Saturday, September 9, 2017

Bronx Man Charged With Providing Material Support To Isis By Facilitating Another Individual’s Travel To Join Isis Abroad

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Dana J. Boente, the Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and James P. O’Neill, the Commissioner of the Police Department for the City of New York (“NYPD”), announced the filing of a Superseding Indictment charging ADAM RAISHANI, a/k/a “Saddam Mohamed Raishani,” with conspiring to provide, providing and attempting to provide, and aiding and abetting the provision and attempted provision of material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (“ISIS” or the “Islamic State”), a designated foreign terrorist organization, by allegedly facilitating another ISIS supporter’s travel to join ISIS overseas.  RAISHANI had already been charged, in an Indictment filed on June 29, 2017, with attempting to provide material support to ISIS, by allegedly attempting to travel abroad to join ISIS himself.  RAISHANI was arrested on June 21, 2017, at John F. Kennedy International Airport (“JFK Airport”) in Queens, New York, as he allegedly attempted to travel overseas to join ISIS.  The Superseding Indictment adds charges against RAISHANI for allegedly agreeing to facilitate, and facilitating another individual’s travel to join ISIS abroad in the fall of 2015.  The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:  “As alleged, Adam Raishani provided material support to ISIS by helping a co-conspirator travel abroad to fight for that terrorist organization.  A year later, Raishani himself attempted to travel overseas to join ISIS.   Fortunately through the outstanding work of law enforcement, Raishani’s travel plans were detected and thwarted before he was able to inflict any further harm.”
Acting Assistant Attorney General J. Dana Boente said:  “According to the charges, Raishani conspired to provide material support to ISIS and helped another individual travel to join the designated terrorist organization before attempting to do the same. The National Security Division’s highest priority is countering terrorist threats, and we will continue to work to stem the flow of foreign fighters abroad and bring to justice those who conspire to provide material support to designated foreign terrorist organizations. I would like to thank all of the agents, analysts and prosecutors who are responsible for this case.”
FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “As we allege, Raishani not only provided support to another individual located in the US who was determined to join ISIS overseas, but arranged for his departure, and expressed disappointment for not being able to travel with that individual at that time. Along with our partners on the Joint Terrorism Task Force, we'll continue to identify those who support terrorist organizations and their agenda in any way, as we've done here today(link is external)

NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill said:  “Over the past several weeks, there have been a number of defendants charged with helping others travel to Syria or prepare to engage in their own Jihad,” said Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill. “This is the latest—troubling—example. My thanks for the detectives and agents whose investigation on the original Joint Terrorism Task Force here in Manhattan led to today’s arrests.”
As alleged in the Superseding Indictment filed today in Manhattan federal court and the criminal Complaint[1] initially filed against RAISHANI:
Beginning in at least the fall of 2015, RAISHANI conspired with another ISIS supporter (“CC-1”) to provide material support to ISIS by means of CC-1 traveling abroad to join and fight for ISIS.  On or about October 30, 2015, CC-1 departed from JFK Airport for Istanbul, Turkey.  RAISHANI arranged for the transportation of CC-1 from the Bronx, New York, to JFK Airport, and RAISHANI accompanied CC-1 from the Bronx to JFK Airport.
RAISHANI continued communicating with CC-1 following CC-1’s departure.  For example, on or about January 2, 2016, RAISHANI sent an email to CC-1 stating:  “Glad tidings brother. Its [sic] been some time since your voyage. I pray to Allah The ALL MIGHTY to grant you success. Until next time.”[2]  On or about April 1, 2016, RAISHANI sent another email to CC-1 stating:  “I hope Allah has bestowed you what you were seeking. . . . May Allah grant you sincere and clean intentions and make you among the righteous in Janatal Firdaus [a reference to Islamic paradise]. . . . Please return this email and respond to what we agreed upon before your departure. Until next time.”  On or about May 3, 2016, CC-1 responded to RAISHANI, informing RAISHANI that CC-1 was “fine and well,” that CC-1 “wished you [RAISHANI] were here with me,” and that “here we are living with izza [honor].”
Also in May 2016, CC-1 posted content on a particular social media application (“Application-1”) indicating that CC-1 was living in the Islamic State and fighting on its behalf.  For example, CC-1 sent messages to another user of Application-1 stating:  “I’m living in the Islamic state safely and secure by the permission of Allah,” “[h]ere we are fighting the kuffars [non-believers],” and “I left the land of kuffars now I’m living in the khilafah [the caliphate].”  CC-1 also posted a photograph on Application-1 that shows CC-1 carrying an assault rifle and a flag representative of ISIS. 
Between January and June of 2017, RAISHANI engaged in a series of meetings with an individual who was, unbeknownst to RAISHANI, a confidential source working at the direction of law enforcement (the “CS”).  In the course of those meetings, RAISHANI admitted to the CS that, some time ago, he had helped another person to travel overseas to join the Islamic State.  RAISHANI told the CS, among other things, that he took that person to JFK Airport and gave him money on the day of his departure for the Islamic State.  RAISHANI expressed regret to the CS at not having traveled himself to join ISIS at that time, and RAISHANI revealed that, as of April 2017, he was actively planning to travel abroad to join and serve ISIS.  RAISHANI indicated that he aspired to join ISIS in Syria and that he aimed to travel before the end of Ramadan, an Islamic holy month that ran from approximately May 26 through June 24 of this year.  In June 2017, RAISHANI made preparations to leave, including by paying off debts and purchasing clothing that he intended to wear for training with ISIS overseas.  On June 21, 2017, RAISHANI attempted to board a flight bound for Turkey (via Portugal) at JFK Airport, where he was arrested by the FBI and the NYPD. 
RAISHANI, 30, of the Bronx, New York, is charged in the Superseding Indictment with three counts of violating Title 18, United States Code, Section 2339B, by allegedly conspiring to provide, providing and attempting to provide, and aiding and abetting the provision and attempted provision of material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.  Each count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge.
Mr. Kim praised the outstanding efforts of the FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, which principally consists of agents from the FBI and detectives from the NYPD, and the NYPD’s Intelligence Division.  Mr. Kim also thanked the Counterterrorism Section of the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, as well as the New York Office of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
The charges contained in the Superseding Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. 
 [1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Superseding Indictment and Complaint, and the descriptions of the Superseding Indictment and Complaint set forth below, are only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation. 

[2] Communications and conversations discussed herein are described in substance and in part.

Bronx Pharmacist Pleads Guilty To Illegally Selling Millions Of Prescription Pills On The Internet And Agrees To Forfeit $9 Million

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Carl J. Kotowski, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New Jersey Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), announced that MAURICE MALIN pled guilty today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Peck to conspiring to illegally sell over 5 million prescription Butalbital pills to customers across the United States who did not have valid prescriptions for the drugs. MALIN also agreed today to forfeit $9 million to the United States, which represented his proceeds from the illegal scheme. MALIN’s case is before U.S. District Judge Kimba M. Wood.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “As Maurice Malin admitted today in court, he made millions of dollars illegally dispensing drugs over the Internet to customers who had no valid prescriptions and had never seen a doctor. Pharmacists entrusted with the sale of controlled substances must safeguard the health of consumers, not scheme to profit from illegal drug sales.”

DEA Special Agent-in-Charge Carl J. Kotowski said: “Unfortunately, this is another example of a pharmacist who was more interested in making fast money than he was in helping the public. His actions help to erode the public’s trust in those in positions of responsibility.”

According to the allegations contained in the Complaint and the Information filed against MALIN and statements made in court filings and proceedings, including at today’s guilty plea:

MAURICE MALIN, the defendant, was a licensed pharmacist who operated pharmacies in the Bronx, New York (the “Malin Pharmacies”). Between at least March 2014 and July 2016, MALIN engaged in a scheme to dispense Butalbital, a Schedule III controlled substance, to customers who had not consulted with a physician and did not possess a valid prescription for the drug. Specifically, customers ordered Butalbital pills by filling out online medical questionnaires that typically posed a series of “yes” or “no” questions (the “Prescription Websites”). Customers ordered the drugs on the Prescription Websites without ever seeing or speaking to a physician or medical practitioner and without obtaining a valid prescription.

After the orders were placed by customers on the Prescription Websites, these orders were then sent to pharmacies, including the Malin Pharmacies, that dispensed the prescription drugs to customers. The Malin Pharmacies filled the prescriptions for customers who had placed orders via the Prescription Websites, and then sent the drugs, specifically Butalbital, through the mail to customers located across the United States. Customers paid for the drugs by, among other means, money orders made out to business entities associated with the Malin Pharmacies and MALIN.

During the course of the investigation, undercover agents made numerous purchases of Butalbital on the Prescription Websites that were fulfilled by the Malin Pharmacies. In certain instances, MALIN’s name was listed as the fulfilling pharmacist on the Butalbital bottles agents received. In addition, many of the bottles that were received as a result of the undercover buys did not bear the name of any doctor who had prescribed the Butalbital, and instead repeated the name of the patient in the location on the label where the doctor’s name should have appeared had there been a valid prescription. MALIN was also captured on recorded phone calls with undercover agents acknowledging that he was aware that customers who placed orders on the Prescription Websites had not met with or consulted with a physician prior to placing their online order.

MALIN was arrested on August 10, 2016.

MALIN, 83, of Suffern, New York, pled guilty today to conspiring to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute a controlled substance, which carries a maximum term of 10 years in prison. The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. MALIN’s sentencing date will be set by Judge Wood. In connection with his guilty plea, MALIN agreed to forfeit to the United States $9 million and certain specific property including funds in bank accounts and real property representing the proceeds of the scheme.

Mr. Kim praised the outstanding work of the DEA New Jersey Division in the investigation and thanked the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for their assistance.

A.G. Schneiderman Launches Formal Investigation Into Equifax Breach, Issues Consumer Alert

Over 8 Million New Yorkers Affected By Equifax Data Breach

  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today issued a consumer alert following the report that Equifax Inc., one of the nation’s three major credit reporting agencies, experienced a massive breach affecting 143 million Americans and over 8 million New Yorkers. Today, as part of a formal investigation into the incident, Attorney General Schneiderman sent a letter to Equifax seeking additional information about the breach. The breach lasted from mid-May through July, when hackers accessed names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and, in some instances, driver’s license numbers. Approximately 209,000 individuals had their credit card numbers stolen.

“The Equifax breach has potentially exposed sensitive personal information of nearly everyone with a credit report, and my office intends to get to the bottom of how and why this massive hack occurred,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “I encourage all New Yorkers to immediately call Equifax tosee if their data was compromised and to consider additional measures to protect themselves.”
Consumers can contact a dedicated call center at 866-447-7559 to determine if you have been affected by the breach. The call center is open every day (including weekends) from 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. Eastern time. 
Consumers should also consider taking these additional steps:
  • Check your credit reports from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion by visiting Accounts or activity that you do not recognize could indicate identity theft. This is a free service.
  • Consider placing a credit freeze on your files. A credit freeze makes it harder for someone to open a new account in your name. It will not prevent a thief from using any of your existing accounts.
  • Monitor your existing credit card and bank accounts closely for unauthorized charges.  Call the credit card company or bank immediately about any charges you do not recognize.
  • Since Social Security numbers were affected, there is risk of tax fraud.  Tax identity theft happens when someone uses your Social Security number to get a tax refund or a job. Consider filing your taxes early and pay close attention to correspondence from the IRS.
Under New York law, businesses with New York customers are required to inform customers and the Attorney General’s Office about security breaches that have placed personal information in jeopardy. The Attorney General’s Office investigates data breaches to determine if customers were properly notified of the breach and if the entity had appropriate safeguards in place to protect customers’ data. The Attorney General has previously proposed new legislation to make consumer information more secure.

A.G. Schneiderman Announces 10-Year Prison Sentence For Heroin Distributor Who Funneled Drugs Into Dutchess County

  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced the sentencing of Jason Brewster, 36, of Poughkeepsie, a major heroin distributor who sold drugs in Dutchess County. Brewster was apprehended on May 23, 2017 after a fifteen-month manhunt conducted by the Attorney General's Organized Crime Task Force (OCTF), the NY State Police Special Investigations Unit (SIU) and the Dutchess County Drug Task Force (DCDTF).  Brewster was sentenced by the Honorable Peter M. Forman to 10 years in state prison and will face five years of post-release supervision. The sentencing follows Brewster's guilty plea in Dutchess County Court on August 8, 2017 to Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance in the First Degree, an A-I felony.

“Violent drug rings not only harm the individuals they poison with drugs—they can inflict entire communities with crime and violence. I will continue to work side by side with our partners in law enforcement to root out those who contribute to the opioid crisis across our state,” said Attorney General Schneiderman
State Police Superintendent George P. Beach II said, “Today’s sentencing sends a strong message that prison is the only future for those who deal in dangerous narcotics. The State Police is committed to our partnership with the Attorney General to identify and shut down these dealers, and bring an end to the damage they inflict on our neighborhoods.”
As uncovered during the joint investigation, Brewster initially sold in excess of 260 grams of heroin to an informant, with a street value of more than $16,000. Between October 2015 and February 2016, Brewster made six such sales to the informant. Brewster sold heroin on a regular basis out of his home where children were present, and in other locations in and around Poughkeepsie, including a location right near the S.F.B. Morse Magnet School, located at 101 Mansion Street in the City of Poughkeepsie.  
The Attorney General’s Organized Crime Task Force (OCTF) has now taken down 25 large drug trafficking gangs, made more than 580 felony narcotics arrests, and seized more than $1.5 million and more than 2,000 pounds of illegal drugs. In the past several months alone, Attorney General Schneiderman’s new Suburban and Upstate Response to the Growing Epidemic (“S.U.R.G.E.”) Initiative—a crackdown on New York’s growing heroin, opioid, and narcotics trafficking networks—has resulted in 260 alleged traffickers and dealers taken off the streets across New York, through Operation BricktownOperation Un-WiseOperation Gravy TrainOperation BloodsportOperation Pipeline, and Operation Wrecking Ball.
The S.U.R.G.E. Initiative targets gangs and individuals who deal heroin and opioids and commit acts of violence in suburban and upstate communities across New York State. The Attorney General's Organized Crime Task Force works closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement to investigate, arrest, and prosecute those criminals.


  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. along with Senator Jeff Klein, and Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj hosted the BP's annual Muslim School Holiday event, designed to bring fun and activities for all in celebration of the addition of Muslim holidays to the public school calendar.

“Islam is one of the largest religions in the world, and, as I have said in the past, by recognizing these important holidays, we show that not only are we welcoming to everyone’s religious beliefs but that we respect everyone’s right to freedom of religion,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “We are very happy to have a fun filled day for the children to enjoy.” 

Above - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. speaks to the large crowd inside the PS 83 school yard on Rhinelander Avenue
Below - Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj addresses the large crowd as the Imam looks on.

Senator Klein, Assemblymen Benedetto & Gjonaj call on the city to remove sex offenders from family shelters

  New analysis found nine sex offenders residing in Bronx family shelters, endangering the welfare of vulnerable children

New analysis found nine sex offenders residing in Bronx family shelters, endangering the welfare of vulnerable children

Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblymen Michael Benedetto and Mark Gjonaj joined community leaders outside Crystal’s Place family shelter on Saturday, calling on the city to immediately remove sex offenders from all family shelters.

“To ensure the safety of our children, I’ve passed legislation that restricts high-level sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet from a school. It’s unthinkable that the same sexual predators are able to coexist with the vulnerable children living inside the city’s family shelters. The city should immediately remove all sex offenders from these shelters, and when I get back to Albany I will continue to fight to prevent this from happening in the first place,” said Senator Jeff Klein.

“It is hard to believe that the city still hasn't got their act together on this matter. Children are being placed at risk. January can't come fast enough so we can begin to address this problem legislatively,” said Assemblyman Michael Benedetto.

It’s unfathomable that sex offenders continue to find their way inside family shelters across our city. This practice needs to end now to ensure our city’s most vulnerable children have a safe living environment,” said Assemblyman Gjonaj.

A recent analysis completed by Senator Klein’s office revealed a total of nine high-level sex offenders living at separate Bronx family shelters, up from three sex offenders found in a 2015 study. One of the nine was removed from Crystal’s Place shelter late Thursday.

The Level 2 and 3 offenders committed offenses including sexual abuse, sodomoy and rape. Their victims ranged in age from 6 to 15-years-old. Senator Klein’s office is actively working on a citywide study to determine the amount of sex offenders residing in family shelters across all five boroughs. Those finding will be released shortly.

Senator Klein carries legislation that would ban Level 2 or 3 sex offenders from living  in any temporary emergency housing or homeless shelters used to house families with children. This legislation would require municipalities to place homeless Level 2 and Level 3 sex offenders in adult-only shelters or emergency housing where they will not be in close contact with children.

Above - Senator Klein's office has charted the course of nine Level 2 and 3 Sex Offenders that are said to be living along side children in city eun homeless shelters.
Below - State Senator Jeff Klein talks about how his office found one of the nine level 2 or 3 sex offenders living in the family homeless shelter in the background along side vulnerable children.

Above - Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj seeking the Democratic nod for the term-limited 13th City Council seat tells that with him in the city council together with State Senator Jeff Klein and Assemblyman Michael Benedetto the community will have three active partners looking out for them.
Below - Candidate Mark Gjonaj's Republican opponent can only look on as this attempt to be in the picture with Democratic candidate Mark Gjonaj does not work. This only shows what Democrat Mark Gjonaj's Republican opponent will do to try to steal Democrat Mark Gjonaj's glory.

Final Debate/Forum for 13th Council District Before Primary Day

  It was billed as the last Democratic debate before the September 12th Primary, so why was Republican John Cerini included?

You can see that the candidates begin with the five Democratic candidates and there is the lone Republican candidate on the far right. This debate/forum was held at the Samuel Young V.F.W. post located on the Hutchinson Parkway one block north of East Tremont Avenue.

Above - Members of the VFW Post look through possible questions to ask the candidates pertaining  to issues facing Veterans. 
Below - Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj is answering one question 

Above - Candidate Victor Ortiz is answering a question put to him.
Below - Candidate Egidio Sementilli gives his answer to the same question.

This last debate/forum lasted only one hour since the topic of questions had to be from the veterans in the audience, and about matters pertaining to Veterans only.

Tuesday September 12th is the date where one of the five Democrats will be chosen to face Republican/Conservative candidate John Cerini in the General Election. So what was Republican/Conservative party candidate doing at this debate/ forum?