Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Representative Adriano Espaillat Statement on the Trump Administration Not Including Citizenship Question on the 2020 Census

  Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) released the following statement on the Administration’s decision to not include the citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

“I am pleased that the Administration is relenting in its attempt to undermine the census and is moving forward to print the 2020 Census without the citizenship question,” said Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13). “The Supreme Court’s decision underscores the false narrative around the census, and I am grateful for the tireless efforts by activists around the country who petitioned to ensure that this harmful question was not included in the census.

“However, much work remains to ensure there is a full and accurate count in the upcoming census. To make sure that our communities receive vital government funding, we must join together and promote active engagement in the census so that everyone is counted. Preventing the citizenship question was only the first step, and I am dedicated to continuing to work with my colleagues, neighbors, and communities across the country to ensure everyone is counted.”

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