Wednesday, August 3, 2022

49th Precinct National Night Out

It was a 'Hot National Night Out' in Bronx Park East where the 49th Precinct Community Council, 49th Precinct, community organizations, and elected officials gathered to celebrate the event. 49th Precinct Council President Joe Thompson opened the event, worked the Cotton Candy machine, Introduced commanding officer of the 49th Precinct Captain Kentish, the elected officials on hand, and 'Cut A Rug' with Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson all in one night. 

Bronx Borough President Vanesa Gibson gave a shout out to many of the community organizations present, thanked everyone who came, mentioned that this was her tenth National Night Out that she attended during the day, and wound up dancing with 49th Precinct Community Council President Joe Thompson. Other elected officials up front with BP Gibson were State Senators Jamaal Bailey and Gustavo Rivera, Councilman Oswald Feliz, and Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez. Councilwoman Marjorie Velazquez was home recovering from the COVID virus. 

After opening the event, 49th Precinct Community Council President Joe Thompson (far Right) introduced Precinct Council Secretary Grace Lovig who sang the National Anthem, while it was being signed. 

Here Mr. Thompson mans cotton candy machine.

The Albanian American Open Hands Association with Shabir Gul, Aleksander Nilij, and others gave out apples and grapes to snack on.

The Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association gave out information about the organization and various giveaways. 

Jacobi Hospital was on hand with information and various giveaways.

SUV was present to teach people hot to Stand Up to Violence.

Ms. Dawn Pinnock Commissioner of DCAS representing Mayor Adams gave a proclamation to 49th Precinct Commanding Officer Captain Kentish, as Joe Thompson and Shabir Gul (49th Precinct Clergy Council) are also in the photo. 

The three 49 Precinct Community Affairs officers received Certificates of Merit from Bronx Borough President Vanesa Gibson, who is standing between them. Captain Kentish, Assemblywoman Fernandez, State Senators Rivera and Bailey, Councilman Feliz, and Precinct Council President Thompson are in the photo.

The right music came on so Borough President Gibson and 49th Precinct Council President Thompson Cut a Rug as they danced to the final song played.

After a long dance on a very hot night both dancers are glad they had the final dance of the night. 

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