Friday, April 15, 2022

NYC Launches New Neighborhood Data Website that Will Help Communities Plan a More Equitable Future


The New York City Department of City Planning (DCP) Director Dan Garodnick joined Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Commissioner Adolfo Carrión Jr. today to announce the new online Equitable Development Data Explorer. The interactive website, designed to facilitate public engagement around issues of housing affordability, racial equity and community displacement, will serve as a central simple-to-navigate resource for New Yorkers to find critical information about their neighborhoods and equip residents with the data for planning a more equitable future for New York City and its neighborhoods.

“We are at a point in our city where every community must do its part to ensure we finally tackle the housing crisis, and we want to approach this issue equitably and intentionally. The new Equitable Development Data Explorer will be a helpful tool in better understanding the state of our housing needs as we strive to house all New Yorkers,” said New York City Chief Housing Officer Jessica Katz. “I applaud the teams at HPD and DCP for their efforts in bringing this new resource online and look forward to working with them and all communities as we build and preserve the affordable housing our neighbors deserve.”

“With the city’s persistent housing crunch and a worsening national housing crisis, protecting New Yorkers against displacement pressures requires us to act on multiple levels – delivering support to tenants and delivering more housing and jobs across our city. This data explorer is part of our commitment to advancing equity in all our policies, at the citywide and neighborhood scale. We want to thank the City Council, the Racial Equity Coalition, HPD, and so many other partners for helping to lead the way in the creation of a new and important data resource that will help advance equity in our city,” said Dan Garodnick, Director of the Department of City Planning.

“NYC’s new Equitable Development Data Explorer is a powerful tool for integrating race and social equity into conversations about the future of our city,” said HPD Commissioner Adolfo Carrión Jr. “I believe that a more fair, affordable city for all New Yorkers starts with community-focused, data-driven dialogue about the challenges and opportunities facing our neighborhoods. This tool will support our conversations and collaborations as we work towards a more equitable future. Thank you to all who provided feedback over the last month and to our partners at the Racial Impact Study Coalition, The Furman Center, and Citizens Housing & Planning Council.”

The new data explorer can be utilized by the public and city planners to inform discussions about equitable development. New Yorkers can use the explorer to generate a visual representation of key neighborhood characteristics to easily explore data about housing, demographic, and public health data, among others. The explorer also allows users to compare this information across neighborhoods and racial and ethnic groups to identify trends and disparities. The Displacement Risk Map, for example, illustrates relevant data sets that may indicate displacement risk like household incomes and rising rents.

Centralizing this information and making it operational for all types of users is one of the many objectives of the data explorer and supports Where We Live NYC, the City’s fair housing plan. For more information on the data explorer, please see this press release, issued by DCP and HPD earlier this year.

Public engagement has been – and will continue to be – essential to helping the City shape and improve the Equitable Development Data Explorer over time. To ensure it’s easy to navigate and understand, DCP and HPD held a series of public meetings and collected written feedback about the data explorer from January through March 2022.

“Our racial impact study law, which passed last year, will fundamentally change how our city approaches land use, how we grow and develop, how we create new opportunities without harming longstanding communities,” said Public Advocate Jumaane Williams. “This equitable development data explorer, developed as a result of the law and in line with public input, is an important resource to help New Yorkers initiate discussion of the impact of projects and proposals in their neighborhoods, and for community members, advocates and elected officials to take action to take action to ensure that any development truly advances the needs of their communities without displacing the people and businesses that have helped define it.”

“It is critical for the City and New Yorkers to have a clear understanding of housing affordability, racial equity, and displacement risks within communities in order for our policies to address these priority issues,” said New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams. “This new data tool and the requirement for certain land use applications to include Racial Equity Reports, established by Council legislation, will help provide communities and City government with the instruments to better evaluate the impact of development. I thank Land Use Chair Salamanca and Public Advocate Williams for championing the legislation, the Racial Impact Study Coalition for their advocacy, and DCP and HPD for its role in implementing these important tools that can help advance equity.”

“Across the country, 20th century housing policies have disproportionately discriminated against black and brown populations, including in communities that many of my colleagues and I represent in the City Council,” stated Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Chair of the Committee on Land Use (17th Council District, The Bronx). “Despite an objective to further fair housing, many communities of color have found that their concerns about being priced out of their neighborhoods were marginalized in discussions about proposed developments. It's with this history in mind that Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and I led the fight for the enactment of Intro 1572. Creating the foundation for a more equitable housing landscape across our city, the legislation crafted a system in which private and city-sponsored applications will have to declare how their projects measure up to the City’s policies for affirmatively furthering fair housing through the issuance of a 'Racial Equity Report on Housing and Opportunity.' Drawing information from the newly created Equitable Development Data Explorer, which launched today, this mandated report has the potential to be a nationwide model for ensuring government and private housing land use actions represent the communities they wish to develop in. I thank Public Advocate Williams, the Department of City Planning, the Department of Housing Preservation & Development, and housing advocates for their partnership in seeing this pivotal moment through.”

“Today RISC celebrates the release of New York City’s Equitable Development Data Explorer, created by the passage of LL 78. For the first time, we have a tool that we can use to see disparities in communities and ground needed debates about the likely impact of proposed new developments. The gap between what we want to know and what information is now available is smaller today. We did this,” the Racial Impact Study Coalition said in a statement. “New Yorkers will be able to use this tool to become more informed on the effect certain land use actions could have on a community or region before it’s too late. Ultimately, the success of this tool will be evaluated on whether the data provided and the conversations it facilitates lead us to more equitable decisions that advance fair housing and address community priorities.”

“As a research organization, Citizens Housing & Planning Council firmly believes that housing and planning policies must be grounded in accessible and transparent data. DCP and HPD are national leaders in using data to reveal and contextualize our issues,” said Sarah Watson, Interim Executive Director for CHPC. “We’re so grateful they are continually committed to launching tools like the Equitable Development Data Explorer so we can make informed decisions about how to steer our housing policies for the most equitable and impactful outcomes.”

The data explorer was developed with active participation from the Racial Impact Study Coalition (RISC), Furman Center, and Citizens Housing & Planning Council (CHPC).

This data explorer is the result of Local Law 78 of 2021, adopted by the City Council last summer. The data explorer also builds on work done over the past several years by DCP and HPD, with support from many other City agencies, to make data related to development more available and to advance more accessible and inclusive planning around community investments.

Per the legislation, the data explorer also supports the creation of Racial Equity Reports for Housing and Opportunity, which will be required for some land use applications entering public review after June 1, 2022. The Reports, which will be prepared by the applicant and reviewed by the public, will draw data from the data explorer and include a narrative statement of how the project relates to the City’s goals to affirmatively further fair housing and promote equitable access to opportunity.

Find out more and explore the new Equitable Development Data Explorer on the DCP and HPD websites.

 Department of City Planning

The Department of City Planning (DCP) plans for the strategic growth and development of the City through ground-up planning with communities, the development of land use policies and zoning regulations applicable citywide, and its contribution to the preparation of the City’s 10-year Capital Strategy. DCP promotes housing production and affordability, fosters economic development and coordinated investments in infrastructure and services, and supports resilient, sustainable communities across the five boroughs for a more equitable New York City.

In addition, DCP supports the City Planning Commission in its annual review of approximately 450 land use applications for a variety of discretionary approvals. The Department also assists both government agencies and the public by advising on strategic and capital planning and providing policy analysis, technical assistance and data relating to housing, transportation, community facilities, demography, zoning, urban design, waterfront areas and public open space.

Department of Housing Preservation and Development
The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) is the nation’s largest municipal housing preservation and development agency. Its mission is to promote quality housing and diverse, thriving neighborhoods for New Yorkers through loan and development programs for new affordable housing, preservation of the affordability of the existing housing stock, enforcement of housing quality standards, and educational programs for tenants and building owners. For full details visit and for regular updates on HPD news and services, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @NYCHousing.

NYPD and Partners Announce Plan for Crime Stoppers Rewards


Several Members of the Public Who Came Forward with Tips to Share Credit

 The Police Department on Friday, with its partners in the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the Transport Workers Union Local 100, and the New York City Police Foundation, announced that several members of the public who provided critical information about a suspect in Tuesday’s subway shooting are in line to share a combined $50,000 worth of Crime Stoppers rewards.

After Tuesday morning’s attack on the subway in Brooklyn, the NYPD issued a plea for help in locating a suspect identified by detectives – and several members of the public came forward with timely, accurate information that helped locate and apprehend the alleged shooter, Frank R. James.

NYPD detectives traced the many tips that streamed into the NYPD and constructed a timeline of events leading to Mr. James’s apprehension on Wednesday afternoon in Lower Manhattan. Members of the department’s Detective Bureau identified five individuals whose information contributed directly to the arrest of Mr. James – approximately 30 hours after the mass attack.

Each of the five individuals performed actions that, under the established Crime Stoppers procedures, elevate them to be considered for receiving reward money. The plan is for the combined $50,000 reward – comprised of contributions from the Police Foundation, the MTA, and TWU Local 100 – to be split evenly among those identified individuals.

The proceeds will flow to those five individuals in line with the standard criteria for distribution of all Crime Stoppers rewards, which is only upon the arrest and indictment of an individual. The Crime Stoppers process affords tipsters anonymity. Federal officials have charged Mr. James, 62, with carrying out an attack on a mass transit system and he has been ordered held without bail after a brief, initial appearance on Thursday in Brooklyn federal court.

"The public is who we serve, but they are also often our best partner," said Police Commissioner Keechant L. Sewell. "We appreciate all of those who responded to our call for information to locate this suspect, including all of those whose tips did not pan out. We urged the public to join us in this effort to find this suspect and New Yorkers stepped up."

“Thanks to the help of these five good Samaritans, the NYPD was able to do its job and get a dangerous suspect off the streets just hours after his picture was released,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. "The bravery of these five individuals are what truly make New York City the greatest city in the world. Thank you to the MTA, the Transport Workers Union Local 100, and the New York City Police Foundation for providing this $50,000 reward."

"The NYPD is a great partner in protecting millions of subway riders every day,” said MTA Chair and CEO Janno Lieber. “Witnesses who came forward with tips that helped detectives and federal agents put away the maniac accused of a horrific attack on our city acted the way we encourage New Yorkers to help each other – See Something, Say Something."

Susan L. Birnbaum, the President and CEO of the New York City Police Foundation, said: "The New York City Police Foundation is proud to have stepped forward with immediate funds to increase the reward and drive more attention to the urgent need to capture the person behind a terrible attack on New Yorkers."

"Transport Workers Union Local 100 applauds these alert tipsters," said Transport Workers Union Local 100 President Tony Utano. "They helped police pinpoint the location of this very dangerous criminal so he could be taken into custody. We now look forward to prosecutors taking the next step: Ensuring he never has the freedom to walk our streets or ride our subway trains again."

Permits Filed For 2183 Morris Avenue In Tremont, The Bronx


Permits have been filed for a nine-story residential building at 2183 Morris Avenue in Tremont, The Bronx. Located between East 182nd Street and Anthony Baez Place, the lot is two blocks from the 182-183 Streets subway station, serviced by the B and D trains. Arben Mitaj of Euro Tech Developers is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 84-foot-tall development will yield 37,726 square feet designated for residential space. The building will have 60 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 628 square feet. The masonry-based structure will also have a cellar and a 30-foot-long rear yard.

Badaly Architects is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits will likely not be needed as the lot is now vacant. An estimated completion date has not been announced.

NYS Office of the Comptroller DiNapoli: State Fiscal Year 2021-22 Tax Revenues $3.3 Billion Over Final Projections


NYS Office of the Comptroller Banner

Tax collections for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2021-22 totaled $121.1 billion -- $3.3 billion higher than forecast by the Division of the Budget (DOB) in the Amended Executive Budget financial plan released in February, and more than $30 billion higher than DOB’s initial forecasts from May 2021, according to the March State Cash Report released today by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

Tax collections for SFY 2021-22 were $38.8 billion higher than the previous year. However, receipts in SFY 2021-22 include $16.4 billion in business tax collections from the new Pass-Through Entity Tax (PTET), which was not included in SFY 2021-22 Enacted Budget projections. PTET proceeds are expected by the Division of the Budget to be offset by lower personal income tax (PIT) collections in subsequent years. Excluding the PTET, overall tax collections were $13.6 billion higher than initial forecasts from May 2021.

“The state ended the fiscal year in a good position due to higher than projected receipts and lower than projected spending,” DiNapoli said. “I’m pleased to see deposits were made to the rainy-day fund reserves to set aside some of the state’s gains. Following through with plans to increase these formal reserves should remain a priority in light of continuing economic challenges and significant new spending commitments made recently in the Enacted Budget.”

PIT collections totaled $70.7 billion, exceeding prior year collections by $15.7 billion or 28.5%. PIT collections exceeded February Financial Plan projections by $2.6 billion and projections from the Enacted Budget by $9.7 billion, supported by strong withholding collections as well as an extra collection day in March.

Consumption and use taxes, which include sales tax receipts, totaled $19.6 billion, exceeding the prior year total by $3.5 billion or 21.7%. Collections were $363.3 million higher than the latest projections and just under $1.5 billion higher than initial projections. 

Business tax collections totaled $27.7 billion which was $18.9 billion higher than the previous year. This includes $16.4 billion in the PTET (which is anticipated to be offset by reduced PIT revenue in subsequent years). Not including the PTET, annual growth would have been $2.5 billion or 28.5%. Total business tax collections exceeded the latest projections by $5.6 million and initial projections by $18.1 billion. Without the PTET, business tax collections would have exceeded the latest projections by $285 million and initial projections by $1.7 billion.

All Funds spending totaled $209.3 billion, which was $22.8 billion, or 12.2%, higher than last year. Total spending was $3.6 billion lower than the most recent projections and $452.4 million higher than initial projections. The General Fund ended the fiscal year with a balance of $33.053 billion, an increase of $23.9 billion from opening balance. This includes $4.5 billion of federal fiscal recovery funds made available through the American Rescue Plan. Financial plan management actions taken by DOB at the end of the year include:

  • $7.6 billion in debt service prepayments and debt defeasance, which was $4.7 billion higher than the most recent forecast;
  • $724 million set aside for public employee health insurance costs;
  • $843 million was deposited to the state’s two rainy day reserves, which was $32 million lower than anticipated; and
  • Undesignated funds in the General Fund balance (Refund Reserve) totaled $29.7 billion, which was $2.6 billion higher than last anticipated. This includes $16.4 billion in PTET proceeds.

March Cash Report

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19 - APRIL 15, 2022

 Clinical specimen testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

As New Yorkers Make Preparations to Travel and Gather with Loved Ones For Easter and Passover Holidays, Remember to Use the Toolkit: Vaccines, Boosters, Testing, and Treatment

9 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday 

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

Important Note: Effective Monday, April 4, the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is no longer requiring testing facilities that use COVID-19 rapid antigen tests to report negative results. As a result, New York State's percent positive metric will be computed using only lab-reported PCR results. Positive antigen tests will still be reported to New York State and reporting of new daily cases and cases per 100k will continue to include both PCR and antigen tests. Due to this change and other factors, including changes in testing practices, the most reliable metric to measure virus impact on a community is the case per 100,000 data -- not percent positivity.

"This holiday weekend will be a time of celebration for many of us, making it all the more important that we take the proper precautions against the spread of this virus," Governor Hochul said. "There are two new and highly contagious variants circulating, so if you are travelling get tested, and if you test positive please stay home and consult your doctor on available treatments. Be smart, wear your mask if you're around vulnerable family members and think it's necessary, and make sure the friends and family you are spending time with are vaccinated and boosted if eligible."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Cases Per 100k - 34.47
  • 7-Day Average Cases Per 100k - 28.88
  • Test Results Reported - 137,654
  • Total Positive - 6,737
  • Percent Positive - 4.71%**
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 4.68%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 1,216 (+30)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 253
  • Patients in ICU - 147 (+3)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 63 (-3)
  • Total Discharges - 293,129 (+226)
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 9
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 55,265

** Due to the test reporting policy change by the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and several other factors, the most reliable metric to measure virus impact on a community is the case per 100,000 data -- not percent positivity.

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only.

  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 70,488

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.

  • Total vaccine doses administered - 37,934,699
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 37,045
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 233,438
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 92.2%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 83.5%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 95.0%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 86.5%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 12-17 with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 82.8%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 12-17 with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 72.9%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 81.7%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 73.9%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 89.9%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 76.5%
Each New York City borough's 7-day average percentage of positive test results reported over the last three days is as follows **:


Tuesday, April 12, 2022 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022 

Thursday, April 14, 2022 









New York 










