Friday, September 22, 2023

Congresswoman OcasioCortez - MAJOR victory 🎉

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

In 2021, Alexandria and Senator Ed Markey proposed a Civilian Climate Corps — a New Deal-style jobs training program to employ young people in good-paying, union jobs combating the climate crisis. Naysayers immediately called the idea ‘unrealistic’.

But yesterday, President Biden made the American Climate Corps a reality thanks to a massive, inside-outside organizing effort from countless communities and organizers — including the grassroots, youth-led Sunrise Movement.

The movement for our climate is beginning to crack the grip of fossil fuels on our politics. If we can win a Climate Corps by staying persistent and organized, we can also win a Green New Deal.

In its first year, the American Climate Corps will employ 20,000 young people in high-demand skills in the clean energy sector. Inspired by the Civilian Conservation Corps, a Depression-era infrastructure program started by FDR that provided jobs for millions, all positions will be paid and most will not require previous experience.

The program is also designed to invest in and attract participants from frontline communities disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis.1

This is a major victory for our movement. But there’s a lot more to be done.

In solidarity,

Team AOC

1 - NPR: Biden is unveiling the American Climate Corps, a program with echoes of the New Deal


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