Monday, June 3, 2024

East Bronx History Forum 14th Annual Bronx Road Show June19th


Dear EBHF Member,

The East Bronx History Forum is pleased to announce it will hold its 186th meeting on Wednesday, June 19th at 7:30pm in Msgr. Joseph Raimondo Hall at St. Clare’s of Assisi parish, located at 1027 Rhinelander Avenue. This in-person meeting will be our 14th annual Bronx Road Show.

We are asking our East Bronx History Forum members to be historians and search their basements, attics and family collections for items from their Bronx collections or family history. They will be asked to make these items available to exhibit and to discuss how the item was acquired, its age and its connection to Bronx history. Examples include an object, documents, newspaper articles and photographs for display.

This will be our last meeting of the season, we will be returning on Wednesday, September 18th.

We are looking to a fun and interesting evening where our members are the presenters, displaying items that are part of their family which have a Bronx connection.

As always connect with us during the summer months at our website and especially at our social media pages on Facebook, Instagram and Vimeo for news, events or updates.

Dorothy A Krynicki 

Secretary m East Bronx History Forum


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