Wednesday, February 28, 2024



State of the City Commitment Will Grow City’s Green Economy, Train and Position New Yorkers to Benefit from Nearly 400,000 Green-Collar Jobs by 2040


Plan Will Advance $100 Million Climate Innovation Hub at Brooklyn Army Terminal, Create More Than 12,000 Green Economy Apprenticeships by 2040


Climate Collaborative Across Brooklyn Army Terminal, Governors Island, Brooklyn Navy Yard to Deliver 6-Million-Square-Feet for Climate Education, Research, Commercialization, and Training

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President and CEO Andrew Kimball, and Mayor’s Office of Talent and Workforce Development (NYCTalent) Executive Director Abby Jo Sigal today announced the release of the Green Economy Action Plan — a first-of-its-kind plan that lays out a roadmap to growing the city’s green economy. The plan invests in jobs and sectors that will help the city combat climate change, and train and position New Yorkers — particularly those from environmentally-disadvantaged communities — to benefit from the nearly 400,000 projected ‘green-collar’ jobs in New York City by 2040.


Critical to this plan is the creation of a new “Climate Innovation Hub” at the Brooklyn Army Terminal, which will help grow green technology startups and businesses, and which will be joined together with the Trust for Governors Island and the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation to create a green economy ecosystem across three campuses that will support 5,000 new permanent jobs, educate and train 2,100 New Yorkers, and generate $55 billion of economic impact. The Green Economy Action Plan delivers on another promise in Mayor Adams’ State of the City address, and builds on his commitment to invest in future-focused industries and create a “Harbor of the Future” with job and innovation hubs along the East River.


“Our city didn’t recover the nearly 1 million jobs we lost during the pandemic and reach a new private-sector job high by looking backward — we did it by building an economy of the future. And we must draw on all our resources to protect our city from the effects of climate change,” said Mayor Adams. “From building resiliency projects and retrofitting apartment buildings, to installing solar panels, EV charging stations, and wind turbines, ‘green-collar’ jobs are already in demand and leading the way. Our Green Economy Action Plan will harness the growth of a new kind of industrial revolution and give New Yorkers the tools they need to build a resilient and prosperous city and thrive in our future-focused economy.”


The Green Economy Action Plan delivers the first forecasting of New York City’s green economy and job growth through 2040. New York City’s green economy will host nearly 400,000 jobs by 2040 — up from 133,000 today — as it becomes the anchor of a prosperous, equitable, and just future for New Yorkers, while it simultaneously advances the city’s ambitious goals to reduce the city’s threats due to climate change. The plan identifies key occupations that are essential to growing the green economy and highlights 21 occupations that provide pathways to economic mobility, many of which do not require higher education degrees.


Highlights of the plan include:

  • Establishing a Climate Innovation Hub: NYCEDC will invest up to $100 million to develop a Climate Innovation Hub at the Brooklyn Army Terminal. This new space will accelerate commercialization pathways for climate tech startups and other green economy businesses. It will serve 150 startups over 10 years — generating $2.6 billion in economic impact and creating 600 jobs — while providing local workforce training and job placement, particularly for the local Sunset Park community.
  • Creating Green Training Facilities in Every Borough: NYCTalent — in partnership with other city agencies, as well as private partners — will develop a workforce training facility in every borough with programming to train New Yorkers for green-collar jobs. The plan will deliver more than 12,000 green economy apprenticeships by 2040 through efforts such as a green building and construction workforce pilot program on Governors Island to train more than 100 people per year for the first two years.
  • Activating a Harbor Climate Collaborative: The Brooklyn Navy Yard, NYCEDC, and the Trust for Governors Island are collectively investing $725 million to build a green economy ecosystem across 6-million-square-feet and 72 acres linked by NYC Ferry across New York Harbor. The collaborative will catalyze climate education, research, innovation, commercialization, and workforce development alongside partners from the private and nonprofit sectors. This work will build on a strong foundation of green economy projects such as the 400,000-square-foot New York Climate Exchange, an academic and research consortium anchored by Stony Brook University on Governors Island, and the development of 5-million-square-feet of net-zero manufacturing space at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
  • Activating Public Sites for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging: NYCEDC is activating two acres of land near JFK airport to create the largest EV charging facility in the city, with 65 public EV chargers including 12 rapid ones. The facility is currently estimated to charge 1,000 vehicles per year, with potential for growth depending on market demand. The Brooklyn Navy Yard is also installing over 80 EV chargers across its 300-acre campus, including infrastructure for commercial fleet charging and a dedicated public lot for neighboring residents. Together, these investments constitute some of the largest investments in EV infrastructure in outer borough job centers in New York City to date.
  • Creating Tax Incentives for Battery Storage: NYCEDC will utilize New York City’s Industrial Development Agency tax incentives to activate 500 Megawatts (MW) of battery storage capacity and support other green economy uses. To date, the Industrial Development Agency has induced 200MW of storage capacity that is expected to come online in the coming years and generated nearly $500 million of private sector investment. Unlocking additional storage capacity will ultimately drive a stronger and more efficient renewable energy sector.

“The Green Economy Action Plan is an integrated talent and economic development strategy for the five boroughs and another example of the Adams administration's work connecting New Yorkers to family-sustaining jobs, spurring inclusive economic activity in high-growth sectors and marshaling a coordinated, citywide response to climate change,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic, and Workforce Development Maria Torres-Springer. “I am excited to be a part of this historic release and eager to join with New Yorkers, my colleagues in government, and partners in the private sector to create the world's most dynamic and equitable green ecosystem right here in New York.”


“Treating the climate change crisis with the urgency it requires doesn't just support our infrastructure but our economy too, with good, ‘green-collar’ jobs for New Yorkers with diverse educations and histories,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi. “As unusual weather events become all too usual, we all have a role to play in protecting our city. Our city is creating the framework so that everyone can get involved.”


“This first-of-its-kind plan lays out a series of commitments and strategies that will bolster economic growth, create thousands of jobs, encourage public-private partnerships, and ensure a just transition to a green economy that all New Yorkers can contribute to and benefit from,” said NYCEDC President & CEO Kimball. “There is no better location for innovation than at the historic Brooklyn Army Terminal, located on the waterfront in the heart of Sunset Park, which is turning into a center for clean tech innovation and manufacturing. Climate tech growth at the Brooklyn Army Terminal will be further catalyzed by the establishment of the Climate Innovation Hub and through a unique partnership with the Brooklyn Navy Yard and the Trust for Governors Island, known as the Harbor Climate Collaborative. Collectively, these three remarkable city assets, all connected by a short NYC Ferry ride, will be at the forefront of climate innovation, commercialization, and workforce development for decades to come.”


“By co-authoring the Green Economy Action Plan, we wrote the roadmap for an historic opportunity to tackle the climate crisis, create jobs, and drive economic mobility, while positioning New York City as a global leader in the green economy,” said NYCTalent Executive Director Sigal. “The plan represents the city’s commitment to concrete strategies to ensure that all New Yorkers contribute to and benefit from our city’s growth and prosperity.”


“The Brooklyn Navy Yard is proud to be an integral partner in making New York a global destination for climate adaptation and technology development and production, and to further build on the growing community of climate solutions companies already thriving at the Yard,” said Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation President and CEO Lindsay Greene. “New York City is uniquely positioned to take on this challenge, and through strategic investments in promising climate tech, we can benefit from the silver lining that is a flourishing green economy that propels New Yorkers into sustainable career paths.”


“Preparing our city for climate change will require transformative collaboration and opportunities to rapidly scale solutions that benefit all New Yorkers, and the Green Economy Action Plan outlines a necessary roadmap,” said Trust for Governors Island President and CEO Clare Newman. “Governors Island is an exciting platform for a growing ecosystem of partners, including the New York Climate Exchange, that are advancing research, education, training, and public programs, and we're proud to join our colleagues in furthering New York City 's role as a global leader in developing equitable solutions to climate change.”


“Reducing our contributions to climate change and building the infrastructure that will make us more resilient to extreme weather represents an historic opportunity to grow and broaden our economy and workforce,” said New York City Chief Climate Officer and New York City Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala. “As laid out in ‘PlaNYC,’ with the proper planning and guidance, we can help ensure that all New Yorkers are able to benefit from this once-in-a-generation opportunity.”


“As New York City makes historic investments in climate, it's imperative that we bring everyone along,” said Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice Executive Director Elijah Hutchinson. “Environmental justice and workforce champions know that we now have to do the hard work of making these job opportunities real for everyday New Yorkers. In tandem with apprenticeships, workforce training, local job placement, and the contribution of crucial environmental-justice advocacy groups like UPROSE, Green City Force, and the HOPE Program, this action plan advances a more just climate transition for New Yorkers.”


Through a Request for Proposal to be released on March 18, 2024, NYCEDC will seek an operator for its new Climate Innovation Hub at the Brooklyn Army Terminal. Potential partners can learn more about the vision for the hub and complete a partner form to register interest.


Climate technology companies are a particularly bright spot within New York City’s green business landscape. As of 2022, the New York City metropolitan area is the third largest climate tech ecosystem in the country with 179 active climate tech companies and venture capital investments, reaching almost $4 billion in 2021. This opportunity is turbocharged by over $2 billion in venture capital funding flowing to New York City’s climate tech sector since 2021, a 400 percent spike over the $500 million in investment from 2018 to 2020; ambitious city and state climate policy targets; and over $500 billion in public funding being made available at the state and federal levels to support the nation's shift to a green economy.


The Green Economy Action Plan deliver on a key commitment in Mayor Adams’ “PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done” plan, New York’s long-term strategic climate plan. The Green Economy Action Plan also builds on decades-long work led by advocacy environmental groups, including UPROSE, whose Green Resilient Industrial District (GRID) Plan and ‘The GRID 2.0” provide a comprehensive, community-led path to decarbonize Sunset Park and ensure a just transition towards a greener and cleaner future.


“The Green Economy Action Plan demonstrates our administration's commitment to ensuring that all New Yorkers can contribute to and benefit from a resilient and strong New York City,” said Mayor's Office of Food Policy Executive Director Kate MacKenzie. “We are proud to be part of a city investing in climate-resilient systems and solutions, including sustainable food distribution, production, consumption, and disposal. The plan lays out how we can continue to engage the private sector in meeting our ambitious climate goals through the city's Plant-Powered Carbon Challenge, work towards decarbonization of food distribution, and support sustainable food businesses and practices.”


“The Green Economy Action Plan is truly a win-win for New Yorkers,” said New York City Department of City Planning Director Dan Garodnick. “By creating good-paying green industry jobs and bolstering energy-efficient tech throughout the five boroughs, we’re keeping our city on the cutting edge of innovation and a more sustainable path. Thanks to policies like this and ‘City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality,’ we’re well on our way to a greener, healthier, more prosperous future.”


“Realizing a more sustainable and equitable transportation future entails dedicated investments in environmentally friendly initiatives and infrastructure throughout all five boroughs,” said New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. “DOT is proud to contribute to the Green Economy Action Plan, including through our green freight, electric vehicle charging, and shared mobility programming, which foster green job opportunities for New Yorkers and propel the city towards achieving ambitious climate action goals.”


“Today marks a pivotal moment in our city’s commitment toward building a more sustainable future for all New Yorkers. With the unveiling of the Green Economy Action Plan, we are not only making strides toward combating the impacts of climate change, but we are also laying the foundation for equitable economic growth,” said New York City’s Department of Buildings Commissioner Jimmy Oddo. “The Climate Innovation Hub at the Brooklyn Army Terminal, in particular, will help foster green technology startups, which are going to be critical as larger property owners work to reduce carbon emissions from their buildings.”


“Through the Green Economy Action Plan, we’re doubling down on our commitment to environmental justice and equitable workforce development, as we simultaneously embrace the challenge of climate change,” said New York City Department of Citywide Administration Commissioner Dawn M. Pinnock. “We are thrilled to be part of this important effort as we work together to make sure everyone gets a fair shot at a better, greener future."


In April 2023, the Adams administration, Governors Island, and the State University of New York Stony Brook University unveiled the “New York Climate Exchange,” a transformative vision for a first-in-the-nation climate research, education, and jobs hub on Governors Island that will create thousands of permanent jobs and $1 billion in economic impact for the city. The Exchange will establish a cross-sector consortium of over 45 partner organizations, representing leading universities, businesses, and non-profit organizations, and will develop a state-of-the-art, $700-million, 400,000-square-foot campus dedicated to researching and developing innovative climate solutions that will be scaled across New York City and equip New Yorkers for green-collar jobs of the future.


Sunset Park in South Brooklyn continues to be an emerging hub for climate innovation. In March 2022, Mayor Adams announced an agreement to transform the city owned South Brooklyn Marine Terminal (SBMT) into one of the largest offshore wind port facilities in the nation. The world-class offshore wind hub at South Brooklyn Marine Terminal is projected to support the buildout, management, and interconnection of electricity generation for more than 2 million homes. Last September, NYCEDC launched Pilots at the Brooklyn Army Terminal, a climate innovation pilot program allowing companies to test and scale their technologies in live environments.  


“As New York City’s green economy grows, it is critically important to develop a highly skilled workforce and create pipelines to family-sustaining union careers for all New Yorkers interested in entering the industry,” said Gary LaBarbera, president, Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York (BCTC). “The Green Economy Action Plan highlights union apprenticeship programs that commit to building a sustainable workforce that will meet labor demands and propel us towards our clean energy goals. BCTC is looking forward to working alongside New York City leadership to increase these opportunities, provide economic mobility and ensure that New Yorkers are meaningfully included high-quality, green collar union jobs.”


“Plumbing in general, and specifically the production and delivery of domestic hot water for bathing, washing, cooking, and a variety of other uses, is of paramount importance to the safety and comfort of the residents of the City of New York,” said Paul O’Connor, business manager, Plumbers Local Union No. 1 of New York City. “A huge part of the energy consumed in any building is tied directly to domestic hot water supply. As new green technologies are deployed to sustainably continue to provide domestic hot water for our community, this critical work must also create and maintain high quality jobs for New Yorkers. We must plan for a safe and livable New York of the future through a just green transition.”


“The Green Action Economy Plan makes clear that building decarbonization not only cuts emissions but also creates opportunities for green job growth,” said John Mandyck, CEO, Urban Green Council. “Investing in workforce training is key to hitting our city's carbon reduction targets, and we look forward to leveraging Urban Green’s training expertise to help meet the city’s climate goals.”


“With the support of Mayor Adams and NYCEDC, the members of Local Union No. 3, IBEW look forward to continuing and strengthening our role in the growing green economy in New York City in support of the “Green Economy Action Plan”, working on the transition necessary to address the climate crisis,” said Christopher Erikson, business manager, Local Union No. 3, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. “In alignment with the Mayor and EDC, we believe these green jobs of the future should be union jobs with family-sustaining wages and benefits, and as the work opportunity expands, we look to welcome more apprentices supported by this plan into our ranks, making New York City a better place to live and work.” 




Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that two Bronx men have been indicted for second-degree Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance, second-degree Conspiracy and related charges for selling thousands of fentanyl doses to an undercover detective. 

District Attorney Clark said, “The Bronx suffers a high rate of overdose deaths, most of them because of fentanyl, and these defendants allegedly sold $10 glassines with pure fentanyl to people who thought they were buying heroin. Fortunately, some 5,000 glassines were intercepted before they could harm people.” 

District Attorney Clark said Edgardo Rivera, 49, and Francisco Edua-Robles, 38, both of 2055 Harrison Avenue, have been indicted on four counts of Criminal Sale of a controlled Substance, 13 counts of third-degree Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance, 32 counts of various degrees of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance, second-degree Conspiracy and fourth-degree Conspiracy. Rivera was arraigned on February 23, 2024, before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Kim Parker and is due back in court on March 4, 2024. Edua-Robles is awaiting arraignment.

According to the investigation, between May, 2023 and October, 2023, NYPD Bronx Narcotics made 15 controlled purchases of what was believed to be heroin from both defendants. Four of them were over 500 glassines of fentanyl on each occasion. On October 11, 2023, the defendants allegedly sold from inside of a vehicle parked on Harrison Avenue. They were subsequently arrested and approximately 1,000 glassines of fentanyl were recovered from the vehicle. In total, about 5,000 glassines of fentanyl were recovered throughout the course of the investigation, with a street value of $50,000.

District Attorney Clark thanked NYPD Police Officer Christopher Riccio and members of Zone 2 from the Narcotics Borough Bronx for their work in the investigation.

An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.

Two Charged In Connection With Search Of Bronx Drug Mail Order Distribution Center Containing Approximately 100,000 Pills Of Suspected Fentanyl And Methamphetamine


Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York; Frank A. Tarentino III, the Special Agent in Charge of the New York Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”); and Erin Keegan, the Acting Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Office of Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”), announced the filing of a Complaint in Manhattan federal court charging EDWARD EUSTATE JIMENEZ, a/k/a “Chino,” and WILIANYI ALMANZAR POLANCO with conspiracy to distribute narcotics and distribution of narcotics.  JIMENEZ and POLANCO were arrested in the Washington Heights neighborhood of ManhattanThey were presented before U.S. Magistrate Judge Gary Stein.  

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “This seizure removed substantial quantities of narcotics from the streets and helped to disrupt an alleged mail order business that promised legitimate prescriptions drugs but was really distributing deadly narcotics, like fentanylI express deep gratitude to the efforts of our law enforcement partners and the career prosecutors of this Office as we remain committed to saving lives by keeping fentanyl off the streets of our community.”   

DEA Special Agent in Charge Frank A. Tarentino III said: “Simply put, this alleged fentanyl pill distribution organization was delivering deadly fentanyl to doorstops across America.  This emerging trend of mail order fentanyl pill delivery services elevates the danger of ordering pills from rogue online platforms and social media.  Fentanyl is the greatest threat to Americans ages 18-45, and DEA lab analysis has found that 7 out of 10 fentanyl pills contain a potential lethal dose; therefore, tens of thousands of potential lethal doses were removed from circulation.  I commend our law enforcement partners for their collaboration and focus on arresting drug traffickers bringing the most harm to our communities and taking deadly poison off our streets.”  

HSI Acting Special Agent in Charge Erin Keegan said: “Fentanyl contributed to more than 100,000 overdose fatalities in 2023 — with a large number of cases tragically stemming from individuals unknowingly ingesting fentanyl in seemingly legitimate pharmaceuticals purchased via the Internet and delivered through the mail.  The goal of the HSI New York El Dorado Task Force is to leverage every tool at the state, local, and federal level to disrupt fentanyl production, transportation, and distribution both locally and globally.  Working with our law enforcement partners and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, we will continue to conduct cross border investigations that degrade the ability of drug traffickers to operate in the New York City area and beyond, ultimately making a profound impact in the fight against the opioid crisis and saving innocent lives.”

As alleged in the Complaint filed in Manhattan federal court:[1]

Since at least in or about September 2023, law enforcement has been investigating a network of drug traffickers (the “Drug Traffickers”) who, among other things, have been distributing large quantities of counterfeit prescription drugs using a mail-order system.  The drugs distributed include pills colored and pressed to look like, among other things, prescription oxycodone and Adderall, but that are, in fact, counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl. 

On multiple occasions, an undercover law enforcement officer purchased pills from the Drug Traffickers which tested positive for, among other things, fentanyl.  Postal records show that at least two of the packages of pills were mailed by someone who appears to be JIMENEZ from a post office (the “Post Office”) located in the Bronx.  Since in or about January 20, 2024, JIMENEZ appears to have sent approximately 188 U.S. Postal Service (“USPS”) packages, including approximately 80 packages that were sent from the Post Office.  On at least one occasion, he was joined by an individual who appears to be POLANCO.

On or about February 26, 2024, law enforcement agents arrested JIMENEZ and POLANCO.  At the time of his arrest, JIMENEZ was scanning parcels for mailing.  Around the same time, law enforcement arrested POLANCO, who was waiting in a vehicle near the Post Office.  Inside the vehicle was a black trash bag containing additional mail packages.

In total, law enforcement encountered more than 35 priority mail packages, each of which contained a quantity of what appeared to be counterfeit prescription pills.  The contents of two of the priority mail packages, containing what appears to be counterfeit oxycodone and counterfeit Adderall, are pictured below:

Photos of two mail packages and their contents, which appear to be counterfeit oxycodone and counterfeit Adderall

Also on or about February 26, 2024, law enforcement searched an apartment (the “Apartment”) that was rented or lived in by JIMENEZ and POLANCO and used to package and distribute narcotics for mailing.  During the course of that search, law enforcement officers recovered approximately 100,000 counterfeit pills that appear to be colored and pressed to imitate, among other things, prescription oxycodone, Adderall, and Xanax; a “kilo press,” or device used to press powdered narcotics into kilogram-weight bricks; over 2,000 USPS priority mail envelopes that appear to be unused; and bags containing what appear to be shipping receipts.  A photograph of the narcotics and some of the other material recovered from the Apartment is below: 

Photo of seized narcotics and other material recovered from the Apartment

Although lab testing is pending, preliminary field tests reveal that almost all of the narcotics recovered have tested positive for fentanyl and methamphetamine.

EDWARD EUSTATE JIMENEZ, 23, and WILIANYI ALMANZAR POLANCO, 32, both of the Bronx, New York, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to distribute narcotics and one count of narcotics distribution, both of which carry a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison.   

The statutory minimum and maximum sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge. 

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the El Dorado Task Force International Narcotics and Money Laundering Unit, which is comprised of law enforcement officers and investigators from the DEA, HSI, the New York City Police Department, the New York State Police, the USPS, the Kings County District Attorney’s Office, and the New York High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force, in connection with this investigation.  Mr. Williams also thanked the New York Strike Force Tactical Diversion Squad for their assistance.

This case is being handled by the Office’s Narcotics Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorneys Maggie Lynaugh and Adam Sowlati are in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint set forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Four Individuals Plead Guilty to Bid Rigging and Price Fixing in Ongoing Investigation of Oklahoma Transportation Construction Contractors


Four erosion control company owners or managers pleaded guilty to rigging bids and fixing prices as part of a conspiracy targeting a total of over $100 million in publicly funded transportation construction contracts across Oklahoma.

Stanley Mark Smith, a company owner, pleaded guilty Yesterday. Roy Henry Henrich, a former owner and officer of another company, pleaded guilty on Dec. 4, 2023. Ryan Ashley Sullivan, an owner and executive of a third company, pleaded guilty on Nov. 6, 2023. James Travis Feazel, a former operations manager of a fourth company, pleaded guilty on Sept. 26, 2023.

According to court documents filed in the U.S. District Court in Oklahoma City, Smith, Heinrich, Sullivan and Feazel conspired, along with others, to rig bids, fix prices and allocate contracts for erosion control products and services. Starting in 2017, Smith, Heinrich, Sullivan, Feazel and their co-conspirators agreed to raise prices and divvy up contracts across different areas of Oklahoma. As part of this criminal conspiracy, they often sent intentionally high-priced bids or outright refused to bid. Smith — whose company targeted over $42 million worth of contracts as part of the conspiracy — and Feazel — whose company targeted over $50 million worth of contracts — continued conspiring into April 2023. Heinrich — whose company targeted over $7 million worth of contracts — was part of the conspiracy until at least July 2021, and Sullivan was part of the conspiracy until at least April 2019.

“In Oklahoma and across the United States, Americans depend on transportation infrastructure as they travel to work, study, shop and visit family. Protecting fair and open competition for the public contracts that fund this infrastructure has never been more vital,” said Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. “These guilty pleas show that the Justice Department and its Procurement Collusion Strike Force partners are committed to investigating and prosecuting anyone who uses criminal schemes to target infrastructure contracts.”

“Protecting fair and open marketplace competition is essential to protect taxpayers and to ensure consumers can trust publicly funded contracts” said U.S. Attorney Robert J. Troester for the Western District of Oklahoma. “Corporate executives who conspire to rig bids and fix prices will be held accountable.  I applaud the detailed work by the investigators and prosecutors in this case.”

“The Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (DOT-OIG) is committed to ensuring that any activity related to price-fixing or bid-rigging involving federal taxpayer dollars for transportation projects in the State of Oklahoma, or elsewhere, is identified and thoroughly investigated,” said Special Agent in Charge Joseph Harris of DOT-OIG’s Southern Region. “Together with our law enforcement and prosecutorial colleagues, we will continue to use every tool at our disposal to hold these offenders accountable and restore equity to the bidding process.”

“This announcement demonstrates the FBI’s ongoing work to eliminate bid rigging and price fixing, and to hold those conducting these activities accountable for their actions,” said Special Agent in Charge Edward J. Gray of the FBI Oklahoma City Field Office. “These criminal acts cheat American workers and consumers while harming competitive markets. The FBI is committed to continuing this important work alongside the Justice Department and our law enforcement partners.”

The defendants each pleaded guilty to a violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act. They each face a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $1 million criminal fine. The fine may be increased to twice the gain derived from the crime or twice the loss suffered by the victims of the crime if either amount is greater than the statutory maximum fine. A federal district court judge will determine any sentences after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The DOT-OIG and FBI Oklahoma City Field Office investigated the case.

Trial Attorneys Bethany Lipman, Matthew Grisier and Marc Hedrich of the Antitrust Division’s Washington Criminal II Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney William Farrior for the Western District of Oklahoma are prosecuting the case.

Anyone with information about this investigation or other procurement fraud schemes should notify the Procurement Collusion Strike Force (PCSF) at The Justice Department created the PCSF in November 2019. It is a joint law enforcement effort to combat antitrust crimes and related fraudulent schemes that impact government procurement, grant and program funding at all levels of government – federal, state and local. For more information, visit



Doctors Were Unable to Re-Attach Victim’s Index Finger          

Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Bronx man has been indicted for cutting off a large portion of a man’s index finger during an attempted chainsnatching in a subway train. 

District Attorney Clark said, “The defendant allegedly approached the victim and slashed most of his index finger off while trying to take a gold necklace. This vicious attack happened on the subway. New Yorkers must be able to commute without fear.” 

District Attorney Clark said Douglas Bond, 33, of 1665 Andrews Avenue, was arraigned on February 20, 2024 on two counts of first-degree Assault, two counts of Attempted Robbery in the first degree, Attempted Robbery in the second degree, three counts of second-degree Assault, Attempted Robbery in the third-degree, third degree Assault, Attempted Grand Larceny in the fourth degree, fourth-degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon, fourth degree Criminal Mischief, second-degree Menacing, Attempted Petit Larceny, and second-degree Harassment before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Brenda Rivera. The defendant is due back in court on May 14, 2024. 

According to the investigation, on December 16, 2023, at approximately 6:00 a.m., the defendant, who allegedly knew the victim, Junior Salmon, followed him at the 125th Street station in Harlem, boarding the same No. 4 train through different doors. As the train neared 170th Street in the Bronx, the defendant allegedly approached the victim with a knife and stabbed and slashed him while attempting to snatch a gold chain from his neck. Bond then allegedly sliced off at least two inches of the victim’s index finger.

The victim attempted to chase Bond as Bond exited the train at 170th Street and Jerome Avenue. The victim eventually sought medical treatment at BronxCare Hospital, but medical professionals were unable to reattach his finger. 

District Attorney Clark thanked Detective Brian Doyle of the Bronx Transit Robbery Squad for his work in the investigation.

An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt. 

Governor Hochul Launches Expansion of School-Based Mental Health Clinics to Combat Youth Mental Health Crisis

Governor Hochul launches expansion of school-based mental health clinics to combat Youth Mental health crisis.

Announces $20 Million in Start Up Funding and Launches New Process to Expand School-Based Mental Health Clinics; Governor’s Budget Funds Clinics for Every Single School That Wants One

Applications Now Open for Governor's New Youth Mental Health Advisory Board, Where Young New Yorkers Can Make Their Voices Heard

Governor Continues Advocacy for SAFE For Kids Act, Nation-Leading Legislation to Protect Kids from Negative Impacts of Social Media

Governor's Budget Includes $42 Million to Help Low-Income New Yorkers Access Mental Health Care

Actions Complement Governor’s $1 Billion Plan to Strengthen New York State’s Continuum of Mental Health Care and Address Challenges for Youth

Governor Kathy Hochul announced steps to combat the youth mental health crisis, following a convening of students, faculty and mental health professionals at Mohonasen Central School District. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 1 in 4 teens have considered suicide, a significant increase from a decade ago, and for teenage girls, that number rises to 1 in 3. In response to this crisis, the Governor’s actions announced today will expand mental health support for children across the state, protect them from harmful social media features, and ensure their voice is heard.

“Our kids are in crisis, and as the adults in the room it's our responsibility to help," Governor Hochul said. “The mental health crisis is one of the biggest challenges we face, and I'm committed to giving kids, parents and teachers the tools they need to address this issue.”

Expanding School-Based Mental Health Clinics

Governor Hochul announced $20 million in start-up funding for school-based mental health clinics and launched a rolling application, which will make it easier for interested schools to access state funding. With support from a school wanting to establish a clinic satellite, providers can now apply for start-up funding on a rolling basis rather than through the state procurement process previously used. This effort is part of the Governor's State of the State commitment to put a school-based mental health clinic in every school that wants one.

Licensed OMH clinic providers can now submit an application to establish a school-based satellite clinic through the Mental Health Provider Data Exchange. Every new school satellite clinic will automatically be eligible for $25,000 in start-up funding. High-need schools, or those where more than 50 percent of students are classified as coming from an economically disadvantaged household, are eligible for an additional $20,000.

Today’s announcement builds on the $5.1 million awarded in November to support 137 new school-based clinics, including 82 at high needs schools, and bringing the total number of clinics to more than 1,200 statewide.

Launching Governor's Youth Mental Health Advisory Board

Governor Hochul also announced that her Youth Mental Health Advisory Board will begin accepting applications from interested children and teenagers. The application portal for the advisory board is now open. Middle and high school students interested in mental health issues or with lived experience are encouraged to apply for the advisory board

This initiative emerged following last year's statewide youth mental health listening tour and Youth Mental Health Summit. During those engagement sessions, young people communicated that they wanted their voices to be heard, and in response, Governor Hochul created the Youth Mental Health Advisory Board as part of the 2024 State of the State.

The Governor's Youth Mental Health Advisory Board will ensure that youth-informed best practices continue to be incorporated into New York’s public behavioral health programs and initiatives.

Protecting Children Online

Governor Hochul is continuing to advocate for the Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation for Kids Act (SAFE for Kids Act), which she included in her FY25 Executive Budget. This groundbreaking proposal would regulate unhealthy social media usage by prohibiting platforms from providing addictive algorithmic feeds to kids without parental consent.

In 2023, the US Surgeon General said that social media can "have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents." This legislation would require social media companies to restrict the addictive features that harm young users while still allowing access to the platform and empower the Office of the Attorney General to bring actions forward for violators. Additionally, the New York Child Data Protection Act would prohibit online sites from collecting, using, sharing, or selling personal data of anyone under the age of 18 without their consent.

Expanding Access to Mental Health Care for Low-Income New Yorkers

Governor Hochul also announced measures to help low-income New Yorkers on Medicaid access mental health care. In the Governor’s Executive Budget, $15 million will be allocated annually to increase reimbursement rates for mental health services for children in DOH-licensed facilities and private healthcare practices, in addition to $27 million annually to support these same services for adults. These investments are designed to help these providers recruit and retain mental health practitioners to increase access for Medicaid members.

In addition, the Executive Budget includes $5 million annually to support School-Based Health Centers, with a subset of this funding dedicated specifically to support services related to mental health.

Governor Hochul’s $1 Billion Plan to Overhaul New York State's Continuum of Mental Health Care

Youth mental health has been a focus of Governor Hochul’s administration and is an important component of her $1 billion multi-year plan to strengthen New York State’s mental healthcare system. In the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget, she secured $30 million to expand mental health services for school-aged children throughout the state, including $20 million for school-based mental health services and $10 million to implement wraparound services training.

In addition, the Governor’s plan expanded HealthySteps, an evidence-based program that pairs pediatric physicians with child development specialist to provide universal services for children up to the age of 3 and their families in pediatric healthcare settings. Earlier this winter, the state Office of Mental Health awarded $7 million to establish 46 new sites in 19 counties and $10.7 million to expand 51 existing sites, with a goal of growing the program to serve roughly 354,000 children at 224 sites statewide by 2027.

Lack of Coordination Across Multiple Emergency Contracts Led City Agencies to Overpay Millions of Dollars to Staff Asylum Seeker Services, New Comptroller’s Report Reveals


In report released analyzing the City’s major emergency staffing contracts for asylum seeker services, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander revealed that lack of coordination by City Hall likely led the City to pay for-profit companies millions of dollars more than necessary.  

The Comptroller’s Office analyzed the top four emergency staffing contracts entered into by City agencies to staff facilities for asylum seekers. The report found drastic discrepancies in the pricing of equivalent services. In one comparison, the compensation for a comparable position ranged from $58 to $201 per hour across the four contracts.  

“The City’s haphazard approach to entering these contracts – and their subsequent failure to compare or control prices across them – underscores the pitfalls of inadequate management of emergency procurement,” said New York City Comptroller Brad Lander. “The result is that City agencies likely spent millions of dollars more than necessary for the same services. Rather than evicting people from shelter in the middle of winter, the City should insist on getting the most competitive prices from its own contractors in order to keep costs down.”  

The Comptroller’s analysis compared the four highest-cost emergency contracts procured by mayoral agencies for asylum seeker staffing services at hotels, welcome centers, and Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers (HERRCs):  

  • The Essey Group (Essey), LLC procured by the Department of Homeless Services (DHS);  
  • SLSCO LP (SLSCO) procured by New York City Emergency Management (NYCEM);  
  • Rapid Reliable Testing NY, LLC (otherwise known as DocGo) procured by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD); and  
  • Garner Environmental Services (Garner) and Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) — a master agreement involving NYCEM and Health and Hospitals (H+H). 

The latter three contracts were selected without competitive bidding. In addition, the report found no evidence that City Hall coordinated to insist on receiving the most competitive pricing or to evaluate and monitor service across the contracts.  

The report analyzed the prices paid for comparable staffing positions across the four contracts (on-site leadership, case management, general support, security, and off-site management), finding wide variability of staffing rates: 

  • SLSCO’s hourly rates for case managers were 237% higher than Essey’s. DocGo’s rates were 146% higher. 
  • SLSCO billed the City $201.06 per hour for off-site managers – double the rate charged by Garner and four times higher than DocGo.  
  • The hourly rate the City is paying private contractors for security guards is more than double the prevailing wage. 

The report found that, in many cases, the City paid far more to the private contractors than it would have paid to City employees:  

  • Staffing costs for some positions under SLSCO’s contract at the Row Hotel were approximately 2.5 times higher than if the City used its own employees. 
  • On just one site analyzed by the auditors, City employee staffing would deliver as much as $50 million in savings in a single year, even when factoring for the costs of fringe benefits. 

In emergencies, in order to prioritize speed of procurement, City agencies have the authority to bypass the usual contract requirements of competitive bidding. In this situation, however, City agencies wound up soliciting multiple contracts without achieving the benefits of competitive pricing. 

As of November 2023, the Comptroller’s Office has identified 340 unique asylum-seeker contracts held across 14 different City agencies, representing an estimated contract value of $5.7 billion. In early December, the Comptroller revoked the Mayor’s blanket authority (granted in July 2022) to issue emergency contracts for asylum seeker services, requiring agencies to obtain prior approval from the Comptroller’s office on a contract-by-contract basis. 

More than 20 months after significant numbers of asylum seekers began to arrive in New York City, the Comptroller’s office calls on City Hall to transition to a more cost-effective approach, using a competitive procurement process, managed by a single agency to ensure competitive prices, contractor oversight, and better coordination. 

Read the report here. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Roofing Company Principal Pleads Guilty For Failing To Protect An Employee Who Fell To His Death


Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JOSE LEMA, a/k/a “Jose Lema Mizhirumbay,” the founder and principal of ALJ Home Improvement, Inc., a New York roofing company, pled guilty to willfully violating Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) regulations, resulting in the death of an employee in New Square, New York, on or about February 8, 2022.  LEMA pled guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge Judith C. McCarthy, to whom the case is assignedThe defendant is scheduled to be sentenced on May 22, 2024.  

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Jose Lema endangered the safety of his workers by disregarding regulations and failing to ensure his employees used fall protection systems.  This conduct led to the tragically avoidable death of a roof worker at a construction site.  Failure of small businesses to comply with safety regulations endangers workers and can lead to unnecessary and preventable tragedy, and this Office will hold them accountable.” 

According to statements and filings made in court:

On the morning of February 8, 2022, LEMA sent an ALJ employee (“Victim-1”) and three other employees to install a roof on a three-story multi-family apartment building under construction in New Square, New York.  LEMA failed to protect his employees from fall hazards by having them work on the roof at the worksite without fall protection.  After ascending a ladder to the roof, Victim-1 fell to the ground and died from his injuries.

Victim-1’s deadly fall was not the first time an employee of LEMA and ALJ fell to their death at one of ALJ’s worksites or were exposed to fall hazards.  The first death, on or about February 27, 2019, involved an ALJ employee who slipped off the roof of a newly constructed three-story home in Kiamesha Lake, New York.  OSHA investigated and issued citations to ALJ numerous times for failing to ensure employes were using fall protection systems following the 2019 death and once after Victim-1’s death.

LEMA, 41, of Nanuet, New York, is charged with one count of willful violation of OSHA regulations resulting in death, which carries a maximum sentence of six months in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000.

The maximum potential penalties in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding work of OSHA, the Department of Labor, Office of the Inspector General, and the Special Agents of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York for their assistance.