Saturday, January 4, 2020

"What's Happening in New York?" - New Laws Taking Effect in January 2020

New Laws Taking Effect in January 2020
(Effective Date / Chapter Number / Bill Number)

1/1/2020 / Ch. 413 of 2018 /A.10648 & S.8522-A
Removes the three-year exemption of mandatory continuing education for newly licensed Certified Public Accountants and public accountants.
1/1/2020 / Ch. 2 of 2019 / A.774 & S.1100
Allows 16- and 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 25 of 2019 / A.585-A & S.659-A
Enacts the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act to require health insurance policies to cover all FDA-approved contraceptive drugs, devices and products, as well as voluntary sterilization procedures, contraceptive education and counseling, and related follow-up services. Prohibits cost-sharing requirements or other restrictions or delays.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 55 of 2019 Part CC / A.2005-C & S.1505-C
Expands the types of medical professionals authorized to provide medical care and treatment to injured workers under the workers’ compensation system and expands the Workers’ Compensation Board’s authority to resolve medical bill disputes.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 55 of 2019 Part BBB, Sec. 2 / A.2005-C & S.1505-C
Provides for uniform polling hours of 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. during primary elections.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 56 of 2019 Part K / A.2006-C & S.1506-C
Ends detention of Persons in Need of Supervision (PINS) and allows for limited pre-dispositional placement of PINS in foster care rather than detention facilities. Narrows the ability of family courts to order foster care placements at disposition of PINS cases with a limited post-placement timeframe. Adds Family Support Centers as a reimbursable option for preventive services for local social services districts.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 57 of 2019 Part G, Sec. 3,4,5,7,8 / A.2007-C & S.1507-C
Requires fiscal intermediaries for the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program to contract with the Department of Health through a procurement process.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 57 of 2019 Part J, Subpart B, Sec. 42 / A.2007-C & S.1507-C
Codifies provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act, including the 10 categories of essential health benefits that health insurance plans must cover.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 57 of 2019 Part J, Subpart C, Sec. 3 / A.2007-C & S.1507-C
Requires health insurance companies to publish a complete list of all covered prescription drugs on their formulary drug list.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 57 of 2019 Part J, Subpart D, Sec. 4 / A.2007-C & S.1507-C
Prohibits health insurance companies from engaging in discrimination based on sex or gender identity.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 57 of 2019 Part L, Sec. 4 / A.2007-C & S.1507-C
Requires health insurance plans to cover fertility preservation treatments for those with iatrogenic infertility caused by radiation, medication or surgery. Also requires large-group insurers to cover three cycles of in-vitro fertilization.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 57 of 2019 Part M, Sec.4 / A.2007-C & S.1507-C
Requires health insurance policies to cover reproductive health coverage, including voluntary sterilization procedures and over-the-counter contraceptive products.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 57 of 2019 Part J, Subpart A, Sec. 11, Subsec. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 / A.2007-C & S.1507-C
Codifies provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act that prohibit insurers from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 59 of 2019 Part J, Subpart F, Sec. 2 / A.2009-C & S.1509-C
Requires power plants to file an annual report showing the inventory, revenue and expenses for the year.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 59 of 2019 Part L, Sec. 6 / A.2009-C & S.1509-C
Allows businesses to receive a tax credit for providing child care facilities for employees.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 59 of 2019 Part W, Sec. 6 / A.2009-C & S.1509-C
Allows businesses to receive a tax credit for hiring eligible individuals who are in recovery from a substance use disorder.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 59 of 2019 Part III, Sec. 20, Subsec. 13 & 19 / A.2009-C & S.1509-C
Establishes a combined single limit of $1.5 million liability bond or insurance coverage on motor vehicles carrying passengers for compensation which have a seating capacity of 8 or more passengers.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 59 of 2019 Part JJJ, Sec. 25 / A.2009-C & S.1509-C
Eliminates cash bail for misdemeanors, excluding sex offense misdemeanors, and non-violent felonies, allowing individuals to be released on their own recognizance or under non-monetary conditions.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 59 of 2019 Part KKK, Sec. 2 / A.2009-C & S.1509-C
Enacts new judicial requirements that ensure defendants have access to a speedy trial.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 59 of 2019 Part LLL, Sec. 14 / A.2009-C & S.1509-C
Reforms discovery procedures to expedite disclosure of information and documents in criminal cases.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 66 of 2019 / A.7606 & S.5839
Removes the requirement that primary ballots be color coded by political party.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 105 of 2019 / A.8419 & S.6578
Enacts the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act, which provides farm workers with the following protections: collective bargaining rights, a day of rest, overtime pay, unemployment benefits, disability insurance, sanitary housing, and additional workers' compensation benefits.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 106 of 2019 / A.8429 & S.6599
Establishes the New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act to combat climate change by: reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 85% by 2050, requiring that 70% of electricity be produced by renewable energy systems by 2030 and requiring 100% of the state’s electricity to be produced without emissions by 2040.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 147 of 2019 / A.4853-A & S.5685
Enacts Brianna’s Law, requiring all operators of mechanically propelled vessels to take a boating safety course. Starting in 2020, the law applies to those born in 1993 or later then will be phased in on an annual basis to include all operators by 2025.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 185 of 2019 / A.3002 & S.88
Requires Industrial Development Agencies to live stream open meetings and public hearings and post the content on their websites for at least five years.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 253 of 2019 / A.7892 & S.6313
Extends the period to file the application for accidental death benefits to five years for members of the New York State and Local Retirement System.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 266 of 2019 / A.4481 & S.4423
Allows taxpayers to check off a box on tax returns to make contributions for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research, education and treatment.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 298 of 2019 / A.2998 & S.1799
Allows a health care provider to diagnose or prescribe drugs for sexually transmitted infections to a sexual partner or partners without performing an examination.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 361 of 2019 / A.3619-A & S.1481-A
Requires that all employees of programs and organizations providing care to runaway or homeless youth complete training in issues pertaining to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 408 of 2019 / A.7789 & S.5329-A
Clarifies the inclusion of property damage coverage in the combined single limit of $1.5 million coverage for bodily injury and death which is required for motor vehicles carrying passengers for compensation which have a seating capacity of 8 or more passengers.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 417 of 2019 / A.1454 & S.3146
Allows a board of elections to design an alternative poll site staffing plan to conduct an election.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 454 of 2019 / A.4668 & S.4910
Requires a "paid for by" disclosure statement for all political communications including printed, digital, visual and auditory communications.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 465 of 2019 / A.1740 & S.3134
Allows filings with a local board of elections to meet state filing requirements in order to eliminate duplicative filings.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 643 of 2019 / A.8336-A & S.5886-A
Establishes an electronic open auction public bond sale pilot program so municipalities can conduct open auction public bond sales through nationally recognized securities bidding services.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 668 of 2019 / A.2345 & S.3387
Authorizes Medicaid coverage for lactation counseling services without a referral from a physician, registered physician assistant, registered nurse practitioner or licensed midwife.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 683 of 2019 / A.6683-B & S.5864-A
Creates a tax credit for the hiring of women and minority television writers and directors by companies participating in New York's film tax credit program.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 691 of 2019 / A.3009 & S.4078
Provides for the synchronization of multiple prescriptions in order to allow patients to pick up medications for chronic illness on the same date each month.

1/1/2020 / Ch.701 of 2019 / A.8035 & S.6469
Provides that the employer which pays an individual must make unemployment insurance contributions even if the work is performed for a different entity.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 704 of 2019 / A.4403 & S.1864
Allows municipalities to reduce the tax redemption period of vacant and abandoned properties from two years to one year and expedites the foreclosure process.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 733 of 2019 / A.2850-A & S.3962-A
Requires hospitals to establish domestic violence training policies and coordinate services for survivors.

1/1/2020 / Ch. 735 of 2019 / A.1564 & S.2385
Creates a permanent environmental justice advisory group and interagency coordinating council to develop equitable environmental policies.

1/2/2020 / Ch. 340 of 2019 / A.4315 & S.55
Requires the State Liquor Authority to make available to the public information pertaining to any conditions it imposes on a licensed premises.

1/2/2020 / Ch. 479 of 2019 / A.7289 & S.1681
Extends the property tax exemption for disabled veterans to current members of the armed forces who are disabled and remain in active service.

1/5/2020 / Ch. 359 of 2019 / A.7584 & S.6347
Clarifies that petty offense charges are eligible and should be sealed.

1/6/2020 / Ch. 94 of 2019 / A.5308-B & S.6549
Prohibits employers from asking an applicant’s wage or salary history as a requirement for job interviews, applications, promotions or job offers.

1/7/2020 / Ch. 455 of 2019 / A.5175 & S.6499
Provides for the establishment of a procedure and electronic system to process Mitchell-Lama housing applications and waiting lists.

1/7/2020 / Ch. 556 of 2019 Sec. 2 / A.6678 & S.4413
Requires employers that provide employee handbooks to include notice of rights regarding reproductive health decision making by the employee or a dependent.

1/10/2020 / Ch. 481 of 2019 / A.8095-A & S.6467
Directs the Division of Veterans' Services to maintain a discharge upgrade advisory board to provide written non-binding advisory opinions to veterans who are appealing their character of discharge.

1/10/2020 / Ch. 482 of 2019 / A.8096 & S.6527
Requires local veterans' service agencies to assist veterans in the process of submitting an application for a discharge upgrade to the discharge upgrade advisory board.

1/11/2020 / Ch. 96 of 2019 / A.8414 & S.6575
Expands and extends the Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises program to promote employment and business opportunities in state contracts.

1/11/2020 / Ch. 264 of 2019 / A.3235 & S.3223
Requires Community Reinvestment Act reporting to include bank lending to Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises.

1/11/2020 / Ch. 633 of 2019 / A.1024-B & S.3247-B
Authorizes firefighters and law enforcement officers outside of New York City to possess and administer epinephrine.

1/12/2020 / Ch. 646 of 2019 / A.1084 & S.874
Ensures that residents of adult care facilities have a right to be informed about their condition, treatment and medications, as well as the right to consent or refuse care and be able to choose their own providers.

1/15/2020 / Ch. 491 of 2019 / A.5494 & S.3419
Establishes the right of adoptees to receive a certified copy of their birth certificate at the age of 18.

1/15/2020 / Ch. 655 of 2019 / A.1971 & S.5427
Increases the amount of barrels that a brew pub may produce to sell at retail or wholesale from 250 to 2,000 and requires a wholesaler to be used for distribution.

1/19/2020 / Ch. 504 of 2019 / A.7277 & S.6361
Requires the informational materials which accompany opioid antagonists for first aid or emergency treatment to include Good Samaritan liability protections.

1/24/2020 / Ch. 558 of 2019 / A.456-A & S.4956-A
Requires cooperatives to notify residents of changes in their by-laws within 10 days of adoption.

1/26/2020 / Ch.134 of 2019 / A.763-A & S.1414-A
Criminalizes the manufacture, sale, transport and possession of firearms, rifles, shotguns and the major components of such weapons which are undetectable by an X-ray machine or metal detector.

1/27/2020 / Ch.139 of 2019 / A.2685 & S.2449
Establishes the municipal gun buyback program by the Division of State Police to allow for the voluntary return of guns.

This was taken from Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz's Legislative Summary December 23 - January 4, 2019.

Friday, January 3, 2020

AG James Facilitates Access To Life-Saving Opioid Overdose Drug

Pharmaceutical Firm Agrees to Renegotiate Terms That May Have

Prevented Supply of Patented Device to Potential Competitors

 New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced an agreement negotiated with Emergent BioSolutions — manufacturers of the successful opioid overdose reversal nasal spray NARCAN — in an effort to increase opportunity for additional companies to utilize the patented, proprietary spray technology that allows for life-saving drugs to be easily administered to patients.

“Given the tragic, devastating effects of the opioid crisis, and the urgent need for additional drugs for the emergency treatment of opioid overdoses, my office will do whatever possible to ensure that there are no unnecessary impediments to the development of additional life-saving opioid overdose reversal drugs,” said Attorney General James. “I’m proud to announce that, starting today, additional companies will be able to gain access to these nasal spray devices. With more companies able to access this easy-to-use technology, our hope is that we can reduce the number of opioid overdose deaths across New York and this nation and save millions of additional lives.”

In February 2016, Adapt Pharma, Inc. launched a naloxone nasal spray, branded as NARCAN, in the United States. While naloxone has been used for decades by first responders and others for the emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdoses, NARCAN’s nasal spray device makes it a convenient, non-invasive option that can be used safely, easily, effectively, and without risk by any person without any sort of medical training. In October 2018, Adapt was acquired by Emergent.
The investigation by the Office of the Attorney General revealed that before being acquired by Emergent, Adapt entered into a contract with the manufacturer of the nasal spray device used in NARCAN which may have had the effect of restricting the nasal spray device manufacturer from supplying similar devices to other companies attempting to develop their own nasal nalmefene product — potentially impeding the development of additional life-saving drugs. Clinical literature suggests that nalmefene has the potential to be a successful, life-saving opioid overdose reversal drug.
After Attorney General James laid out her concerns, Emergent and the Office of the Attorney General came to an agreement that would ensure Emergent no longer enforces the terms of the previously negotiated exclusivity contract. Additionally, the agreement will ensure Emergent renegotiates the contract with its nasal spray device manufacturer.


  “I am declaring Tuesday, March 24, 2020 as the date for the Queens Borough President special election. I encourage all eligible Queens residents to vote in the upcoming special election, and I thank outgoing Borough President Melinda Katz for her leadership and increasing the World’s Borough’s diversity and dynamism, and wish her all the best in her new role.”