Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wave Hill Events May 12–May 19 Oh, Mama!

Sunday in mid-May, in a garden as deeply loved as Wave Hill, is the perfect setting for celebrating Mom: think birding, a plein-air session of yoga, a visit to the Family Art Project and the chance to picnic on the Conifer Slope, a special Mother’s Day opportunity! Finish the visit on a Family Nature Walk, and a stop in The Shop to admire the handcrafted, sustainable gifts produced by in-store vendor Lovewild Design, a Brooklyn-based studio run by a group of mothers and their own families.

Mother’s Day Brunch is sold out, by the way, but we hear that, in addition to The Café itself, our caterer Great Performances will offer four different gourmet “Family & Friends Picnic Baskets,” plus one more for kids, with a mix of vegan and gluten-free options. More at

This special Sunday, admission to the grounds is $10 adults, $6 students and seniors 65+, $4 children 6–18. As always, admission is free to Wave Hill Members and children under six. Reciprocal benefits, guest passes and family passes are not accepted on Mother’s Day.

Celebrate Mom by creating a wrapped-fabric frame—bring a photo of her with you, if you wish—and adorn it with dried flowers and ribbons. Make a small, fragrant sachet gift tied with ribbons and bows and filled with dried lavender. Consider a special message you’d like to give to Mom. Attach your card and honor her with your sweet, scented gifts. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Wave Hill’s Curatorial Fellow will lead a tour of the spring exhibitions in Glyndor Gallery. The group show, Outcasts: Women in the Wilderness, explores how women have been treated and portrayed as outcasts in history, myth and biblical legend. In the Sunroom Project Space, Borinquen Gallo’s imaginary hive interior is informed by Wave Hill’s beehives. Free with admission to the grounds.


Welcome migratory birds back to Wave Hill this spring! Explore the gardens and woodlands with naturalist Gabriel Willowon a quest to spot some of our favorite feathered friends as they return to the Hudson Highlands. Ages 10 and older welcome with an adult. Severe weather cancels. NYC Audubon Members enjoy two-for-one admission. Free with admission to the grounds. 

Celebrate Mom by creating a wrapped-fabric frame—bring a photo of her with you, if you wish—and adorn it with dried flowers and ribbons. Make a small, fragrant sachet gift tied with ribbons and bows and filled with dried lavender. Consider a special message you’d like to give to Mom. Attach your card and honor her with your sweet, scented gifts. Free with admission to the grounds. Mother’s Day event.

For Mother’s Day, Wave Hill welcomes Lovewild Design, a family and women-run studio in Brooklyn that started with wedding invitations, expanded to home and bath products and added pregnancy-specific goods when its family grew by a little one. Today, Lovewild crafts handmade lovelies like recipe dice, kitchen towels, screen printed bags, temporary tattoos and tea gift sets—perfect gift choices for Mom, and a great way to way your love for Wave Hill, too. All proceeds from your purchases support the garden and programming. Mother’s Day event.

Enjoy the garden as the setting for your yoga practice as you find your breath and become connected to the landscape. Classes are led by certified Yoga Haven instructors, for all levels. Please bring a mat and be on time. This class is held indoors in case of rain. Drop-in rate is $30/20 Wave Hill Member; series fee is $210/$130 for eight weeks.

Celebrate the mothers in your life at a festive Mother's Day Brunch in historic Wave Hill House. Brunch is $48/$33 Child plus tax and gratuity, and including admission to the grounds. Wave Hill Members save 10%. Please provide your Wave Hill Member number in your reservation request. Reservations may be made by calling 718.549.3200 x395 or; you will be provided with a secured credit card payment link to purchase tickets online. Please note that payment will not be accepted day-of. The deadline for reservations is noon on Wednesday, May 10Mother’s Day event.
WAVE HILL HOUSE, 11:30AM and 1:30PM

Join naturalist and educator Gabriel Willow on a family-friendly walk through the gardens or woodlands. No registration required. Ages six and older welcome with an adult. Severe weather cancels. Free with admission to the grounds. 

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

MON, MAY 15    
Closed to the public.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Wave Hill’s Curatorial Fellow will lead a tour of the spring exhibitions in Glyndor Gallery. The group show, Outcasts: Women in the Wilderness, explores how women have been treated and portrayed as outcasts in history, myth and biblical legend. In the Sunroom Project Space, Borinquen Gallo’s imaginary hive interior is informed by Wave Hill’s beehives. Free with admission to the grounds.


A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM–5:30PM, starting March 15.  Closes 4:30PM, November 1–March 14.
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6–18. Free Saturday and Tuesday mornings until noon. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the W. 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at



  On Wednesday, April 26th, standing outside the 52nd Precinct in Norwood, Council Member Andrew Cohen announced the 2016-2017 District 11 Participatory Budgeting (PB) results.  He was joined at the announcement by community residents and PB volunteers.

The announcement concluded a year-long process that gave residents decision-making power of $1 million towards community improvements in their neighborhoods. Throughout the fall, community residents were encouraged to submit project ideas at Neighborhood Assemblies, on the Council website and via email to Council Member Cohen’s office.  Over 125 ideas were proposed and then community volunteers reviewed the projects and created a final ballot.  This led to the voting week at the end of March where residents were able to review the proposals on the ballot, as well as place their votes on which projects they thought deserved funding.

There were a total of 10 proposals on the 2017 ballot, focused on renovations to parks and libraries, technology upgrades for schools, public safety and improved transportation throughout District 11. Anyone who lives in the district, 14 years and older – regardless of citizenship status, was welcome to cast a ballot. A total of 31 council members participated in PB this year, giving communities all over the City decision-making power of more than $30 million.

“Participatory Budgeting, once again, gave my constituents a direct voice in how their tax dollars are spent.  It truly is an innovative, grassroots process that encourages civic engagement and gives New Yorkers an understanding of how the City budget works,” said Council Member Andrew Cohen.

 2,237 residents throughout District 11 came out to cast their vote over a 9 day period between March 25th and April 2nd.  Voters were permitted to vote for up to any five out of the 10 projects that were divided into four different categories: education, parks & recreation, transportation and libraries.

The three winning projects which will be funded in the City’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget are:

·  Council District 11 Schools Technology Upgrade
$280,000 will provide technology upgrades at 8 schools: PS 20, PS 94, PS/MS 95, AmPark, PS 16, MS 280, PS 340 & Discovery High School (1,241 votes)

· Council District 11 Security Cameras 
$300,000 will be evenly divided to the 50th, 47th and 52nd police precincts to install NYPD security cameras within District 11 (1,159 votes)

· Riverdale Library Renovations
$500,000 will be allocated to renovate the bathroom at the Riverdale Library.  The renovations will allow the bathroom to be upgraded to meet ADA requirements (1,114 votes)

“These projects will have a huge impact on the quality of life in our community.  Making our public spaces more accessible, upgrading technology for our students and improving our public safety are all worthwhile endeavors that I am proud to provide funding for,” added Council Member Andrew Cohen.


Report provides recommendations to enhance City’s youth workforce programming

  Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito today released the Youth Employment Task Force Report, which provides recommendations to enhance youth workforce programming and services to the City’s most vulnerable youth. The task force was convened in September 2016, after the City’s FY2017 $85 million in funding for the Summer Youth Employment Program and Work, Learn, Grow allowed a record breaking 60,000 young people to participate in SYEP during Summer 2016.

  “When we invest in our City’s kids, we invest in our future. For more than 50 years, the Summer Youth Employment Program has offered the kind of real world training and support necessary to prepare our most vulnerable kids for the jobs of tomorrow,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “This report will help strengthen our programming, so we can continue to connect the next generation to job opportunities for years to come.” 

“For decades SYEP has allowed thousands of young New Yorkers – predominantly from communities of color – to both access employment opportunities and continuously improve their workforce experiences,” said Council Speaker Melissa Mark -Viverito. “This report provides great insight into how we can continue to take smart and creative steps to ensure our youth reach their fullest potential.”

Chaired by Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives Richard Buery and City Council Finance Chair Julissa Ferreras-Copeland, the task force was charged with developing recommendations to enhance the City’s youth workforce programs and services provided to the most vulnerable youth. The task force’s recommendations were organized in two categories: program focus and program quality, and operations and system-building. Recommendations include:

·  Investing in enhanced support services for the Vulnerable Youth track -Expanding services to include pre-program orientation and counseling to help meet the unique needs for vulnerable populations.
·  Strengthening connections between SYEP providers and schools to improve in-school career development for young people -Creating more deliberate partnerships between our schools and SYEP would allow students to receive dedicated City support around career exploration during the academic year.
· Facilitating seamless entry between NYC youth employment initiatives -Bolstering interagency connections is particularly essential to improve SYEP for disconnected youth, who require stronger, more deliberate connections to WLG and other programming.
· Creating a specific Younger Youth track focused on career exploration -Younger program participants would benefit from a more tailored SYEP experience focused on career exploration and project-based learning.
· Revamping SYEP timeline to support better job development and matching process -By starting the entire process earlier, providers would have more time to plan, develop quality placements and otherwise raise the quality of experience for participants.
· Boosting system-building efforts through new training programs, data systems updates, leveraging of available resources and new connections -Enhancing the key areas of the SYEP and WLG programs, including provider capacity, interagency connections, employer engagement, and evaluation, will improve overall quality and operational efficiency.

These recommendations will be incorporated into a concept paper that the Department of Youth and Community Development will release this summer. This will give the provider community an opportunity to submit feedback on enhancements to the City’s programming. The recommendations and the concept paper will also help inform DYCD’s Request for Proposal which will be released in Fall 2017.

In addition to co-Chairs Deputy Mayor Buery and Council Finance Chair Ferreras-Copeland, members of the Youth Employment Task Force include:
   ·   Bill Chong, Commissioner, Department of Youth and Community Development
  • Gabrielle Fialkoff, Senior Advisor to the Mayor and Director of the Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Mathieu Eugene, Council Member
  • Steven Matteo, Council Member
  • David Nocenti, Executive Director, Union Settlement
  • Jennifer March, Executive Director, Citizen’s Committee for Children
  • Lucy Friedman, President, ExpandED Schools
  • Kathy Wylde, President, CEO, Partnership for NYC
  • Sharon Sewell-Fairman, Executive Director, Workforce Professionals Institute
  • Susan Stamler, Executive Director, United Neighborhood Houses
  • David Jones, President, Chief Executive Officer, Community Service Society
  • Lou Miceli, Executive Director, JobsFirstNYC
  • Emary Aronson, Managing Director, Education and Relief Fund, Robin Hood Foundation
  • Amy Ellen Schwartz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs and Professor of Economics, Public Administration, and International Affairs, Syracuse University, the Maxwell School
  • David Barth, Director of Youth, Opportunity and Learning, Ford Foundation
  • Cidra Sebastien, Associate Executive Director, The Brotherhood/Sister Sol
  • William Wingate, Respite Care Worker, Center for Human Development & Family Services
  • Laurie Dien, Vice President of Programs, The Pinkerton Foundation

The three City Council Members on the Task Force worked with a team of their colleagues, Council Members Chin, Gibson, Rodriguez, Torres and Williams to support the work. 

‎“We know that access to work experiences helps young people develop academic and social skills that are critical to success in school and in life. This is especially true for children living in challenging circumstances – children who might not have the networks and resources to find internship opportunities on their own, and for whom exposure to the world of work can be particularly impactful,” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives Richard Buery. “The task force's recommendations will help strengthen the quality of the program and ensure its reaching the youth who need it the most.” ‎

Bronx Unemployment Falls to All-Time Low at 5.7%

Nearly 116K More Bronx Residents Are Employed Today Than When Borough President Diaz First Took Office
The Bronx’s unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest number ever recorded in the modern era.

Unemployment in The Bronx fell to 5.7 percent in March 2017, according to newly-released statistics from the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL).  The number is down from 6.5 percent in February 2017 and cut by more than half from a previously reported high of 14.1 percent in January 2010.

This is the lowest unemployment rate The Bronx has ever had, according to NYSDOL statistics which date back to January 1990. This is also the first time the borough’s unemployment rate has ever dropped below 6.0 percent.

“The Bronx has seen incredible transformative development during the last eight years, and these new statistics on unemployment and job creation show the world just how far this borough has come,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “We still have work to do, but these numbers make it crystal clear that the work we are doing is working.”

In addition to having its lowest ever unemployment rate, the new statistics from the NYSDOL also find that in March 2017 the borough had its highest ever number of employed Bronxites at 584,300. The borough also as has its highest ever labor force participation rate at 619,400 during that same month.

NYSDOL stats indicate that 115,500 more Bronxites have jobs today than when Borough President Diaz first took office in May 2009. Additionally, The Bronx now has a lower unemployment rate than 22 other counties in New York State, following decades of having the highest unemployment rate in the entire state.

“Throughout my tenure as borough president, we have enacted a smart agenda on job creation and new development that works for the entire Bronx. These statistics show that our efforts have borne considerable fruit,” said Borough President Diaz. “While the climate in Washington and the proposals of the Trump Administration present a grave threat to our success—and in fact the success of the entire city—we will continue to work with committed partners at every level of government, as well as our allies in the business community, to continue to bring positive growth and economic success to The Bronx.”

Borough President Diaz added, “I want to thank all of our elected officials, community boards, business community, non-profits, neighborhood leaders and our more than 1.4 million residents for their collective efforts to make The Bronx an even greater place to live, to raise a family, and especially to work. These new statistics are worthy of celebration, and we can all be proud of our success.”

“I am gratified that our support of Bronx businesses has resulted in a record breaking year in making sure that Bronx residents have the jobs that they need and deserve right here in our borough.  This historical low does not mean we are done.  We will continue to work towards insuring that everyone who wants a job in The Bronx has one,” said Marlene Cintron, President of the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation.

The Department of Labor’s statistics can be found at

Since Borough President Diaz took office in 2009, The Bronx has seen more than $12.7 billion in total development, which has led to the creation of thousands of new jobs. Much of that development is outlined in Borough President Diaz’s recently released development report, which can be viewed at

In addition, a partnership announced by Governor Andrew Cuomo announced in August 2014 between the New York State Department of Labor and the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation, as part of the “NY Works,” program is placing Bronx residents in these jobs, helping to ensure that new development here benefits everyone, especially Bronxites.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Net Flick Seven Seconds Filming At Bronx Courthouse

  Today at the Bronx County Building better known as the Bronx Courthouse Netflicks was filming for a new show to be called 'Seven Seconds'. No one on the set was able to discuss the show which seems geared to a law type of theme, or when it would be airing. Additional photos are below.

Above - A boom camera can be seen for filming.
Below - Some extras are reading for filming.

Statement from IDC Leader Jeff Klein

   The Independent Democratic Conference have long advocated to alleviate property taxes for our low- and middle-income senior and disabled homeowners through the Senior Citizen Homeowner Exemption (SCHE) and Disabled Homeowner Exemption (DHE) programs, which is why Senator Diane Savino carries legislation to discount these unaffordable costs. For these residents, living on a fixed income in New York City while owning a home and paying property taxes jeopardizes their ability to live out their golden years in dignity and comfort in the neighborhoods they contributed so much to. We applaud Mayor Bill de Blasio for recognizing the importance of these programs and look forward to working together to help ensure homeowners on fixed incomes also share in an affordable New York.


In the face of continued uncertainty, it is more important than ever that cities make smart, targeted investments aimed at improving people’s lives. We cannot respond to threats of funding cuts by pulling back on our own investments or values. Instead, we must continue to make this city a place where everyone can have a chance to succeed. It is our duty to continue building a New York City that is stronger and fairer than it’s ever been before.

Mayor Bill de Blasio

Today, Mayor Bill de Blasio presented New York City’s Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18).

The FY18 Executive Budget is balanced, totaling $84.86 billion. This budget:

· Makes targeted new investments in education, public safety and affordability, while deepening previous investments that make a difference in the lives of New Yorkers.
· Maintains reserves at unprecedented highs and continues to build on the Citywide Savings Program with another $700 million in savings, bringing the total to $2.8 billion in savings since the FY17 November Plan.


The fiscal climate is plagued with uncertainty. Washington threatens funding cuts, and we’re seeing slower growth in FY17 tax revenues. But because lower revenues are offset by strong property tax receipts, we’re predicting modest growth in FY18.

The City’s future depends on investing in the right priorities today, which is exactly what this budget does. New York City is making targeted, smart investments that improve people’s lives.


The City does recognize the need to be cautious in the face of uncertainty. As a result, this administration has the largest reserves in the City’s history. Specifically:

·         $1 billion each year in the General Reserve compared to $300 million annually under prior administrations.
·         $4.0 billion in the Retiree Health Benefits Trust Fund with $3.3 billion funded by this Administration.
·         $250 million every year of the four-year plan in the Capital Stabilization Reserve that was established by this administration.

As a result, independent monitors and rating agencies continue to affirm the City’s strong budgetary management.

The Administration is also managing out-year gaps and continuing to find savings across City government. As of the Executive Budget, agency and debt savings total $2.8 billion in FY17 and FY18, including $700 million in this Executive Budget alone.


This budget continues to build on the investments we’ve made to make New York City a better city for all while remaining fiscally responsible. Mayor de Blasio’s prior budgets have invested in priorities that can be felt across the five boroughs, such as 200,000 affordable housing units; free high-quality, full-day Pre-K for All; and moving nearly 2,000 additional NYPD officers onto the street on patrol and engaged in community policing.

The FY 2018 Executive Budget deepens investments that make a difference in the lives of New Yorkers across the city by:

·         Instituting free, full-day, high-quality 3-K for All for every three-year-old in New York City through a $36 million investment in FY18 and ramping up to $177 million in FY21.
·         Ensuring all students can learn in a safe and comfortable environment by installing air conditioning in every classroom at a cost of $28.75 million over five years.
·         Providing anti-eviction legal services to low-income families and legal advice to all NYC residents in housing court for $93M annually at full implementation.
·         Contributing $38 million in FY18 to invest in our effort to reduce opioid overdose deaths by 35% over the next five years
·         Training 3,000 people over three years to work in green jobs using an investment of $12.8 million in FY18 – FY20.
·         Expanding the E-Waste Curbside Collection Program in Staten Island and northern Brooklyn for $1.1 million in FY18, and increasing to more than $4 million annually in FY20 and FY21.
·         Bringing lower-level boarding to the St. George Ferry Terminal during the morning rush at a cost of $775,000 in FY18, and more annually through the four year plan.
·         Help keep all our students safe by reimbursing private schools’ security costs, totaling $19.8 million in FY18.
·         Expanding our investment in the ShotSpotter Gunshot Detection system– a proven tool in driving down crime – in the Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island by investing $720,000 in FY18, and $675,000 annually in FY19 and out.
·         Supporting legislation that will allow more senior and disabled New Yorkers to qualify for property tax relief (SCHE/DHE), budgeting $61.6 million in FY18.
·         Making housing more affordable by investing $1.9 billion to increase or preserve the number of affordable apartments by 10,000 for households earning up to $40,000 annually, including 5,000 units for seniors and 500 for veterans.
·         Expanding services offered by the Department of Veterans’ Services to better reach our veterans at an annual cost of $859,000.
·         Renovating 30 existing homeless shelters with $300 million in capital funding as part of the Mayor’s commitment to address homelessness.
·         Transforming the “Made in NY” campus at Bush Terminal in Brooklyn into a hub for garment manufacturing and film and television production that will support more than 1,500 permanent jobs at a cost of $136 million capital dollars over FY18-FY27.
·         Repairing facades at NYCHA residences, which will cost $120 million in city capital dollars and $235.4 million in federal CDBG dollars over ten years, in addition to the unprecedented $1 billion in City capital funding this administration already committed to NYCHA in FY17.
·         Launching a STEAM career hub to connect 400 high school students with technical training with an additional $7.5 million in capital funds invested in FY18.
·         Rehabilitating a building at the Brooklyn Navy Yard to become a start-up incubator, ultimately creating 500 jobs with $4 million in capital funding.
·         Purchasing sidewalk cleaning trucks that can typically clean a heavily trafficked sidewalk area in a single pass for $1.8 million in capital funds to further the Mayor’s CleaNYC efforts.
·         Including $16.4 million in FY18 to fund legal representation for immigrant New Yorkers facing deportation and other immigration challenges.
·         Investing $100 million towards completion of a contiguous 32-mile pedestrian promenade and bike path around the whole of Manhattan.

Click here to view the FY18 Executive Budget.


  State Senator Gustavo Rivera released the following statement after bills S1087 and S1088 failed to pass New York State's Health Committee. These measures were introduced in an effort to further strengthen and expand our State's medical marijuana program. S1087 would have allowed certified patients in New York State to smoke medical marihuana for exclusively medical purposes. S1088 would have allowed organizations registered to sell and manufacture medical marijuana to wholesale their products at registered dispensaries operated by other companies and lifted the current restriction that caps the number of organizations that can be involved in the medical marijuana process. 

"I'm disappointed that my colleagues in the Health Committee failed to move these bills out of committee. The defeat of both of these measures represents a missed opportunity to make our State's medical marijuana program more comprehensive, while expanding access to the millions of New Yorkers still in need of an alternative and more therapeutic medical treatment," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "There's no doubt that as a State we made great strides through the implementation of the Compassionate Care Act. Nevertheless, that does not take away from the fact that our medical marijuana program continues to be one of the most restrictive programs in the country. These measures would have made this program more efficient, while maintaining strong regulations to safeguard our public health and safety. As sponsor of these bills, I'm committed to continue working hard to see these bills passed in both the Senate and the Assembly."