Saturday, June 1, 2024

Chief Operating Officer Of International Cargo Airline Sentenced To Four Years In Prison For Defrauding His Employer

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that LARS WINKELBAUER was sentenced to four years in prison by U.S. District Judge Jesse M. Furman in connection with a massive scheme to defraud Polar Air Cargo Worldwide, Inc. (“Polar”), a leading cargo airline, of more than $32 million dollars in revenueWINKELBAUER previously pled guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering.  

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Lars Winkelbauer abused his high-level position at Polar for over a decade, extracting millions of dollars in kickbacks for himself and causing tens of millions of dollars of harm to the companyThe substantial sentence imposed today sends an important message: corporate corruption doesn’t pay.” 

According to the charging documents and other filings and statements made in court:

From at least about 2009 through about July 2021, LARS WINKELBAUER and at least nine other individuals participated in a massive scheme to defraud Polar.  At all relevant times, WINKELBAUER and three co-defendants were senior executives of Polar (the “Executive Defendants”), and six co-defendants (the “Vendor Defendants”) owned and operated various Polar vendors and customers. 

The Executive Defendants agreed to accept millions of dollars in kickbacks from the Vendor Defendants, and also reaped substantial financial benefits as a result of their secret ownership interests in certain Polar vendors, in exchange for ensuring that those vendors received favorable business arrangements with Polar.  The fraud they perpetrated — which involved a substantial portion of Polar’s senior management and at least 10 customers and vendors of Polar — led to pervasive corruption of Polar’s business, touching nearly every aspect of the company’s operations for over a decade. 

As a result of the scheme, the Executive Defendants, along with two co-conspirators who also worked as senior executives at Polar, received unlawful payments, either directly or through various limited liability companies they controlled, in excess of approximately $23 million in kickback payments or disbursements as a result of their ownership of conflicted companies. 

WINKELBAUER was Polar’s Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President and was the most senior of the Executive Defendants.  He personally received kickbacks connected to approximately 11 separate vendors or customers of Polar totaling over $6 million.  He also attempted to conceal the illegal kickback payments through a sophisticated money laundering scheme, including via falsified invoices and the use of shell companies in China.

In addition to the prison term, WINKELBAUER, 48, of Bangkok, Thailand, was sentenced to three years of supervised release.  WINKELBAUER was also ordered to forfeit $6,774,039.30 and to make restitution to Polar in the amount of $32,902,847.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service – Criminal Investigation. 

The New York City Charter Revision Commission - NOTICE OF PUBLIC INPUT SESSION


CRC Logo 3

Queens Public Input Session




Wednesday, June 5, 10:00 am

Queens Borough Hall

120-78 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens, NY  11415


Virtual location:  Zoom meeting link will be posted at on Monday June 3.




The New York City Charter Revision Commission (“CRC”) will host a Public Input Session in Queens on structural changes to the New York City Charter. 


What is this Public Input Session about?

The New York City Charter (“Charter”) provides the structure of city government and key powers of city elected officials and agencies. The CRC is empowered to review the entire Charter to ensure that city government works efficiently and remains responsive to all New Yorkers. The public is invited to testify about any matter of importance to city government.  You can find out more about the New York City Charter Revision by visiting us at our website:


Who can give input?

This meeting is open to the public, and the public will have the opportunity to testify before members of the Commission.  Any member of the public may testify for up to three (3) minutes. A group, organization, or institution wishing to testify shall select a single designated representative. New Yorkers from any of the five boroughs may testify. The CRC will attempt to accommodate everyone who wishes to speak at this hearing, but if time does not permit, the public is encouraged to utilize other opportunities to testify at subsequent public input sessions of the CRC or by submitting written testimony to note that the Input Session is for accepting oral testimony but is not held in a “Question and Answer” format.


Is there a deadline to submit written testimony?

The public may submit written testimony to instead of or in addition to testifying live at a hearing. Written testimony must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, July 12.


When and where is the hearing?

Doors open to the public, and the Input Session may be accessed virtually via the Zoom link posted to, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, June 5 at the following location: 

Queens Borough Hall

120-78 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens, NY  11415


What if I need assistance to observe or testify at the meeting?

American Sign Language and Spanish interpretation will be provided online and on-site. Please make language interpretation and/or other accessibility requests by 10:00 am on Tuesday, June 4 by emailing or by calling 212-748-0205 and leaving a voicemail. All requests will be accommodated to the extent possible.


Council Member James F. Gennaro Calls on NYC Water Board to Demand Mayor Adams End 'Hidden' $1.4B


The Mayor Plans to Divert More Than $1.4B in Revenue from New Yorkers’ Water and Sewer Charges Over the Next Four Years in a Hidden Tax to Balance the City Budget. This Diversion of Funds will Raise Water Rates 36% 0ver the Next Four Years, Not Accounting for Additional Water Rate Increases to Fund DEP’s Legitimate Need to Fund a Build-Out of the City’s Sewer System to Protect the City from Flooding Due to More Intense and More Frequent Rain Storms

Council Member James F. Gennaro, Chair of the New York City Council's Committee on Environmental Protection, Resiliency, & Waterfronts, passionately confronted the New York City Water Board at yesterday's public hearing on the new proposed water rate for Fiscal Year 2025. Gennaro is deeply disturbed by the Mayor’s plan to divert more than $1.4B in revenue from New Yorkers’ water and sewer charges over the next four years in a "hidden tax" to help balance the city budget. As a result, the Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) is proposing that the Water Board approve an 8.5 percent water rate increase this summer, passing this cost onto New York City ratepayers. This proposed rate increase would double last year’s rate hike and make it the highest rate hike in over a decade, financially burdening all New Yorkers, but most especially our most vulnerable populations.


The Council Member noted that while the Water Board cannot deny the Mayor the so-called ‘rental payment’ if the mayor requests it, they can make a statement on behalf of ratepayers and protest the hidden tax. He also noted that it is their moral duty to look out for the best interests of New York City ratepayers.


"This is your moment. You are the only entity that doesn't have an ulterior motive and whose only mission is to protect the rate payers of New York City," Gennaro said to the Water Board. "Now, legally, you can't deny the Mayor his money, but you can make a statement. You can resign."


"I am demanding that this board do whatever it can. Resign, make a statement and make sure that this atrocity does not go forward in the future," he said as he pounded on the podium.


As reported by the New York Times, “How a ‘Hidden’ $1.4 Billion Tax Will Make N.Y.C. Water Bills Rise (May 3, 2024),’” the average single family New York City homeowner pays $1,088 a year for water. Landlords pay for water but pass along the costs to tenants. The proposed increase would cost approximately another $93 a year. But low-income New Yorkers pay more as a share of income than wealthier New Yorkers.


This "backdoor tax" has been around for decades but was done away with by Bill de Blasio seven years ago. Facing fiscal woes in a post-COVID and migrant crisis era, Mayor Adams is resurrecting this hidden tax – and with little transparency.


"When people pay their water and sewer bill, they expect that money is going toward water and sewer. It's not. It's going to all the other agencies," the Council Member argued. "For once, act like a real regulator and put the interest of the ratepayers first and make sure when [they] pay their water and sewer bill it goes to water and sewer."

To watch Council Member Gennaro's full testimony at the Water Board meeting last night, click here.

To download the Council Member's submitted testimony, click here.

All content courtesy of Council Member James F. Gennaro's office.

Van Cortlandt Park Alliance - Music and more in June in VCP!


Barefoot Dancing with Estelle Walkin

Saturday, June 1 - 2pm to 4pm

Kick off your shoes and learn to samba with Estelle Walkin featuring Escalante Amaru (Music Medicine), playing live Brazilian music.

RSVP Suggested

Van Cortlandt House Museum Lawn


Water Chestnut Wednesdays

Wednesdays, June 5 +12 - Meet at 9am

Hop into a pair of our waders and join us for water chestnut removal in Hester & Piero’s Mill Pond. Bring your adventurous spirit, plenty of water, a hat, and an extra pair of dry socks.


Meet at Van Cortlandt Golf House

Forest Restoration Fridays

Fridays, June 7, 14, 21, 28 - Meet at 9am

Gear up for some hands-on conservation work, including tree planting, all while learning about the forest’s ecosystem in the Northwest Woods.


Meet at VCPA Garden & Compost Site

NY Philharmonic in Van Cortlandt Park

Tuesday, June 11 at 8pm

Pack a picnic, BYOB (bring your own blanket), and get ready for a lovely evening with a FREE concert on the Parade Ground. 

Fireworks will follow the concert!

Click here for more information.

Enter the park across the street from 6035 Broadway (approximately West 246th Street).

Birding with NYC Audubon

Saturday, June 15 - Meet at 9am

Explore Van Cortlandt Park’s ecologically diverse grounds and celebrate a long tradition of birding in the park. Each walk will be led by a New York City Audubon guide.


Meet at the Nature Center.


Woodlawn Beautification Day

Saturday, June 15 - 10am to 12pm

Join VCPA, Women of Woodlawn, and Woodlawn Taxpayers Association as we continue to beautify the area around Woodlawn Playground. 


Meet in front of Woodlawn Playground.

Juneteenth Celebration

Wednesday, June 19 - 6pm to 7:30pm

Van Cortlandt Park Alliance and Bronx Arts Ensemble invite you to an evening celebration of Juneteenth.

The program will begin on the lawn of the Van Cortlandt House Museum with performances, including music and spoken word. Then join us for a procession with drums to the Enslaved African Burial Ground for a libation ceremony, honoring the memory of the enslaved people.

RSVP Suggested.

Van Cortlandt House Museum Lawn.

KRVC: Music in the Park

Sunday, June 23 - 5pm to 7pm

Kingsbridge Riverdale Van Cortlandt Development Corporation presents:

FREE Music in the Park with Morrisania Band Project

For more information, visit KRVC website.

Van Cortlandt House Museum Lawn.

Support Our Work in Van Cortlandt Park

Make a Donation

The park is really big. Our staff is really small. Only with your help can we grow our capacity, hire more staff, and take on projects to improve Van Cortlandt Park… for YOU!  Please consider a gift to Van Cortlandt Park Alliance today.


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Our Contact Information
Van Cortlandt Park Alliance
80 Van Cortlandt Park South, Ste. E1
Bronx, NY 10463