Saturday, September 1, 2018

A.G. Underwood Announces Arrest Of WWJ Construction, Inc. Owner For Failure To Pay Workers Over $29K In Wages

WWJ Construction & Owner Shing Tung Wong Repeatedly Failed To Pay at Least Five Employees Thousands of Dollars In Back Wages
Since 2011, NY AG Has Recovered Over $30 Million in Stolen Wages for 21,000 Workers

  Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood announced the arrest and arraignment of Shing Tung Wong, 63, of Queens, owner of WWJ Construction, Inc. for allegedly failing to pay five construction workers for hourly work. Wong and WWJ Construction are charged with collectively stealing over $29,000 from their employees by repeatedly lying to the workers about eventually receiving full compensation.
“To repeatedly promise employees their rightfully owed wages and then never follow through with payment is exploitative – and illegal,” said Attorney General Underwood. “Employees deserve fair compensation for their labor, and my office will continue to combat wage theft across New York.” 
Since 2011, the New York Attorney General's office has recovered over $30 million in stolen wages for 21,000 workers across New York.
The felony complaint and statements made during today’s arraignment reveal that between January 1, 2014 and June 22, 2017, Wong allegedly personally hired five workers and promised a specific rate of pay ranging from $130 to $160 per day for five to six days of work each week. Wong ran the day-to-day operations of his construction company and arranged for most employees to meet at a predetermined location in Queens, where he or other workers would drive them all to various construction projects in the New York region – including Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Long Island, and Westchester. Workers performed carpentry, demolition, renovations, and electrical work, primarily for residential homes.
After the first few weeks of a worker’s employment, Wong allegedly stopped making weekly wage payments to workers. When workers asked about their earned wages, Wong repeatedly promised that payment was imminent and asked them to continue to work based on this promise. Workers waited for full compensation week after week, but Wong only allegedly paid them sporadically or not at all. Workers continually asked Wong for their wages, and Wong would allegedly promise them that payment was coming when he received payment from the client. Eventually, workers quit after not receiving their earned and legally owed wages. Even after workers quit, they still attempted to contact Wong to demand owed wages – but Wong allegedly ignored their requests for payment.
The six-count felony complaint filed in Queens County charges both defendants, Wong and WWJ Construction, with three counts of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree, a Class D felony; two counts of Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree, a Class E felony; and one count of Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree, a Class E Felony.
The charges are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until they are proven guilty in a court of law. 

Comptroller Stringer Launches Public Hearings and Family Complaint Hotline as Lead Crisis Continues

Investigative hearings and hotline are part of Comptroller's ongoing investigation into City's handling of lead poisoning in children

  As part of his ongoing investigation into the City’s response to lead poisoning in children citywide, Comptroller Scott M. Stringer announced today the first in a series of borough-focused “We the People” public hearings as well as a family support hotline to get firsthand feedback from families affected by this crisis. The first hearing, which will be held in Harlem on Monday, September 17th, will allow families to let their voices be heard and will guide the Comptroller’s office investigation.

“Everyday the crisis at NYCHA worsens, but the City still has no real plan to overhaul the authority and protect the countless vulnerable children living in our City’s crumbling public housing. Meanwhile, thousands of children are testing positive for elevated lead in private housing – enough is enough,” said Comptroller Stringer. “We, the people, have had enough with hollow rhetoric. We, the people, have had enough with a second-class public housing system. It is time to give a voice to the families and children who are living this nightmare every day.”
Following changing data on the number of children with elevated levels of lead in NYCHA buildings, this past July, Comptroller Stringer launched an investigation into the citywide response to lead poisoning in both public and private housing. The information collected at the “We the People” hearings and through the lead hotline will provide additional guidance for the ongoing investigation.
“We the People” Investigatory Public Hearing on the Ongoing Lead Crisis

Monday, September 17, 2018
Doors open at 6:30 PM
Hearing starts at 7:00 PM
Frederick Samuel Community Center
669 Lenox Avenue
Between West 143rd and 144th Streets
New York, NY 10030
Hotline will be active on Tuesday, September 3, 2018 at 9:00 AM

Future hearing information will be released at a later date.
It is hard to believe that this situation has gone on for so long as it has. Where were the elected officials when complaints began to pour in years ago. 
This reporter went on several occasions with legislators who were bringing replacement stoves and refrigerators to NYCHA residents who were waiting over five years for said replacement appliances. 
At the first opportunity over a year ago, I asked Mayor de Blasio why is it that NYCHA residents are waiting over five years for replacement appliances? Mayor de Blasio did not answer me, he just said that it would take $18 Billion dollars  to bring NYCHA up to par. he added that he expected the state and federal governments to kick in $7.5 Billion each. One year later figure is now almost double, because of all the other problems that are being found due to the neglect of the city, and those elected officials who were elected to serve and protect the people.

87th Assembly District debate by the Parkchester Times Tuesday September 4th

Photo from Bronxtalk debate

  The Parkchester Times announces that it will be hosting a Democratic Party debate for the 87th Assembly District on  Tuesday September 4th at St. Helena's Church located at 2050 Benedict Avenue (off Olmstead Avenue). All three candidates Ms. Farah Despeignes, Sergeant John Perez, and Ms. Karines Reyes have confirmed their attendance to the Parkchester Times. Doors will open at 6 PM, with the debate starting at 6:30 PM, and the debate will run for one hour. After the debate people in the audience will be able to speak directly to the candidates. 

  The Parkchester Times held a very successful Democratic Party debate for the 14th Congressional in June to inform the voters of the Parkchester Times readership, and hopes to do the same with this debate for the 87th Assembly District.

The 87th Assembly District covers the communities of Parkchester, Castle Hill, West Farms, Van Nest, and Park Stranton areas of the Bronx. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Real Estate Developer Charged In Manhattan Federal Court For Operating Years-Long Real Estate Investment Scheme In And Around New York City

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today the unsealing of an Indictment in Manhattan federal court charging MICHAEL D’ALESSIO with wire fraud in connection with his years-long scheme to defraud investors in luxury real estate development projects in Manhattan, the Hamptons, Westchester, and elsewhere. D’ALESSIO was arrested this morning in New York, New York, and will be presented this afternoon before Magistrate Judge Barbara C. Moses in Manhattan federal court.  The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Jessie M. Furman.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “Michael D’Alessio, former president and CEO of a real estate development firm, allegedly sought investments to develop specific real estate projects. In reality, D’Alessio allegedly co-mingled investor funds and used them to pay his own debt, fund his own gambling, and pay personal expenses. Michael D’Alessio has lost his alleged gamble to swindle his investors, as he now faces significant time in federal prison.” 
Assistant Director-in-Charge Sweeney said: “Investors believed they would get a return on their money, so they put their faith in Mr. D’Alessio.  Instead of growing those investments, he allegedly used the money for his gambling problem and to pay off his debts.  Even though he attempted to use money from one project to pay monthly installments to investors in another project, investor funds were not used for their stated purpose. Now he will face justice, and the FBI New York will work tirelessly to get investors’ money back.”
According to the Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:[1]
A career real estate developer and general contractor, D’ALESSIO served as the president and Chief Executive Officer of a real estate investment and development firm specializing in the design, construction, and management of both residential and commercial real estate properties (“Company-1”). D’ALESSIO and Company-1 developed, and purported to develop, luxury residential real estate properties in Manhattan, the Hamptons, Westchester, and elsewhere. 
D’ALESSIO typically followed the same pattern in each real estate investment project:  he sought investments by offering for sale shares in a newly formed limited liability company (“LLC”) named after the location of the parcel of real estate to be developed and sold (the “Target Property”).  In exchange for a purchase of shares in the LLC, D’ALESSIO promised a guaranteed monthly interest payment and a share in the profits from the sale of the Target Property.  In soliciting investors, D’ALESSIO made numerous representations to potential investors, including that investor funds would be used only to develop the relevant Target Property and to cover related business expenses of the relevant LLC. 
In truth and in fact, and contrary to the representations that he made to investors, from at least in or about 2015 through in or about April 2018, D’ALESSIO misappropriated investor funds for his own use and benefit.  Upon receiving investor funds, D’ALESSIO channeled those funds through a series of bank accounts held in the name of shell companies owned and controlled by D’ALESSIO.  D’ALESSIO then used those investor funds for his own benefit, including to pay off debts, and to fund significant gambling and other personal expenses.  D’ALESSIO took additional steps to conceal his fraud, including deceiving investors regarding the progress of development on real estate projects and raising money from new investors to make monthly payments to investors in different projects in the manner of a Ponzi scheme. 
D’ALESSIO, 52, of New York, New York, is charged with committing wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.
Mr. Berman praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
This case is being handled by the Office’s Securities and Commodities Fraud Task Force. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Amanda Kramer and Daniel G. Nessim are in charge of the prosecution.
The charge contained in the Indictment is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
 [1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment, and the description of the Indictment set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Four Individuals Charged In Widespread Scheme To Defraud Medicare And Other Heatlh Insurance Providers Through Fraudulent Medical Corporations

False Billing Resulting In Tens Of Millions Of Dollars In Losses

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney, Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), Scott J. Lampert, Special Agent in Charge of the New York Office of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (“HHS-OIG”), and Thomas P. DiNapoli, the New York State Comptroller, announced the unsealing today of an indictment charging JAMES SPINA, JEFFREY SPINA, ANDREA GROSSMAN, and KIMBERLY SPINA with participating in a widespread health care fraud scheme through their fraudulent operation of Dolson Avenue Medical (“DAM” or the “Practice”), a multi-disciplinary medical clinic located in Middletown, New York.  The defendants were all arrested today, and presented in federal district court in White Plains.  This case has been assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Kenneth M. Karas.

Berman also today announced the guilty plea of CHARLES BAGLEY, a licensed medical doctor formerly affiliated with DAM and other businesses, to conspiracy to commit health care fraud, charged in a separate Information unsealed today. 
U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “As alleged, these four defendants purported to run a legitimate medical clinic that provides care and rehabilitation to patients.  Instead, the defendants allegedly put aside their medical and fiduciary obligations for greed, attempting to bilk insurance companies and federally-funded Medicare out of more than $80 million.  Thanks to the coordinated efforts of federal and state investigative agencies, the defendants will have to answer for their alleged crimes.”
FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “Patients go to a doctor hoping they will help them get better.  The subjects in this investigation allegedly performed treatments patients didn’t need, double billed for procedures and up-coded. The FBI New York agents and our law enforcement partners uncovered tens of millions of dollars in losses.  This type of fraud eventually ends up costing all patients more money when they seek medical attention.  We will continue to work tirelessly to stop health care fraudsters hoping to make millions while the patients they should be treating continue to suffer.”
HHS-OIG Special Agent in Charge Scott J. Lampert said:  “This indictment should serve as a warning to any health care provider that dares to put personal profit ahead of proper patient care.  HHS-OIG, along with our law enforcement partners, will continue to aggressively pursue those who seek to undermine the federally funded health care programs intended for our most vulnerable Americans.”
New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said:  “The Spinas and their associates allegedly swindled tens of millions of dollars by fraudulently billing health insurers including the NYS Health Insurance Program and the State Insurance Fund.  An alleged theft of this magnitude is appalling when so many hard-working people experience rising health care costs.  Now, their alleged scams have been exposed, thanks to my partnership with U.S. Attorney Berman, the FBI, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General and the Orange County Sheriff's Office.”
According to the allegations in the Indictment unsealed today in White Plains federal court:[1]
From 2011 through September 2017, DAM was a registered medical service corporation in New York State that purported to provide a variety of pain management and rehabilitation services including physical medicine and rehabilitation, chiropractic services, physical therapy, diagnostic testing, and acupuncture.  DAM primarily provided treatment services from its clinic located at 201 Dolson Avenue, Middletown, New York.
In addition to DAM, at least eight other corporations, including four other medical corporations, billed Medicare and other health insurance providers (the “Insurance Providers”) from 201 Dolson Avenue (the “Associated Businesses”).  On paper, DAM and the Associated Businesses appeared to be separate entities owned by multiple different qualified individuals.  But in reality, JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA, who are doctors of chiropractic - not medical doctors - were the true owners and operators of the different medical service corporations.
According to the indictment, JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA, together with GROSSMAN, made all corporate decisions for DAM and the Associated Businesses.  In particular, JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA ran the day-to-day operations of the businesses.  They controlled payroll, the hiring and firing of employees, corporate expenses, like employee compensation and rent, and billing to Insurance Providers.  Further, JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA were the financial beneficiaries of DAM and its Associated Businesses. 
JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA, however, went to great lengths to conceal their control and ownership of DAM and the Associated Businesses.  In particular, JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA recruited medical doctors and other professionals to serve as the nominee owners of DAM and the Associated Businesses.  JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA further concealed their ownership of DAM and the Associated Businesses by transferring revenues of these companies into other companies they owned.  To further disguise these transfers, JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA drafted fake lease and marketing agreements between DAM and the Associated Businesses and purported real estate and marketing companies they owned and referred to the payments as “rent” or “marketing fees.”  The defendants also used phony and non-existent addresses for the corporations so that it would appear that DAM and the Associated Businesses were operating out of separate locations.
As alleged, in operating the multiple fraudulent businesses, JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA, routinely showed little, if any, regard for which medical services or treatments were medically necessary, or even whether the services were actually provided to patients, and instead operated DAM and billed Insurance Providers to maximize DAM’s reimbursements and ultimately, their own profits.  In particular, JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA, with assistance from GROSSMAN, the bookkeeper for DAM and its Associated Businesses, and KIMBERLY SPINA, an administrator at the Practice: (a) submitted and caused to be submitted claims to Insurance Providers for medically unnecessary services and procedures; (b) submitted and caused to be submitted claims to Insurance Providers for medical services that were not rendered; (c) double billed, i.e., submitted and caused to be submitted multiple claims for the same service to two different Insurance Providers; (d) altered and fabricated medical records; and (e) obstructed and impeded audits by Medicare and other Insurance Providers to conceal their fraud.
As a consequence of the above-described scheme, the majority of the claims submitted by DAM and the Associated Businesses to Medicare and other Insurance Providers were false and fraudulent.  The submitted claims during the relevant time period totaled more than $80,000,000, resulting in losses of tens of millions of dollars. 
As alleged in a separate Information filed today in White Plains federal court:
CHARLES BAGLEY, a licensed medical doctor affiliated with DAM and the Associated
Businesses, participated in the health care fraud scheme, whereby BAGLEY, a licensed medical doctor, agreed with others to submit, and cause to be submitted, false claims to Medicare and other health care benefit programs to obtain reimbursement to which he and his co-conspirators were not entitled. 
BAGLEY, 69, of Great Neck, New York, pled guilty today to one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.  The defendant will be sentenced at a future date.  The case is assigned to United States District Judge Nelson S. RomΓ‘n.
JAMES SPINA, 59, of Middletown, New York, JEFFREY SPINA, 56, of Middletown, New York, ANDREA GROSSMAN, 59, of Loch Sheldrake, New York, and KIMBERLY SPINA, 54, of Woodbourne, New York, are each charged with one count of conspiring to commit health care fraud and one count of health care fraud, each of which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.   In addition, JAMES SPINA and JEFFREY SPINA are charged with one count of obstructing and impeding a federal audit, with carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.
The statutory maximum sentence is prescribed by Congress and provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant would be determined by the judge
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI, HHS-OIG, the New York State Office of the State Comptroller, and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.  He also thanked the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, the Sullivan County District Attorney’s Office, the National Insurance Crime Bureau, Liberty Mutual Insurance, and USAA Insurance for their assistance.
The charges contained in the indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
 1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint set forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.


  The de Blasio administration announced today it will begin the rulemaking process to establish new passenger boarding areas for horse-drawn cabs at several major Central Park entrances. The new rule will designate specific locations within Central Park as passenger boarding areas for horse-drawn cabs, moving them from heavily-congested nearby locations along Central Park South.

Relocating boarding areas within Central Park will reduce the amount of time that horses spend alongside vehicular traffic, limiting horses’ interaction and potential conflict with vehicular traffic, thereby promoting the safety and well-being of the horses. The proposed rule will not reduce the overall space allotted to boarding areas. None of the proposed boarding areas are located on the Central Park Loop Drive itself.

The proposed designated locations for horse-drawn cab pick-up and drop-offs will be located at:

Grand Army Plaza: In the center lane at the Grand Army Plaza entrance to Central Park.

East 72nd Street Entrance: On the north curb approximately 50 feet west of 5th Avenue

West 72nd Street Entrance: On the east curb approximately 130 feet east of Central Park West.

West 67th Roundabout: On the north curb of the roundabout next to Tavern on the Green.

Seventh Avenue Entrance: On the east curb, approximately 20 feet north of Central Park South.

The proposed rule was drafted by the Department of Transportation, in consultation with other city agencies, and is expected to take effect later this fall. A public hearing is scheduled in October.

“DOT is happy to work with our sister agencies, the Parks Department and Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, to promote the well-being of horses and road users,” said DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg. “By limiting boarding of horse-drawn cabs to designated areas within Central Park, the amount of time that horses spend alongside vehicular traffic will be reduced – thus reducing potential harm to the animals.”
“We are ready to work with Health, DOT and the Central Park Conservancy to put into effect this plan to better manage the carriage traffic flow in and around Central Park, benefitting the horses and all who come from around the world to experience this city gem,” said NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP.

“We look forward to working with DOT, NYC Parks, and other City agencies to implement a comprehensive plan that accommodates horse carriages in Central Park while also ensuring a broad and growing range of park user groups can enjoy the park safely,” Central Park Conservancy President and CEO Elizabeth W. Smith. “As always, our primary concern and focus is working with the city to ensure the stewardship of the Park and the public’s safe enjoyment of it.”

Street Co-Naming In Honor of Mary Vallati |

In Honor of

Mary Vallati

Celebrating the Life and Legacy of a Long-Time Community Activist

Sunday, September 9th at 1:00 PM

The Street Co-naming will take place at East Mosholu Parkway South & Perry Ave.

Wave Hill Events September 13‒September 20

Sat, September 15
Plant Stand Woodworking Workshop
Do you have more plants than windowsill space? Join master carpenter and Wave Hill Director of Facilities Frank Perrone in our Wood Shop to construct a handsome plant stand with plenty of space for your favorite plants. No previous carpentry skills required. Space is limited! Registration required, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. $125. Wave Hill Members save 10%.
Sat, September 15
Family Art Project: In the Path of Monarch Butterflies
The monarch butterfly begins its migration in September, heading thousands of miles south. And some stop at Wave Hill on the way! With bold, painterly marks, make large-scale, printed butterflies with gorgeous, orange-red-black patterned wings. Participate in a group installation on the Conifer Slope, displaying milkweed and butterfly prints that show the inspiring journey of the monarch butterfly. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.
Sat, September 15
Garden Highlights Walk
Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.
Sat, September 15
Wave Hill History Walk
Discover the fascinating history of Wave Hill’s architecture and landscape on a walk with a Wave Hill Garden Guide. Hear about the people who once called Wave Hill home, among them Mark Twain, Theodore Roosevelt, Bashford Dean and Arturo Toscanini. Free with admission to the grounds.
Sat, September 15
Gallery Tour
Learn about Glyndor Gallery exhibitions on a tour led by Wave Hill’s Curatorial Fellow. In a new collaboration, Wave Hill is partnering with the American Society of Botanical Artists (ASBA) to produce and host ASBA’s 21st Annual International. ASBA’s mission is to provide a thriving, interactive community dedicated to perpetuating the tradition and contemporary practice of botanical art. This juried exhibition consists of two-dimensional original botanical art, including some specimens found at Wave Hill. In the Sunroom Project Space, Ashton Agbomenou’s new project stems from his time in Wave Hill’s 2018 Winter Workspace. Seeking synchronicity in the African diaspora, Agbomenou constructs visual mementos through his collage-like, layered-painting process, drawing inspiration from Wave Hill’s natural resources. Bronx-born, Dominican-American artist Yelaine Rodriguez works on a new series for the Sun Porch. Using photography, video and performance, Rodriguez creates a unique narrative that examines self-identity and draws inspiration from the colors and textures in nature and from her experience of Wave Hill’s landscape during the 2018 Winter Workspace program. Free with admission to the grounds.
Sun, September 16
Family Art Project: In the Path of Monarch Butterflies
The monarch butterfly begins its migration in September, heading thousands of miles south. And some stop at Wave Hill on the way! With bold, painterly marks, make large-scale, printed butterflies with gorgeous, orange-red-black patterned wings. Participate in a group installation on the Conifer Slope, displaying milkweed and butterfly prints that show the inspiring journey of the monarch butterfly. Free with admission to the grounds.
Sun, September 16
Woodland Restoration Volunteer Event
Join us for a morning restoring and maintaining the Herbert and Hyonja Abrons Woodland. Led by experienced Wave Hill staff, learn to identify and remove invasive species, and apply your new knowledge to helping remove these pesky plants from these wooded slopes. Volunteers may also help with trail maintenance and tree planting. Ages 10 and up welcome with an adult. Free, and admission to the garden is free to volunteers as well. Registration required, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center.
Sun, September 16
Butterfly Walk
A bevy of butterflies (and their caterpillars) animate Wave Hill’s gardens in early fall. Join naturalist Paul Keim for a short introduction to butterfly behavior, then head out for a walk to observe monarchs and other butterflies in the gardens. Learn about their habits and habitat, food sources and adaptations for survival. Ages 10 and older welcome with an adult. Free with admission to the grounds.
Sun, September 16
Garden Highlights Walk
Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.
Mon, September 17
Closed to the public.
Tue, September 18
Garden Highlights Walk
Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.
Tue, September 18
Gallery Tour
Learn about Glyndor Gallery exhibitions on a tour led by Wave Hill’s Curatorial Fellow. In a new collaboration, Wave Hill is partnering with the American Society of Botanical Artists (ASBA) to produce and host ASBA’s 21st Annual International. ASBA’s mission is to provide a thriving, interactive community dedicated to perpetuating the tradition and contemporary practice of botanical art. This juried exhibition consists of two-dimensional original botanical art, including some specimens found at Wave Hill. In the Sunroom Project Space, Ashton Agbomenou’s new project stems from his time in Wave Hill’s 2018 Winter Workspace. Seeking synchronicity in the African diaspora, Agbomenou constructs visual mementos through his collage-like, layered-painting process, drawing inspiration from Wave Hill’s natural resources. Bronx-born, Dominican-American artist Yelaine Rodriguez works on a new series for the Sun Porch. Using photography, video and performance, Rodriguez creates a unique narrative that examines self-identity and draws inspiration from the colors and textures in nature and from her experience of Wave Hill’s landscape during the 2018 Winter Workspace program. Free with admission to the grounds.
Thu, September 20
Early Closing: Annual Wave Hill Gardeners’ Party
Wave Hill closes at 3PM to dress for this annual benefit, an evening that raises crucial funds to support our renowned gardens and horticulture program. Also, the Kate French Terrace in Wave Hill House will be closed all day.

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM–5:30PM,  March 15–October 31. Closes 4:30PM, starting November 1.

ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6–18. Free Saturday and Tuesday mornings until noon. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at
DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the W. 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at