Thursday, August 20, 2020

Governor Cuomo Signs into Law Sweeping Election Reforms


New Laws Will Make It Easier for New Yorkers to Vote and Be Counted in November

S.8015-D/A.10833 Authorizes Voters to Request an Absentee Ballot Due to Risk of Illness, Including COVID

S.8783A/A.10807 Authorizes Voters to Request Absentee Ballots Starting Today

S.8799A/A.10808-A Allows Ballots to Be Postmarked On the Day of the Election, November 3, 2020

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed into law sweeping election reforms that will make it easier for New Yorkers to vote and be counted in November. The three-part package includes new measures allowing absentee ballot applications to be submitted to the Board of Elections immediately, expanding the necessary protections to allow a voter to get an absentee ballot due to risk or fear of illness including COVID-19 and ensuring all absentee ballots postmarked on or before Election Day or received by the Board of Elections without a postmark on the day after the Election will be counted. Ballots with a postmark demonstrating that they were mailed on or before Election Day will be counted if received by November 10.   

"The federal administration has ordered an unprecedented attack on the U.S. Postal Service and with COVID-19 threatening our ability to have safe, in-person voting, these measures are critical to ensuring a successful and fair election at one of the most important moments in our nation's history," Governor Cuomo said. "These actions will further break down barriers to democracy and will make it easier for all New Yorkers to exercise their right to vote this November." 

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said, "Voting access is one of the core foundations of our democracy. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we must ensure that no New Yorkers feel pressured to put their health and well-being at risk to exercise their Constitutional right to vote. I thank the bill sponsors for advancing this legislation, and my Senate Democratic Majority colleagues for their ongoing commitment to empower New York voters and Governor Cuomo for signing these bills."

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie said, "The Assembly Majority knows that democracy is best served when it is easier, not harder for Americans to vote. But the administration in Washington is once again proving that they do not value these critical democratic institutions, going as far as attacking the U.S. Postal Service to limit access to voting by mail. Here in New York, we will not stand for that. Earlier this year, we passed legislation to expand voters access to mail in voting, and we will continue to fight to make it easier and safer for New Yorkers to exercise their constitutional right to vote, and protect the integrity of our elections."

NYS Economy Added 244,200 Private Sector Jobs in July 2020


State’s Private Sector Job Count Grew Faster Than Nation’s

  In July 2020, the number of private sector jobs in New York State increased over the month by 244,200, or 3.6%, to 7,116,200, according to preliminary figures released today by the New York State Department of Labor. By way of comparison, the U.S. private sector job count grew by 1.3% in July 2020.

New York State's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased from 15.6% to 15.9% in July 2020. In July 2020, the number of unemployed New York State residents increased by 60,000, while labor force levels increased by 204,800. The increase in the unemployment rate — despite New York State adding 244,200 private sector jobs — may be explained by a combination of the use of different data sources for the two figures, the use of statistical regression models to determine the unemployment rate, a growing labor force, and the impact of out-of-state workers, among other factors.

The number of private sector jobs in New York State is based on a payroll survey of 18,000 New York businesses conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Monthly payroll employment estimates are preliminary and subject to revision as more complete data become available the following month. The BLS calculates New York State’s unemployment rate based partly upon the results of the monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) of approximately 3,100 households in the State.

Note: Seasonally adjusted data are used to provide the most valid month-to-month comparison. Non-seasonally adjusted data are valuable in year-to-year comparisons of the same month – for example, July 2019 versus July 2020.

See State and Area Job Data (opens in new window)
See Labor Market Overview (opens in new window)
See Jobs and Unemployment Fact Sheet (opens in new window)



  The Court’s decision is a victory and a vindication of New York State’s efforts to end the scourge of single-use plastic bags and a direct rebuke to the plastic bag manufacturers who tried to stop our law. DEC encourages New Yorkers to transition to reusable bags whenever and wherever they shop and to use common-sense precautions to keep reusable bags clean.

Governor Cuomo Announces New York's COVID-19 Hospitalizations Drop to Lowest Number Since March 18


518 Hospitalizations Yesterday

13th Straight Day with Infection Rate Below 1 Percent—0.74 Percent of Yesterday's COVID-19 Tests were Positive

ICU Patients Match Previous Low of 120—Lowest Since March 16

5 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

SLA and State Police Task Force Observes Violations of State Requirements at 3 Establishments

Confirms 601 Additional Coronavirus Cases in New York State - Bringing Statewide Total to 427,803; New Cases in 44 Counties

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that New York State's COVID-19 hospitalizations dropped to 518—the lowest number since March 18. Yesterday's infection rate of 0.74 percent marked the 13th straight day with an infection rate below 1 percent. The number of COVID-19 patients in ICUs dropped to 120, matching the state's previous low since March 16. The governor also updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The number of new cases, percentage of tests that were positive and many other helpful data points are always available at

"Our state's continuing fight against COVID-19 has taken tremendous hard work and discipline from all New Yorkers, and we're seeing results—a new low for hospitalizations, 13 straight days of an infection rate below 1 percent and a match of a previous low for patients in ICUs," Governor Cuomo said. "I want to commend New Yorkers for practicing the basic daily behaviors—social distancing, washing hands and wearing masks—that make an enormous difference in our capacity to slow the spread, save lives and bring the state's infection rate from one of the nation's highest to one of its lowest. But now isn't the time to get complacent, and local governments must continue to enforce state guidance and New Yorkers must stay vigilant in the face of a continuing crisis throughout this country and around the world."

Yesterday, the State Liquor Authority and State Police Task Force visited 1,230 establishments in New York City and Long Island and observed 3 establishments that were not in compliance with state requirements. A county breakdown of yesterday's observed violations is below:

  • Brooklyn - 1
  • Manhattan - 2

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Patient Hospitalization - 518 (-30)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 62
  • Hospital Counties - 28
  • Number ICU - 120 (-11)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 62 (+2)
  • Total Discharges - 74,406 (+78)
  • Deaths - 5
  • Total Deaths - 25,275

Governor Cuomo Signs Executive Order Extending Moratorium on COVID-Related Commercial Evictions Until September 20


   Builds on Governor's Actions to Protect Both Residential and Commercial Tenants from Eviction and Late Rent Fees amid COVID-19 Pandemic 

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed an executive order extending the state's moratorium on COVID-related commercial evictions and foreclosures an additional month, until September 20th. This measure extends protections already in place for commercial tenants and mortgagors in recognition of the financial toll the pandemic has taken on business owners, including retail establishments and restaurants. The extension of this protection gives commercial tenants and mortgagors additional time to get back on their feet and catch up on rent or renegotiate their leasing terms to avoid eviction proceedings and foreclosures moving forward. 

"While we have made great progress in keeping New York's infection rate low, this pandemic is not over and as we continue to fight the virus, we are continuing to protect New York businesses and residential tenants who face financial hardship due to COVID," Governor Cuomo said. "I am extending the State's moratorium on commercial evictions to ensure business owners across New York will not be forced to close as a result of the pandemic."  

Governor Cuomo first announced a State moratorium on residential and commercial evictions on March 20 to ensure no tenant was evicted during the height of the public health emergency. The commercial eviction and foreclosure moratorium was extended through August 20 by Executive Order, and the Governor signed the Tenant Safe Harbor Act and additional legislation to protect residential renters and homeowners from foreclosure or eviction due to a COVID-19 financial hardship. Governor Cuomo also ordered additional protection for residential renters from charges for late payment of rent and allowing tenants to use security deposits to pay rent for residential tenants.

Virtual Wave Hill


 It's been so great to have visitors back in the gardens. For those who haven't visited yet, reserve a ticket here. Weekly reservations open Monday, and the previous Friday for Wave Hill Members. And familiarize yourself with our safety guidelines before you go! To stay connected to Wave Hill virtually, check out what's new this week with our virtual programs:

Saturday, August 22, 10AM
“Throw it away” they say. And we say, “where is this place, ‘away?’” It’s been 100 years since women were given the right to vote in the United States, and since then women continue to shift culture in remarkable ways. Join Family Art Project as we look forward and beyond borders to learn from ecofeminism and women like Isatou Ceesay and Wangari Maathai who have used the resources around them to claim their place on earth and bring love and care to the land. Create bags to carry your own ecofeminist toolkit from upcycled materials that would otherwise be thrown ‘away’.

Sundays, through November 8, 9:30AM-10:00AM
Join mindful outdoor guide Cindy Olsen or dosha healer Sara Hart for the healing practice of “sit spot” nature meditation. This experience is open to all who wish to learn simple meditation activities, nature lovers or anyone with an ongoing practice. Your “sit spot” can be anywhere—outdoors in your favorite spot, or your favorite spot at home.

This event is brought to you digitally—and onsite, we hope, one day this fall—as we move through Wave Hill’s planned phases of reopening.

Tuesday, August 25, NOON
Join us for our final Eco-Urgency feature! Artist Alison Moritsugu discusses two of her paintings, We are the ash (Remnant) and We are the ash (Vestige), with Curator, Eileen Jeng Lynch. Both paintings were made in response to the presence of the invasive emerald ash borer, an insect destroying North America’s ash tree forests. They will also explore some of the linguistic and logistical parallels between the invasive ash borer and the current pandemic.

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS: Special restricted hours as New York City recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic: NOON–5:30PM, Thursday–Sunday.

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at



Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza today announced the City’s Back to School Pledge. The pledge, available here, outlines the City’s safety and health commitments to students, parents, and the school community prior to the start of the school year.
“With our record-low infection rate, New York City is the safest major city in America,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Our plan to reopen our schools is the most rigorous in the country, and I want parents to know that we are taking absolutely every precaution to keep their children healthy and safe.”
Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza: “We’re a few weeks away from the first day of school, and PPE deliveries are happening every day, families are getting their schedules, and schools are organizing their classrooms. Parents deserve to know our commitment to them, and that means health, safety, and a high-quality education, no matter what.”
Health and safety always come first:
  • PPE and cleaning supplies will be supplied to all schools, and DOE will have a 30-day supply on hand at all times—with a hotline for principals to call for immediate resupply for their schools
  • There will be a full-time nurse in every public school building
  • Any school building or room found to have inadequate ventilation will not be used by students or staff
  • Students and staff will practice physical distancing in all school buildings
  • Students and staff will wear face coverings throughout the school day; if they do not have them, they will be provided for free
  • Students will remain in pods for as much of the day as possible
  • We will place hand sanitizer in every classroom
  • City-run testing sites will prioritize free COVID testing and expedited results for school staff; free testing is also available to all students, families, and New Yorkers citywide
  • We are encouraging all DOE employees to be tested monthly
  • NYC Department of Health and Test + Trace Corps will immediately investigate confirmed cases to prevent spread of the virus
  • Schools will communicate with all students and families when there are confirmed cases in schools
  • When necessary, classrooms or school buildings will temporarily close to maintain safety of school communities and prevent spread of the virus
  • School buildings will close if the percentage of positive COVID-19 tests in New York City is 3% or more using a 7-day average—the most aggressive threshold in the nation
NYC Public Schools will be cleaned and disinfected, day and night:
  • All school buildings will be disinfected overnight, every night
  • High-touch zones will be cleaned multiple times throughout each day
  • Electrostatic disinfectors will clean surfaces daily with zero physical contact
Students will be learning five days a week, no matter what:
  • Whether in-person or online, students will study in supportive environments with rigorous academic standards
  • Remote students will interact with their teachers every day
  • Student schedules—both remote and in-person—will be preset and consistent to allow families to plan
  • Academic instruction will integrate social-emotional learning and trauma-informed care to support students holistically
  • Teachers will have time each day to engage one-on-one with students and families



The legislation will build on existing customer protections with a focus on rights during service outages and increased transparency.

  With parts of New York State, including the Bronx, still in the process of recovering from widespread power outages after Tropical Storm Isaias on August 4, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz announced plans to introduce legislation modernizing consumer protections for utility consumers. It supplements existing legislation from Assemblyman Dinowitz to create a statewide, independent Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate (A9572) as well as legislation to reform complaint procedures against utility providers by the Public Service Commission (A10682).


The modernized Utility Consumer Bill of Rights will propose reforms to utility provider procedure during service outages, such as what has frequently occurred in New York City during recent storms and heat waves. The legislation is intended to be part of a broader discussion about how to better regulate power companies to serve the interests of consumers, and proposed reforms will include:


1.     CLAIM REIMBURSEMENTS: Establish minimum standards for utility providers statewide with respect to length or scope of an outage triggering automatic financial compensation, limiting the length of processing time before a claim is paid to the consumer, acceptable forms of documentation when filing a claim for spoiled food or medication, and more.

2.     EMERGENCY SUPPORT LOCATIONS: Strengthen requirements for utility providers to offer cold storage alternatives, battery charging capability, and other necessary support services by increasing the minimum quantity and geographic distribution of emergency support locations          during a major outage.

3.     LIFE-SUSTAINING EQUIPMENT: Codify core temporary services that utility providers must offer to people with medical equipment that relies on electricity, such as alternate living accommodations or use of a backup generator.

4.     COMMERCIAL LOSSES: Expand an outdated definition of commercial services that are eligible for claim reimbursement by codifying language that addresses people who work from home and commercial activities beyond those involving perishable merchandise.

5.     TRANSPARENCY: Ensure all utility consumers are aware of their rights and what their obligations as a consumer are, such as reminding consumers on a regular basis to register any life-sustaining equipment and promptly report any outages to their utility provider.


The proposed legislation is still being drafted and will incorporate feedback received at the August 20 state legislative joint hearing on “Power and communication failures from Tropical Storm Isaias.” The scope of the proposal is expected to grow as the bill is discussed among legislators in coming weeks.


Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz said: “New Yorkers should not feel powerless even if their power is out. Utility providers have gotten more than their fair share of rate increases over the years, but consumers have only gotten worse and worse service in return. It’s time we demand more from the utility providers who hold exclusive rights to profit from the provision of essential services to our communities. I look forward to discussing my proposal for a modernized Utility Consumer Bill of Rights with my colleagues and am optimistic that we will be able to make tangible and impactful change that benefits working people in New York State.”


We would like to know why this was not done after Hurricane Sandy, and why did it take another major storm causing such widespread damage for this to happen?