Sunday, July 21, 2024

Office of Councilwoman Kristy Marmorato


Councilwoman Marmorato speaks at Jacobi Hospital Protest

Friday, D13 got word that the Mayor and AG were going to be at Jacobi Hospital - they came out to make sure their voices were HEARD! Say NO to JUST HOME!

I will always stand alongside my district and ensure that city agencies provide transparency, accountability, and listen to our DISTRICT!

Throggs Neck BID’s Business Appreciation Day

Our office was on hand to attend last weekend’s Business Appreciation Day put on by the Throggs Neck BID to take in some neighborhood fun and festivities!

Thanking the Throggs Neck BID for putting on this event for the community to enjoy!

MTA Graffiti Cleam Up in Morris Park

Acknowledging MTA for cleaning this pedestrian walkway underneath the 5 train In Morris Park within our District!

Thanking MTA for such a thorough job and keeping our pedestrian pathways clean and free of debris!

Another Illegal Smoke Shop Closed and Padlocked in our District

No, we're not finished with illegal smoke shops!

Earlier this week, with help from the NYPD's 45th Precinct, we were successful in closing down yet another unlicensed smoke shop operating illegally within our District.

Thanking NYPD, the NYC Sheriff's office and NYC Consumer & Worker Protection again for their hard work and eliminating illegal smoke shops in our community!

This illegal smoke shop operating in District 13 was also closed down and padlocked earlier this week, this one also located on East Tremont Avenue.

To report an unlicensed smoke shop operating in our District, fill out our Illegal Smoke Shops form by visiting

Also attended the press conference earlier this week held by Mayor Eric Adams on the closing and padlocking of an illegal smoke shop at 4011 East Tremont Avenue within our District.

The closing of three smoke shops in our District this week shows incredible determination the Mayor, NYPD, the NYC Sheriff’s office and NYC Department of Worker Consumer and Protection to close down unlicensed smoke shops in our District and throughout NYC!

Sending a big thank you to NYC Sanitation for conducting this beach cleanup next to the DA Beach Club in Country Club on Saturday.

This was a huge project for us that we had been working on since the end of May after multiple constituents reached out to us.

After reaching out to our city agencies in attempts to find out who the lot belonged to, we were able to move forward. This was long awaited but the results were worth it!

Thanking DSNY once again for making our District’s beaches and coastlines looking pristine!

Upcoming Events

Take a look at the upcoming District 13 events!

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