Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Heroin Supplier Convicted After Jury Trial In White Plains Federal Court

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that LEIBYS MERCEDES was found guilty today of conspiring to distribute heroin.  A unanimous jury convicted MERCEDES after a four-day trial before United States District Judge Kenneth M. Karas. 

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “As proven at trial, Leibys Mercedes contributed to the rising tide of heroin that is plaguing Westchester County and its vicinity.  The verdict should send a message to criminals who seek to profit by flooding our community’s streets with lethal drugs.”
According to court documents and the evidence at trial:
From January 2017 up to July 2017, LEIBYS MERCEDES, a/k/a “Celly,” conspired to distribute 100 grams and more of heroin.  MERCEDES supplied heroin to other dealers in the Yonkers area.
MERCEDES, 37, of the Bronx, New York, was convicted of conspiracy to distribute heroin, which carries a maximum sentence of 40 years in prison, and a mandatory minimum terms of five years in prison.  The maximum potential sentence is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. 
MERCEDES is scheduled to be sentenced on April 9, 2018, before Judge Karas.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding work of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Westchester Resident Office and the Narcotics Unit of the City of Yonkers Police Department.

Akayed Ullah Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Detonation Of A Bomb In New York City

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and John C. Demers, the Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced that a jury returned a guilty verdict today against AKAYED ULLAH in Manhattan federal court on all six counts of the Indictment, which charged him with offenses related to the detonation of a bomb in a subway station near the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City on December 11, 2017.  ULLAH, who faces a possible sentence of life in prison, is scheduled to be sentenced on April 5, 2019, by the Honorable Richard J. Sullivan, who presided over the one-week trial. 

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “Late last year, Akayed Ullah detonated a bomb during the bustle of morning rush hour under the Port Authority Bus Terminal.  Ullah’s sinister purpose was to harm and terrorize as many innocent people in his path as possible, by using deadly violence to make a political statement.  Ullah’s conviction by a unanimous jury of New Yorkers falls on Election Day, which fittingly underscores the core principles of American democracy and spirit:  Americans engage in the political process through votes, not violence.  Today, Ullah stands convicted, he faces a potential life sentence, and his purpose failed.  New York City remains a shining symbol of freedom and hope.”
Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers said:  “Less than a year ago, Ullah constructed a pipe bomb and detonated it in a mass transit hub in the heart of New York City to harm and terrorize as many people as possible, all on behalf of ISIS.  His crime reminds us that the threat of radical Islamist terrorism remains real.  This guilty verdict holds Ullah accountable, and he faces a potential life term in federal prison for his crimes.  I want to thank all the agents and prosecutors whose outstanding work made this result possible.”
As set forth in the Complaint, Indictment, and the evidence presented at trial:
Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham
ISIS is a foreign terrorist organization based in the Middle East and Africa whose publicly stated purpose is the establishment of an Islamic state or caliphate based in the Middle East and Africa that encompasses all Muslims worldwide.  ISIS has pursued the objective of an Islamic state through, among other things, killing and deliberate targeting of civilians, mass executions, persecution of individuals and communities on the basis of their religion, nationality, or ethnicity, kidnapping of civilians, forced displacement of Shia communities and minority groups, killing and maiming of children, rape, and other forms of sexual violence.  ISIS has recruited thousands of foreign fighters from across the globe to assist with its efforts to expand its so-called caliphate in Iraq, Syria, and other locations in Africa and the Middle East, and has leveraged technology to spread its violent extremist ideology and for incitement to commit terrorist acts.
The December 11, 2017 Attack
On December 11, 2017, at approximately 7:20 a.m., ULLAH detonated an improvised explosive device (“IED”) inside a subway terminal (the “Subway Terminal”) in or around the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal located at West 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue in New York, New York (the “December 11 Attack”).  Shortly after the blast, members of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department (“PAPD”) located ULLAH lying on the ground in the vicinity of the explosion.  Surveillance footage captured ULLAH walking through the Subway Terminal and detonating his IED. 
ULLAH was taken into custody by law enforcement.  During the course of ULLAH’s arrest, law enforcement officers located on his person and in the surrounding area components of an exploded pipe bomb (the “Pipe Bomb”).  Specifically, law enforcement located, among other items, (i) a nine-volt battery inside ULLAH’s pants pocket; (ii) wires connected to the battery and running underneath ULLAH’s jacket; (iii) two plastic zip ties underneath ULLAH’s jacket; (iv) several fragments of a metal pipe, including pieces of a metal end cap, on the ground; (v) the remnants of a Christmas tree lightbulb attached to wires; (vi) metal screws; and (vii) pieces of plastic zip ties, among other items.
After ULLAH was taken into custody, he was transferred to Bellevue Hospital, where he made statements to law enforcement officers after waiving his Miranda rights.  During that interview, ULLAH stated, among other things, the following:  
  • ULLAH constructed the Pipe Bomb and carried out the December 11 Attack.  ULLAH was inspired by ISIS to carry out the December 11 Attack, and stated, among other things, “I did it for the Islamic State.”
  • ULLAH constructed the Pipe Bomb at his residence in Brooklyn (“the Residence”).
  • The Pipe Bomb was composed of a metal pipe, which ULLAH filled with explosive material that he created.  ULLAH used Christmas tree lights, wires, and a nine-volt battery as a trigger to detonate the Pipe Bomb.  ULLAH filled the Pipe Bomb with metal screws, which he believed would cause maximum damage.  ULLAH used zip ties to secure the Pipe Bomb to his body.
  • ULLAH carried out the December 11 Attack in part because of the United States Government’s policies in, among other places, the Middle East.  One of ULLAH’s goals in carrying out the December 11 Attack was to terrorize as many people as possible.  He chose to carry out the attack on a work day because he believed that there would be more people present.
  • ULLAH’s radicalization began no later than approximately 2014.  ULLAH viewed pro-ISIS materials online, including a video instructing, in substance, that if supporters of ISIS were unable to travel overseas to join ISIS, they should carry out attacks in their homelands.  He began researching how to build IEDs on the Internet approximately one year prior to the attack.
  • On the morning of December 11, 2017, shortly before carrying out the attack, ULLAH posted a statement on his Facebook account referring to the President of the United States, stating, in substance, “Trump you failed to protect your nation.”  ULLAH also posted a statement that he believed would be understood by members and supporters of ISIS to convey that ULLAH carried out the attack in the name of ISIS.
Items Recovered from ULLAH’s Residence
On December 11, 2017, law enforcement agents searched the Residence pursuant to a judicially authorized search warrant.  Law enforcement agents recovered, among other items, (i) multiple pieces of metal pipes; (ii) pieces of wire and fragments of Christmas tree lights; (iii) multiple screws consistent with the screws recovered at the scene of the December 11 Attack; and (iv) a passport in ULLAH’s name with multiple handwritten notations, including: “O AMERICA, DIE IN YOUR RAGE.” 
ULLAH, 28, of Brooklyn, New York, was convicted of one count of provision of material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; one count of using and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison; one count of bombing and attempting to bomb a place of public use, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison; one count of destruction of property by means of fire or explosives, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison and a potential maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; and use of a destructive device in furtherance of a crime of violence, namely, the use and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, which carries a mandatory minimum consecutive sentence of 30 years in prison and potential maximum of life, all in connection with ULLAH’s alleged detonation of an explosive device in New York City.
 The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by Judge Sullivan.
Mr. Berman and Mr. Demers praised the outstanding investigative efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), the Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”), and the PAPD.  ULLAH’s conviction is the result of the close cooperative efforts of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force – which consists of law enforcement officers of the FBI, NYPD, HSI, PAPD, and other agencies – and the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Security Division.

100 PERCENT - How Did We Do With Our Election Day Predictions?

100 Percent Election Day Recap

  So how did we do with our Election Day predictions? 

  First, we said there would be no surprises in the Bronx on Election Day, and there were none. All incumbent elected officials won, and almost all with percentages of over 90 percent. 

 There were no upsets in either the 14th Congressional or 34th State Senate districts, and all three ballot proposals passed by large margins. 

 The problem with the ballot scanning machines has been around since they first came into use. 

  Once newly elected New York State Attorney General Letitia James vacates the position of Public Advocate for New York City City Council Speaker Corey Johnson will also become the acting Public Advocate until an election is held to fill the vacant position. We would not be surprised to see Speaker Johnson run for the position of Public Advocate and win. That would then set off a flurry of deal making as to just who would then become the next City Council Speaker. 

  We can't wait for 2019.


  I was asked by a Bronxnet technician at 8:30 PM last night at Patsy's on Morris Park Avenue what I thought Alessandra Biaggi would receive once the numbers came out. I thought for a while and wrote down the number 78%.. All the votes still have not been counted twenty-four hours later and new State Senator Biaggi has 73.5 %. It was a wonderful day for Senator Biaggi criss crossing the district to make sure voters would see that even in the rain she was there with them. Our best wishes to our new State Senator Alessandra Biaggi. The editor lives in the 34th State Senate District was excited to vote for my new State Senator Alessandra Biaggi. 

  By the way newly elected Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez received 78 % of the vote in the 14th Congressional District, and Patsy's is in the 14th Congressional District. 

Above - New State Senator Alessandra Biaggi speaks at her victory party.
Below - State Senator Biaggi is being  interviewed by the News 12 reporter.  

Bronx Council for Environmental Quality - Learn How to Save Our Parks and Waterways 11-14

“Learning How to be Good Stewards of Our Water and Land”

Because your voice matters, we are holding environmental workshops called LEARN Up in anticipation of the 25th Anniversary of SpeakUp.  These workshops will focus on helping more people speak up at public budget hearings so our Parks and Waterfront receives its share of funds from the elected officials.  
Come, Learn, Practice, SpeakUP!
“Learning How to be Good Stewards of Our Water and Land” – the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality environmental pre-SpeakUp workshops
WEST BRONX:  Wednesday, November 14 from 6:00 pm to 8 pm at the Leo Engineering Building – Fischback room 4th Floor, Manhattan College,  3825 Corlear Avenue, at 238th Street, Bronx NY 10463
Link to Agenda
EAST BRONX:  Thursday, December 6, 2018 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Owen F. Dolen Park Recreation Center, 2551 Westchester Square (Lane Ave., E. Tremont Ave., Westchester Ave.),  Bronx NY 10461
Link to Agenda
Food will be served, courtesy of Con Edison.  This is a free event.  
Co-sponsored by Bronx Coalition for Parks and Green Spaces
Register for one or both workshops at

Check for updates at * Latest News *  
Living Shoreline Green Infrastructure Project   12.6.2018 East Bx LearnUp to SpeakUp as Stewards of Our Water & Land • 10.12.2018  Storm Barriers Environmental Review  • Haven Project – release the funds • 10.27.2018 Roberto Clemente State Park – new paddling dock • Harlem River Hilltop Using Green Infrastructure • 10.19.18 DEP requests another extension on CSO LTCP Milestone Modification • Senator Schumer comes to the Bronx for CSX Press Conference • Living Ecological Green Infrastructure Tools • President Bob’s Blog: 3 BODs on Bronx Power 50 • Learning How to be Good Stewards of Our Water and Land • Robert Fanuzzi New President takes the reign • Help Pier 5 Remain Parkland

Discover the Intersection of Land, Water and Air… with Friends!

Council Member Jumaane D. Williams - RESPONDS TO THE 2018 ELECTION RESULTS

"Last night, progressive grassroots energy led to sweeping change in the New York State Senate, and the House of Representatives. History was also made in electing New York's first black woman Attorney General. And while not every battle was won, this repudiation of the bigotry of Trump and his allies will reverberate for years, so I thank the countless individuals who made it possible. I also thank voters for persevering through the long lines and faulty equipment of a broken electoral system in New York City. Elections reform and major changes at the Board of Elections must be among our top priorities in the city coming out of last night.

A glimpse of hope has broken through the dark cloud of hatred that Trump and others have cast over this country. Inspiring individuals and communities with a shared vision for a better country showed that last night. But there are, in many ways, two Americas, and last night's results also showed that bigotry and fear still have a hold on many areas and populations in our nation. There has always been this divide, and just as there has always been hatred, there have been people pushing back, moving us on that moral arc toward justice.

We can't slow down now. As a nation, it's time for us to push our newly elected governing bodies to fulfill their promises. It's time for us to reform our election laws to prevent yesterday's disastrous voter suppression efforts. And it's time to bring transformational change to our city, state and country. With ongoing activist energy from individuals across the nation, we can achieve these goals."

NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi Earns National Accreditation from the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons

  The Commission on Cancer, a quality program of the American College of Surgeons, has granted three-year accreditation with commendation to the cancer program at NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi, the hospital announced today. To earn voluntary Commission on Cancer accreditation, a cancer program must meet or exceed its quality care standards, be evaluated every three years through a survey process, and maintain levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient-centered care. Three-year accreditation with silver-level commendation is awarded only to a facility that exceeds standard requirements at the time of its triennial survey.  

As a Commission on Cancer-accredited cancer center, NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi takes a multidisciplinary approach to treating cancer as a complex group of diseases that requires consultation among surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists, diagnostic radiologists, pathologists, and other cancer specialists. This multidisciplinary partnership results in improved patient care. 

The accreditation with commendation is the result of over a year of training, coordination, and collaboration among many members of the care team at NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi. The hospital received special commendation for several standards, including:  

·    Oncology Nursing Care – More than 25 percent of the nursing staff is certified in cancer care.
·   Patient Enrollment in Clinical Trials – The cancer programs at NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi enroll 10 percent or more cancer patients in clinical trials. Because patient access to the kinds of cutting-edge treatment available through clinical trials can benefit both current and future cancer patients, a screening process has been developed to track effectiveness.
·     Public Reporting of Outcomes – The Community Advisory Board of NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi reports on participation in screening and prevention activities.

“Our entire team worked very hard to achieve this important designation,” said Tarek Elrafei, MD, chair of NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi’s Oncology Department.

The Commission on Cancer Accreditation Program provides the framework for facilities to improve quality of care through various programs that focus on the full spectrum of cancer treatment and encompass prevention, early diagnosis, cancer staging, optimal treatment, rehabilitation, life-long follow-up, and end-of-life care. When patients receive care at a Commission on Cancer facility, such as NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi, they also have access to information on clinical trials and new treatments, genetic counseling, and patient-centered services, including psycho-social support, a patient navigation process, and a survivorship care plan that seeks to improve cancer survivors’ quality of life.  

The new accreditation builds on earlier third-party validation of the exceptional cancer care available at the hospital, including from the American College of Surgeons’ National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, which has recognized the hospital’s Breast Health Service as a “Center of Excellence,” and from the American College of Radiology, which has bestowed multi-year recognition of the service as a “Breast Imaging Center of Excellence.”

The hospital’s Breast Health Service performs more than 12,000 mammograms each year and provides treatment and care for more than 1,600 patients annually.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer and is looking for extraordinary care, please call 718-918-4318.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Bronx Tax Preparer Convicted At Trial For Aggravated Identity Theft And Tax Fraud

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that REBECCA BAYUO, a Bronx tax preparer, was convicted in Manhattan federal court yesterday of preparing false tax returns on behalf of her clients, filing false tax returns in the names of victims whose identities she had previously stolen, and filing false tax returns on her own behalf.  BAYUO was convicted after a two-and-half week jury trial before U.S. District Judge John G. Koeltl.

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman stated:  “Rebecca Bayuo now stands convicted of multiple counts of tax fraud after she abused her position of trust as a tax preparer by systematically violating the nation’s income tax laws.  By repeatedly filing fraudulent tax returns for her clients, including using stolen identities to increase tax refunds, Bayuo stole tens of thousands of dollars directly from the U.S. Treasury.  For these egregious crimes, Bayuo now faces significant time in federal prison.”
According to the allegations contained in the Complaint, Indictment, and the evidence presented at trial:
BAYUO owned and operated Breakthrough Insurance Brokerage, a tax preparation business, located in the Bronx, New York.  From 2010 through 2014, BAYUO used stolen identifying information of victims to file fraudulent federal income tax returns, which generated tax refunds to which BAYUO was not entitled.  Specifically, BAYUO repeatedly used stolen identities of dozens of victims, including 11 New York residents who testified at trial, to file false tax returns and unlawfully collect tax refunds from the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) in their names for herself.  As a result of BAYUO’s criminal conduct, many of the victims were unable to file tax returns as required by law, and were deprived of tax refunds to which they were entitled.
In addition, from 2011 through 2012, BAYUO prepared and submitted to the IRS fraudulent tax returns for her clients that resulted in increased tax refunds, to which her clients were not entitled.  Among other things, BAYUO charged her clients an additional fee in exchange for providing them with the stolen identities of children as false “dependents” to claim on their tax returns.  BAYUO recycled the same stolen identities as false “dependents” for numerous tax returns, over at least a four-year time period.   
Finally, from 2014 to 2015, BAYUO filed false personal income tax returns in her own name, and included in those filings personal identifying information belonging to other individuals that she had stolen.  Specifically, on her own tax returns, BAYUO included false “dependents,” whose identities she had stolen, in order to obtain a larger tax refund to which she was not entitled.  Three of the victims of this scheme testified at trial.
BAYUO, 48, of the Bronx, New York, was convicted of 12 counts of aiding and assisting the preparation of false tax returns, each of which carries a maximum sentence of three years in prison; one count of theft of government funds, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison; one count of aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of two years in prison; and two counts of subscribing to false tax returns, each of which carries a maximum sentence of three years in prison.  The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. 
BAYUO is scheduled to be sentenced on April 12, 2019, at 10:00 a.m.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the IRS.