Friday, April 28, 2023

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19

 Clinical specimen testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

Governor Encourages New Yorkers to Keep Using the Tools to Protect Against and Treat COVID-19: Vaccines, Boosters, Testing and Treatment

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19 and outlined basic steps they can take to protect against the spread of viral respiratory infections.

"Despite the warmer weather ahead, New Yorkers must continue to be vigilant and use all available tools to keep themselves, their loved ones and their communities safe and healthy this spring," Governor Hochul said." Get boosted and stay up to date on vaccine doses, be sure to test before gatherings or travel and if you test positive, talk to your doctor about potential treatment options."

Governor Hochul is urging New Yorkers to take common prevention measures — like staying up to date on vaccines and practicing proper hygiene — to protect from COVID-19. The Governor also continues to urge New Yorkers to get their bivalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters, which target both the original virus strain and circulating variants.

To schedule an appointment for a booster, New Yorkers should contact their local pharmacy, county health department, or healthcare provider; visit; text their ZIP code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233 to find nearby locations.

The New York State Department of Health is continuing its 12-week COVID-19 campaign on television, social media and streaming services to encourage New Yorkers with underlying medical conditions to recognize the importance of getting and staying up-to-date with the recommended bivalent booster to avoid serious illness or death. These conditions including being 65 or older, pregnant, obese, diabetic, or suffering from heart or lung disease, or having a weakened immune system.

Ahead of the federal government's planned expiration for the COVID-19 public health emergency on May 11, New York State's COVID-19/vaccine news release will be issued weekly on Fridays until further notice. The latest COVID-19 and vaccine data will continue to be available 24/7 on the New York State Department of Health's online tracker.

Additionally, the state Department of Health is assessing changes to COVID data collection and reporting in collaboration with local health departments and health care providers, to alleviate the burden on providers and leverage other data sources to maintain its ability to monitor the state of the disease and health care delivery system capacity. The agency remains committed to responding to the COVID-19 threat and continues to encourage New Yorkers to use the tools to protect against and treat COVID-19: Vaccines, boosters, testing and treatment.

The weekly COVID-19 data is summarized below:

  • 7-Day Average Cases Per 100k - 2.60
  • Total Positive Cases Over Last 7 Days - 3,558
  • Test Results Reported Over Last 7 Days - 222,578
  • Total Positives to-date - 6,672,254
  • 7- Day Average Patient Hospitalization - 684
  • 7- Day Average Patients Newly Admitted - 85
  • 7-Day Average Patients in ICU - 82
  • 7-Day Average Patients in ICU with Intubation - 38
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS over last 7 days - 54
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 62,447

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a New York State Department of Health data source that collects confirmed data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only.

  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 79,467

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by the Department of Health and New York City to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.

  • Total vaccine doses administered - 44,001,156
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 27,360
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed primary vaccine series - 85.6%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed primary vaccine series (CDC) - 90.8%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older who are up to date - 16.6%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 12-17 with completed primary vaccine series - 74.7%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 12-17 with completed primary vaccine series (CDC) - 76.5%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 12-17 who are up to date - 6.8%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 5-11 with completed primary vaccine series - 40.2%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 5-11 with completed primary vaccine series (CDC) - 41.2%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 5-11 who are up to date - 4.1%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 0-4 with completed primary vaccine series - 8.1%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 0-4 who are up to date - 8.1%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed primary vaccine series - 76.6%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed primary vaccine series (CDC) - 81.0%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers who are up to date - 14.4%

Each region's 7-day average of cases per 100,000 population as of Thursday, April 27th:


7-day average, cases per 100k 

Capital Region 


Central New York 


Finger Lakes 


Long Island 




Mohawk Valley 


New York City 


North Country 


Southern Tier 


Western New York 




Assemblymember John Zaccaro, Jr., Community Newsletter #3

Budget Update

Funding for Universal School Meals in the Final Budget


Children who struggle with food insecurity are not able to thrive in an educational setting and maximize their full academic potential nearly as well as children who do not struggle with food insecurity. This is unacceptable. I am proud to co-sponsor A1941 and join a bipartisan group of lawmakers to demand funding be included in the final state budget for universal school meals.

$21.25 minimum wage for Home Care Workers

There are many challenges that home care workers face performing their many duties every day. And yet these essential workers continue to care for those who need it most. They show up every day to do their jobs and now it is time for government to act. These dedicated women and men are owed a $21.25 minimum wage and I am proud to stand in solidarity with 1199 SEIU and Raise Up New York to see this become a reality.

Advocating in Albany

It is often said that today's youth are tomorrow's leaders which is why it is critical that their opinions and concerns are heard and acted upon. I was proud to speak with students who came to Albany last week in support of bills important to them and I will do all I can to see them passed in the People's House.

Legislative Update

A6666 - Requires all edible cannabis products to be packaged in child resistant packaging

I have recently introduced bill A6666 that would require edible cannabis products sold at adult-use cannabis stores to be packaged in child resistant packaging. The bill provides another layer of protection to prevent children from consuming edible cannabis products and I will urge my colleagues in the Assembly to lend their support to this common sense legislation.

Committee Meeting Update

The work done in the Standing Committees and Subcommittees of the Assembly is a vital part of the legislative process. Here is more information about my Committee Membership this session.

On Tuesday, April 25th the Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse that I am a Member of met and bill A5005 which I co-sponsor was on the agenda. This bill would establish the Fentanyl Test Strip Program and also create a public awareness campaign focusing on the dangers of this horrible drug. A5005 received a unanimous favorable referral and was then sent to the Committee on Ways and Means.

Recently Co-Sponsored Legislation

A3287 - Enacts the Schools Impacted by Gross Highways (SIGH) Act that would prohibit the construction of new schools within 500 feet of a controlled-access highway unless space is so limited that there is no other site to build a school.

A5900 - Establishes the Community Media Reinvestment Fund that would support local video programming responsive to the unique needs and interests of New Yorkers, such as public, educational, or governmental access television programming.

A2502 - This bill would protect workers who provide call center services under a contract between their employer and a governmental entity from displacement in the event that the contracting governmental body selects another contractor to perform that work.

A145 - Enacts the "New York State Phoenix Act" which would extend the statute of limitations for felony family offenses to ten years and misdemeanor family offenses to five years. This bill would also require the New York State Police to develop, maintain and distribute policies and procedures regarding investigation and intervention of family offenses.  

If you have any questions, comments or would like to discuss legislative related issues please contact my Albany Office at 518-455-5844.

District Update

Response to Pelham Parkway antisemitic attack

I am disgusted that an antisemitic attack occurred in Pelham Parkway as member of our community recently celebrated Passover, a time of celebration for our Jewish brothers and sisters that was upended by this unprovoked, hateful act. I urge all Bronxites to let the NYPD conduct a thorough investigation into this incident.

In times like this, we must be reminded that the rich diversity and interfaith collaboration of the Bronx is our biggest strength and something we celebrate everyday. No single person or concrete slab will ever change that. 


Tracey Towers Free Shredding Event

There will be a free community shredding event sponsored by myself and my colleague Council Member Eric Dinowitz for residents to safely dispose of unwanted documents or other papers on Sunday, May 7th from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Tracey Towers. If you would like more information please contact our community office at 718-409-0109.

Autism Awareness Seminar

Together with dedicated community partners my community office is pleased to host an Autism advocacy and support webinar designed to provide attendees with more information about Autism and important insight into the numerous resources of support available to help loved ones.

The webinar will be on Friday, May 5th from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM and you can contact my contact my community office at 718-409-0109 for more information on how to register. 



"This ‘conceptual budget agreement’ announced solo by the governor, relies on false conceptions of public safety, disconnected from the data or the reality of what will help New Yorkers be and feel safe. There are real crimes, real victims, and they deserve real solutions rather that political ones. 

"Quality, deeply affordable housing and strong tenant protections, dropped from this budget in favor of rolling back bail reform yet again, help make communities safer. Bolstering our public school system makes young people safer. Increasing wages to a more liveable level and expanding economic opportunity makes neighborhoods safer. Yet instead, this budget agreement focuses on means of sending more Black and Brown people to dysfunctional and deadly Rikers pretrial.

"Thankfully, and despite what you may hear from Fox News, the New York Post and our executives, violent crime is trending downward in New York City after a pandemic-driven spike. But by focusing for the fourth year in a row on bail, the governor knows that if that trend continues, she can claim credit for a false approach to public safety. If it doesn’t? She knows she can always go back for a fifth year."

Former Chief Financial Officer Of Two SPACs Sentenced To 36 Months In Prison For Fraud Scheme


Cooper Morgenthau Embezzled More Than $5 Million and Caused False Statements to be Made to Accountant and Auditor and in SEC Filings

 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that COOPER MORGENTHAU, the former chief financial officer (“CFO”) of two special purpose acquisition companies (“SPACs”) — African Gold Acquisition Corp. (“AGAC”) and Strategic Metals Acquisition Corp. (“SMAC”) — was sentenced to 36 months in prison for committing wire fraud when he embezzled more than $5 million from the two SPACs.  U.S. District Judge Paul A. Engelmayer imposed today’s sentence

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “With today’s sentencing of Cooper Morgenthau, SPAC promoters have been sent a message that fraud in the SPAC markets will be punished, and greed on Wall Street will be met with serious consequences.”

According to the allegations in the Information and statements made in public court proceedings and filings:

Between approximately June 2021 and August 2022, MORGENTHAU, who was the CFO of AGAC and SMAC, embezzled more than $5 million from the two SPACs.  AGAC had recently had its initial public offering (“IPO”), while SMAC was raising money from private investors in preparation for its anticipated IPO.  MORGENTHAU used the embezzled funds to trade equities and options of so-called “meme stocks” and cryptocurrencies, losing almost all of the money that he stole.  To conceal and facilitate his embezzlement from AGAC, MORGENTHAU fabricated bank statements, which he provided to AGAC’s accountant and auditor; made and caused to be made material misstatements in AGAC’s public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”); and transferred some of SMAC’s funds to AGAC to cover up the funds he had misappropriated from AGAC.       

MORGENTHAU, 36, of Fernandina Beach, Florida, previously pled guilty to one count of wire fraud.  In addition to his prison term, MORGENTHAU was also ordered to forfeit $5,111,335 and to pay restitution of $5,111,335. 

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and thanked the SEC for its assistance and cooperation in this investigation.    

Governor Hochul Announces Agreement on FY 2024 State Budget

 Governor Hochul speaks at the podium

Governor Kathy Hochul today announced an agreement to address key priorities in the Fiscal Year 2024 New York State Budget. This bold and fiscally responsible plan makes historic investments in communities across the state and makes New York more affordable, more livable and safer.  

"I promised New Yorkers we'd make our state more affordable, more livable and safer, and this budget delivers on that promise," Governor Hochul said. "I am pleased to have reached an agreement with Speaker Heastie and Leader Stewart-Cousins on a transformative budget that improves public safety, transforms our mental health care system, protects our climate and invests in our children's future."

Highlights of the budget include:   

  • Improving public safety by providing judges greater discretion to set bail for serious crimes; investing $347 million in evidence-based gun violence prevention initiatives; $170 million to support the implementation of discovery reform for prosecutors and defenders, including $50 million in capital for discovery technology improvements in New York City; $92 million in aid for prosecution and defense funding across the state; and more than $66 million to increase the number of State Police academy classes and number of troopers dedicated to addressing serious crime
  • Investing $1 billion in mental health - the largest investment in comprehensive mental health care in a generation - and transforming the continuum of care by increasing inpatient psychiatric treatment capacity, dramatically expanding outpatient services, and boosting insurance coverage   
  • Creating a stronger health care system for the future through an additional $1 billion in health care capital funding and expanded Medicaid coverage for more than 7.8 million low-income New Yorkers   
  • Protecting reproductive health care by investing $100.7 million to fund abortion providers, expanding access to abortion care for SUNY and CUNY students, providing access to over-the-counter contraception at pharmacies, enacting additional data protections for patients seeking reproductive health care, and increasing the Medicaid reimbursement rate for abortion care   
  • Record funding for P-12 schools and higher education, including the largest annual School Aid amount of $34.5 billion, full funding of Foundation Aid for the first time in history, reauthorizing 22 charters, including 14 in New York City, and $2.4 billion for new capital projects for SUNY and CUNY 
  • Implementing new comprehensive programs to ensure high-quality, affordable child care, including $500 million towards a Workforce Retention Grant Program and $25 million to support the Employer Child Care Tax Credit, and an expansion of the Child Tax Credit to include children under four years old
  • Increasing the minimum wage for three years, after which the State's minimum wage would increase at a rate determined by the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), giving hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers who earn minimum wage a pay increase to keep with rising costs of living
  • Supporting tenants, including residents of public and subsidized housing with rental arrears through a major investment in rental assistance for New York City Housing Authority and other public housing residents, as well as Section 8 voucher recipients and other subsidized housing residents through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
  • Saving the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) from the "fiscal cliff" and securing long-term stability through adjusting the Payroll Mobility Tax for the largest businesses within New York City to 0.6 percent, generating approx. $1.1 billion; $300 million in one-time State aid; requiring New York City to contribute $165 million for paratransit services funding; $65 million to reduce the proposed fare increase on the MTA; expanding service frequencies on the subway and launching a pilot program providing five free bus routes in New York City to enhance the customer experience 
  • Combating climate change and investing in energy affordability by implementing first-in-the-nation zero-emission requirements for new building construction, and expanding the New York Power Authority's ability to support New York's climate goals 
  • Making New York a more competitive place to grow jobs and drive economic growth by expanding and enhancing the New York Film Tax Credit - one of the most stable film production incentive programs in the nation - which will provide a boost to New York's film industry, one of the largest union employers in the state 
  • Building infrastructure and capital projects across the State, including $1.7 billion for a new Department of Health research laboratory, $2.4 billion for transformation, maintenance and preservation projects at SUNY and CUNY campuses across the state, $446 million for Phase Three of the Hunts Point Interstate Access Improvement Project, $105 million to upgrade the State Emergency Operations Center, $51 million for Hudson Valley Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacements, and much more  
  • Supporting New Yorkers with disabilities by expanding the Medicaid Buy-In Program for working people with disabilities, funding and reinvigorating the Interagency Coordinating Council for Services to Persons who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of Hearing and increasing the number of Civil Service Section 55-B positions to grow the representation of those with disabilities in the State workforce     
  • Expanding access and boosting demand for New York food and products while supporting farmers by increasing food manufacturing capabilities in the state; $10 million to support the establishment of farm markets, supermarkets and food cooperatives in underserved communities; and $50 million over five years to local school districts to support New York State farm products in meals for K-12 school children 
  • Expanding the enforcement powers of the Office of Cannabis Management and Department of Taxation and Finance to further grow the legal marketplace for cannabis, including levying fines on illegal retail operations and closing those shops down 
  • Supporting New York Seniors by funding programs statewide to support aging in place and to fight financial exploitation, elder abuse, and isolation of the aging, and increasing funding for the Master Plan for Aging (MPA), a comprehensive, interagency vision for seniors living in New York State 
With a conceptual agreement in place the legislative houses are expected to pass bills that will enact these priorities. The total budget for FY 2024 is currently estimated at $229 billion, based on a preliminary assessment of the negotiated changes to the Executive proposal. The Enacted Budget will hold State Operating Funds spending under 3 percent in FY 2024 and will increase the State's reserves to a record level of 15 percent, as proposed by the Governor in the first months of her administration.