Sunday, June 16, 2019

Friends of Pelham Parkway Hold Rally for Fair Parks Funding

  Saturday there was another rally to protest the very small amount of money directed to parks by New York City. Advocates are asking for one-hundred million dollars in additional funding to NYC Parks. In a deal by the mayor and City Council Speaker Cory Johnson there will be additional money from the budget going to parks citywide, but less than half of what park advocates wanted.

  Several park advocates got together to see if they could squeeze any more money from the city budget for parks. Ms. Roxanne Delgado President of the Friends of Pelham Parkway spoke of how different parks are funded. Some like Central Park have private monies coming into them through a public - private partnership. She added in the Bronx there are very few if any public - private partnerships like the one in Central Park. 

Above - Ms. Roxanne Delgado President of the Friends of Pelham Parkway speaks of the needs of most parks that is not being met by the NYC Parks Department. 
Below - Several people joined Ms. Delgado at this rally which was called on very short notice.

There will be an event on Saturday June 29th (noon - 2PM) which will include plantings at this site located at Pelham Parkway North and Wallace Avenue. 


  Friday Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Hip Hop legend and Bronx Native 'Fat Joe' returned to the Fox Street Campus to once again give an entire class at IS 217 and Accion Academy brand new Nike sneakers. This is the second time entire classes received Nike sneakers for improved student performance and attendance in each school. 

  Around Christmas Fat Joe and BP Diaz came to these schools to give every student in one class of each school Nike Sneakers for high performance by the students. This time they returned to give students of another class Nike Sneakers that improved the most over the rest of the school year. 

  In talking to the students Fat Joe said that he wished someone came to his school to provide an incentive to learn so he could have learned more. Joe added that the students now know their potential, and what they can do. In the second class one student said that he went from failing to become an honor roll student, and was very proud of it. 

  Fat Joe told each class that years from now to remember where you came from, and give back to the community. 

Above and Below - Fat Joe and BP Diaz talk to students about how they felt about being given the incentive of new Nike sneakers to do better in school. Students were called up, and said that they were happy to learn they were getting the Nike sneakers after just missing getting them the first time.

Above - In the second class BP Diaz sat down with the students to listen to Fat Joe.
Below  - BP Diaz joined Fat Joe and the principal in calling on some students to talk about their individual stories. 

Above and Below - Students from each class pose with Fat Joe, BP Diaz, teachers, and their classmates. 

Bronx River Art Center Presents:

June 2019 Performing Arts Series
 La'FroJaz Ensemble, June 22 at 4 PM, in conjunction with our 2019 Education Program Exhibition
La Fro Jazz 2

Please join us for our next  performance of our June Bronx River Sounds series with  the wonderful La'FroJaz Ensemble on June 22nd at 4 PM. We are celebrating the close of our end-of-year student exhibition. Come between 2 pm and 3 pm to see the exhibit before it comes down. From 3 pm to 4 pm, young and old can partake in informal music lessons on percussion instruments with this community-minded group before sitting down for a lively Latin Jazz concert at 4 pm!  
La'FroJaz is a community-based jazz ensemble that partakes in free space jams throughout NYC, particularly in the Bronx (more often in Joyce Kilmer Park near the Bronx County Courthouse). These informal musical gatherings are opportunities for musicians to foster camaraderie and explore their multicultural interests. Begun over 20 years ago by two local musicians, Arinoye Louis and Hector Jorge, the event has grown into regular performances featuring accomplished and emerging musicians. 

BRAC is excited to bring this wide-ranging assortment of musicians together in our new event space for our program participants and music lovers alike to enjoy, participate with, and learn about jazz. Weather-permitting, the event could spill out onto our stunning garden just beyond our rear doors. 
Suggested Donations is $10 adults, $5.00 seniors and youth through age 18. Currently enrolled Students in BRAC's Education program, FREE .

This program is supported in part with City funds by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, including Council members, Ritchie Torres, Andrew Cohen, Andy King, Ruben Diaz Sr. and Mark Gjonaj, as well as 
Con Edison, BronxCare Health System and individual donors. 

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Fair at Westchester Square

   Today was the Fair at Westchester Square. It stretched along East Tremont Avenue for the entire three block area of the Westchester Square BID area. Dozens of booths were set up with everything from phone carriers to many different ethnic foods for sale. In talking to people comparing this years fair to last years fair one item came up from many people, that was where was Havana Cafe? last year the Havana Cafe booth was the hit of the Fair. This year a new to the Westchester BID area restaurant Shanghai Red was very active.  Photos are below.

Above - These four ladies were enjoying their Shanghai Red drinks.
Below - some of the Elite Star Dancers.

Above - Another group of Elite Star Dancers.
Below - The dancers (in the background) put Trina and Millie in such a good mood that they had to join in and dance.

Above - The Board of Elections were on hand to register new voters. The Republican is on the right and the Democrat is on the left.
Below - The Promised Land Church had volunteers giving clothing and books away free. 

Then there were the different types of food available.

Also various booths with many different types of gifts.

Assemblymember Michael A. Blake - Statement on passage of historic tenant protections

  “The passage and signing of the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 marks a milestone for tenants of The Bronx and across New York State. I thank the advocates, Speaker Heastie, Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins and Housing Committee Chairman Steve Cymbrowitz for proving that affordable housing and rent regulations are human rights. Our 79th Assembly District is home to thousands of Bronxites who live within rent stabilized units, and now they have strong protections to stay in their homes without fear that a landlord can unfairly raise rents and expenses - causing families to lose their homes. By preventing bad landlords from raising preferential rates to exorbitant levels, limiting the impact of renovations on tenant rent costs, enacting new anti-harassment protections, and making it easier to challenge rent increases and file overcharge claims, the legislation protects tenants across the 79th Assembly District, the South Bronx and New York. As a member of the Assembly housing committee and a Co-Sponsor on this historic legislation, I’m incredibly proud that this moment has finally arrived.

Given how my Mama Hilary overcame homelessness, and reflecting on the days when we sold dinners to pay our rent in The Bronx, I understand firsthand that quality and affordable housing is a right that we all deserve.  I #BelieveInTheBronx because of the determination and passion of the people of the Bronx. The tenant protections enacted today prove once again that we are here for the people."

REMINDER! Bronx Metro-North Hunts Point Interactive Public Workshop


Please join us and help plan around coming Metro-North service in your neighborhood!


Hunts Point Interactive Public Workshop is just two days away!

Join us for a public workshop/open house and help plan around future Metro-North service in your neighborhood!

This interactive, self-paced event is an important opportunity for the community to join city agencies in planning around future Metro-North service. Come share your local expertise, hear from your neighbors, contribute your ideas for improving pedestrian and transit connections to and from the station, and help ensure that new service is thoughtfully integrated into the surrounding neighborhoods.

How could new service enhance ongoing planning in the neighborhood?  Our teams from the Southern Boulevard Neighborhood Study and Hunts Point Vision will be on hand to hear your thoughts!

Activities will be self-paced and participants can come when they wish and stay for as long as they are able to.


Monday, June 17, 2019

(Self-paced activities. Come when you wish and stay for long as you are able to.)


940 Garrison Ave
The Point (Atrium space)
Hunts Point, Bx

For any questions or special needs, please email or call 718 220 8500

Find Out More

¡Únase a nosotros para un taller público interactivo y ayude a planificar alrededor del futuro servicio de Metro-North en su barrio!

¡Sólo faltan dos días!
¡Sólo faltan dos días hasta nuestro Taller Público Interactivo para Hunts Point!

¡Únase a nosotros para un taller público interactivo y ayude a planificar alrededor del futuro servicio de Metro-North en su barrio!

Este evento interactivo y que irá a ritmo propio será una oportunidad importante para que la comunidad pueda unirse con agencias municipales para planificar alrededor del futuro servicio de Metro-North. Venga a compartir su pericia local, entender las perspectivas de sus vecinos, contribuir sus ideas para mejorar las conexiones a la estación para los que caminan y los que usan tránsito, y ayude a asegurar que este nuevo servicio se integre en el contexto local de una manera bien pensada.

¿Cómo puede este nuevo servicio contribuir a otros estudios de vecinardio en el área? Miembros de los equipos del Estudio de Vecindario de Southern Blvd y Plan de Visión para Hunts Point también estarán presentes para escuchar de Ud.!


Lunes, 17 de Junio, 2019

(Actividades irán a ritmo propio. Venga cuando quiera y quédese el tiempo que pueda.)


940 Garrison Ave
The Point (Atrium space)
Hunts Point, Bx

Para cualquier pregunta o necesidades especiales, por favor, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al 718 220 8500

Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez - Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Announcement

Dear Friend and Neighbor,
Yesterday, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council announced the $92.8 billion budget deal agreement for fiscal year 2020. This deal will ensure all New Yorkers receive the support and opportunities they need to strive in the great city of New York!
These are some of the takeaways for NYC's 2020 budget: 
  • $194 million for 800 new affordable apartments for our seniors!
  • $30 million 285 additional social workers in our schools, with many of them going to the most needing and undeserved communities, 115 of which will be assisting students living in temporary housing
  • $6 million to restore health programs focused on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, maternal health, immigrant health and more
  • $33 million for additional operating hours and staffing for libraries
  • $57 million for accessible pedestrian signals at intersections
  • $250 million more into our city reserve account
  • $8.6 million for additional litter basket pick up city-wide, in busy intersections
  • $250K for the New York Abortion Access Fund making New York City the first in the U.S to directly fund abortions
  • $43 million increase in funding for our city parks
I will continue to work alongside my colleagues, Speaker Corey Johnson, and the Mayor to ensure that all New Yorkers continue to receive the support they need!  