Thursday, September 8, 2022

Official AOC Campaign - We flipped the script on climate change.


Labor Week with Team AOC

We’ve come a long way from 2017 when Alexandria first publicly referenced something called "The Green New Deal" in a tweet that garnered 7 likes and 0 retweets.1

Today, the Green New Deal has reshaped the national conversation around climate change. Where reducing carbon emissions and creating jobs were once seen as at odds, the GND promises to create millions of union jobs while building the infrastructure our country will need for clean energy. And first up for those jobs will be workers from traditional energy sectors like coal and fracking — that’s what a just transition looks like.

Some of the largest unions in the country have backed the GND — from Service Employees International Union (SEIU), to National Nurses United, to the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (among many more!). The GND enjoys support from working people everywhere, in part because renewable energy could employ more than 40 million people by 2050.2

The GND has done more than just reshape the conversation. In August, the President signed into law the largest-ever investment in climate change. The money will go towards creating 9 million new jobs in clean energy, clean manufacturing, environmental protection and green transportation. And this Spring, Congress passed millions in federal funding for 60 Green New Deal certified community projects — all of which will create jobs reducing carbon emissions and making our communities more resilient to extreme weather.3

It has been our pleasure to share the importance of our continued support for the labor movement with you this week, and we’re not done yet! Stay tuned for more union wins and explainers on how they make our vision for socialism stronger.

In solidarity,

Team AOC

1 - New Yorker,  2 - IRENA and Gizmodo,  3 - Team AOC

Attorney General James and District Attorney Bragg Announce Indictment of Steve Bannon for Fundraising Fraud


 New York Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg today announced the indictment of Stephen K. Bannon, 68, and his Florida-based not-for-profit corporation We Build the Wall, Inc. (We Build the Wall) for a year-long fundraising scheme in which they defrauded thousands of donors across the country out of more than $15 million to line their own pockets, and then laundered the proceeds to further advance and conceal the fraud. A New York State Supreme Court grand jury indictment charged Mr. Bannon and We Build the Wall with two counts of Money Laundering in the Second Degree, a Class C Felony, two counts of Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, a Class E Felony, one count of Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree, a Class E Felony, and one count of Conspiracy in the Fifth Degree, a Class A Misdemeanor. Mr. Bannon is scheduled to be arraigned today before State Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan in Manhattan at 2:15 p.m.

“There cannot be one set of rules for everyday people and another for the wealthy and powerful — we all must play by the same rules and must obey the law,” said Attorney General James. “Mr. Bannon took advantage of his donors’ political views to secure millions of dollars which he then misappropriated. Mr. Bannon lied to his donors to enrich himself and his friends. We will continue to take on fraudulent behavior in every corner of society, including white collar criminals, because no one is above the law. I thank District Attorney Bragg for his close partnership on this matter and commend the dedicated teams at the Attorney General's Office and the Manhattan District Attorney's Office for their hard work.”

“It is a crime to turn a profit by lying to donors, and in New York, you will be held accountable,” said District Attorney Bragg. “As alleged, Stephen Bannon acted as the architect of a multi-million dollar scheme to defraud thousands of donors across the country — including hundreds of Manhattan residents. Each and every day, my office works to ensure that when New Yorkers hand over money, they know where it’s going and who it’s going to — without any smokescreens or false promises. I thank Attorney General James for her partnership, as well as the numerous attorneys, investigators, analysts, and so many more from both my office and the Attorney General’s Office that have worked so diligently to bring today’s indictment.”

According to court documents and statements made on the record in court, from January 11, 2019, through December 31, 2019, We Build the Wall, through Mr. Bannon and others, represented that all of the money donated to We Build the Wall would be directed toward the organization’s stated purpose of building a wall on the border of the United States and Mexico using private funds. Mr. Bannon and others specifically represented that none of the donations would be used to pay the salary of We Build the Wall’s president, who stated on multiple occasions that he was taking no salary from We Build the Wall. In reality, We Build the Wall paid its president more than $250,000 in 2019, despite the organization’s promises to the contrary.  

We Build the Wall also attempted to obscure those payments by laundering them through third-party entities, including another not-for-profit corporation controlled by Mr. Bannon. Mr. Bannon facilitated more than $100,000 in salary payments to We Build the Wall’s president by directing We Build the Wall to transfer money to Mr. Bannon’s organization, and then paying We Build the Wall’s president from that intermediary organization.

In August 2020, Mr. Bannon and three others were indicted by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York for crimes related to We Build the Wall’s fundraising scheme. On January 20, 2021, Mr. Bannon received a presidential pardon on the federal matter from former President Donald J. Trump.

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) thanks District Attorney Bragg and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office (DANY) for their continued partnership and collaboration.

The OAG Investigations Division and the Public Integrity Bureau are part of the Division for Criminal Justice, which is led by Chief Deputy Attorney General José Maldonado and overseen by First Deputy Attorney General Jennifer Levy.

Criminal charges are accusations. Defendants are presumed innocent unless and until found guilty at trial or by plea.

Brooklyn-Based Manager Of Money Laundering Operation Sentenced To 48 Months In Prison In Connection With $5 Million Online Vehicle Sale Scam


A Second Defendant Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison

 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that NATALIA KORZHA and VLADISLAV NECEAEV were sentenced today in Manhattan federal court to conspiracy to commit bank fraud in connection with a scheme to launder money derived from an online vehicle sale scam that generated at least $5.3 million from dozens of defrauded consumers.  KORZHA was sentenced to 48 months in prison and NECEAEV was sentenced to 18 months in prison by U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres, before whom they previously pled guilty.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said:  “Natalia Korzha and Vladislav Neceaev opened or caused others to open fraudulent bank accounts that were used to launder millions of dollars in criminal proceeds from an online vehicle sale scam.  Without those fraudulent accounts, online fraudsters would not be able to profit from their illegal schemes.  Korzha and Neceaev now face terms of imprisonment and will be required to forfeit their ill-gotten gains.”

In imposing these sentences, Judge Torres said that KORZHA and NECEAEV caused “real harm to [the victims’] financial well-being” and noted that victims reported having been hurt “mentally, emotionally and physically.”

As alleged in the Complaint and the Indictments, and based on statements made in court:    

From at least March 2019 through approximately March 2021, KORZHA managed a money laundering operation based in Brooklyn that included co-defendant VLADISLAV NECEAEV and others.  With KORZHA as coordinator, NECEAEV and other co-conspirators opened numerous bank accounts in the name of shell companies for the purpose of laundering money stolen from consumers who were trying to buy vehicles online.  In exchange, the defendants received a cut of the victims’ money. 

Other members of the conspiracy, pretending to represent car dealerships, advertised vehicles that they did not own and were not authorized to sell on fake websites with domain names that sounded like legitimate car dealerships or through online marketplaces like Craigslist and eBay.  Victims who responded to those advertisements and negotiated a purchase price were instructed by the purported sellers to wire payment to accounts that NECEAEV and other co-conspirators opened.  Once the payments cleared, the defendants quickly withdrew the funds before the victims realized they had been defrauded.  The victims never received the vehicles or any refunds from the fake sellers.  In total, dozens of victims were defrauded of a total of at least $5.3 million. 

In addition to her prison term, KORZHA, 50, of Brooklyn, New York, was sentenced to three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit $5,386,538 and pay restitution in the amount of $5,370,180. 

In addition to his term of imprisonment, NECEAEV, 28, of Brooklyn, New York, was sentenced to three years’ supervised release and ordered to forfeit $458,300 and pay restitution in the amount of $458,300. 

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of Homeland Security Investigations and the New York Police Department.  He also thanked the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of International Affairs of the Department’s Criminal Division, the United States Marshals Service, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania, and the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau for their assistance in this investigation.

Earth Day Initiative - What are you doing for Climate Week 2022?


What are you doing for Climate Week? 
Climate solutions are within reach by partnering on the projects that destroy the most harmful greenhouse gases.  Earth Day Initiative is bringing together our supporters to discuss how individuals and small businesses can join in on climate solutions on September 22. Learn what it takes to calculate your businesses emissions and the key terms required to understand carbon offsetting.
We will review some of the past, current, and upcoming projects that our partner Tradewater leads to collect, manage, and destroy ozone depleting substances.  We will also take a sneak peek into some of the resources Tradewater shares with their members to reduce their environmental footprint.
Register for free here for this virtual session on September 22 at 3 pm ET. 
And join in person on September 23!  
Join activists around the world for the Global Climate Strike as we demand policymakers and world leaders to prioritize #PeopleNotProfit!  Click here for details on a strike near you.
If you're in NYC, join us and our partners at the Marketplace of the Future, the Official Vision Partner for Climate Week NYC.  Inspired by the 1939 New York World's Fair (aka the "World of Tomorrow") the Marketplace of the Future is an expo of organizations working within various spheres of climate solutions.  Click here for details.

Former NYC Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. - Are The Groups Lining Up For A Possible Political Coup In The Bronx?



By Former NYC Councilman
Rev. Ruben Diaz

You Should Know that the Bronx Democratic Party Convention, that took place on the night of Tuesday, September 6th was held to select a candidate to fill the vacancy for the 80th Assembly District in the Bronx.   However, it appears that this process was filled with Betrayals, Disenchantments, Disappointments and Political Back Stabbings.
You should know that rumor has it that Councilman Rafael Salamanca, despite not being one of the candidates, was the biggest winner, and no less while he was vacationing in the Dominican Republic.
Please know that there were two candidates to select from, they were Mr. John Zaccaro, Chief of Staff and close friend of Councilman Rafael Salamanca, and Ms. Aisha Bravo, a Community Leader, and the District Manager of the Community Planning Board # 7 in the Bronx.
Councilman Rafael Salamanca, who is emerging as a possible candidate to become the next Bronx Borough President in the next (3) three years, apparently has been working behind the scenes, for months, coordinating, calling, and arranging for the Democratic Party support for his protĂ©gĂ© Mr. Zaccaro.  Salamanca brilliantly went on vacation to the Dominican Republic so as not to give the impression that he was taking part in the decisions that would be carried out, but Surprise, Surprise!
Rumor has it that Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson fearing that Councilman Salamanca may challenge her in three years, contacted Congressmen Richie Torres and Adriano Espaillat hoping to deter Salamanca by backing Aisha Bravo.
According to the story swirling around political circles, Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz who presided over the convention acknowledged all the elected officials present, he even acknowledged Mark Gjonaj, an ex-elected official, and failed to acknowledge Councilwoman Valerie Velázquez, Mark Gjonaj’s political rival. This enraged Velázquez, as evident when she got up and left the Convention, saying that she would make an alliance with Senator Gustavo Rivera the Political Enemy of the Bronx Democratic Machine. Ha!
This story gets even better and more interesting when Assemblywoman Natalia Fernandez, who had pledged allegiance to Vanessa Gibson, Richie Torres and Espaillat changed her mind and gave her endorsement to Mr. John Zaccaro, leaving Ms. Bravo in the air.
You should Know that in the end Salamanca and his political circle emerged victorious when the Democratic party chose John Zaccaro as its official Candidate for Assembly District #80 in the Bronx.
Rumor has it that Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson, Richie Torres, and company upon being defeated by the Salamanca’s group have expressed their discontent with Jamaal Bailey, President of the Democratic Party, and its entire Hierarchy.
Speculation has begun, of a possible coup d'Ă©tat where Senator Gustavo Rivera would be the next President of the Bronx Democratic Party; endangering the possible re-election of Adriano Espaillat and Richie Torres who have, obviously, suffered a second loss in the battle for Political Power in the County of Salsarenque. ! Ay, Que Bochinche!!!
I Am Rev. Ruben Diaz, and This Is What You Should Know.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022





The Bronx Coalition Against Up Zoning today held a press conference on the steps of New York City Hall to oppose the Bruckner Up Zoning Development project in Schuylerville. The New York City Council held a hearing on the project today and hundreds of members of the community testified in opposition. While opponents were inside testifying in person and virtually, the Coalition's President stepped outside to speak to media. You can view the entire press conference below. Cerini released the following statement in reaction to Mayor Eric Adams' reckless support for the project:

"Mayor Eric Adams has been bought and paid for by special interests and he is willfully ignoring the voice of our community. Our voice is loud and clear: we do not support this upzoning. When this neighborhood was majority white, it was downzoned. Now that this is a majority hispanic neighborhood that is working and middle class and safe, it is being upzoned. How is that fair and equitable? 

"Today, hundreds of members of the community spoke out against this project. The City Council heard from the people being negatively affected by a project that won't be transparent on how many apartments they are building and what effect it will have on infrastructure. The City Council is now fully aware that the traffic study was conducted in 2020, during the height of COVID lockdowns when no one was on the road. And that we already have classrooms over capacity and a waitlist of students for our public schools - most of whom are Hispanic. Not to mention the fact that the developers (old white men), are problematic with a record of flipping developments and bankruptcy. 

"We call on our City Council Member Marjorie Velazquez to vote no on the up zoning and we call on the rest of the Council to pay deference to her opposition. Today our Mayor and the full City Council heard from hundreds of angry constituents. Were they listening?"

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19 - SEPTEMBER 7, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccine Vials

Governor Encourages New Yorkers to Keep Using the Tools to Protect Against and Treat COVID-19: Vaccines, Boosters, Testing, and Treatment

Photos of Governor Hochul Receiving Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Shot Are Available Here and B-Roll is Available Here

58 Statewide Deaths Reported from September 3 to September 6

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

"With the updated boosters available this week, I urge all New Yorkers to take steps to better protect themselves against COVID-19," Governor Hochul said. "Take advantage of the latest tools and resources at our disposal in order to keep our families and our communities safe. Test before gatherings or travel and if you test positive, talk to your doctor about potential treatment options."

Earlier today, Governor Hochul announced the availability of bivalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters, which are designed to add Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants and bolster previous vaccination protection. COVID-19 boosters are now available from Pfizer-BioNTech for anyone age 12 or older and from Moderna for those 18 or older.

To schedule an appointment for a booster, New Yorkers should contact their local pharmacy, local county health department, or healthcare provider. New Yorkers can also visit, text their ZIP code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233 to find nearby locations.

In addition, Governor Hochul announced that masking will now be optional in multiple settings where they were previously required, including on public transportation, in for-hire vehicles, at airports, homeless shelters, correctional facilities, and detention centers. Masks will continue to be required at adult care and health care facilities regulated by the state Department of Health, and in clinical settings regulated by the Office of Mental Health, Office of Addiction Services and Supports, and Office for People With Developmental Disabilities.

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Cases Per 100k - 17.33
  • 7-Day Average Cases Per 100k - 17.89
  • Test Results Reported - 41,881
  • Total Positive - 3,386
  • Percent Positive - 7.25%**
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 5.95%**   
  • Patient Hospitalization - 2,225 (+69)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 1,024*
  • Patients in ICU - 235 (-3)*
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 88 (+1)*
  • Total Discharges - 338,872 (+788)*
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 58*
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 57,752*

** Due to the test reporting policy change by the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and several other factors, the most reliable metric to measure virus impact on a community is the case per 100,000 data — not percent positivity.   

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only.   

Important Note: Effective Monday, April 4, the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is no longer requiring testing facilities that use COVID-19 rapid antigen tests to report negative results. As a result, New York State's percent positive metric will be computed using only lab-reported PCR results. Positive antigen tests will still be reported to New York State and reporting of new daily cases and cases per 100k will continue to include both PCR and antigen tests. Due to this change and other factors, including changes in testing practices, the most reliable metric to measure virus impact on a community is the case per 100,000 data -- not percent positivity.   

  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 73,796

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.   

Each New York City borough's 7-day average percentage of positive test results reported over the last three days is as follows **:   

Borough     Sunday,      Monday,    Tuesday, 

                    Sept. 4,       Sept. 5,        Sept. 6,  

                     2022            2022            2022

Bronx            6.20%         6.10%          6.19%

Kings             2.89%         2.78%          3.34%

New York       4.74%         4.76%          4.75%

Queens            7.04%         7.10%         7.13%

Richmond        6.11%         6.18%         6.21%

NYGOP Launches "Kickback Kathy" Petition to Investigate Hochul Corruption



Calls on New Yorkers to Stop Cuomo-Hochul Pay-to-Play

Corruption Regime This November 

Albany, NY--September 7th...The New York Republican Party today launched a "Kickback Kathy" petition drive calling on New Yorkers to join their cause to stop the Cuomo-Hochul pay-to-play corruption regime this November. 

The petition--linked here--launched on 

Hochul has been under fire after several exposes detailed the billions of taxpayer-funded, no-bid state contracts Hochul has been awarding to her top donors. Hochul has been extending her emergency powers in order to unilaterally award contracts without going through the normal bidding and review process. 

"Kathy Hochul has taken Andrew Cuomo's corruption empire to a whole new level," said NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy. "It's the worst secret in Albany that she and her cronies put the word out that anyone who has business before the state better pay up to get access. She is selling billions of taxpayer dollars in exchange for her $50 million war chest. In other states, people would go to prison for this corruption, but in New York under one-Party Democrat rule, we are calling on voters to take their power and their money back with their vote."