Monday, January 3, 2022

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW By Former Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz District 18, Bronx County


Congress Members Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) And Jamaal Bowman Voted Against The Bronx Metro North Station

 You Should Know that Alexandria Ocasio Cortes and Jamaal Bowman are two, out of the six, Democrats that voted against the “Infrastructure Bill” that allocates much needed funds to “Penn Station” that will enable the construction of four (4) new Metro North Train Stations in Bronx County.
This “No” vote by these two Bronx Democrat Representatives’ (Congressmembers AOC, and Bowman) is not only disgusting, disheartening but also a betrayal to the residents and the constituents who elected them to be their voice in Congress and serve the communities of Coop City, Morris Park, Soundview, and Parkchester.
It is important for you to know that the development of these 4 Metro North train Stations will be a huge blessing for the County of the Bronx, its residents, and the city of New York as a whole.  These (4) Metro North Stations, and the vision of bringing them to fruition was due to the negotiations, plans, logistics, and overall costs back then when I was serving as a member of the New York State Senate. It took much work, persuasion, and influence from The Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., who convinced Governor Andrew Cuomo, to approve this infrastructure project and include 1.7 billion dollars into the State’s budget for the Construction of these (4) Metro North Stations in the Bronx.
The 1.7 billion dollars assigned by Governor Cuomo for this transportation project in the Bronx, originally only included the funding for the development of these (4) Metro North Stations. However, for this project to be realized, federal dollars would be needed to redevelop “Penn Station”. Only then the Bronx Metro North Project can move forward making it a reality.
It is important for you to know, that the vision of these (4) Metro North Train Stations were revealed on Wednesday January 21,2015 during Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “State of the State Address.” 
Before more than 3,000 people, among them many dignitaries, legislators, television cameras attending the “State of the State Address”, the Governor, while announcing his plans for developing the transportation infrastructure for the Bronx said: “We want to build (4) MTA stations in the Bronx, to open up that side of the Bronx.”  Upon hearing the governor say this, I immediately shouted out “Hoo-rah!” Obviously, I shouted loud enough to be heard by the governor. He replied to my outburst, pointing toward me, he said jokingly “I have a name for one of these stations, the Diaz Station, we’re going to call it, Ruben Diaz Station.” 
Mr. Duncan Osborne referred to the Governor’s joke when he referred to the “Diaz Station” remark in an article appearing in “The Gay City News” dated January 22, 2015. Also, Laura Nahmias from Capital News, and Mona Salama from ANM News, they both tweeted about the Governor’s, “Joke” regarding the name of one of these stations.   
Now my dear reader, after seven (7) years of the Bronx Borough President’s office attempting to help bring this vision for the Bronx to fruition, thanks to Senator Chuck Schumer’s efforts the “Infrastructure Bill” was recently passed, against the will of Congressmembers Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Jamaal Bowman, both who are the representatives for the area targeted for the construction of these (4) Metro North Train Stations.   
I am former NYS Senator and former NYC Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is What You Should Know.



Mayor Eric Adams: Good morning, good morning. Good to get back to school, you know, on this chilly day. So we are going to be brief because I do not like the cold. So we – listen, we're really excited about the opening of our schools and we want to be extremely clear, the safest place for our children is in a school building, and we are going to keep our schools open and ensure that our children are in a safe environment. If you look last year – 2020, you witness that the transmission rate was less than one percent inside a school. In a household it was over 15 percent, but it was more than just COVID. Our children were exposed to an environment of crime, of uncertainty, it really traumatized parents that did not have childcare. The remote learning aspect of it was terrible for poorer communities, particularly those children that lived in homeless shelters, or lived – were housing insecure. The food aspect, schools provide primary meals for many students in this city. And then the socialization, we saw an increase in suicide – attempted suicides. We saw children that were exposed to dangerous environments. Schools play a role of safety and stability for our children, and that is why the Chancellor and I, and an entire team of educators across the city, we have been so focused on keeping our schools open and sending that message. We're not sending an unclear message of what is going to happen day to day, I'm going to tell you what's going to happen day to day, we are staying open. We're going to do everything that we have to do to keep our schools open, and I know there's questions about staffing, and I know there's question about testing. There's a lot of questions, but we're going to turn those question marks into an exclamation point, we're staying open. We're going to make sure our children are in safe spaces, and something happened over the last days, from Wednesday on, that did not show on the radar of New Yorkers. We took over 1.5 million test kits, mobilized our educators, Michael Mulgrew from the UFT, the Chancellor, his team, NYPD, other city agencies, and we placed test kits in every school in the Department of Education, so when the teachers and staff and principals returned, they had to test kits on the ground. Seamless coordination of how city agencies are supposed to come together to do what I say all the time, what my administration is going to be known for, GSD, get stuff done. We're going to get stuff done in this city to make sure we can focus and operate. 


So, I want to thank this entire team here, the principal and their administrators. I want to thank my partners in government, Councilman Salamanca, and the amazing Borough President of the borough of the Bronx, Vanessa Gibson, and all the leadership team in school community that that are here, that they go beyond the call of duty to provide for our children. And we're here today to say to them, we have your backs, to allow you to do your job in a rightful way. And I'm proud of my Chancellor and his focus and determination to create an environment where we will raise healthy children and educate them to the fullness of their ability to function and be productive citizens in our society. So I'm going to take a step back, turn the microphone over to the Chancellor of the City of New York. David Banks, Chancellor. 

Schools Chancellor David Banks: Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. It's certainly my pleasure to be here this morning on a first day back to school for the new semester, and the beginning of a new day, I think in New York, for all of our young people. And I'm particularly happy to be here in the Bronx, and I feel like I'm back in my old stomping grounds. I was a principal for many years, just a few blocks from here, and so I know this area very well when I was the founding principal of the Bronx School for Law Government and Justice, as well as the Eagle Academy, and so I'm certainly happy to be here. The Mayor already mentioned some of the elected officials who are here, but I also wanted to acknowledge Assembly Member Jackson, Council Member Stevens as well, thank you so much for being here, appreciate you, you beautiful son as well, thank you. Really important – this school that we happen to be at, we're here for a particular reason, because these are - these schools that, that were with sharing time with you this morning, are very focused on not just excellence, but their ability to work together as schools is critically important. As I just want to take a moment and acknowledge the principals who are here today and their staff,  Principal Sorden and Principal Hoggard. Where are you? Please wave so everybody can see you, because what you are doing here today is absolutely – there she is, Principal Sorden, superstar, and you need to know that, her school is a Blue Ribbon School. It's one of the best schools in the city and around the country, and it's an example of what we want to lift up in this work, and we need everyone else around the city to understand the kind of work that you do, and how others can learn from that. But for Principal Hoggard, we’re here because, as well, this is a District 75 school that you have, and the issues and the challenges. So we’re here very intentionally, because the Mayor said, I want to be in a place where there's a District 75 population, because it's critically important that you know that we see you, we respect you, we're going to support you and give you all that you need in order to continue to be successful. So we want to thank you so much, Principal Hoggard and your entire staff, who's out here as well, freezing in the cold, amazing. I'm so proud to stand here today, shoulder to shoulder with not only Mayor Adams, but every single educator, school leader, social worker, guidance counselor, food service employee, custodian, and school safety agents who come to school every day to serve our children, and we want to thank them very, very much. We have worked night and day with our partners in City Hall, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Test and Trace Corps, and I want to do a special shout out to the NYPD because of the work that they did in working with the Governor's office to ensure that we got all the test kits that we needed to ensure that all of our kids will be safe. So big shout out everybody, please, for all of those Mayoral agencies, and the NYPD who worked so hard to make sure that all of our children would be safe here today. We want to thank them so much.  


Today we're announcing a Department of Education COVID Command Center, where principals and district leadership can immediately address and escalate any issues they need help with, including ensuring that our buildings have the staff that they need to safely operate. This escalation protocol will support our school leaders across the city and help to keep our doors open. Our schools are safe by design, at every school, when someone walks into the building, they have to pass a health screening, that building has fully functioning ventilation, universal mask usage, and every adult is vaccinated. These measures make schools the safest environments for young people to be in, just as our Mayor said, safer than any other public place where these measures are not generally enforced. There is less COVID in our schools than in the community, and when a case does occur, it is not likely to be passed along. Today, we have 1.5 million rapid test kits on hand. When there is a case in school, we will test every close contact, isolate positive cases and keep the rest of our young people safely learning. This is on top of the work that we've done improving ventilation, universal mask usage, and physical distancing. Finally, we cannot forget vaccination. All of our in school staff are vaccinated, and we urge every parent with a child who is not yet vaccinated, please do it today. I know every parent takes the health of their child very seriously. My guarantee, today, is that we are not relaxing our standards, we're reinforcing them. We owe it to our children to bring all our resources to bear to support schools staying open. We’ve seen what isolation does to all of us, and we know that it impacts our young people even more. We owe it to our children to do everything we can to keep our schools safe, and to keep them open. We have a lot of work to do, a lot of work ahead of us, to ensure that every child is attending a great school, that we’re authentically engaging parents, and serving all of our students regardless of their family's income, or if they have a disability. But today, today I'm thankful that our young people are in school safely. What our public schools do every day, to be very clear, is a miracle. Safely bringing together over one million New Yorkers of all different backgrounds to learn and grow with each other. My commitment to each of them is that I will work with Mayor Adams and every other member of his team to keep these schools safely open. Thank you so much.

Mayor: When a Mayor has swagger, the city has swagger. We've allowed people to beat us down so much that all we did was wallow in COVID. It’s we did, and we no longer believed this is a city of swagger. This is a city of resiliency. And all of these messages out there of what is going to happen? What is going to happen? We're going to survive. And your message, your direct comment, your forcefulness matching yours and matching the rest of ours, we're not going to be defined by COVID, by crime, by economy. And you know why? Because we've went through some stuff. All of us, all of us have went through some stuff. So, this is nothing to those who have gone through a lot. We’re going to be here and turn our city around. That’s why I got so much swagger. We need a Mayor of swagger. We need a Council Woman with swagger. We need Assembly Women with swagger. We need a Borough President with swagger. We need a Chancellor with swagger. We need a Police Commissioner with swagger. This is New York. It's a privilege to live in New York, and the leadership should have that swagger, that's what was what has been missing in this city. 

Governor Hochul Announces Appointments to Fill Vacancies in the Third Department, Appellate Division


 Governor Kathy Hochul today announced three appointments to fill vacancies in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, Third Department. The justices selected today will bring their experience on the trial courts, impressive legal credentials, strong judicial temperament and commitment to justice to the Third Department. These jurists reflect the excellence and diversity of the judicial system throughout New York State.

“New Yorkers deserve the best and the brightest upholding their justice system, and I have no doubt that these three appointees will serve with honor and distinction,” Governor Hochul said. “With diverse experience and background, I am proud to appoint these justices to the Appellate Division and am certain that their service will further the interests of justice for New Yorkers.”

The Governor appointed Supreme Court Justices Lisa Fisher, Andrew Ceresia and Eddie McShan to fill three vacancies on the Appellate Division, Third Department. The Third Department covers twenty-eight counties in Upstate New York, ranging from the mid-Hudson Valley to the Canadian Border and as far as west as Schuyler and Chemung counties in the Southern Tier.

Honorable Lisa Fisher

Lisa Fisher serves as Justice of the Supreme Court in the Third Judicial District since she was elected in 2015. Prior to the Supreme Court, Justice Fisher was an Assistant Public Defender of the Family Court Division at the Ulster County Public Defender’s Office from 2011 to 2014. Justice Fisher previously worked as a Sole Practitioner from 1994 to 2013.  She also served as a Court Attorney for Honorable Edward T. Feeney at the New York State Office of Court Administration from 1999 to 2007 and a part-time Staff Attorney for Ulster County Department of Social Services until 2001.Justice Fisher earned a J.D. from Shepard Broad College of Law at Nova Southeastern University and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of South Florida.

Honorable Andrew G. Ceresia

Andrew Ceresia has served since 2017 as a Justice in the Third Judicial District of the Rensselaer County Supreme Court.  From 2011-2016, Justice Ceresia was an Acting Justice in the Third Judicial District of the New York State Supreme Court. Concurrently, he was a Judge of the Rensselaer County Court from 2009 to 2016. In 2009, Justice Ceresia was appointed a County Court Judge by Governor David A. Paterson. From 2005 to 2009, he served as an Appellate Court Attorney in the Third Department of the Appellate Division of the NYS Supreme Court. In 2005, Justice Ceresia was an Acting Judge in for the City Courts of Albany, Rensselaer, and Hudson. He also served as a Town Judge for North Greenbush from 2004 to 2009. Justice Ceresia was an Attorney at Carter, Conboy, Case, Blackmore, Maloney, and Laird from 1999 to 2004. From 1998 to 1999, Ceresia was an Appellate Court Attorney in the Third Department of the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court. Justice Ceresia obtained a J.D. from Albany Law School and a B.S. from SUNY Oneonta.

Honorable Eddie McShan

Since his election in 2020, Eddie McShan has served as an Associate Justice in the First Judicial Department of the Appellate Term of the New York State Supreme Court. Justice McShan also serves as a Justice in the Twelfth District of the New York State Supreme Court. Additionally, Justice McShan is an Adjunct Professor in the Business and Paralegal Department at Bronx Community College CUNY since 1998. At the New York State Supreme Court, he was an Acting Justice from 2016 to 2018 and a Hybrid Acting Justice in 2015. From 2013 to 2018, Justice McShan was a Judge on the Civil Court for New York City. He served as a Special Referee for the New York State Supreme Court from 2008 to 2012. At the New York State Supreme Court, Justice McShan was the Principal Law Clerk for Justice LaTia Martin from 1999 to 2008 and Associate Law Clerk for Justice Frank Torres from 1998 to 1999.  He also was an Associate Attorney in the Law Offices of Ronald Pelligra from 1994 to 1998. Justice McShan obtained a J.D. from the College of Law at Syracuse University, an M.P.A from The Maxwell School at Syracuse University, and a B.A. in Sociology from St. Lawrence University.

The Judicial Screening Committees for each of the four Appellate Departments review the applications and conduct interviews of dozens of applicants. Only those applicants deemed “highly qualified” by the Committees were submitted to the Governor for her consideration. To be found “highly qualified,” candidates must display integrity, independence, leadership, intellect, legal ability, judgment, temperament, and experience.

State Senator Gustavo Rivera on his Birthing Center Accreditation bill being signed into law



State Senator Gustavo Rivera issued the following statement after Governor Kathy Hochul signed his Birthing Center Accreditation bill into law (S1414A/A259A Gottfried) last Friday:

"New York's maternal mortality crisis is one of our State’s most urgent public health emergencies. I want to thank Governor Hochul for recognizing this issue as such and signing this important bill into law. For decades, birthing centers have fully functioned in various states as spaces where expectant mothers can safely give birth outside the hospital setting basically eliminating unnecessary medical interventions. Unfortunately, in New York, that has not been the case. These centers have faced an unnecessary logjam in their approval process.

This new law will clear the way to approval. It will: 

  • Establish an expedited review process for Midwifery Birth Centers (MBCs) by requiring the New York State Department of Health to schedule the review of all Midwifery Birth Center applications at the next Public Health and Health Planning Council (PHHPC) meeting scheduled.

  • Establish criteria for Midwifery Birth Center applications to be reviewed by PHHPC.

  • Require the Commissioner of Health (COH) to work in consultation with representatives of the midwifery community in developing regulations and requirements for the establishment and operation of MBCs.

  • Require the COH to modify standards to harmonize any competing or contradictory standards for MBCs to maximize their intent.

"I am fully aware that the work is far from over. However, by streamlining the process by which these birthing centers are established and operate, we are taking one significant step towards reversing our State’s maternal mortality crisis. Further, this law will empower midwives as professionals as they will be able to provide safe and effective maternal care at the spaces that were designed for them to lead. 

We all remember the story of Amber Isaac who tragically died in childbirth leaving behind a grieving husband and a newborn. We cannot allow more women, particularly women of color who are already facing significant health disparities and sheer medical racism, to continue meeting Amber's faith. 

I want to thank all the advocates for bringing this issue to the forefront and working tirelessly to make this happen. I am sure that these midwifery centers will make a difference for many women who deserve to give birth safely and with dignity." 


Yes this is an important issue, but where is the State Senate Health Committee Chair on the issue of COVID, an the latest variant called Omicron? Governor Hochul say in her Executive Order 11.1 that the current Omicron variant of COVID i not being stopped by the vaccines being used. Where Is the State Senate Health Committee Chair State Senator Gustavo Rivera on the issue, and what are you doing Senator Rivera?

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19 - JANUARY 2, 2022

 Clinical specimen testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

25,649 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours        

83 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.          

“New Yorkers returning to schools and workplaces on the first weekday of 2022 should take every possible precaution to stop the spread of COVID-19,” Governor Hochul said. “We all know the tools that keep us safe: vaccines, boosters, masks and tests. Let's all do our part and take these common-sense precautions, so New York can defeat the winter surge and come back stronger than before.” 

Today's data is summarized briefly below:      

  • Test Results Reported - 275,563  
  • Total Positive - 62,526  
  • Percent Positive - 22.69%  
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 20.87%   
  • Patient Hospitalization - 8,773 (+322)  
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 1,518  
  • Patients in ICU - 1133 (+21)   
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 567 (+13)   
  • Total Discharges - 233,423 (+1,239)
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 83  
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 48,581
    The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only.      
  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 61,242
    ​​​​​​​This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.  
  • Total vaccine doses administered - 33,766,807  
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 25,649  
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 661,258  
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 89.2%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 80.6%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 95.0%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 82.9%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 78.1%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 69.8%    
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 84.0%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 71.8%      

Governor Hochul Signs Landmark Legislation Bringing Transparency and a Comprehensive Regulatory Structure to Otherwise Unregulated Pharmacy Benefit Managers

Governor Kathy Hochul New York State Seal

Legislation S.3762/A.1396 Will Require Licensure and Registration of Pharmacy Benefit Managers

Legislation Will Bring Transparency to Pharmaceutical Costs and Allow Consumers to Make More Well-Informed Choices About Their Healthcare 

 Governor Kathy Hochul has announced the signing of legislation S.3762/A.1396 which provides for licensure and registration of pharmacy benefit managers. The bill also sets forth duties and obligations that PBMs must follow when performing services and allows the department of financial services to enforce the law and receive complaints from consumers, pharmacies, and healthcare providers. 

“In the midst of a global public health crisis, it’s crucial that we take every opportunity to improve the health care system and reduce costs for New Yorkers,” Governor Hochul said. “This landmark law creates the most comprehensive regulatory framework in the country for Pharmacy Benefit Managers, increasing transparency for consumers and shedding light on the cost of prescription drugs. Navigating costs associated with medications and insurance can be difficult, so I am proud to sign this legislation to make it that much easier.” 

Legislation S.3762/A.1396 requires licensure for pharmacy benefit managers and specifies their duties and obligations as service providers. This bill also allows the department of financial services to receive complaints when a PBM violates the law and will ensure PBMs abide by standards established by law and regulation. 

Acting Superintendent of Financial Services Adrienne A. Harris said, “The Department of Financial Services stands ready to implement this historic legislation which has been a long-standing priority of the Department. The regulation of Pharmacy Benefit Managers represents the next important step in tackling the impacts of high prescription drug prices on consumers and health insurance premiums. We are proud that Governor Hochul has secured the most comprehensive PBM regulatory regime in the country and are confident we will finally bring needed reforms to this previously unregulated industry.”

Senator Neil Breslin said, "The PBM industry has gone unregulated for long enough. PBMs, both here in New York and across the country have taken advantage of the lack of transparency at the expense of patients' well-being. This patient centered legislation will hold PBMs to a standard of excellence that is required by all other stakeholders in our health care delivery system. Thank you to Governor Hochul for signing this critically important piece of legislation."

Assemblymember Richard Gottfried said, “PBMs are widely recognized as major players in driving up drug costs. They’ve been a black box operating in secret without effective regulation, and PBM mistreatment of independent pharmacists is getting worse as health plans merge with chain pharmacies. This new law will provide effective oversight and transparency in this sector of the health care system. I thank Governor Hochul, Senate sponsor Neil Breslin, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, and my Assembly colleagues Kevin Cahill and John McDonald for their hard working turning this bill into law."


We have to ask these two elected officials, Governor Hochul, and the rest of the state legislature this one question. What took so long?

Jackpot Climbs to $522M for Monday Night's Powerball Drawing


Three $50,000 Winning Powerball Tickets Sold for New Year's Day Drawing

 The New York Lottery today announced that three third prize tickets worth $50,000 for the January 1, 2022 Powerball® drawing were purchased in New York. The winning tickets each have four matching numbers and the Powerball.  

There were no winning tickets sold for the $518.7 million Powerball jackpot, which is estimated to be $525 million for Monday night’s drawing

The three prize-winning tickets were purchased at the following locations:

  • Popular Card and Gift on Union Boulevard in West Islip
  • Royal Mini Mart on Hampton Street in Sag Harbor 
  • Smokes 4 Less on Main Street in Fishkill

The winning numbers for the Powerball drawing on January 1 were: 27-29-45-55-58 and the Powerball is 2. Players can securely check their tickets on the New York Lottery app.

The winning numbers for the Powerball game are drawn from a field of one to 69. The Powerball number is drawn from a separate field one to of 26. The Powerball drawing is televised every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11 p.m.

About the New York Lottery

The New York Lottery continues to be North America's largest and most profitable Lottery, contributing $3.59 billion in fiscal year 2020-21 to help support education in New York State.

New Yorkers struggling with a gambling addiction, or who know someone who is, can find help by calling the State's toll-free, confidential HOPEline at 1-877-8-HOPENY (1-877-846-7369) or by texting HOPENY (467369). Standard text rates may apply


Saturday, January 1, 2022

Cleveland Postal Service Manager Sentenced to Prison for Stealing Packages Containing Drugs


 U.S. Attorney Bridget M. Brennan announced that Anthony Sharp, 31, of Euclid, Ohio, was sentenced on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, by Judge Donald C. Nugent to 10 years in prison after Sharp admitted to stealing packages from the U.S. Mail that he suspected contained drugs.

Sharp pleaded guilty in August of 2021 to conspiracy to distribute controlled substances, possession with the intent to distribute controlled substances, money laundering and theft of mail.

According to court documents, the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General (USPS OIG) began an investigation into Sharp, a Cleveland Postal Service Manager, based on suspicion that Sharp was profiling U.S. Mail suspected to contain cocaine, fentanyl and methamphetamine and stealing the packages.

In July of 2021, USPS OIG special agents and postal inspectors observed Sharp arrive at a Cleveland Postal Service processing facility to help sort Express Mail.  Sharp was then observed removing three packages from the mail stream and placing them in a hamper to be transported to his facility.  Once the Express Mail was sorted, Sharp was observed loading all the Express Mail for his facility, including the three packages suspected of containing drugs, into his vehicle.

Sharp was then observed leaving the facility, opening several parcels and arriving at the postal facility that he managed.  Later, Sharp left the facility and was detained during a traffic stop.  A search of his vehicle produced the three packages which were opened and contained methamphetamine, cocaine and fentanyl.  Law enforcement officers also observed additional Express and Priority Mail parcels opened in the trunk of the vehicle. 

This case was investigated by the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General and U.S. Postal Inspection Service.