Friday, December 30, 2022

History Repeats Itself and Then They Ask: Why are Hispanics Abandoning the Democrat Party and Voting Republican?

By Former NYC Councilman

Rev. Ruben Diaz

You should know that in the State of New York, Hispanics have never been able to acquire a leadership position. However, we Hispanics have always been a vital voting block and have been instrumental in helping launch others to elected and leadership positions.
You should Know that African Americans and Hispanics have supposedly been united to help each other acquire representation in our respective communities. However, African Americans have gained leadership positions with the help and support of the Hispanic Community. Unfortunately, this support has not been reciprocated, we have not received equal treatment, or consideration when it comes to one of our own, as evidence will show.
It is important for you to know that Governor Kathy Hochul nominated a Hispanic, Judge Hector Lasalle, for Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals for the State of New York.  Judge Lasalle would be the First Hispanic to Hold this position.
Judge Hector Lasalle is not only Hispanic, but he has the credentials, and possesses the qualifications, character and integrity needed to hold such a position. Judge Lasalle has an impeccable reputation as one of the most capable, honest, fair, and just with a proven record of dedication and impartiality when executing laws.
It is important for you to also know that African Americans currently hold positions such as: State Attorney General, President of the State Senate, Speaker of the State Assembly, Lieutenant Governor of the State, Mayor of New York City, and many other prestigious positions, too numerous to mention all.  
If it were true that there exists a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding to help advance not only African Americans and Hispanics this would be the best occasion to do so, by receiving the support for this nomination from the African American leadership in favor of Judge Lasalle’s nomination to Head the Court of Appeals.
But as I have often said, life is indeed full of surprises! Like a pack of Wild Wolves and Vultures, different groups, and leaders have come out of the woodwork, with lame excuses and cheap reasons, in opposition to Judge Hector Lasalle’s nomination.
You should Know, my dear reader, that this is not the first time that the Democrats have conspired to stop a Hispanics elevation to a position of prestigious leadership in New York. Please take note of the following.
In 1985, the (Democrats) four horsemen of the Apocalypse in Harlem, Percy Sutton, Charles Rangel, Basil Paterson and David Dinkins prevented the Hispanic, Herman Badillo from becoming New York City Mayor, when at the last minute they introduced their candidate, Denny Farrell.  
In 2001 the Democrat Leadership, behind the scenes, united to stop the Mayoral aspirations of another Hispanic Fernando (Freddy) Ferrer, and in a most sophisticated, and strategic manner joined forces with Mark Green, who was to be defeated by Michael Blumberg.
So, I must ask, where is the voice of the Honorable Carl Heasty, the Speaker of the House? Where is the voice of the Honorable Andrea Stewart Cousins, President of the State Senate? Where are most of the leaders of the State now when the Hispanic Community needs your voice in Support for one of ours?  Where are you Democrats?
In the last Elections 30% of Hispanics and Democrats, rejected the Democrat Party and voted Republican. This is a clear indication that many people (especially Hispanics) are waking up from the lethargy to which the Democrat Party has had us submerged.

Since the last election, experts have wondered why Hispanics are abandoning the Democrats. The answer is simple.  Just look at this current, obvious case, of Discrimination against Judge Hector Lasalle, a Hispanic nominee as Chief Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals. 
You can’t ask for a better qualified individual. This blatant lack of consideration and Democrat Conspiracy, to stop a Hispanic from this nomination, is just one of the many reasons Hispanics are waking up to the fact that we are sought after when it’s convenient to others. 
I am the Rev. RubĂ©n Diaz, and This is What You Should Know.
Former NYC Councilman Ruben Diaz


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