Saturday, August 10, 2024

Release of Body Worn Camera Footage from an Officer Involved Shooting that Occurred on June 3, 2024 in the confines of the 115th Precinct


The NYPD is releasing today body-worn camera footage from an officer-involved shooting that occurred on June 3rd, 2024 in the confines of the 115th Precinct..

The video includes available evidence leading up to the incident as well as during the incident. The NYPD is releasing this video for clear viewing of the totality of the incident.

All NYPD patrol officers are equipped with body-worn cameras. The benefits of cameras are clear: transparency into police activity, de-escalation of police encounters and accountability for police officers, through an independent account of interactions between the police and the citizens they serve. Body-worn cameras serve as a vital part of ongoing efforts to increase trust between the police and all New Yorkers.

You can find the video here



Jocelyn E. Strauber, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), issued the following statement on the guilty plea of an Emergency Medical Technician (“EMT”) employed by the New York City Fire Department (“FDNY”) to a charge of stealing $600 from a DOI undercover investigator posing as an ill patient. This type of undercover operation, also known as an integrity test, was prompted by theft allegations involving this EMT. The office of Queens County District Attorney Melinda Katz prosecuted the case. 

LUIS A. CARRILLO, JR., 44, of Corona, N.Y., was charged in August 2023 with Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree, a class E felony, and Petit Larceny and Official Misconduct, both class A misdemeanors. Today, CARRILLO pled guilty to both Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree and Petit Larceny. If he is successful and completes a substance abuse program, resigns from the FDNY and surrenders his EMT certification the felony will be dismissed, and he will be sentenced to a conditional discharge on the misdemeanor Petit Larceny. If he fails to complete any of these he will be sentenced to 364 days in jail on the felony. He has already resigned from FDNY and surrendered his EMT certification and has agreed to not seek recertification as an EMT in New York State or any other state. 

DOI Commissioner Jocelyn E. Strauber said, “This defendant, an EMT, stole from an undercover en route to a hospital via ambulance, who appeared in need of medical care. This defendant breached the trust placed in EMTs, who provide critical services every day to New Yorkers in dire need. As a result of his guilty plea, he will lose his EMT certification and his job with the FDNY, a serious punishment and an important step in taking responsibility for his criminal conduct. I thank the Queens District Attorney for their partnership on this important investigation.” 

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz said: “The EMTS of New York City perform lifesaving work every day of the week. Unfortunately, this defendant brought dishonor to his profession by stealing $600 from an undercover investigator during an integrity test. With today’s plea to a felony, this defendant will receive an appropriate sentence for his conduct. I thank our partners at the Department of Investigation for their assistance in this case.” 

According to the criminal complaint, DOI conducted an integrity test at about 3:26 a.m. Wednesday, August 2, 2023, on Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, in which a DOI undercover investigator (the “Undercover”) posed as a patient in need of medical assistance. The Undercover was transported to Elmhurst Hospital in Queens (the “Hospital”) for treatment, in an ambulance staffed by the defendant, an EMT. During the transport the Undercover saw the defendant remove the Undercover’s wallet, which contained $1,100 in marked bills. Once the Undercover was dropped off at the Hospital, he discovered that $690 was missing from his wallet. A team of DOI investigators conducted surveillance of the operation, and stopped the ambulance after it left the Hospital. DOI investigators approached the defendant, who was in the ambulance, and recovered $600 in marked bills from the defendant’s front right pocket. Investigators did not find the additional $90 that was missing from the Undercover’s wallet. The defendant was immediately arrested. 

CARRILLO, JR., has been employed as an EMT since October 2012, receives an annual salary of approximately $59,534, and has been suspended since his arraignment on criminal charges in August 2023.

Commissioner Strauber thanked Queens County District Attorney Melinda Katz, Public Corruption Bureau Acting Chief Christine Oliveri, and Assistant District Attorney Vinnette Campbell, who is handling the prosecution of this case. Commissioner Strauber also thanked NYC Health + Hospitals President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Mitchell Katz, Acting FDNY Commissioner Joseph Pfeifer, FDNY Assistant Commissioner Carlos Velez, and FDNY Investigators Justin Boyle and Miguel Correa for their assistance with the logistics for the integrity test. 

Russian-German National Extradited for Illegally Exporting to Russia Sensitive U.S.-Sourced Microelectronics with Military Applications in Violation of U.S. Export Controls

Arthur Petrov, 33, a dual Russian and German national, made his initial appearance in federal court, following his extradition from the Republic of Cyprus for criminal offenses related to export control violations, smuggling, wire fraud and money laundering. Petrov allegedly participated in a scheme to procure U.S.-sourced microelectronics subject to U.S. export controls on behalf of a Russia-based supplier of critical electronics components for manufacturers supplying weaponry and other equipment to the Russian military. Petrov was arrested on Aug. 26, 2023, in the Republic of Cyprus at the request of the United States.

“This extradition demonstrates the Justice Department’s enduring commitment to cutting Russia off from the western technologies that fuel President Putin’s war machine,” said Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. “Together with global partners, the Department’s Disruptive Technology Strike Force and Task Force KleptoCapture will vigorously investigate and prosecute efforts to evade the global sanctions and export controls imposed to counter Russia’s brutal war in Ukraine. The defendant’s extradition is a vital step towards holding Russia accountable, and I am grateful to our Cypriot partners for their assistance in this matter.”

“Our charges allege that, after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the defendant and his co-conspirators formed an elaborate tech-trafficking syndicate to supply microelectronics to Russia’s military-industrial complex,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “Together with our international law enforcement partners, the Justice Department will now hold Petrov to account in a U.S. courtroom and continue dismantling criminal networks that threaten our collective security.”

“As demonstrated by today’s extradition, just because you’re located overseas doesn’t mean we won’t find you,” said Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement Matthew S. Axelrod of the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). “If you procure sensitive U.S. microelectronics with military applications for Russia, you risk the very real threat of facing justice in a U.S. courtroom.”

“Arthur Petrov is alleged to have conspired to smuggle shipments from U.S. distributors of microelectronics with military applications through intermediary countries to Russia as part of an illicit Russian-based procurement network,” said U.S. Attorney Damian Williams for the Southern District of New York. “As alleged, he concealed the ultimate destination of these sensitive materials, and he knew that these transactions and shipments were in violation of U.S. export controls relating to Russia. Thanks to the efforts of our law enforcement partners here and abroad, Petrov is now in U.S. custody and will face justice in a U.S. courtroom. This case demonstrates that we will work tirelessly with our law enforcement partners to protect national security and disrupt and prosecute the illicit supply of U.S.-sourced military technology to Russia.”

“The extradition of Arthur Petrov and the allegations laid out in a criminal complaint send a strong message about the resolve and commitment of the FBI and its partners to stop the illegal transfer of sensitive, military-use technology,” said Executive Assistant Director Robert Wells of the FBI’s National Security Branch. “In the hands of hostile nations, such technology presents a significant threat to U.S. national security. Today’s actions demonstrate the power and reach of law enforcement partnerships to dismantle even the most elaborate schemes while keeping Americans safe in the process.”

According to court documents, Petrov worked for LLC Electrocom VPK (Electrocom), a Russia-based supplier of critical electronics components for manufacturers supplying weaponry and other equipment to the Russian military. Petrov and two co-conspirators (CC-1 and CC-2), who are Russian nationals also working for Electrocom, operated an illicit procurement network in Russia and elsewhere overseas. They fraudulently procured from U.S. distributors large quantities of microelectronics subject to U.S. export controls on behalf of Electrocom. To carry out the scheme, Petrov, CC-1, and CC-2 used shell companies and other deceptive means to conceal that the electronics components were destined for Russia. The technology that Petrov and his co-conspirators have procured in contravention of export controls during the course of the conspiracy have significant military applications and include various types of electronics components of the sort that have been recovered in Russian military hardware on the battlefield in Ukraine, such as Russian guided missiles, drones and electronic warfare and communications devices.

To perpetrate the scheme, Petrov first acquired the controlled microelectronics from U.S.-based electronics exporters using a Cyprus-based shell company, Astrafteros Technokosmos LTD (Astrafteros), which he operates. Petrov procured these sensitive electronics components by falsely representing to the U.S. exporters that Astrafteros was purchasing the items for fire security systems, among other commercial uses, and that the ultimate end-users and destinations of the electronics are companies in Cyprus or other third countries — when in fact, the components are destined for Electrocom in Russia, which supplies manufacturers for the Russian military. The microelectronics that Petrov has procured as part of the conspiracy include, among other things, microcontrollers and integrated circuits that are on the Commerce Control List maintained by the Commerce Department and cannot lawfully be exported or reexported to Russia without a license from the Commerce Department. Invoices provided to Petrov by the U.S. distributors expressly noted that these microcontrollers and integrated circuits are subject to U.S. export controls.

To evade these controls, Petrov, CC-1, and CC-2 worked together to transship the controlled items procured by Petrov using pass-through entities operated by CC-1 and CC-2 in third countries. CC-1 and CC-2 then caused the items to be shipped, sometimes through yet another country, to the ultimate destination: Electrocom in Saint Petersburg, Russia. At all times, Petrov, CC-1, and CC-2 concealed from the U.S. distributors that they were procuring the controlled electronics components on behalf of Electrocom and that the items were destined for Russia. During the course of the conspiracy, Petrov, CC-1, and CC-2 procured from U.S. distributors and shipped to Russia more than $225,000 worth of controlled electronics components with military applications.

On Aug. 26, 2023, Petrov was arrested and detained by the Cypriot authorities at the request of the United States. The United States thereafter submitted a formal extradition request. On July 18, after extradition proceedings in the Cypriot courts concluded with extradition being approved, the Cypriot Minister of Justice and Public Order issued the extradition order.

Petrov is charged with one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison; one count of conspiracy to violate the Export Control Reform Act (ECRA), which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison; three counts of violating the ECRA, each of which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison; one count of conspiracy to smuggle goods from the United States, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison; three counts of smuggling goods from the United States, which each carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison; one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison; and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin Sullivan for the Southern District of New York and Trial Attorney Maria Fedor of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section are prosecuting the case.

These actions were coordinated through the Justice Department’s Task Force KleptoCapture and the Justice and Commerce Departments’ Disruptive Technology Strike Force. Task Force KleptoCapture is an interagency law enforcement task force dedicated to enforcing the sweeping sanctions, export restrictions and economic countermeasures that the United States has imposed, along with its allies and partners, in response to Russia’s unprovoked military invasion of Ukraine. The Disruptive Technology Strike Force is an interagency law enforcement strike force co-led by the Departments of Justice and Commerce designed to target illicit actors, protect supply chains and prevent critical technology from being acquired by authoritarian regimes and hostile nation states.

A criminal complaint is merely an allegation. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Attorney General James Secures $1.5 Million from Digital Marketing Company for Misleading New Yorkers Seeking Mental Health Care

4K Apps Tricked New Yorkers Trying to Reach Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities

New York Attorney General Letitia James secured $1.5 million from a digital marketing company, 4K Apps, Inc. (4K Apps), for operating a network of deceptive websites that misled tens of thousands of New Yorkers seeking mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and senior living facilities. 4K Apps is a digital marketing company hired by companies to drive customers to their website to buy their product or service. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) found that 4K Apps ran dozens of websites with directories of health care facilities throughout the state and listed phone numbers that led people to call 4K Apps’ clients instead of the health care facilities listed on the websites. As a result of today’s settlement, 4K Apps will pay $1.5 million and update all its websites to accurately reflect who consumers are calling.

“It is illegal – and incredibly cruel – to trick New Yorkers who may be in the middle of a mental health crisis and searching for care just to make a profit,” said Attorney General James. “No New Yorker should have to endure delays when trying to get in touch with health care providers because of misleading information on the internet. Access to critical health care often begins with people being able to find accurate information about providers online, and my office will not hesitate to take action against companies that mislead New Yorkers.” 

4K Apps is a digital marketing company that is hired by third-party companies to help attract customers to their website or call center to purchase their product or service. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) found that 4K Apps created dozens of websites that claimed to help consumers find and connect with health care and other services, but once consumers went onto those websites, they were shown phone numbers for 4K Apps’ clients, not the facilities listed. The OAG opened an investigation into 4K Apps after receiving a complaint from a facility listed on one of 4K Apps’ websites.


Example of a 4K Apps Website

4K Apps operated at least six mental health sites since August 2020, more than 20 substance abuse sites, and at least 20 assisted living sites since 2019. Each website appeared to provide a directory of facilities and included the facility’s name, address, a brief description of the services offered, and what appeared to be the facility’s phone number. 

The directory-style design of the websites conveyed the false impression that the phone numbers were associated with the listed entities, when in reality all phone numbers would connect callers to a call center operated by a 4K Apps client. These call centers typically did not identify themselves at first, answering with a generic opening such as “intake,” which caused consumers confusion when they believed they were calling the facility listed on the directory. 4K Apps was paid for each call that lasted a certain length of time, or that resulted in a visit to a client's facility.  

The misleading information shared by 4K Apps impeded New Yorkers’ search for mental health treatment and substance abuse treatment. Consumers who were searching for local services would instead land on one of 4K Apps’ sites and were deceived into calling one of 4K Apps’ clients who offered limited services in a narrow set of locations and often only accepted cash or private insurance. This scheme caused New Yorkers to miss out on reaching the local facility they had hoped to contact, and that may have actually offered appropriate services for treatment, accepted their insurance, or otherwise better suited their needs. 

The owner and operator of 4K Apps, Igor Korogodskiy, was aware his company’s websites were deceptive but failed to make material changes to stop this scheme. One of his clients received a complaint from a network of treatment centers who pointed out that incorrect phone numbers for their facilities were being used on a “faux directory site.” Korogodskiy responded to the complaint by removing the names of the treatment centers from the websites but failed to address the websites’ other deceptive elements. Korogodskiy's wife, Anna Kolesnik also operated her own deceptive network of websites that purported to provide a nationwide directory of assisted living facilities. 

As a result of the OAG investigation and settlement, 4K Apps must pay New York $1.5 million and adopt a series of changes aimed at correcting the websites’ deceptive elements, including the removal of phone numbers underneath or next to entities in a directory-style listing. 

Attorney General James has been a leader in holding businesses accountable that take advantage of everyday New Yorkers. In July 2024, Attorney General James announced a bipartisan, 30-state settlement with the owner of Cameo for failing to ensure consumers knew that videos promoting products were paid endorsements. In June 2024, Attorney General James distributed $112.7 million across New York State from her office's historic $462 million multistate settlement with JUUL for its deceptive and misleading marketing tactics that led to a dangerous rise in underage e-cigarette use nationwide. In May 2024, Attorney General James and a bipartisan coalition of 50 attorneys general secured more than $10.22 million from AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless for deceptively marketing wireless service plans for years. In April 2024, Attorney General James secured more than $1 million from Northwell Health for deceptively advertising Covid-19 testing sites.

Attorney General James thanks the Chief of Investigations at the Florida Attorney General’s office for assistance in this investigation.

Governor Hochul Declares Statewide State of Emergency as Remnants of Debby Cause Severe Flooding

heavy rain

Flood Watches and Warnings Remain in Effect for Much of the State

Tornado Watches Have Been Issued for Portions of the Hudson Valley, Capital Region, North Country and Mohawk Valley

Swift Water Rescue Teams Have Been Deployed to Impacted Areas to Support Local Rescue Operations and the State Stands Ready to Support Impacted Localities with Resources 

Governor Kathy Hochul declared a statewide State of Emergency as the remnants of Debby have begun to cause severe flooding in communities throughout New York. The system is currently moving north/northeast through the state and has already caused flash flood emergencies in Steuben and Allegany Counties. As the system continues to move through New York, there is also a growing risk of severe thunderstorms with the possibility of tornadoes in eastern half of state. Swift water rescue teams have already been deployed to impacted areas to support local rescue operations and the state stands ready to support impacted localities with any and all resources.

“With the remnants of Debby making its way across New York, I am declaring a statewide State of Emergency, and my administration stands ready to support impacted communities,” Governor Hochul said. “State agencies have activated swift water rescue teams for impacted regions that require assistance, and it is important for New Yorkers to remain vigilant and stay off the roads.”

Flood Watches and Warnings remain in effect for much of the state and Tornado Watches have been issued for portions of the Hudson Valley, Capital Region, North Country and Mohawk Valley. For a complete listing of weather alerts, visit the National Weather Service website at New Yorkers are also encouraged to sign up for emergency alerts by subscribing to NY Alert at, a free service providing critical emergency information to your cell phone or computer.

🌱GrowNYC Volunteer Newsletter


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GrowNYC Volunteer Newsletter

Register for our September Virtual Volunteer Orientation 


What's new: Interested in volunteering with GrowNYC? Join our online orientation where our Volunteer Program Manager will provide information about GrowNYC, local agriculture and food access, as well as current and upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Orientation is open to all, however, GrowNYC volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. The volunteer orientation is required to participate in our volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer Spotlight

Mari Ueno

Meet Mari, our spotlight volunteer of the month! Read the interview below to learn more about Mari.

1. How long have you been volunteering with GrowNYC?
My name is Mari, and I’ve been volunteering with GrowNYC since November of 2021!

2. Why did you decide to volunteer with GrowNYC?
I often spend my free time volunteering with different organizations around NYC. I choose to volunteer with GrowNYC because I wanted to do something for our city during the pandemic.

3. What has been your favorite moment/memory volunteering with GrowNYC so far?
I’ve enjoyed every moment volunteering with GrowNYC!

If I have to pick my favorite memory it’ll have to be my birthday. Last month I registered to volunteer on my birthday and was given a bunch of flowers, an apple & rhubarb cake and a lot of "Happy birthday!" wishes. This was a great moment that made me feel like a family member of both GrowNYC and the local community.

Greenmarket Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer with GrowNYC’s Greenmarkets and help support local farmers by creating a welcoming environment and ensuring they have opportunities to sell fresh produce. This is also a great way to do your part in helping ensure that all NYC residents have access to fresh and local produce! These events are outdoors, rain or shine. Please dress for the weather and bring a reusable water bottle! Sign up for one or more opportunities at the following Greenmarkets (GM):

92nd Street GM - Sundays (sign up)

82nd Street GM - Saturdays (sign up)

Fort Greene GM - Saturdays (sign up)

Volunteer Reminders

Sustainability Tabling Event

Thank you so much for volunteering your time and energy with GrowNYC! We want to ensure that all volunteers are aware of how to best prepare for volunteer shifts and what to do if you need to cancel for any reason. Below you can find a list of reminders to assist you during your time volunteering with GrowNYC

  • Wear weather appropriate clothing and bring a reusable water bottle (if you can)

  • You should not bring friends and family to your volunteer shift without prior confirmation from the volunteer program manager

  • You should not do anything you are not comfortable with

  • Do not hesitate to cancel your volunteer shift for any reason. Please be sure to reply-all to your confirmation email with any updates

  • Do not assist with any token transactions during your volunteer shift, volunteers are not permitted to handle tokens or cash

GrowNYC Partner Volunteer Activities

Green Thumb Garden Photo

GreenThumb Volunteer Opportunities

The Living Laboratory Community Garden relocated in 2015 and is looking to reactive the garden and form a new community group. There are 2-4 dedicated gardeners in this space and they need more members to keep the space active and open to the community. They'll be planting over 100 plants to beautify the landscape!

  • Friday, 8/16: West 104th Street Garden – Manhattan (register here)

  • Saturday, 8/17: Pirate’s Cove Garden – Brooklyn (register here)