day for our country.

“In 1939, when Jewish refugees aboard the ship St. Louis could look ashore and see the lights of Miami, they thought the United States would be their salvation. But the power of fear and cowardice prevailed, sending those poor souls back across the ocean, many to their deaths. That moment is a stain on our country's history, and one that ran contrary to America's best values and traditions.

“Today, fear and cowardice are winning again. President Trump is slamming the door on the world's most desperate refugees, whose eyes are gazing upon our shores today, seeking the promise of America that has illuminated the world for more than two centuries.  He's building a wall and banning a religion, actions that won't keep us any safer, but will send a message that if you aren't a certain color, or don't speak a certain language or worship a certain way, you don't have a place in America. He's turning America's back on children who made a dangerous journey to escape violence and poverty, telling the huddled masses to find refuge elsewhere.

“In our best moments, America has been synonymous with freedom, hope, justice, and opportunity. That's not the America the world sees today.

“When Ronald Reagan likened America to a shining city upon a hill, he envisioned a place ‘teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace.’ Our beacon shines dimmer today, and I fear we've lost our way. We need to get off this dangerous course and restore the values that make us who we are as a nation.”


  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Congressman Adriano Espaillat, along with elected officials and immigration advocates from across the city, co-hosted a press conference to speak out against and resist President Donald Trump’s newly announced executive orders on immigration, including his proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border and his threat to revoke funding for “sanctuary cities” like New York.

Borough President Diaz and Rep. Espaillat were joined at the event by Congressman Jose Serrano, Assembly Members Marcos Crespo and Luis Sepulveda, and City Council Member Rafael Salamanca.
"As leaders of the state, the city and this county, we are united because no other borough, no other county in the state of New York will suffer more from these cuts than the borough of The Bronx," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. "There are a lot of people out there who sympathize with what President Donald Trump is doing. To those individuals, I say your support is misguided, because those cuts will also have a negative impact on your lives as well. Cuts to education, cuts to transportation, cuts to health care, all of these things, this will hurt all of us."
"They are fast-tracking hateful and fearful propaganda,” said Congressman Adriano Espaillat. "We will fight tooth and nail, because this policy is un-American. And, if necessary, we will go to the courts if we have to, we will go to the streets if we have to. This is a democracy, this is not a vigilante society that you see in Hollywood films." 

"Instead of building housing, instead of providing funds to improve the city, we will end up building a wall that we do not need," said 
Congressman Jose Serrano. “The greatest country on Earth, the greatest democracy on earth should never be seen as one that builds up a wall."

“This president is pandering and he is not addressing the issue,” said 
New York State Assembly Member Marcos Crespo. “These orders, they are not about protecting Americans from those who are criminals. This is about legalizing profiling, this is about going after a community that has helped rebuild our economy. Look at who is creating jobs, look at who is creating businesses. It is hard-working immigrants who have done that."

"I dare President Trump to withhold funds from sanctuary cities,” said 
New York State Assembly Member Luis R. Sepúlveda. “I want his supporters to see the devastating impact this will have on the most vulnerable people in this country. What he is doing is inhumane, and I will fight until my dying breath and do everything that I can do to prevent this Muslim registry, this wall, and the mass deportation of people in this country."

Assemblymember Michael Blake - Only 4 Days Left in Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act

There are only 4 days left to enroll in health care coverage for 2017! This year, more than 8 out of 10 people who enroll through will qualify for financial help on quality coverage, lowering most people’s monthly premiums to $50 - $100.

Visit and submit a 2017 application to see if you, too, qualify for monthly savings.

If you already have coverage and want to help spread the word about the importance and benefits of having healthcare, go to and share on social media, to friends, family, anyone who needs a little reminder to go get covered.

Three Individuals Arrested And Charged For Drug-Related Murder In The Bronx

   Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and James P. O’Neill, the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), announced today charges against three individuals, SEAN PETER, a/k/a “Huggie,” JASON CAMPBELL, a/k/a “Holiday,” a/k/a “Fish,” and STEVEN SYDER, a/k/a “Esteban,” in connection with the drug-related murder of 19-year-old Brian Gray in the Bronx on October 2, 2012. PETER, CAMPBELL, and SYDER were arrested today and will be presented before Magistrate Judge James C. Francis IV. The case has been assigned to United States District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara stated: “The defendants are charged with shooting and killing a young man on the streets of the Bronx to further their alleged narcotics business. Drug-related violence threatens the safety and security of all New Yorkers, and we will continue to make our streets and neighborhoods safe. We commend our partners at the FBI and NYPD for the exemplary work that led to the charges brought today.”
FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. stated: “Drug dealers use violence and intimidation to assert their dominance over others they see as potential rivals in their territory. That violence often results in someone being shot and killed, and the community more fearful that the violence won’t stop. The FBI/NYPD Violent Crimes Task Force works day after day to prevent these criminals from returning to the streets, and to stop the cycle of crime.”

NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill stated: “I commend the efforts of the detectives and prosecutors whose hard work resulted in the arrest of three defendants, charged in this homicide. The NYPD will continue to target those who mar our communities with drugs and violence, ensuring that those responsible are brought to justice.”
As alleged in the Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court[1]:

In 2012, PETER, CAMPBELL, and SYDER conspired to distribute and possess with intent to distribute marijuana. On October 2, 2012, PETER, CAMPBELL, and SYDER participated in the killing of Brian Gray by shooting him in furtherance of that marijuana distribution conspiracy. The murder took place in the vicinity of 3309 Barker Avenue in the Bronx, New York.

Count One charges PETER, CAMPBELL, and SYDER with conspiring to distribute and possess with intent to distribute marijuana, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

Count Two charges PETER, CAMPBELL, and SYDER with using a firearm to murder Gray in connection with the marijuana distribution conspiracy, which carries a maximum sentence of death, or life in prison.

Count Three charges PETER, CAMPBELL, and SYDER with brandishing and discharging a firearm in connection with the marijuana distribution conspiracy, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.

The statutory maximum sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the Court.

PETER, 33, CAMPBELL, 30, and SYDER, 33, are all of the Bronx, New York.

Mr. Bharara praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI-NYPD Joint Bank Robbery/Violent Crimes Task Force. He also thanked the Teaneck, New Jersey, Police Department for all of their assistance and support in the ongoing investigation.

The case is being handled by the Office’s Violent and Organized Crime Unit. Assistant United States Attorneys Sagar K. Ravi, Michael Gerber, and Hadassa Waxman are in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment, and the description of the Indictment set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.