Sunday, June 23, 2024

Governor Hochul Announces $32 Million Now Available for Shared Electric Transportation Solutions

Electric car recharging at a charging station 

New Clean Mobility Program Supports Community-Led Planning and Demonstration Projects That Solve Local Transportation Needs and Help Reduce Emissions

Supports Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act Goal to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 85 Percent by 2050

Governor Kathy Hochul announced $32 million is now available for shared electric transportation solutions such as micro mobility, shuttles, and ridesharing services. The new Clean Mobility Program will provide funding to support community-led planning and demonstration projects that help reduce emissions, solve local transportation needs and connect residents to services, jobs, and other transit with priority given to those in disadvantaged communities. Today’s announcement supports the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050.

“New York has prioritized electrifying its transportation sector and making a wide range of clean public transportation options more accessible and affordable to residents across the state,” Governor Hochul said. “Investments in innovative electric mobility solutions are driving real change that will help meet the everyday needs of New Yorkers while reducing emissions from our roadways and improving the air quality in our communities as a result.”

The new $32 million Clean Mobility Program, administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), will competitively award funding to local governments, transit operators, and community-based organizations for selected community led planning and demonstration projects that advance innovative clean mobility options to address transportation challenges. Eligible projects include personal or shared bikes, e-bikes and e-scooters, on-demand electric vehicle ride-hailing, and small-scale, on-demand public transit services with flexible routes, or shared electric vehicle options.

The program will offer two funding tracks:

  • Planning Track - up to $100,000 for planning of mobility services including community engagement, site identification, and technical feasibility analysis. Once a project is awarded, the awardee can select a planning firm from a pre-qualified pool of firms to help plan for a future mobility service or do so independently.
  • Demonstration Track - up to $3 million for implementing mobility services in communities, with the intention of them becoming sustainable and serving as an example for similar services elsewhere in New York State.

Interested applicants can find more information or apply to this program here. The deadline for both the Planning and Demonstration Track proposals is August 15, 2024, by 3:00 p.m. ET. A second round of the program may launch in summer 2025 for any remaining funds not committed in Round 1.

Additionally, $8 million of the $32 million is designated to fund demonstration projects located in specific areas of the state, including those served by the upstate investor-owned utilities. This includes $5 million for micro mobility projects in the Central Hudson, National Grid, New York State Electric & Gas, and Rochester Electric & Gas region and $3 million for any demonstration projects located in the Bronx.

NYSERDA will host an informational webinar on June 27, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. ET. for those interested in learning more about the Clean Mobility Program.

This program is part of New York’s nearly $3 billion investment in zero emissions vehicles and growing access and availability to clean transit to benefit all New Yorkers, including those in low-income or disadvantaged areas, by reducing emissions to create cleaner air and healthier communities. It complements New York State’s other zero-emission transportation initiatives including the New York Clean Transportation Prizes program, administered by NYSERDA, the New York State Department of Public Service and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), as part of an $85 million allocation through New York's Make-Ready program to accelerate the transition to a clean transportation future.

The program is funded through a combination of Clean Energy Fund (CEF)Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), and Micro mobility Make-Ready funds designated through the Make-Ready program.

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