Thursday, January 14, 2021

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces $180 Million Settlement Of Suit Against Toyota Motor Corporation For Decade-Long Noncompliance With Clean Air Act Reporting Requirements


Toyota Admits Conduct and Accepts Responsibility in Consent Decree; Agrees to Injunctive Relief and $180 Million Penalty

 Audrey Strauss, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Jeffrey Bossert Clark, the Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division (“ENRD”) of the U.S. Department of Justice, and Susan Bodine, Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”), announced today that the United States has filed and simultaneously settled a civil lawsuit against TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION, TOYOTA MOTOR NORTH AMERICA, INC., TOYOTA MOTOR SALES, U.S.A., INC., and TOYOTA MOTOR ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING NORTH AMERICA, INC. (“TOYOTA”) for systematic, longstanding violations of Clean Air Act emission-related defect reporting requirements, which require manufacturers to report potential defects and recalls affecting vehicle components designed to control emissions. 

Along with the civil complaint, the United States has filed a consent decree, agreed to by TOYOTA, that resolves the government’s complaint through TOYOTA’s payment of a $180 million civil penalty and the imposition of injunctive relief.  The $180 million penalty is the largest civil penalty for violation of EPA’s emission-reporting requirements.  The injunctive provisions require TOYOTA to follow compliance and reporting practices designed to ensure timely investigation of emission-related defects and timely reporting to EPA, and include training, communication, and oversight requirements.  The consent decree remains subject to a period of public comment and Court approval.

Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “For a decade, Toyota systematically violated regulations that provide EPA with a critical compliance tool to ensure that vehicles on the road comply with federal emissions standards.  Toyota shut its eyes to the noncompliance, failing to provide proper training, attention, and oversight to its Clean Air Act reporting obligations.  Toyota’s actions undermined EPA’s self-disclosure system and likely led to delayed or avoided emission-related recalls, resulting in financial benefit to Toyota and excess emissions of air pollutants.  Today, Toyota pays the price for its misconduct with a $180 million civil penalty and agreement to injunctive relief to ensure that its violations will not be repeated.”

Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Bossert Clark said:  “This settlement is yet another important milestone settlement for this Administration, and it continues our unwavering commitment to ensuring that our environmental laws as written, including EPA’s regulations, are rigorously enforced.

EPA Assistant Administrator Susan Bodine stated:  “For a decade Toyota failed to report mandatory information about potential defects in their cars to the EPA, keeping the agency in the dark and evading oversight.  EPA considers this failure to be a serious violation of the Clean Air Act.”

The complaint filed in Manhattan federal court today alleges that from approximately 2005 until at least late 2015, TOYOTA systematically violated Clean Air Act automobile defect reporting requirements designed to protect public health and the environment from harmful air pollutants.  

Clean Air Act regulations require manufacturers to notify EPA by filing an Emissions Defect Information Report (“EDIR”) when 25 or more vehicles or engines in a given model year have the same defect in an emission control part or an element of design installed in order to comply with emission standards and other EPA regulations.  The regulations also require vehicle manufacturers to file a Voluntary Emissions Recall Report (“VERR”) with EPA when they perform a recall to correct defects in emission-related parts, and to update EPA on the progress of such recalls through Quarterly Reports.  These mandatory reporting requirements are critical to the Clean Air Act’s purpose of protecting human health and the environment from harmful air pollutants:  They encourage manufacturers to investigate and voluntarily address defects that may result in excess emissions of harmful air pollutants, and provide EPA with important information about emission-related defects for use in its oversight of manufacturers.

For 10 years, TOYOTA routinely failed to comply with these reporting requirements.  During that time, TOYOTA materially delayed filing an estimated 78 EDIRs, filing many only when disclosing non-compliance to EPA in 2015, at which point some were as much as eight years late.  These EDIRs related to millions of vehicles with the potential to exhibit emission-related defects.  TOYOTA also failed to file 20 VERRs and more than 200 Quarterly Reports.

During the period of noncompliance, TOYOTA managers and staff in Japan knew that TOYOTA was no longer even attempting to determine whether it was aware of 25 instances of the same emission-related defect in a model year – the threshold requirement for filing an EDIR.  Rather than follow this legally required standard, TOYOTA unilaterally decided to file EDIRs principally when TOYOTA was required to file distinct reports with California regulators under a less strict standard – a standard that EPA had rejected as too lenient when TOYOTA had previously proposed to rely on it for federal reporting.  TOYOTA managers and staff in Japan repeatedly identified the discrepancy between TOYOTA’s procedures and the plain language of the federal requirements, but failed to bring TOYOTA into compliance. 

As a result of its conduct, TOYOTA deprived EPA of timely information regarding emission-related defects and recalls, and avoided the early focus on emission defects contemplated by the regulations.  TOYOTA’s conduct likely resulted in delayed or avoided recalls, with TOYOTA obtaining a significant economic benefit, pushing costs onto consumers, and lengthening the time that unrepaired vehicles with emission-related defects remained on the road.

In the consent decree lodged with the federal court today, TOYOTA admits, acknowledges, and accepts responsibility for the following:

  • Between approximately 2005 and late 2015, TOYOTA routinely filed emission defect reports to EPA materially late and, in many cases, failed to file such reports at all until a self-disclosure of non-compliance in late 2015.

Representations to EPA

  • In March and May 2002, at EPA’s request, TOYOTA and EPA representatives met to discuss TOYOTA’s internal process for identifying whether 25 instances of a specific emission-related defect exist in vehicles or engines of the same model year, requiring an EDIR filing.
  • At a first meeting in March 2002, TOYOTA described its EDIR process in which TOYOTA would investigate whether it had 25 defects only upon receiving 25 “product reports” from its dealers, but would supplement that review by filing an EDIR upon receiving warranty claims for an emission-related part in 4% of TOYOTA’s California fleet (a threshold requiring a separate filing to state authorities under California law).
  • At the meeting, EPA rejected this EDIR process as not timely considering warranty claims, despite the incorporation of the 4% California trigger. 
  • At a May 2002 meeting with EPA, Toyota presented its revised process.  Under that process, Toyota would commence an investigation to determine whether an EDIR filing was required when it had received warranty claims for an emission-related part for 1% of relevant vehicles nationwide; when it received 500 such warranty claims regardless of the percentage; or when it received 25 similar early warning reports.
  • TOYOTA noted internally that EPA seemed pleased with this approach, which EPA had described as “more stringent than California.”
  • In 2003, 2004, and 2005, as part of an annual review, TOYOTA submitted its May 2002 process in writing to EPA as an overview of its EDIR reporting program.

TOYOTA’s Conduct from Approximately 2005 to 2015

  • Without notifying EPA, in approximately 2005, TOYOTA stopped following the May 2002 EDIR process. 
  • In approximately 2005, TOYOTA began filing EDIRs primarily when filing the California reports triggered by the 4% threshold.  TOYOTA also filed EDIRs in a small number of instances when it was otherwise filing VERRs with EPA.
  • From approximately 2005 to 2015, TOYOTA stopped making any independent determination of whether 25 defects existed requiring an EDIR filing. 
  • Multiple times during this period, TOYOTA staff charged with preparing EDIRs identified that the plain language of the EDIR regulations called for filing an EDIR upon the identification of 25 defects, but that TOYOTA was not doing so.  These staff did not cause TOYOTA to change its practice.
  • As a result of this conduct, TOYOTA filed at least 69 EDIRs materially late.  Thirty-nine of these were filed materially late in the ordinary course of TOYOTA’s business.  In late 2015, TOYOTA self-disclosed another 30 that had not been filed at all.  Some EDIRs were ultimately filed as many as eight years after they were due.
  • Beyond EDIRs, TOYOTA also failed during this period to file 20 VERRs required for emission-related recall campaigns that it conducted and failed to file more than 200 Quarterly Reports related to such campaigns. 
  • Between 2005 and 2015, TOYOTA failed to provide its employees with adequate training, resources, or oversight to ensure that TOYOTA complied with its reporting obligations to EPA.
  • As a result of TOYOTA’s conduct, EPA did not timely receive mandated information regarding emission-related defects and recalls.

Notice of the proposed consent decree will be published in the Federal Register and the public will have the opportunity to submit comments on the consent decree for a period of at least 30 days before it is submitted for the Court’s approval.

Acting U.S. Attorney Strauss thanked the attorneys in EPA’s Air Enforcement Division, the program staff at EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, and the agents at EPA’s Criminal Investigative Division for their critical work on this case.  Acting U.S. Attorney Strauss also thanked the ENRD attorneys who assisted in the matter.

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - January 14, 2921


8,823 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,536 Patients in the ICU; 956 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 6.42%

202 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

"New York is pushing forward to conduct more tests, add to hospital beds and make it easier to get the COVID-19 vaccine across the state, but we need New Yorkers to stay vigilant and take safe precautions as the virus is still spreading," Governor Cuomo said. "Washing hands, wearing masks and social distancing are vital tools New Yorkers can use to stay safe, and local governments are bound to enforce state public health law. We're moving through a difficult period in our history, and I know COVID fatigue has set in and New Yorkers crave normalcy, but we will get through this together and come out on the other side." 

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 212,589
  • Total Positive - 13,661
  • Percent Positive - 6.42%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 8,823 (-106)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 1,120
  • Hospital Counties - 56
  • Number ICU - 1,536 (+35)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 956 (+32)
  • Total Discharges - 112,979 (+956)
  • Deaths - 202
  • Total Deaths - 32,379 



 Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams released the following statement after Senator Charles Schumer announced that President-elect Biden's administration will deliver New York roughly $2 billion in additional COVID-19 relief through FEMA.

"I am grateful for the President-elect's commitment to provide New York with an additional $2 billion in reimbursement of COVID-19 expenses through FEMA, relief that I and others had called for the incoming administration to provide- I thank Senator Schumer and the de Blasio administration for raising their voices in this call. This support is critical to meeting the needs of the public health crisis and helping address the budgetary and economic crises caused by the pandemic that saw New York as its epicenter. 

"As we await further details on the specific distribution of these funds, and assurances that the city's portion will be directly allocated, we also know that we will require much more action from both the state and federal government to facilitate a recovery centered on investment rather than austerity. We have an obligation to protect essential services and vulnerable populations with revenue from the wealthiest New Yorkers who have profited during the pandemic and funding from a federal government that has utterly failed in its response under Donald Trump."


 Today, Mayor Bill de Blasio presented New York City’s Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22).  


The FY22 Preliminary Budget is $92.28 billion. This budget:  


  • Demonstrates caution in the face of steep revenue shortfalls and risk of State cuts   
  • Is fiscally responsible — the budget is balanced and includes an agency wide Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEG)  
  • Makes critical new investments to defeat COVID-19 and put New York City on a path to recovery  


Read the FY22 Preliminary Budget here




This budget was crafted in light of the devastating impact COVID-19 has had on our city and economy. The City’s suffered a substantial $10.5 billion drop in its tax revenue over FY20-22; this includes a $1.5 billion decline since November in this fiscal year and the next.  


Property tax revenue declined by $2.5 billion dollars in FY22 due to a reduction in assessed property values, however this is partially offset by growth in Business and Personal Income taxes. This is the largest decline in property tax revenue since 1996.  




The City has had to spend $5.9 billion on COVID-19 related expenses, approximately $1.3 billion of which is not currently covered by federal reimbursement. The incoming Biden Administration recently announced he plans to raise the reimbursement rate to 100 percent, which will provide approximately $1 billion in immediate relief. But the federal government has so far failed to pass a COVID relief package with direct local aid that makes up for our revenue loss. With Democratic majorities in Congress, a federal COVID relief package must be passed to speed up recovery. With direct local aid, New York City can be made whole again.  




The State of New York has threatened to cut $8 billion from localities, which could mean up to $4 billion in cuts for New York City. In addition to aid from the federal government, the State should raise taxes on the wealthy to avoid devastating cuts that affect working people. The City will fight any cuts that harm New Yorkers, especially those concerning education, healthcare and Medicaid.   


Meanwhile, the Federal Government has allocated to New York State a total of $4 billion in federal stimulus aid for K-12 schools, and New York City is owed at least half (approximately $2 billion). The State must release this aid without supplantation. This money will go toward reopening costs the City has already incurred, reopening needs for September and closing the COVID achievement gap.  




Facing these challenges, New York City continues to demonstrate fiscal responsibility:  


  • Savings: In the Preliminary Budget, the City has achieved a total of $2.2 billion in savings over Fiscal Years 2021 and 2022 including $1.3 billion in PEG savings.  
  • Hiring and attrition management: The City has already reduced headcount by 7000 since January 2020. Using a 3:1 hiring ratio, the City will reduce this number further by 5000 positions in FY22, saving $349 million over FY21-22. This brings the total reduction to 12,000 since January 2020.  
  • Stronger pension system: The City Actuary is proposing changes that add savings in FY21-FY23 while reducing long term risk, including: allowing the City to use our pension investment gains now instead of having to wait and take them in increments over six years, and lowering the expected rate of return on City pension funds to strengthen the long-term solvency of our pension systems. This will save $430 million in FY21 and $300 million in FY22.  




The FY22 Preliminary Budget invests in critical needs and COVID-19 related recovery, including:  


  • Stop COVID with Test & Trace Corps: $200 million in FY21  
  • Learning Bridges for students in hybrid learning: $62 million in FY21  
  • Ensuring no New Yorker goes hungry by providing food relief through GetFood NYC: $52 million in FY21  
  • Social and emotional learning for our students: $35 million in FY22  
  • Continue the expansion of WiFi in shelters: $14M in FY21, $3 million in FY22  
  • Extra resources for answering 311 calls when traffic is high due to COVID-19: $10 million in FY21 and $10 million in FY22.  
  • 70,000 slots for Summer Youth Employment: $132 million in FY22 

Governor Cuomo Outlines 2021 Agenda: Reimagine | Rebuild | Renew


In 11th State of the State Address, Governor Advances Bold Agenda for Building New York's Infrastructure 

$306 Billion Infrastructure Plan - Largest in the Nation - to Invest in the Future of New York  

Historic $51 Billion Plan to Redevelop Manhattan's Midtown West Neighborhood, Including the Replacement of the Port Authority Bus Terminal 

Massive Investments to Bring the State's Airports and Transportation Infrastructure into 21st Century

Investing in Upstate Infrastructure to Spur Commerce, Tourism and Create Jobs

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today delivered his 2021 State of the State address. The Governor's 2021 agenda - Reimagine | Rebuild | Renew - features a suite of initiatives to not only begin reopening New York as the state continues its work to defeat the COVID-19 virus, but also investing billions into infrastructure improvements to build a new New York. As part of these efforts, Governor Cuomo has put forth a number of proposals focused on transforming Manhattan's Midtown West neighborhood, including building a new Port Authority Bus Terminal, rebuilding the state's airports, and improving transportation infrastructure to create jobs, spur economic development and bring existing infrastructure into the 21st century. 

Earlier this week, the Governor announced proposals to win the war against COVID-19, by addressing New York's short-term economic issues, ensure social and racial justice, and reopen the state while growing the green economy. 

"I sit in the office and live in the home occupied at one time by FDR. Part of Roosevelt's genius was that he understood that it was not the buildings and programs themselves that actually turned around the economy, it was the people," Governor Cuomo said. "Building new projects enhances day-to-day life. Seeing progress lifts peoples' spirits. And building with bricks and mortar also builds public optimism and confidence." 

Governor Cuomo continued, "History teaches us that when the private economy is lagging the public sector can spur activity. That when unemployment is high, the public sector can create jobs. That only the public sector can build the common economic platform for growth. Across the state, we're now building bigger and better, and laying the foundation for our future. Not even COVID stopped us. We used the period of reduced traffic to accelerate projects throughout the state. Altogether we are expanding our infrastructure plan to invest $306 billion in the future of New York. That's not just the largest infrastructure plan in New York history. It's the largest, most ambitious plan put forward by any state in the nation."


Midtown West Redevelopment in New York City: New York State has long led some of New York City's most successful and transformational macro-development projects, from Battery Park City to Roosevelt Island, to the transformation of Times Square. This year, the Governor has already announced the opening of the $1.6 billion Moynihan Train Hall, New York's most ambitious transportation and infrastructure upgrade in decades, and plans to extend the High Line to Moynihan Train Hall. In 2021, New York State will build on that progress to complete the buildout and connectivity of Midtown West with a bold transit-oriented development plan. The $51 billion plan will create 196,000 jobs, new outdoor spaces, affordable housing, improved public transit and pedestrian connections, and bring commercial and affordable housing opportunities to the burgeoning Manhattan neighborhood. The multi-faceted plan includes:

  • Replacing the Port Authority Bus Terminal: The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey will replace the outdated terminal with a new state-of-the-art facility to better serve the over a quarter million daily passengers. The project will not only reduce congestion on city streets and improve air quality but will transform mass transit to and from the West Side of Manhattan. Renderings of the future bus terminal are available here.
  • Developing the Empire Station Complex: With the completion of the Moynihan Train Hall, which opened to the public on January 1, 2021, the State will turn its attention to the existing Penn Station, just across the street. The State will start on a comprehensive $16 billion project to reconstruct the existing station and add track capacity. By acquiring property south of Penn Station, we can expand the complex to 40 percent more train capacity and at least eight additional underground tracks to cut down on delays and improve operations for the more than 600,000 passengers it serves daily. Renderings for the reconstruction of the existing station can be found here
    The signature transportation project will create nearly 60,000 direct jobs, and New York State stands ready to work with New Jersey Transit, Amtrak, and the federal government to share in this historic investment for the future of the region. The transformation of Penn Station also anticipates the Gateway Project, including two tunnels to bring more trains across the Hudson from the west and the renovation of the two existing tunnels, for a total of four train tunnels from New Jersey and beyond. 
  • Affordable Housing and Community Restoration: With the new transportation complex as a cornerstone, the Midtown West development will also include new housing and commercial development opportunities in the area. In total, the area spanning from Broadway to the Hudson will include up to 14 buildings that will yield more than 20 million square feet of retail, commercial, and residential development and provide up to 1,400 much-needed units of affordable housing in a transit, job, and amenity-rich community.
  • New Waterfront Park at Pier 76: Located west of the Javits Center and 36th Street, the State will transform Pier 76 from an NYPD car tow pound to a 5.6-acre expansion of Hudson River Park. In the short term, it can become a magnificent public space that allows visitor access to the waterfront while the Hudson River Park Trust develops plans for the Pier's long-term future. Renderings of Pier 76 are available here
  • Javits Center Expansion: The 1.2 million-square-foot, $1.5 billion expansion of the Jacob K. Javits Center will be completed in 2021, increasing capacity of the nation's busiest convention center by 50 percent. The expansion will include a rooftop pavilion and outdoor terrace for 1,500 people; a one-acre rooftop farm; a 54,000-square foot special event space with Hudson River views; 90,000 square feet of new exhibition space that will create 500,000 square feet of contiguous exhibition space; and a truck marshaling facility to reduce congestion and pollution. 

Modernizing New York Airports:

  • Continue to build the new LaGuardia Airport: New York will continue the historic $8 billion transformation of LaGuardia Airport. Upon receipt of a positive record of decision from the federal government, New York State will continue work on the $2 billion AirTrain LaGuardia. In addition, the vast majority of the roadway network will be completed this year and marks significant progress on Delta's new state-of-the-art terminal and concourses on the east side of the airport. When complete, the new LaGuardia will be the first new major airport built in the United States since 1995. The new LaGuardia will serve more than 30 million passengers per year and will have created 14,000 jobs. 
  • Continue the transformation of JFK Airport: New York State will continue the $13 billion plan to transform John F. Kennedy International Airport into a modern airport built for the 21st century. When complete, the brand new JFK will safely and efficiently serve more than 75 million passengers per year. The project is also slated to create nearly 30,000 jobs. As part of the JFK Airport transformation, the State is modernizing the Kew Gardens Interchange, which serves more than 200,000 vehicles daily. The final phase of this $700 million project will be complete in 2022. 
  • Upstate Airport Economic Development and Revitalization: Building on a $200 million investment through the Upstate Airport Economic Development and Revitalization Competition, the Governor will commit an additional $100 million in round two funding for continued renewal and modernization. Funding will include enhanced securityscreening, expanded and rehabilitated terminals, stateofthe-art boarding concourses and concession areas, and innovations in contactless technology. 

Improving Mass Transit for Millions of New Yorkers:

  • Phase II of Second Ave Subway Extension: The MTA remains in desperate need of further federal funding so it can continue its essential role in supporting the region. That said, it is committed to implementing its historic $51.5 billion 2020-2024 Capital Plan. Upon resolving funding uncertainty caused by COVID-19, MTA will get this program back on track with repair projects, signal modernization, and ADA accessibility projects progressing in 2021. Other projects supported include upgraded stations, thousands of new buses and train cars, and critical maintenance and upgrades for bridges, tunnels, and other infrastructure. In addition, with necessary multi-year federal support, MTA will further extend the Second Avenue Subway, from 96th Street to 125th Street. 
  • LIRR Third Track Project: The Long Island Rail Road's historic and transformative third track project will complete a new third track along a critical 9.8-mile section of LIRR's Main Line between Floral Park and Hicksville to increase track capacity, improve reliability, and significantly enhance service for LIRR customers. The $2.6 billion project also includes the construction of additional parking garages, the renovation of stations, new and renovated bridges, and modern track and signal infrastructure. By the end of 2021, MTA will have completed all eight of the grade crossing eliminations on the mainline, six of which will have new vehicular underpasses. 

Updates to Highways, Roads and Bridges: 

  • Access to Hunts Point: New York State will invest $1.7 billion to create direct access to and from the Bruckner Expressway and Sheridan Boulevard for trucks serving the Hunts Point Food Distribution Center. The highway redesign will take traffic off local roadways, significantly reducing both noise and air pollution in a borough with high asthma rates. The entire project is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2025. 
  • I-390/490 Interchange Improvements: In 2021, the State will complete a $150 million project to ease access and improve traffic flow along Route 31, Route 390, and the Interstate 390/490 Interchange in Monroe County. This interchange will serve as a vital connection for nearly 200,000 motorists daily. 
  • Re-deck the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge: The State will continue work on the Newburgh Beacon Bridge to complete a full deck replacement on the north span of the bridge over the Hudson River. Re-decking will improve roadway safety, drivability, and durability. This $95 million investment will be complete in 2022, nine months ahead of schedule. 
  • Replace the Syracuse I-81 Viaduct: The State will conduct an environmental and public review of its proposal to replace the Interstate 81 viaduct in Syracuse. This $1.9 billion project will connect communities and create opportunities for new residential and commercial development. The project is expected to break ground in 2022. 

Governor Cuomo also announced progress on a number of major infrastructure updates across New York State that invest in communities to open new public spaces, attract tourism, and create jobs. 

Buffalo Skyway: Governor Cuomo initiated a large-scale planning and design effort to maximize waterfront access and free up to 45 acres for development through the removal of the Skyway Bridge in downtown Buffalo and transform it into a spectacular park. New York State will complete the environmental review process this year and, with federal approval, will be ready to break ground this year. 

Albany Skyway Conversion: Through an $11.4 million partnership with the City of Albany, the State is converting an underutilized interstate exit ramp into an iconic linear park with a landscaped promenade, event spaces, and an accessible shared-use path connecting downtown Albany with the Arbor Hill and Sheridan Hollow neighborhoods, Albany's warehouse district, and the Corning Riverfront Park. Construction will be completed this year.

Binghamton University Health Sciences Campus: In 2021, Binghamton University will complete construction of its transformational, $287 million, 13-acre Health Sciences Campus in downtown Johnson City. This includes the 108,000 square-foot Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, which will welcome hundreds of students this Spring; a new 105,000 square-foot school of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences with more than 350 faculty, staff, and students; a new eldercare teaching clinic in partnership with Lourdes Hospital; and a pharmacological R&D facility. Overall this project will have created more than 225 new jobs and involved more than 200 construction jobs. 

New Mohawk Valley Health System Hospital in Utica: This year, work will continue on Mohawk Valley Health System's $548 million new state-of-the-art hospital in downtown Utica. The 672,000-square-foot, nine-story, 373-bed facility is projected to be completed by 2023. 

Complete the Belmont Arena: The Belmont Park Redevelopment is replacing 43 acres of underutilized parking lots with a 19,000-seat arena that will bring the New York Islanders hockey team back home to Long Island. The arena includes a world-class retail village, and a new hotel. New York Arena Partners is leading the 350,000-square-foot development, bringing $1.3 billion in private investment to the 115-year-old horse-racing facility. The project also includes the renovation of two nearby community parks, new community space, and the first new LIRR train station in 40 years. Construction is well underway, with completion of the arena slated for the 2021-2022 NHL season; east-bound LIRR service to open in fall 2021. In total, this project will create more than 12,000 direct and indirect jobs throughout construction and once completed.  

Bay Park Reconstruction: The State has been working with Nassau County on the $439 million Bay Park Conveyance Project to reduce nitrogen pollution by more than 50 percent and to connect the plant to an existing ocean outfall. This $1.2 billion-plus investment will result in dramatic improvements in the water quality while stemming the rapid degradation of the marsh islands that provide a natural barrier for flood protection for southern Nassau County. In 2021, construction will begin on the Bay Park outflow system. Renderings of the Bay Park project are available here.

ROC the Riverway: The Riverway Rochester redevelopment project, supported by a $50 million New York State investment, will achieve several key milestones in 2021 with more than half its projects reaching completion, including the expansion of the Blue Cross Arena Exchange Expansion and the West River floodwall projects, as well as the continued construction of the major overhaul to Charles Carrol Park.  

LEGOLAND: The 150-acre LEGOLAND theme park in Orange County will open this year. The $420 million investment will draw tourists back to New York after the pandemic and create approximately 1,000 jobs.  

New Whiteface Mid-Station Lodge: The Whiteface Mountain rebuilt a $14 million mid-station lodge following a devastating fire in 2019. The new lodge is open for the 2020-21 ski season with limited services and will be completed this year. 

Anti Senator Luis Sepulveda Rallies Across from Bronx Courthouse


There was a rally across from the Bronx Courthouse at 3 PM to demand that State Senator Luis Sepulveda resign for putting his hands around the neck of his wife Elizabeth, in what was called an attempt to choke her Saturday evening shortly after Senator Sepulveda had completed a virtual Bronx Borough President forum.  

Bronx Borough President candidate Sammy Ravelo and former 32nd Senate District candidate John Perez and a crowd of women were denouncing State Senator Luis Sepulveda upon him turning himself to police for the alleged charge of choking his wife. They called for Senator Sepulveda not only to withdraw from the Bronx Borough President's race, but to step down from the state senate also. There was a call also for the Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark that this complaint to be heard Supreme Court, and not in Family Court so the public will know exactly what happened.

Above- Bronx Borough President candidate Sammy Ravelo speaks as to why State Senator Luis Sepulveda should step down as not only a candidate for Bronx Borough President, but also from the State Senate.
Below Former candidate for the 32nd State Senate John Perez added to the reason why State Senator Luis Sepulveda should step down from the State Senate.

ZAP: DCP Launches New and Improved Digital Land Use Portal


For the first time, New Yorkers have direct and easy access to newly-filed applications online; and land use applicants can file and pay digitally.

 Department of City Planning (DCP) Director Marisa Lago today announced that the newly expanded and improved Zoning Application Portal (ZAP) allows New Yorkers to review and download land use applications currently in public review, including all related environmental review filings.

“Remember when you had to trek down to DCP’s offices or your local Community Board to review land use applications? Not anymore! ZAP is an intuitive, map-based website that lets all New Yorkers easily explore land use applications and their supporting documents. Having these documents available online means that elected officials, Community Boards and all members of the public can more easily access and digest the details of a land use proposal. ZAP brings added efficiency and transparency to the City’s planning work but, even more importantly, gives the public another tool to engage more fully in our public review process,” said DCP Director Marisa Lago.

This new ZAP ensures that the public has easy access to land use applications, drawings and project descriptions that were previously only available on paper, and through local Community Board offices. It also gives the public the opportunity to easily see all the details of an application before a public hearing. While these documents were previously shared with Community Boards, Borough Presidents and the City Council, now the public can type in any address and see active projects and adopted projects in their neighborhood, or even within 200, 400 or 1,000 feet of their home or their child’s school, for example.

Director Lago also announced a separate webpage where applicants for zoning changes can submit and pay for their land use applications online – a process that previously required making up to 15 copies of each application and a physical visit to the DCP offices to submit. Through the portal, applicants can see their submission status, along with a clear timeline of previous and next steps. This new, greener and more streamlined process for applicants will also allow the public to see applications filed in real time.

By Spring 2021, all active, filed projects will have all required supporting materials publicly available online.

“Technology always plays a huge role in making government work. In our city, it has to happen in a New York minute,” said Moses Gates, Vice President for Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Regional Plan Association. “We applaud NYC DCP for making this critical land use information easily available and for streamlining the online application process. This is a big step in making sure New York City continues to be a leader in civic technology and transparency.”

DCP is also initiating a work program to gradually make historical applications and project materials available online.

ZAP is an important addition to the DCP technology portfolio and is part of DCP’s commitment toward increased transparency and more accessibility for the public through well-designed, open source, web-based tools, including:

  • ZoLa, which provide zoning districts and associated information for any lot in the City
  • Population Factfinder, which provides any New Yorker the ability to quickly understand the demographics of any part of the five boroughs, and a range of deeper research options
  • Community District Profiles, which provide a robust, intuitive graphical overview of each of our 59 Community Districts, and handy comparison charts
  • Facilities Explorer, which provides an intuitive interface to explore where all City or State facilities lie within New York City, and who they serve

Department of City Planning
The Department of City Planning (DCP) plans for the strategic growth and development of the City through ground-up planning with communities, the development of land use policies and zoning regulations applicable citywide, and its contribution to the preparation of the City’s 10-year Capital Strategy. DCP promotes housing production and affordability, fosters economic development and coordinated investments in infrastructure and services, and supports resilient, sustainable communities across the five boroughs for a more equitable New York City.

In addition, DCP supports the City Planning Commission in its annual review of approximately 450 land use applications for a variety of discretionary approvals. The Department also assists both government agencies and the public by advising on strategic and capital planning and providing policy analysis, technical assistance and data relating to housing, transportation, community facilities, demography, zoning, urban design, waterfront areas and public open space.

351 Day and Counting


351 Days to a New Mayor.