Monday, June 3, 2024

Bronx River Public Input Meeting | Tuesday, June 4 | 6:30PM-8PM (Virtual



DATE: Tuesday, June 4, 2024

TIME: 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.

CONTACT: Victoria Toro (646) 408-3090

(718) 542-4124 ext.102;

LOCATION: Virtual meeting on Zoom

EVENT: On Tuesday, June 4th from 6:30pm to 8pm, the Bronx River Alliance will be hosting a virtual Public Input Meeting for the Bronx River Intermunicipal Watershed Management Plan (IWMP). Anyone who lives, works, or plays in the areas around the Bronx River is invited to attend and give their feedback and ideas for improvements over the next 10 years. The Plan will outline long term projects contributing towards the goal of making the Bronx River swimmable and fishable. New to this update of the Plan are climate resiliency recommendations that mitigate projected climate impacts over the next 10 years.

DETAILS: The Bronx River Intermunicipal Watershed Management Plan is the result of a coalition partnership including the Bronx River Alliance, the City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation Natural Resources Group, the New York State Department of State, and the Westchester County Department of Planning, and 100+ other stakeholders who have engaged in planning and resource management efforts throughout the watershed. 

The coalition began in 2006 and reconvened in 2022 to work together towards goals of improving water quality, protecting and improving aquatic and riparian habitat and riparian and ecosystem services, biodiversity and ecological values, and reducing overall environmental stress to the river system.

The recent updates to this plan will inform the next decade or more of priority projects to make the Bronx River, its neighboring parks, and waterfront communities more resilient in the face of climate change and environmental justice issues. Updates also include proposed strategies, project recommendations, and an all-new Climate Resiliency Plan. 

This public input meeting will facilitate discussion around priority projects as well as provide a platform for community members to voice their questions, concerns, and feedback regarding the Bronx River IWMP and environmental issues the community faces.

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