Friday, December 31, 2021

Eric Adams, A Farewell for Now, Brooklyn.


As we get ready to welcome 2022, we reflect on the past year, which has not been easy by any metric. However, as Anne Frank once wrote: “Where there’s hope, there’s life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again.”

Despite the ongoing surge of the COVID-19 Omicron variant and the devastation Hurricane Ida wrought upon our communities in September, as well as the pervasive economic, racial, and social inequities that plague our communities, it’s easy to feel down, but Brooklynites are stronger when they stand together, and are never down for the count. I am filled with renewed hope that the coming year will bring us to places of greater equality, health, justice, and safety for all Brooklynites and New Yorkers. Yes, there is a lot of work that must be done, and no, it is not going to be easy, but in the words of the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who we lost earlier this week, “To choose hope is to step firmly forward into the howling wind, baring one’s chest to the elements, knowing that, in time, the storm will pass.”

If these past eight years have taught me anything about Brooklynites, it’s that when our communities face difficult times, I always see neighbors rise to lend a hand, whether bringing home-cooked meals to those who are homeless or homebound, or collecting clothing and toiletries for families whose home was tragically gutted by fire. Brooklynites always find a way to come together to help other Brooklynites. That is spreading love, the Brooklyn way!

And so, on this final New Year’s Eve of my borough presidency, and in the enduring spirit of One Brooklyn, I hope all of you reading will continue to do all you can to elevate and empower others in Brooklyn and beyond who may be less fortunate. When we welcome 2022, let’s resolve to do what we can to make this borough, this city, and this world a better place.

Wishing all of you a very happy, joyful, peaceful New Year!


2 Days and Counting


Today is my last official day as your mayor, however I will still be your mayor on January 1, 2022 until Eric Adams is sworn in as your new mayor. Be it one minute or hours, I will still be your mayor. I will make my decision on entering the governor's race or not after I am out of office so it does not interfere with my job as your mayor.

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year, hope that everyone is vaccinated, but as we see Governor David Patterson, I mean Kathy Hochul has said in her Executive Order 11.1 that the current vaccines we have do not stop the Omicron variant while still telling people to get vaccinated. So Kathy, what is it are the vaccine working, or is it just Kool Aid?

2021 AccessibleNYC - Report to Improve Quality of Life for People with Disabilities


AccessibleNYC provides a comprehensive report on current and planned initiatives by the City to improve quality of life for New Yorkers with disabilities in transportation, employment and financial empowerment, housing, health, access to City services and more. 

 The Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) has released the 2021 edition of the AccessibleNYC report. The report highlights the work of City agencies and its partners to continue to increase accessibility for people with disabilities. 

“Being the fairest big city in America means ensuring every constituent has their needs met,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I’m proud of the work Commissioner Calise, his team, and my administration have done to make our city a welcoming place for the nearly 1 million New Yorkers with disabilities who call New York City home, as well as those who visit every year. All are welcome here and all have access to the services and support they deserve.” 

"The 2021 AccessibleNYC underscores the de Blasio Administration's pledge to equity and transparency as we serve all New Yorkers, including individuals with disabilities, said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives J. Phillip Thompson. "The report shows the progress the City has made that we are confident our successors will continue to build on.” 

"We are proud to release the 2021 edition of AccessibleNYC," said Victor Calise, Commissioner of the NYC Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities. "Despite the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic continued to bring, we continued moving forward with our initiatives to provide access and inclusion in all aspects of life in our City.” 

Highlights from the 2021 edition of AccessibleNYC include: 


Zoning for Accessibility, which was passed by the City Council earlier this year, will help ensure that developers work with the City and MTA to set aside space where needed for station elevators, which will accelerate accessibility. 


MOPD’s person-centered employment program, NYC: ATWORK, launched in 2017, placed its 500th person with a disability in a real job with real pay. 


We have delivered more than 50,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to people in their homes. 

Digital Accessibility: 

The City adopted WCAG 2.1 as its web accessibility standard and, to increase transparency, committed to publishing audits of website accessibility on a rolling basis, not just as part of its biennial reports. 


The NYC Building Code was updated to include new requirements that will increase accessibility including a new requirement for accessible seating space at dining and drinking counters. 

For more information on these highlights and other work the City is doing to improve accessibility, the 2021 Edition of AccessibleNYC is available now at 

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19 - DECEMBER 30, 2021

 medical professionals preparing vaccine shots

145,481 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours    

76 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

“As the New Year approaches, it's more important than ever that we take the necessary precautions to keep each other safe in the face of the COVID winter surge," Governor Hochul said. “It’s up to all of us to make 2022 a safer, healthier year than 2021 was – get vaccinated, get boosted, mask up, and avoid large indoor public gatherings when possible.” 

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Test Results Reported - 336,469
  • Total Positive - 74,207
  • Percent Positive - 22.05%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 16.21%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 7,373 (+606)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 1,635
  • Patients in ICU - 1,020 (+58)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 518 (+19)
  • Total Discharges - 229,656 (+1,047)
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 76
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 48,325

    The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only. 
  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 61,242

    This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings. 
  • Total vaccine doses administered - 33,514,185
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 145,481
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 671,800
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 89.0% 
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 80.5% 
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 95.0%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 82.8%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 77.9%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 69.7% 
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 83.8% 
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 71.7%


Supports Implementation of State’s Ambitious Climate Law 

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner and Climate Action Council Co-Chair Basil Seggos today announced the release of the State’s first-ever statewide greenhouse gas emissions report compliant with the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). The report describes statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for 1990 through 2019, and will be produced annually as required by New York’s nation-leading climate law. The release of the report is a milestone in the State’s efforts to meet the requirements of the CLCPA.  

“The release of the first CLCPA-compliant, statewide report on greenhouse gas emissions advances New York’s efforts to implement our nation-leading Climate Law by providing a snapshot of greenhouse gas emissions, which will help ensure we achieve our aggressive target of net-zero emissions by 2050,” said Commissioner Seggos. “This annual report shows that while New York State has reduced emissions from several sectors over the last three decades, emissions from some sectors, including transportation, have increased, revealing that enormous challenges remain in our ongoing work to meet our emission-reduction targets. The report is a critical resource as we continue to act on climate and advance a just transition to clean energy that creates good jobs and supports a green economy for the future.”

“This report is critical to the ongoing work of the Climate Action Council and will certainly help inform strategic decisions on how New York State moves forward to transition to a green future,” said Doreen M. Harris, President and CEO of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and Co-Chair of the Climate Action Council. “More importantly, it gives New Yorkers reliable data at their fingertips so that they can also use this information to drive action and awareness on climate change and advocate for the progress we still need to make to ensure the health and safety of all who live and work in this great state.”

Under the CLCPA accounting, statewide greenhouse gas emissions have fallen six percent from 1990, and 17 percent from 2005. The report shows significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in the last 30 years in some economic sectors, notably a 46-percent reduction in emissions from electricity generation since 1990, and a 34-percent reduction from the industrial sector. However, emissions from the transportation and buildings sectors have both increased by 16 percent since 1990?, although emissions from both sectors have declined since 2005. The report’s findings will be used to help guide efforts to implement the CLCPA and reduce emissions. In addition, the report found that while carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced over the last three decades, hydrofluorocarbons and methane emissions have increased during the same time period. 

The report is expressed in tons of carbon dioxide equivalents from all greenhouse gas emissions and leverages the best available science and data to describe emissions statewide from all economic sectors. This report is the first in New York State and marks the first in the U.S. to account for greenhouse gas emissions associated with the generation of imported electricity and the extraction and transmission of imported fossil fuels using a 20-year Global Warming Potential for GHGs. In addition, the report describes the emissions reduced by the state’s lands and forests that will help New York reach its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. The annual report will aid in tracking the state’s progress toward its 2030 and 2050 emissions limits as codified in the New State Register in 2020.  

The report is posted to the DEC website at

New York State's nation-leading climate agenda is the most aggressive climate and clean energy initiative in the nation, calling for an orderly and just transition to clean energy that creates jobs and continues fostering a green economy as New York State recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Enshrined into law through the CLCPA, New York is on a path to achieve its mandated goal of a zero-emission electricity sector by 2040, including 70 percent renewable energy generation by 2030, and to reach economy-wide carbon neutrality. It builds on New York's unprecedented investments to ramp-up clean energy including over $33 billion in 102 large-scale renewable and transmission projects across the state, $6.8 billion to reduce buildings emissions, $1.8 billion to scale up solar, more than $1 billion for clean transportation initiatives, and over $1.6 billion in NY Green Bank commitments. Combined, these investments are supporting nearly 158,000 jobs in New York's clean energy sector in 2020, a 2,100 percent growth in the distributed solar sector since 2011 and a commitment to develop 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035. Under the Climate Act, New York will build on this progress and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent from 1990 levels by 2050, while ensuring that at least 35 percent with a goal of 40 percent of the benefits of clean energy investments are directed to disadvantaged communities, and advance progress towards the state's 2025 energy efficiency target of reducing on-site energy consumption by 185 trillion BTUs of end-use energy savings.

Comptroller Stringer, NYC Funds Release 2021 Shareowner Initiatives Postseason Report


Funds instigated crucial change in corporate policies with 85% of NYCRS shareowner proposals implemented, including 93% of proposals relating to workforce diversity data

 Today, New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer and the New York City Retirement Systems (“NYCRS”) released the 2021 Shareowner Initiatives Postseason Report highlighting a groundbreaking year of progress on climate change and diversity initiatives.

As portfolio companies faced the impact of the COVID pandemic, continued demands for racial justice, and economic upheaval, NYCRS launched initiatives to support employees and foster diverse, healthy and safe workplaces. NYCRS continued to demand corporate progress in achieving global climate goals by strategically engaging portfolio companies on their responsibility to reduce emissions and address the climate crisis.

“Business success in the 21st century requires measurable diversity from the boardroom to the shop floor and immediate action to address climate change,” said Comptroller Stringer. “In 2021, NYCRS took action to ensure that investors have the information necessary to hold companies accountable for their diversity and racial justice commitments, and to accelerate the necessary transition to a low-carbon economy.  These initiatives protect and create long-term shareowner value and provide retirement security to New York City’s active and retired employees.”

It was a year of consequential change, as NYCRS:

  1. Launched a successful national campaign, changing the corporate landscape and dramatically improving the disclosure of workforce diversity data by the largest corporations. Companies are now expected to publicly disclose their EEO-1 Report (which they already submit to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), which includes quantitative, reliable and comparable workforce diversity data concerning gender, race and ethnicity. As a result of the campaign, at least 84 current S&P 100 companies now disclose or have committed to disclose their report, up from approximately 14 S&P 100 companies prior to the launch of the July 2020 campaign.
  2. Negotiated agreements with 14 companies after submitting shareowner proposals to enhance board and executive diversity. Thirteen boards adopted policies to promote gender and racial/ethnic diversity in searches for corporate board directors, CEOs and other C-suite executives. An additional board enhanced its existing policy governing searches for highly compensated executives.
  3. Prompted leading U.S. automakers to set significant greenhouse gas reduction goals and report on the alignment of their climate-related lobbying activities with Paris Climate Agreement goal.
  4. Secured commitments from Southern Company, one of the nation’s largest electric power producers, to comprehensively review its board leadership structure, including consideration of an independent chair and the independent chair’s role in helping the company successfully meet its emissions reduction goal of net zero emissions by 2050.
  5. Voted on 149,396 individual ballot items at 15,517 shareowner meetings in 78 markets globally.

The Systems’ shareowner proposals drove much of their engagement and advocacy success. During fiscal year 2021, the Comptroller’s Office, on behalf of some or all the Systems, submitted shareowner proposals to 48 portfolio companies and subsequently withdrew 85% of the proposals after the companies agreed to take steps to implement the request. Five shareowner proposals went to a vote during the fiscal year, including two diversity-related proposals that received an incredibly high average of 85% support from investors.

Among other impactful initiatives, NYCRS supported the successful election of three dissident directors to the Exxon Mobil Board of Directors in the highest profile proxy contest of the season. The historic election of qualified candidates with crucial energy industry and environmental expertise to Exxon’s Board demonstrated that shareowners now expect “climate competent” boards.

The Report principally covers proxy voting and shareowner initiative outcomes for the 12 months ending June 30, 2021, consistent with NYCRS’ fiscal year.

The full report is available here.

Comptroller Stringer serves as the investment advisor to, and custodian and a trustee of, the New York City Retirement Systems. The New York City Retirement Systems are composed of the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, Teachers’ Retirement System, New York City Police Pension Fund, New York City Fire Department Pension Fund and the Board of Education Retirement System.

In addition to Comptroller Stringer, the New York City Retirement Systems’ trustees are:

New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS): Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Representative, John Adler (Chair); New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams; Borough Presidents: Gale Brewer (Manhattan), Sharon Lee (Queens), Eric Adams (Brooklyn), James Oddo (Staten Island), and Ruben Diaz, Jr. (Bronx); Henry Garrido, Executive Director, District Council 37, AFSCME; Tony Utano, President Transport Workers Union Local 100; Gregory Floyd, President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 237.

Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS): Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Appointee, John Adler; Chancellor’s Representative, Lindsey Oates, New York City Department of Education; Natalie Green Giles; and Debra Penny (Chair), Thomas Brown and David Kazansky, all of the United Federation of Teachers.

New York City Police Pension Fund (PPF): Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Representative, John Adler; Acting New York City Finance Commissioner Michael Hyman; New York City Police Commissioner Dermot F. Shea (Chair); Chris Monahan, Captains Endowment Association; Louis Turco, Lieutenants Benevolent Association; Edward D. Mullins, Sergeants Benevolent Association; Paul DiGiacomo, Detectives Endowment Association; and, Patrick Lynch, John Puglissi, Joseph Alejandro, and Anthony Cacioppo all of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association.

New York City Fire Pension Fund (Fire): Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Representative, John Adler; New York City Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro (Chair); Acting New York City Finance Commissioner Michael Hyman;  Andrew Ansbro, President, Robert Eustace, Vice President, Edward Brown, Treasurer, and Eric Bischoff, Staten Island Representative and Chair, Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York; Liam Guilfoyle, Captains’ Rep.; Paul Mannix, Chiefs’ Rep., and Jack Kielty, Lieutenants’ Rep., Uniformed Fire Officers Association; and, Peter Devita, Marine Engineers Association.

Board of Education Retirement System (BERS): Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza; Mayoral: Isaac Carmignami, Natalie Green Giles, Vanessa Leung, Gary Linnen, Lori Podvesker, Shannon Waite, Michael Kraft (Manhattan BP), Debrorah Dillingham (Queens BP), April Chapman (Brooklyn BP), Geneal Chacon (Bronx BP) and Peter Calandrella (Staten Island BP); Thomas C. Sheppard, Kathy Park Price, Natalie Green Giles, Russell Buckley, Chris Attianese, Shaun D. Francois; and employee members John Maderich of the IUOE Local 891 and Donald Nesbit of District Council 37, Local 372.



With this agreement, the City has reached pattern-conforming contract agreements for the current round of bargaining with approximately 93% of the unionized workforce

 Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced a tentative contract agreement with the Detectives' Endowment Association. Under this agreement, over 5,000 NYPD employees will receive wage increases consistent with the uniformed pattern. 

“NYPD Detectives work tirelessly to keep us safe, and this agreement honors that work by raising wages for 5,000 employees, consistent with our uniformed pattern,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.  “Eight years ago, the entire city workforce was working without contracts. Over two rounds of bargaining, I am proud to have partnered with labor to reach fair agreements that recognize the hard work of city employees.”


“I am proud to announce this deal, reached working side by side DEA President Paul DiGiacomo.  Every single New Yorker depends on the safety that DEA members help to provide, and this deal gives equitable, pattern-conforming increases to the detectives doing this essential work,” said Commissioner of Labor Relations Renee Campion.


“Our members overwhelming agreed that our months of negotiations had the result we wanted: pay increases and a contract of which we can be proud,” said Detectives’ Endowment Association President Paul DiGiacomo.


The term of the agreement is April 1, 2019 through May 31, 2022, including a contract extension of two months.  The wage increases will constitute 7.95% over three years, following the pattern of those negotiated with other uniformed unions:


·         4/1/2019: 2.25%

·         4/1/2020: 2.50%

·         4/1/2021: 3.00%


In addition, the agreement includes a recognition of the NYPD’s right to equip Detectives with body-worn cameras and includes the health care savings agreed upon with the Municipal Labor Committee.  The cost of this settlement in the current fiscal year, including retroactive payments going back to April of 2019, is approximately $150 million, which has already been funded.


The terms of the agreement must be ratified by DEA membership. 


With this agreement, the City has reached pattern-conforming contract agreements for the current round of bargaining with approximately 93% of the unionized workforce.  


Attorney General James Victorious in New York’s Opioid Trial


Jury Finds Teva Pharmaceuticals USA and Others Liable of Violating Rights of New Yorkers

Subsequent Trial to Be Held to Determine How Much Teva Required to Pay 

Teva Payment Will Be On Top of Up to $1.5 Billion for New York Already Negotiated by AG James

 New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after a jury voted that Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. and its affiliates were liable for the public nuisance charges made by New York state in its opioid trial in Suffolk County State Supreme Court:

“This is a significant day for New York state. This is a significant day for this nation. But, more importantly, this is a significant day for every family and community torn apart by opioids. 

“A jury has found an opioid manufacturer responsible for the death and destruction they inflicted on the American people.

“Teva Pharmaceuticals USA and others misled the American people about the true dangers of opioids, which is why, in 2019, I made a promise that our team would hold them and the other manufacturers and distributors responsible for the opioid epidemic accountable for the suffering that they have caused. 

“Today, I am left thinking about all those families that will never be whole again. For everyone who lost their life. For every parent who will never hold their child again. For every community that’s been devastated. But, today, we took a significant step in righting the wrongs this country has collectively experienced over the last two decades. 

“I am eternally grateful to the trial team and all the staff in the Office of the Attorney General, who put in countless hours on our opioids litigation. Without them we wouldn’t be delivering more than $1.5 billion to New York state to invest in opioid treatment, recovery, and education programs.

“While no amount of money will ever compensate for the human suffering, the addiction, or the lives lost due to opioid abuse, we will immediately push to move forward with a trial to determine how much Teva and others will pay.” 

A subsequent trial will now be held to determine how much Teva and others will be required to pay, which will be added to the up to $1.5 billion Attorney General James has already negotiated for the state of New York from different opioid manufacturers and distributors.

In March 2019, Attorney General James filed the nation’s most extensive lawsuit to hold accountable the various manufacturers and distributors responsible for the opioid epidemic. In addition to Teva, the manufacturers named in the complaint included Purdue Pharma and its affiliates, as well as members of the Sackler Family (owners of Purdue) and trusts they control; Janssen Pharmaceuticals and its affiliates (including its parent company Johnson & Johnson); Mallinckrodt LLC and its affiliates; Endo Health Solutions and its affiliates; and Allergan Finance, LLC and its affiliates. The distributors named in the complaint were McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health Inc., Amerisource Bergen Drug Corporation, and Rochester Drug Cooperative Inc. 

Earlier this month, an agreement with Allergan was reached that will deliver up to $200 million to New York state and Nassau and Suffolk counties for opioid abatement, as well as make enforceable a bar that stops Allergan and all of its subsidiaries, predecessors, and successors from selling opioids in New York and acknowledges Allergan’s prior exit from the opioid business.

In September, an agreement with Endo was reached that has already delivered $50 million to New York state and Nassau and Suffolk counties to combat the opioid crisis.

In July, a settlement with McKesson, Cardinal Health, and Amerisource Bergen that will deliver up to $1 billion to New York state to combat the opioid epidemic was announced.

In June, a settlement that ended Johnson & Johnson’s sale of opioids nationwide and that will deliver $230 million to New York alone was announced.

The deals with Johnson & Johnson, McKesson, Cardinal Health, and Amerisource Bergen have a global value of approximately $26 billion.

The cases against Mallinckrodt and Rochester Drug Cooperative are now moving separately through U.S. Bankruptcy Court.

Attorney General James continues to push to hold Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family accountable for their role in fueling the opioid crisis.

Pursuant to the new law establishing the opioid settlement fund, all funds collected by the state from opioid settlements or litigation victories will be allocated specifically for abatement efforts in communities devastated by the opioid epidemic and will not go towards the state’s general fund.

Separately, but related to her work on opioids, this past February, Attorney General James co-led a coalition of nearly every attorney general in the nation in delivering more than $573 million — more than $32 million of which was earmarked for New York state — toward opioid treatment and abatement in an agreement and consent judgment with McKinsey & Company.