Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Last Night's Governor Debate- "Three Ring Circus"
NY Governors Race_Katz.jpg
     Andrew Cuomo of the Democratic, Independence, and Working Family lines- Carl Palidino of the Republican, and Conservative lines- Howie Hawkins Green candidate- Kristin Davis Anti Prohibition candidate- Warren Redlich Libertarian candidate - Charles Barrons Freedom candidate- and Jimmy Mcmillan Rent is To Damn High candidate squared off for a free or all candidates debate to be the governor of New York State last night. 
    On the first question Charles Barrons complained of the ethnic make up of the panel asking the questions, and didn't end there. Barrons said that Chancellor Joel Klein should be fired, Mayoral control ended, and that the MTA should be abolished. 
    Carl Palidino looking nervous (and getting up midway to go to the bathroom) wants to do away with the State Department of Education, and stop all the unfunded mandates on local school districts, but had no solution as to how to do it. 
    Warren Redlich the Libertarian candidate may of had the best line of the night saying "We need to stop wasting our tax money", to which the others agreed. 
    Andrew Cumo said that there are 10,500 governments in total in New York State with some needing to be merged to save money. 
    Kristin Davis wants to legalize marijuana and casino gambling, and had two good lines saying that Albany was full of whores and that she is probably the only person on stage who can deal with that. Davis also said that if the corporate tax is raised that companies will flee New York quicker than Carl Palidino at a gay bar. 
    Jimmy Mcmillan was a one topic candidate constantly repeating that "Rent is to Damn High" every time he spoke. 
    On the question of gay marriage Yes or No, Palidino said no, Barrons had no position, and the rest said yes to the question with Mcmillan adding if you want to marry a shoe I'll marry you.
    Cuomo and Palidino did not take any real shots at each during the debate, with the pot shots coming from the five other candidates. Cuomo was beat up for some of his questional contributions, and  Palidino for his conduct of the past few weeks.
    In closing statements Palidino said that he wants to lower income taxes 10%, a 20% cut to the state work force, term limits of 8 years, and real campaign reform. Cuomo said that we need to bring New York State to where it once was, and that he can do that. Cuomo was the only one to say "Go Yankees" during the debate in his closing statement.

Courtesy of the Visiting Nurse Service of NY, and The Office of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. 
Monday, October 25th, 2010
10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
The Bronx County Building (Rotunda-1st Floor)  851 Grand Concourse (at E. 161st Street)
 RSVP REQUIRED: Please call 718-537-5268
Individuals 50 years of age and older or those 18 years of age and older who are at increased risk--including people affected by heart or lung diseases, diabetes or asthma--are encouraged to receive a flu shot.  

Monday, October 18, 2010

Joe McLaughlin for Assembly Town Hall Meeting

Due to Jeffrey Dinowitz’s backing out of a scheduled debate with Joe McLaughlin, the McLaughlin Campaign has decided to have a town hall meeting with the 81st district community. 
  V.F.W Hall - 3960 Orloff Avenue (between Van Cortlandt Avenue West and Gale Place – look for the American Eagles)  
THURSDAY OCTOBER 21 at 8PM (Doors open at 7:30pm)
The planned format will be a Question and Answer from any member of the community who attends.  Joe will open with a brief statement and proceed to address any questions or concerns the attendees have.
This Town Hall meeting is in response to Jeffrey Dinowitz’s refusal to confirm an invitation to debate at Manhattan College on October 26th after repeatedly giving that date as an open date to do so.  Joe McLaughlin continues his plan to take his message directly to the voters and give them a choice this November.
For more information please contact Bill Murphy at 201-320-7850 or bmurphy@joemclaughlinforassembly.com 
Farmers Market & Family Fun Day!

Farmer’s Market, Local Vendors, Pumpkin Decorating, Bouncy Castle, Contests, Music, Bake Sale and much, much more!
Sponsored by Senator Jeff Klein, KRVC, PS 81, Community Board 8 and Riverdale Neighborhood House 
Sunday, October 24th from 11:00am-3:00pm
PS 81 & Riverdale Neighborhood House 
5550 Riverdale Avenue & 5521 Mosholu Avenue (along 256th Street).
Rain or Shine!
For further information, please contact Senator Klein’s office at (800) 822-2039 or contact Tracy Shelton, the Kingsbridge-Riverdale-Van Cortlandt Development Corp./KRVC's Executive Director, at 917-570-9027 or at tracyshelton@optonline.net      

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Looking for Channels 5 and 9 on Cablevision?

    If you are a Cablevision subscriber and turned your television and cable box on today it went to channel 1999 and gave you a pre-recorded message (from Cablevision) that channels 5 and 9 were taken off the air by News Corp the owners of the stations. The message continues to say that News Corp wants more than double the last agreement to keep the channels on Cablevision, more than several other networks combined. The message then attacks News Corp for owning two on the air television stations and two major newspapers while the law permits ownership of only one of each in a marketplace. 
    If you surf through the channels however you will find that all other fox cable channels are in fine working order. FNN, FX, FSC, FMC, etc. are all on the air on Cablevision. If you have a regular over the air television and a FCC required converter box you can see channels 5 and 9.
    If you remember the blackout of channel 7 from Cablevision earlier this year that ended twenty minutes after the Oscar Awards started, this dispute between News Corp and Cablevision should end in the third inning of game one of the World Series. We have received a correspondence from Senator Jeff Klein on this matter. We hope to hear from other elected officials also on this matter, especially our members of Congress who make the laws and regulations for broadcasting.
I am deeply disappointed that as of today my constituents can no longer view Fox 5 and My9, blacking out access to this weekend’s NY Giants Football Game, National League Playoff games, and possibility of the World Series.  It is imperative that the parties immediately restore programming to consumers and submit to binding arbitration.  I call on the Federal Communications Commission, as the federal agency charged with protecting the interest of consumers in such disputes, to act quickly to bring the parties together and reaffirm its call for arbitration - to ensure that consumers are able to watch this highly anticipated programming.
     Thank you Senator Klein.

Borough President Diaz celebrated the 34th Anniversary of Italian American Heritage and Culture Month 2010

    The 34th Italian Heritage and Culture Month was a salute to Italian American women, honoring Dr. Maria Montessori an Internationally renowned educator and physician who lived from 1870-1952. 
    In 1976 the tradition was started with Italian Culture Week, and has grown to the month long celebration that it is today. This year Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. presented a Proclamation paying tribute to the Italian-American community and the culture, political, and scientific contributions Italian-Americans have made to our great borough, city, and country. BP Diaz proclaimed October 2010 as "Italian Heritage and Culture Month in The Bronx".
    Judge John Barone of the Supreme Court of New York was the master of ceremonies, and  the invocation was given by Megr. John A. Ruvo the former pastor of Our Lady Mt. Carmel Church. The American and Italian national anthems were played, and the invited guests were treated to a wonderful musical selection by 
Soprano singer Maria Fraccola with Dina Pruzhansky accompanying  her on the piano. 
    The event was held at the Bronx Zoo in what was formally known as the lion house, now vacated by the lions to their new outdoor home. One marveled at the fine marble columns and walls that were built in 1903 by Italian immigrants, and it was pointed out that The Bronx Botanical gardens and Fordham University were among other architectural wonders in the Bronx that were also built by Italians. 
    After a greeting by Francesco Maria Talo, Consul General of Italy in New York, and an Introduction by Mr. John Calvelli (Executive Vice President of Public Affairs for the Wildlife Conservation Society that runs the Bronx Zoo) BP Diaz brought up the honorees one by one.
    Rosemary Deluca (the Wildlife Conservation Society Assistant Director of City and State Affairs), Donna M. Rapaccioli Ph.D. (Professor and Dean of Business Faculty at Fordham University). and Geri Scortino (Owner of Bronx Design Group) were the 2010 Honorees. 
    Unbeknown to BP Diaz his elementary school principal Carol Russo (and a first generation Italian American) presented Diaz with a special presentation. Russo was the principal of PS 31 where young Ruben Diaz Jr. attended. She had nothing but praise for him, and BP Diaz told the audience of an experience that he had as a fifth grade student that got him on television for the first time. Diaz added that he was in the gifted program at PS 31 then, and that he wanted to see more gifted programs in the Bronx like the one he took. 
    Also in attendance were City Councilman Jimmy Vacca and 82nd Assemblyman Mike Benedetto who could only stay a short time due to other commitments. The program ended with BP Diaz saying "We should always celebrate our diversity",  and the delicious Italian food (from Auther Avenue) on hand was served.


Friday, October 15, 2010


    Deputy Majority Leader State Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) celebrated his 16th annual Senior Appreciation Days on Wednesday, October 13th and Thursday, October 14th.
   Klein treated nearly 1,000 Bronx and Westchester senior citizens to a three-course meal and a popular musical at the Westchester Broadway Theatre. This year’s performance was the Tony Award Nominated Musical Jekyll & Hyde, based on the novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
   This is the sixteenth year in a row that Klein has taken hundreds of senior citizens who reside in the 34th Senate District out for a gourmet lunch and Broadway show as a sign of appreciation for their contribution to the community.
    “Our Seniors are the pillars of our community and I can’t thank them enough for their endless support and dedication. To show my appreciation, I’m delighted to treat them to an all expenses paid afternoon where they can enjoy good food, good company and a great show,” said State Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester).
    “Senior Appreciation Day is a much anticipated yearly event for our seniors. Our seniors would never be able to see a show of that caliber on their own.  We are very grateful for the generosity of Senator Klein, he is very warm and caring to our senior community,” said Silvia Ponce of the Northeast Bronx Senior Citizen Center.