Saturday, September 28, 2024

State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli's Weekly News - Coney Island & Brighton Beach Jobs Doubled Over Last Decade


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Coney Island & Brighton Beach Jobs Doubled Over Last Decade

State Comptroller DiNapoli released an economic snapshot of Brooklyn’s Coney Island and Brighton Beach, where the amusement parks, boardwalk and “Little Odessa” have earned global reputations, but the dramatic rise in jobs over the past decade may be less well known.

“Coney Island and Brighton Beach have undergone robust economic growth led by rapid job and business creation over the last decade,” said DiNapoli. “Millions visit and have fun there every year, but for the people who live and work in the area, its strong economic growth is tempered by poverty rates and housing cost burdens which remain high. Coney Island and Brighton Beach are jewels among our City’s neighborhoods, but addressing these issues must be a priority.”

State Comptroller DiNapoli was joined by area elected officials, including Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso, Council Member Justin Brannan, State Senator Jessica Scarcella-Spanton, Assemblymember Alec Brook-Krasny, Assemblymember Michael Novakhov and other community leaders and advocates.

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  New York City Climate Week

State Comptroller DiNapoli speaking at Climate event

Climate Week NYC is the biggest annual climate event of its kind, with leaders from around the world attending a range of events. Some of these highlighted New York’s leadership in climate action, with State Comptroller DiNapoli participating in NYS Solar Energy Industries Association and Ceres events.

“Every day we see evidence of the growing threats of climate change, with extreme weather events, rising global temperatures, and droughts impacting communities across the globe," said DiNapoli. “That’s why, as State Comptroller, my office has released audits and reports to help New York State meet its 2040 zero-emission goal. As Trustee of the $267 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund, I have a fiduciary duty that requires me to address climate risks and invest in climate solutions to protect the Fund that serves to provide benefits to the retired employees of New York’s State and local governments and their beneficiaries.”

Learn more about State Comptroller DiNapoli’s Sustainable Investments and Climate Solutions Program.

State Contract and Payment Actions in July and August

In July and August, the Office of the State Comptroller approved 3,988 contracts for State agencies and public authorities valued at $7.0 billion and approved more than 5.1 million payments worth nearly $24.4 billion. The office rejected 577 contracts and related transactions valued at $1.5 billion and nearly 4,500 payments valued at more than $28.3 million, primarily for mistakes, insufficient support for charges, and improper payments. More information on these contracts and payments is available at Open Book New York.

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Former Citizens Hose Fire Company Treasurer Arrested for Stealing More Than $100,000

A former treasurer of an Ontario County fire company was arrested for allegedly stealing over $100,000 from the company over a four-year period, State Comptroller DiNapoli, Ontario County District Attorney James Ritts, and Ontario County Sheriff David Cirencione announced. The defendant, Jill Havens, who served in the Citizens Hose Company in Shortsville, was charged with Grand Larceny.

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Municipal & School Audits


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Post of the Week
Tom DiNapoli @NYSComptroller 

State Pension fund holds $1.2B in green bonds and loans

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