Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cynthia Nixon, Survivors of Sexual Harassment Call for Change to Cuomo’s Albany

Following revelations that sexual harasser James Kiyonaga is still on the Governor’s payroll, women harassed and intimidated by top Cuomo officials and state legislators, come together with other survivors, to call for change

  Today, Democratic candidate for Governor Cynthia Nixon stood with Erica Vladimer of the Sexual Harassment Working Group, and Zenaida Mendez, Former President, National Organization for Women NYS, in Manhattan to call on Governor Cuomo to take real action to combat the sexual harassment that has plagued his administration and permeated in workplaces across the state. They were also joined by other survivors of sexual harassment from workplaces across New York.
Governor Cuomo drafted new sexual harassment legislation this year without a single female legislator in the room and without allowing any public testimony from the survivors. Full video of the presser is available here.

“New Yorkers deserve better than a governor who ignores the survivors and, instead, chooses to shield and even promote those who have been accused,” said Cynthia. “I stand with the Sexual Harassment Working Group to demand public hearings on sexual harassment in Albany. People like Jeff Klein and Jay Kiyonaga have been given a free pass under Andrew Cuomo. He has allowed a culture of harassment, silence, and retaliation to permeate in Albany and across the state.”

While the Governor claims he takes action against sexual harassers in his administration, WCNY reported last week that a senior administration official, Jay Kiyonaga, who the Inspector General found guilty of sexual harassment is still on Cuomo’s payroll.

Zenaida Mendez also spoke at the press conference. When Mendez was President of the New York chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW), she was pressured by Joe Percoco to endorse Cuomo over Zephyr Teachout in 2014. When the organization did not endorse Cuomo, Percoco orchestrated Mendez's removal from her leadership position.

"The buck stops with Governor Cuomo. He, who is the employer of all state employees, colluded with the other three men in the room earlier this year, to create legislation that protected their own status as men in power to the detriment of women in this state and to the men of this state that they were elected to protect," said Mendez. "We are sick and tired of inaction on this issue."

The Sexual Harassment Working Group was also present at today’s event. The campaign was launched by seven former New York State legislative employees who experienced, witnessed, or reported sexual harassment by former Assembly Members Vito Lopez and Micah Kellner, former Counsel to Speaker Sheldon Silver Michael Boxley, and Senator Jeff Klein.

"Holding public hearings on how best to protect workers all over New York is shear common sense," said Erica Vladimer, a Sexual Harassment Working Group leader. "By listening to victims, our elected officials will be able to strengthen the laws passed in April, and we will be one step closer to a harassment free Albany."

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. - Bronx Summer Concert Series

Is The Karines Reyes Petition is Permeated With Fraud?

  87th Assembly District candidate Sergeant John Perez claims that the petition of one his opponents in the 87th A.D. race Karines Reyes is permeated with enough fraud to have her entire petition thrown out. As you can see in the photo above the date on the first line was 6 - 4, and was changed to 7 - 4 Sergeant Perez claims. He also says that the Reyes petition was placed on line (Facebook by a vice-President of the Bronx Democratic County organization ) one week before the first day to collect signatures down to the State Committeewoman slot as not to show the choice of Amanda Farias over the current State Committeewoman Ms. Barbara Brown who is running with Sergeant Perez. Sergeant Perez claims that there are many other pages where the Subscribing Witness collected signatures before the first day to collect signatures. 

  Ms. Amanda Farias whose signature is on the page above is the candidate for State Committeewoman on the Reyes petition. Ms. Farias also ran last year unsuccessfully against Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. If the court rules that she collected signatures before the first day to collect signatures she would be thrown off the ballot. Sergeant Perez claims that the Male State Committeeman also collected signatures before June 5th which was the first day to collect signatures. Sergeant Perez claims that Mr. Westbrook has a date of 6 - 1 where an 8 is written over the 1. 

  There are many other claims of fraud which are to numerous to list here, but I took a look at the Reyes petition and saw that staff members of State Senator Luis Sepulveda collected signatures. It is on those pages where some of the fraud is claimed. As an expert petition challenger in my opinion the claim that the Reyes petition contains enough fraud to put it close to two-thirds should be enough to throw out the entire Karines Reyes petition and all the candidates for party positions. 

  State Senator Luis Sepulveda's son Julian challenged the Sergeant Perez Petition and that of a fourth candidate for the assembly seat who was running with Senator Sepulveda's opponent for the state senate. Mr. Westbrook challenged the petition of the third assembly candidate. I spoke to the third candidate in this race who worked for then Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, and whom was told to collect only 750 signatures (just 250 over the minimum required). It would seem that if candidates Reyes and Perez were to knock each other off the ballot, then the third candidate a former employee of Sepulveda would then walk into the assembly seat. 

  So was it incompetence by State Senator Sepulveda's staffers, fraud by the senators staffers, or sabotage of the Reyes petition by the senator? There are more than enough signatures in the four other assembly districts to keep Senator Sepulveda on the ballot if the Reyes petition is knocked out. 

  If you think the Derek Jeter incident in the 2013 City Council race needed to be investigated, I am sure the U.S. Attorney's office will have a field day with the Karines Reyes petition. Not only does Sergeant Perez have a laundry list of fraud, but all one has to do is just look at the different colors of ink used on many of the pages in how signatures were collected, dates and addresses were placed on the petition sheets, and most of all just who signed the petition sheets?

  Much more to come on this in future postings because, That is what you need to know.

  The page submitted by State Committeeman Westbrook with the first line date containing what appears to be an overlay of an eight over a one.

Monday, July 30, 2018


  There were Lights, Cameras, and a lot of Pretty Girls on Castle Hill Avenue this afternoon. Why were they there is the question. The signs on the poles said that filming was going to be done for Devarage. Was it a scene for a movie. television show, or a music video? One thing for sure was that no one on the set was saying anything, just that they signed non-disclosure statements. There were hints however that it might be a Jennifer Lopez video. 


Assemblyman Dinowitz received the environmental advocacy group’s endorsement for the 81st Assembly District in 2018 after receiving high ratings in their inaugural state legislative scorecard in 2017.

  Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz received an important stamp of approval from one of the leading environmental advocacy organizations in New York State as he garnered a coveted endorsement from the New York League of Conservation Voters for his Assembly re-election campaign.

Assemblyman Dinowitz has been a leader on important environmental legislation throughout his tenure in Albany including tax credits for hybrid and electric vehicles, green roof tax credits, and prohibitions on smoking in parks and other public places. He has also co-sponsored numerous legislative efforts to combat climate change including the NYS Climate and Community Protection Act (A.8270), requiring a fully clean energy system by 2030 (A.5105), and creating a permanent environmental justice advocacy group (A.2234).

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz said: “I am proud to receive an endorsement from the New York League of Conservation Voters, and I am proud of my environmental record over the course of my tenure in Albany. Too often, decision makers are short-sighted as they value temporary economic gains over long-term ecological destruction. Conserving our environment and combatting the effects of climate change are among my top legislative priorities – not for my benefit, but for my children and grandchildren who will inherit the world that we leave them.”

Amanda Septimo Receives Support of CSA, Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club

The Democrat continues to gain momentum after receiving support of Working Families Party, DC 37

  Amanda Septimo, a Democrat running for State Assembly in the 84th District, has gained the endorsements of the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators (CSA) and the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club.
"The Council of School Supervisors and Administrators is proud to support Amanda Septimo for State Assembly. We have known Amanda for years, and she has dedicated her life to advocating for her community's students, seniors, and working families. Amanda is exactly the kind of passionate and driven leader that the South Bronx deserves," said CSA President Mark Cannizzaro.

"For years, I've watched CSA tirelessly fight for our public schools to have every resource they need. Every day, the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club fights to ensure every person in New York City is treated with dignity and respect. Together, these two groups are at the forefront of standing against attacks from the federal government, and working to make sure New York's programs serve us all. I am so proud to have the support of such incredible organizations in my quest to make sure the residents of the Bronx are treated with respect, and that our community gets the representation it deserves," said Septimo.  
Born and raised in the South Bronx, Septimo has been involved in community activism since she was a teenager as a member of A.C.T.I.O.N., THE POINT Community Development Corporation's teen activism platform. She has worked with the Legal Aid Society, with a specific focus on cases involving domestic violence and Spanish-speaking immigrants. She also worked as the District Director for Congressman José E. Serrano (D-15th Congressional District), making her one of the youngest-serving senior staffers in Congress. Most recently, Amanda worked to help working and middle-class families by fighting for stronger worker protections with the Council of School Supervisors & Administrators.
The Democratic Primary will be on September 13th. The 84th District includes Mott Haven, Port Morris, Melrose, The Hub, Longwood, Concourse, Highbridge, and Hunts Point. 


Administration will recruit City staff to provide pro bono legal services at detention center in Texas

  Mayor de Blasio today announced a multi-agency public-private project to provide pro bono legal assistance to families facing detention at the southern border. The Administration is recruiting City staff—attorneys and licensed clinical social workers—on a volunteer basis to travel to Texas for a week to help address the immense need for legal assistance. Travel expenses will be covered by donations to the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.

“The Trump Administration has repeatedly violated the fundamental human rights of families fleeing violence and seeking refuge in our country,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “The federal government has reunited some of the families it broke apart, but parents and their children are now together in family detention centers at the border. New Yorkers have showed these children overwhelming support, and my Administration is taking the next step in addressing this crisis by recruiting volunteers to help families access the humanitarian protections they deserve. New York values demand that we act to ameliorate this inhumane situation.”

“New York City will continue to fight for families detained at the border under this inhumane policy,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray. “In addition to the trauma these unnecessary detentions have caused, there is the great expense of legal services. New York City will send clinicians and attorneys to help families at the border navigate this crisis and get the competent legal counsel they need. I am proud of the generosity of New Yorkers, and enthusiasm of our volunteers for this effort.

“The Trump Administration is now attempting to pressure detained immigrant families to surrender their legal rights. After all the confusion and chaos they have instigated, we’re mobilizing to tackle the immense need for pro bono legal help,” said Bitta Mostofi, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. “Detaining families and forcing parents to navigate a complex legal landscape for themselves and their children alone is wrong. With this volunteer group, we aim to support immigrant families exercise their legal rights, putting New York values in action.” 

“New Yorkers have once again answered the call to support those in need, and the Mayor’s Fund is proud to play a role in helping bridge the good will of private funders and the reach of government. As families are reunited, they will have to navigate an incredibly complex immigration system with little to no support. Today, we can say that through the generosity of New Yorkers and private partnerships, more families facing detention will receive the legal help they deserve,” said Darren Bloch, Executive Director of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York.

Hundreds of migrant children remain separated, continuing the unnecessary trauma meted out by the Trump Administration’s policies and practices. Under federal court order, many separated children are finally being reunited with their parents. However, some of these children have been brought to family detention centers, reuniting them with their parents but re-introducing the trauma of detention.

After the trauma of forced separation, many immigrant families continue to face horrific conditions in immigration detention. In addition, immigration law is extraordinarily complex, and detention only adds to the complexities of pursuing immigration relief, including applying for asylum. The de Blasio Administration—including the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, Law Department, Administration for Children’s Services, NYC Health + Hospitals, and Department of Social Services—is joining with the pro bono legal community to provide additional resources for these families.

Organized by the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), the City volunteer group of approximately 15 individuals will travel to Dilley, Texas from September 9 to September 15 to work with the Dilley Pro Bono Project, a partner of the Immigration Justice Campaign. From September 10 to September 15, the volunteers will work at the South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, Texas to assist in this pro bono work. MOIA and the Mayor’s Fund are also exploring private partnerships to cover costs of airfare, travel, lodging, and meals for the City volunteer group. The need for legal assistance at detention centers like the one at Dilley is immense, according to local and national partners, so the de Blasio Administration is stepping up to help.

Since the unaccompanied migrant children (UAC) crisis in 2014, New York City has played a leading role in addressing the needs of migrant children who have come to our city. The de Blasio Administration took the unprecedented step of stationing City staff at Immigration Court in order to enroll UACs in public school and Medicaid. In addition, the Administration helped establish the Immigrant Children Advocates’ Relief Effort (ICARE)--a public-private partnership between the City Council, the Robin Hood Foundation, and New York Community Trust--to provide immigration legal help for UACs facing deportation. More recently, as the Administration learned about the crisis of separated children placed in New York City, the City mobilized to help ensure these children were receiving proper care. Working with federally-contracted foster care providers, advocates, and legal services providers, the City assisted addressing the needs of these children, including by offering health care, recreational activities, and offering immigration legal help to these children and potential sponsors. The City will continue to aid separated children in any way we can.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Salamanca Using Children as Pawns in 87th A.D. Race

Image may contain: 1 person, beard and outdoor

  Word has come from 87th A.D. State Committeewoman Barbara Brown that Councilman Rafael Salamanca will be withholding monies to State Committeewoman Brown for a back to school event where children get backpacks and school supplies. This is because Councilman Salamanca  does not want State Committeewoman Brown's running mate for the position of 87th A.D. assembly member Sergeant John Perez to be at that event. Councilman Salamanca is supporting one of the two women (a staffer of former Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda or a nurse) running against Sergeant John Perez. 

  Councilman Rafael Salamanca is using children as pawns in an effort to strongarm State Committeewoman Brown. 87th A.D. Candidate for assembly Sergeant John Perez wrote the following letter to Councilman Salamanca on the matter of using children for political gain.  

Dear Council member Salamanca,

  I cannot say that it is an honor nor a pleasure writing this letter however, my message to you will be clear and definite. I received a call from my State Committee Woman Ms. Barbara Brown, on July 27, 2018, shortly after she had reached out to you requesting funding to provide underprivileged children in the district with school supplies.

I was more disgusted by the response you gave to her saying that If you provide funding for school supplies “John Perez cannot be at the distribution event”. She did inform me of the entire conversation but, the statement quoted stands out the most. The fact that your decision to fund this community most vulnerable children is contingent upon her dis-association with me displays poor moral judgement and the absence of leadership and integrity.

I, affirm my commitment to this community and I, will personally fund this event under the Roslyn Johnson Democratic Club Banner. I have discussed this with Ms. Barbara Brown and several members of this community to include church leaders and business owner in the immediate area, and it has been agreed.

Your decision is purely selfish, political in nature and not in the best interest of this community.

-John Perez-
Candidate for Assembly, 87th A.D.