Sunday, March 31, 2019


MONDAY April 1, 2019
7:00 PM
Monsignior Fiorentino Apartments
1830 Amethyst Street, Community Room
Between Morris Park & Rhinelander Avenues

Allerton International Merchants Association
Monthly Meeting
TUESDAY April 2, 2019 7:30 PM
The Sanz
815 Allerton Avenue Upstairs
Off Boston Road.
Scheduled Guest
Bronx DOT Commissioner Nivardo Lopez

Morris Park Community Association
SATURDAY April 6, 2019 7 PM
Marina Del Rey
Throggs Neck

Morris Park Community Association
Next Meeting
WEDNESDAY April 10, 2019 7:30 PM
1824 Bronxdale Avenue
Between Morris Park & Rhinelander Avenues

Bronx River Art Center (BRAC) - Tableau

is pleased to invite you to the opening of
curated by Chad Stayrook 

APRIL 5TH - MAY 25th, 2019
Opening Reception, 
April 5th, 6 - 9 PM.
1087 East Tremont Avenue 
Bronx, NY 10460
718 589-5819

Elisabeth Smolarz, Ntianu, 3:30:00 New York, 
52x42, archival pigment print, 2016

Bronx River Art Center, 1087 E. Tremont Ave, Bronx NY 10460

Train: 2 or 5 train to West Farms Square - E Tremont Av Station
Bus: 9, 21, 36, 40, 42, Q44 to E. Tremont & Boston Road

The Bronx Democratic Party - Young Professionals Fundraiser in Support of Ruben Diaz Jr

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Bronx Community Board 11 meeting Thursday March 28th

  In the gallery section of the Community Board 11 meeting there was information about Jump Pedal Assist bikes ending its pilot program in the South Bronx, and hoping to go borough wide. There will be a second generation bike which will be easier to maintain. One CB 11 member said that unlike Citi-Bike there are no set areas for Jump Bikes and some have become nuisances because they are left anywhere.  

A second speaker from the NY State Nurses Union said that Nurses have delayed a strike authorized vote for the first week in April, but will strike the local Bronx hospitals if no agreement is reached.  The Nurse said that hospitals are already preparing for a strike by getting nurses from out of state she referred to as Scabs. Comments from CB 11 members were from supporting the Nurses Union to one member saying that the so-called Scabs would probably do a better job than the current nursing staff in many local hospitals.

Councilman Mark Gjonaj (a non voting member of the board) spoke about the still proposed Morris Park Avenue Road Diet plan by Bronx DOT Commissioner Nivardo Lopez. Councilman Gjonaj said that the street has been removed from the DOT as one of the most accident prone streets, and because of that Councilman Gjonaj wants the road diet idea stopped. He is circulating petitions to be given to the Bronx DOT commissioner. 

The meeting moved along until in the Chair report CB 11 Chair Al D'Angelo proposed a resolution from the Executive Committee to hire a replacement for John Fratta who was advising CB 11. There was confusion by several board members who said that another staffer might not be needed, and the matter was laid over until the end of the meeting where CB 11 voted to go into Executive Session to discuss the employment matter. That is the right of the community board not to discuss personal matters in public, but any vote must be made in public. As the executive session went on, one by one board members started to leave, and the executive session ended when there was no longer a quorum to vote on anything. The public was invited back in, and the meeting was then adjourned.

The matter will be taken up at the next full board meeting. The Executive Committee may meet to try to come up with a solution to the matter of hiring another part -time associate in the interim. 

Above - Councilman Mark Gjonaj pleads his case against the proposed Morris Park Avenue Road Diet plan by the NYC DOT.
Below - Members of CB 11 including Bronx Borough President representative Tom Luciana at the far right who is answering a question about the bylaws of CB 11.

Metro North Morris Park/Parkchester Stations Meeting

Councilman Mark Gjonaj, Bronx Overall Economic Development President Marlene Cintron, NYC City Planning Chair Carol Sambol, and Bronx DOT Commissioner Nivardo Lopez were in attendance at Wednesday's meeting held in Lubin Hall. 

 Wednesday afternoon Metro North along with several NYC agencies held an update meeting on What's Happening with the proposed East Side Metro North Stations for Morris Park and Parkchester. This was an update meeting to show some of the requested items from the community be it parking by the new stations to areas of green space by the stations. 

The Metro North and NYC agencies were still looking for more comments on what was being proposed. There were different tables set up as to different aspects of the new stations. At one table you were given ten chips to spend in what you wanted by the stations. There was a choice of over a dozen different items from parking, green space, more businesses, housing, to name a few. those choice items requested however would cost anywhere from one to four chips depending on what each person felt they wanted until a person decided how to spend their ten chips. This information gathered plus the additional comments from other tables and a meeting today in Parkchester will be evaluated for a final draft of what is to be proposed for the Morris Park and Parkchester Metro North stations. Maps of two station areas are below.

Above - The Morris Park station.
Below - The Parkchester station.

Friday, March 29, 2019

News From Councilman Mark Gjonaj

Two Men Convicted Of 1997 Double Murder In The Bronx

  Geoffrey S. Berman, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ROBERT ACOSTA and JOSE DIAZ were convicted of the December 22, 1997, murders of Alex Ventura, 25, and Aneudis Almonte, 20.  The convictions follow a three-week trial before U.S. District Judge Kevin P. Castel. 

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “More than two decades ago, two young men were brutally murdered in a Bronx stairwell.  Although the case went cold, members of the NYPD and the FBI worked tirelessly to solve it.  A unanimous jury has now held Acosta and Diaz responsible for this terrible crime.”
According to the evidence presented during the trial:
In the 1990s, ACOSTA was the leader of a large-scale drug trafficking organization that distributed hundreds of kilograms of cocaine out of several buildings in northern Manhattan.  In the summer of 1997, the murder victims stole more than $200,000 in drug money from a stash apartment that belonged to ACOSTA.  To retaliate, ACOSTA hired DIAZ to kill both men. 
On December 22, 1997, DIAZ and a co-conspirator (“CC-1”) lured the victims to an apartment building in the Bronx, ambushed them in a stairwell, and murdered them both.  CC-1 stabbed 20-year-old Almonte six times, including once in the chest.  DIAZ shot Ventura, 25, in the head from point-blank range.  In exchange for these murders, ACOSTA paid DIAZ $12,000.      
ACOSTA, 47, of Yonkers, New York was convicted of murder while engaged in a conspiracy to distribute five or more kilograms of cocaine (Counts One and Two), conspiracy to commit murder for hire (Count Three), and murder for hire (Counts Four and Five).  DIAZ, 53, of the Bronx, New York was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder for hire (Count Three), murder for hire (Counts Four and Five), and the use of a firearm to commit murder in furtherance of a crime of violence (Count Six).  ACOSTA and DIAZ each face a mandatory sentence of life in prison. 
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the NYPD and FBI.

Manhattan Jeweler Pleads Guilty To Insider Trading

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that JEREMY MILLUL pled guilty to participating in a scheme to trade on material, nonpublic information in advance of the Sherwin-Williams Company’s acquisition of the Valspar Corporation. MILLUL pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud before U.S. District Judge Jed S. Rakoff.

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said:  “As he admitted today, Manhattan jeweler Jeremy Millul received inside information about a publicly traded stock from a friend who worked as an analyst for a credit rating agency.  Millul then used that information to make illegal trades which earned him over $100,000 in illicit gains.  The integrity of financial institutions is critical to ensuring that the stock-buying public is trading in a fair market.  We will continue to aggressively prosecute those who share and utilize nonpublic information for their own personal gain.”
According to the allegations contained in the Complaint and Indictment filed against MILLUL and his co-conspirators, and statements made in related court filings and proceedings:[1]
Rating Evaluation Services and the Insider
When a company announces an acquisition, the acquiring company’s credit rating agency often evaluates, and ultimately issues a press release relating to, the impact that the acquisition could have on the acquiring company’s credit rating.  Therefore, companies often contact rating agencies before an acquisition is publicly announced in order to secure the rating agency’s views on how a possible acquisition could impact a company’s credit rating.  All the major rating agencies offer a service – sometimes known as a Rating Evaluation Service (“RES”) – that provides the company with a rating committee decision with respect to a proposed acquisition.
In March 2016, a credit rating agency in Manhattan (the “Firm”) assigned a credit ratings analyst (the “Analyst”), to work on an RES for the Sherwin-Williams Company (“Sherwin-Williams”) in advance of its contemplated but unannounced acquisition of the Valspar Corporation (“Valspar”).  In connection with this assignment, the Analyst had access to material, nonpublic information (the “Inside Information”) about Sherwin-Williams’ acquisition of Valspar prior to the public announcement of the acquisition.  The Firm’s written policies prohibited the unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, which included the Inside Information.  During his tenure at the Firm, the Analyst reviewed and certified his duties of loyalty and confidentiality to the Firm and its clients.
The Insider Trading Scheme
In March 2016, the Analyst misappropriated the Inside Information about Sherwin-Williams’ acquisition of Valspar and passed it to MILLUL and Abell Oujaddou so that they could use it to make profitable trades.  On March 21, 2016, the first trading day after the public announcement of the acquisition, the price of Valspar stock increased approximately 23 percent over the prior day’s close.
MILLUL is a Manhattan jeweler who had a close personal friendship with the Analyst, as well as with a member of the Analyst’s immediate family.  The Analyst repeatedly provided MILLUL with Inside Information about the Valspar acquisition.  Although MILLUL had never owned a brokerage account in the United States and had never traded in U.S. securities prior to March 2016, he opened a brokerage account on March 13, 2016, and shortly thereafter purchased 480 shares of Valspar common stock.  On March 18, 2016, the last trading day before the acquisition was publicly announced, MILLUL also purchased 75 out-of-the-money Valspar call options.  After the acquisition was publicly announced, MILLUL sold his Valspar stock and options for approximately $106,806 in profits.
JEREMY MILLUL, 32, of New York, New York, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000, or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense.  The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant would be determined by the Court.
MILLUL is scheduled to be sentenced before Judge Rakoff on July 30, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.
Abell Oujaddou previously pled guilty and awaits sentencing before U.S. District Judge Jed S. Rakoff.
Mr. Berman praised the work of the FBI, and thanked the SEC for its assistance.
[1] As for the defendant who has pled not guilty, the description of the charges set forth herein constitute only allegations.