Showing posts with label News From Congressman Eliot Engel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News From Congressman Eliot Engel. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel Statement on March 5th Deadline for DACA Renewal

  “Today is the day DREAMers have been dreading since President Trump unilaterally decided to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, more commonly known as DACA. It’s a sad day indeed.

“For months, Congress, under Republican rule, has done nothing but pay lip-service to the very real problem the President created when he killed DACA. Despite a near constant outcry from Democrats, advocates, DREAMers themselves, their friends, and their families, the GOP has done nothing. As a result, 800,000 DACA recipients have been left to twist in the wind, with hundreds losing their legal status every single day, opening them to the very real possibility of deportation. Though, court rulings have provided temporary reprieve by halting the termination of DACA, DREAMers still urgently need a permanent legislative fix. Unfortunately, there appears to be no solution in sight from Republican leadership, which is absolutely shameful.

“As discouraging as this process has been, it’s not at all surprising. The GOP has been pushing a not-so-subtle xenophobic agenda for some time now, and the plight of the DREAMers was never a real priority to their party. If they really cared about DREAMers, they could have at any point in time passed a continuing resolution that included a DACA renewal. But instead, they used these kids as a bargaining chip to try and advance their hardline, anti-immigrant agenda.

“Since the decision was made to end DACA, Congress has passed five continuing resolutions to fund the government on a short-term basis. I have voted against all five of them because they did not protect our DREAMers. The time for talk is over. Republicans must immediately bring to the floor a clean Dream Act before more families are torn apart by their heartless ploy. Enough games.”


  Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement regarding the Department of State’s reported failure to use $120 million designated to combat Russian propaganda:

“Weeks after Secretary Tillerson lamented that it’s ‘very difficult’ to stop Russia’s meddling in our elections, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that this Administration isn’t even interested in trying. Last summer, I pressed the State Department to use the resources Congress provided to push back on Russian propaganda, yet the Department hasn’t spent a single dollar. I’m tired of excuses and I’m tired of waiting. When Secretary Tillerson appears before our Committee later this month, I expect to hear why this Administration has again ignored Congress and what his Department intends to do to deal with this attack on our democracy.”

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel, House Dems Introduce Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a member of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, joined more than 150 Democratic colleagues in introducing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018, which would make it “unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a semiautomatic assault weapon.”

“As I have said many times before: the Second Amendment wasn’t written with semi-automatic weapons in mind. They are weapons of war and no fair-minded person would confuse regulating them with infringing on personal freedom,” Congressman Engel said. “It’s long past time Congress did something to stop this horrific gun violence, and there is no better place to start than getting these weapons of war off our streets.”

The Assault Weapons Ban will prohibit the sale, transfer, production, and importation of:
  • Semi-automatic rifles and handguns with a military-style feature that can accept a detachable magazine;
  • Semi-automatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds;
  • Semi-automatic shotguns with a military-style feature;
  • Any ammunition feeding device that can hold more than 10 rounds;
  • And 205 specifically-named and listed firearms.

As the frequency of mass shootings has increased in recent years, assault weapons have become the weapon of choice for these murderers. Assault weapons were used in attacks on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida and the Route 91 Harvest music festival in Las Vegas. Shooters have also used assault weapons to commit mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School and a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado. When an assault weapon or a high-capacity magazine is used in a shooting, the number of victims who are killed increases by 63%. There have been almost 8,300 incidents of gun violence so far in 2018. More than 2,200 Americans have lost their lives. More than 500 children have been killed or injured.

“I voted for the original assault weapons ban which unfortunately was allowed to lapse under President George W. Bush,” Engel said. “Now we can’t afford to waste another moment without fixing that mistake. This really shouldn’t be a partisan issue—how many more children have to die before the GOP decides to act? Banning assault weapons, universal background checks, limiting magazine capacities; these aren’t outlandish ideas. This stuff is commonsense and my colleagues across the aisle need to wake up and realize that. They work for the American people, not the NRA.”

Engel Statement on Net Neutrality Day of Action

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, issued the following statement:

“I applaud all the advocates who today are making their voices heard in support of net neutrality and I join them in expressing my dismay over the FCC’s continued push to destroy a free and open internet.

“Net neutrality is the principle that all data on the internet should be treated equally, regardless of its source, content, or destination.  It ensures that user choices are not limited by the preferences of internet service providers, and it allows companies to compete based on the merits of their offerings and not the size of their pocketbooks.

“The democratization of the internet should not be impeded. The FCC has failed the American people under Chairman Ajit Pai’s leadership, and thus it falls to Congress to undo the mess they have made. I am pleased to cosponsor legislation that would restore net neutrality now and for future generations, and I urge my colleagues on the right to join us in this fight.”

Saturday, February 17, 2018

News From Congressman Eliot Engel


Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today released the following statement:

“Given the Trump Administration’s failure to hold Russia accountable for its attack on American democracy, it’s no surprise that it fell to the Special Counsel investigating the Trump-Russia scandal to act at last. Today’s indictments shed new light on the extent of Russia’s destructive plot against the United States and underscore the importance of Mr. Mueller’s work and why it must continue.

“However, this announcement won’t prevent Russia from meddling with future elections, which even the Administration acknowledges is happening. Congressional Republicans must now work across the aisle to shore up our election system against the next wave of attacks, or else they signal that they’re perfectly willing to accept Russia’s help. American democracy is on the line.”

It Is Unacceptable That Republicans Continue to Tolerate These Mass Shootings 

“My heart continues to break for the families and victims of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkville, Florida. Wednesday’s shooting was the 18th school shooting and the 30th mass shooting to take place this year. We are forty-seven days into 2018.

“In the wake of this horrific tragedy, people will try to find an explanation for why this happened. Already, we are hearing the President blame mental health problems, stigmatizing millions of Americans. Mental health is a serious issue and funding mental health programs is important, but make no mistake: the GOP is using mental health as a red herring to distract from their unwillingness to even entertain the idea of strengthening our weak gun laws.

“The reason seventeen innocent people were viciously murdered yesterday is because a nineteen-year-old, who had been expelled from school, was able to walk into a gun store that didn’t require fingerprints, permits, or a waiting period, and buy a gun.

“It is unacceptable that Republicans in Congress continue to tolerate these mass shootings and murders. We have solutions to reduce the likelihood of events like this. Democrats have introduced legislation that would require stricter background checks, longer wait periods, ban assault weapons, and limit magazine capacity among many others. I call on Speaker Ryan to bring these solutions to the floor for a vote before any more Americans are killed.”

Tuesday, November 21, 2017



  Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement on the President’s decision to end Temporary Protected Status for Haitians living in the United States:

“The Trump Administration’s decision to end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitians living in the United States is cruel and inhumane.  I visited Haiti following its devastating 2010 earthquake and have been a longtime proponent of U.S. assistance to the island.  It sadly seems that whenever the country takes a step forward, natural disasters—like Hurricane Matthew last fall—force it to take a step back.  Haiti is simply not in a position to take back the 59,000 Haitians currently living in the United States. 

“Unfortunately, President Trump has chosen cruelty over kindness in terminating TPS for so many hardworking Haitian families.  The America that I know is a land of acceptance where opportunities are available for one and all.  Cutting off TPS for Haitians does not represent who we are as a country.”

Engel Statement on FCC Plan to Destroy Net Neutrality

   Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement on reports that the Federal Communications Commission plans to reverse all rules pertaining to net neutrality:

“For months we suspected the FCC, under the leadership of Chairman Ajit Pai, would make some type of move to weaken net neutrality. Today’s reporting not only confirms those suspicions, but indicates their plan is about as bad as it can get.

“Net neutrality is a critical protection for consumers, one that prevents Internet Service Providers (ISP) from charging extra for certain websites and data usage. Without net neutrality, an ISP could decide to institute a tiered system for your internet access, blocking websites like Netflix and forcing you to pay extra to use them. Repealing net neutrality rules would also allow those same ISP’s to throttle—or slow down—your internet access if it suits them, or offer other consumers who are willing to pay more priority access to certain parts of the web. Clearly, this would be harmful to consumers. This proposal would also limit innovation, reduce competition among ISPs, and make the internet a less open place.

“Millions have people across the country have spoken out against repealing net neutrality, but the FCC, Chairman Pai, and the Trump Administration have chosen to ignore what the American people want. This cannot stand. We must preserve net neutrality now, and for future generations.”

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Engel Statement on First Indictments From Mueller Investigation

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, the Ranking Member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement on the Federal indictments of Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, and George Papadopoulos in conjunction with the Robert Mueller investigation:

"The charges against President Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort are deadly serious and point to close and possibly illegal ties between foreign countries and the person Trump hand-picked to lead his run for the White House. Furthermore, the guilty plea from a Trump aide revealed today shows that at least one person in the President's inner circle was in contact with Russians and tried to cover it up by lying to the FBI.

"We need to know everything that has occurred here; no stone can be left unturned. That's why Mr. Mueller's investigation must proceed unimpeded. If the President fires Mr. Mueller or pardons anyone in exchange for their silence, we will find ourselves in a constitutional crisis rivaling Watergate. 

"I also believe it is imperative that we convene an independent commission—one that is separate and apart from the politics of the Justice Department and Congress—to investigate the possible collusions between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Clearly, Vladimir Putin and his cronies worked hard to tip the scales of our election. For the sake of protecting our electoral process and its integrity going forward, we need the extent of their meddling to be made clear and devise ways to prevent future attacks on our democracy."

Engel Statement On District Court Blocking Part of President Trump’s Ban on Transgender Service Members

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement on today’s ruling by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issuing a preliminary injunction to block President Trump’s ban on transgender service members in the military:

“The President’s announcement banning transgender American’s from serving in the military was a hateful and discriminatory slap in the face to the thousands of transgender service members who have volunteered their lives to protect our freedom. I’m pleased to hear that Judge Kollar-Kotelly’s injunction will prevent this administration from discharging brave service members while these cases make their way through the courts.

“This ruling is a victory for equality. All Americans, regardless of gender identity, should be able to serve their country. I hope today’s decision will ultimately derail this shortsighted decree by the President.”

Friday, October 13, 2017


Engel: Repealing Clean Power Plan Will Take Our Country Backwards

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement today in response to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s announcement that he will take formal steps to repeal President Obama’s Clean Power Plan:

“The Trump Administration has been trying to gut the Affordable Care Act. Now, they’re going after another lifesaving health protection: America’s first and only federal limit on pollution from existing power plants. Repealing pollution limits for power plants will take our country backward. It will expose millions of Americans to more dangerous pollutants that contribute significantly to asthma and respiratory illness—two health issues that are already a big problem in the Bronx and Westchester region. It will also hinder our economic growth and exacerbate the growing threat of climate change.

“The hurricanes and wildfires that have gripped our country over the past few months demonstrate that extreme weather can cause horrific human devastation and grind local economies to a halt. The world’s climate scientists agree; we will see more events like these if we don’t take measures to transition to clean energy and cut pollution.

“This is nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to please the polluters of yesterday while undermining clean-energy jobs of today and tomorrow. The future lies with clean, renewable energy and will belong to whichever nation prioritizes it. With this move, the Trump Administration is leaving the door open for countries like China to become global leaders in energy.” 

Engel Calls President's Decision to Cut-Off ACA Payments "Outrageous"

   Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, made the following statement on President Trump’s continued actions to undermine the Affordable Care Act (ACA):

“The President’s decision to cut off cost-sharing reduction payments is his most outrageous act of sabotage against our health care system yet.

“These payments enable insurers to keep consumers’ out-of-pocket costs down. Per the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), ending them will cause premiums to rise and spur insurers to leave markets, in turn leaving Americans with fewer choices – the exact opposite of what the President has promised for months.

“If the President truly believed that action was needed on Congress’s part, he would have called on Congress to act. I have cosponsored the Marketplace Certainty Act, along with dozens of my colleagues, to appropriate funding for the cost-sharing reduction payments and remove any ambiguity on this issue. But, instead, the President chose to put millions of Americans’ health care at risk.

“Just yesterday, the President signed an Executive Order that could bring back the junk insurance policies that, before the ACA, offered little value for your money and punished sick people for their health status. Now, he’s doubled-down with a move that will hike up premiums and limit consumer choice. All of this amounts to the same ‘pay more, get less’ plan that the American people rejected in Trumpcare.

“Make no mistake: any instability in our health care system going forward will be a direct consequence of the President’s actions over the past two days. There is no reason for the President to make this move other than to hurt Americans. I am deeply saddened that in his desperation to see the ACA fail, he has made this egregious decision.”

Monday, June 26, 2017

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel Statement on LGBT Equality Day

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a member of the House LGBT Equality Caucus, issued the following statement on LGBT Equality Day:

“Today we celebrate LGBT Equality Day, right in the heart of Pride Month—a month when we commemorate the 1969 Stonewall riots and celebrate the progress the LGBT community has made.

“The last 8 years brought about incredible progress for the LGBT community. From the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell to the landmark Supreme Court decision guaranteeing same-sex couples the right to marry, America has advanced LGBT rights in numerous ways. However, there is still much that needs to be done.

“Too many in the LGBT community still face discrimination and are denied the full equality they deserve. Republicans in Congress and in the White House are determined to roll back the clock on the progress that we have made. The Trump Administration has withdrawn protections for transgender students in public schools, proposed cutting funding for HIV and AIDS treatment, and appointed a Supreme Court Justice with an anti-LGBT record. These acts against the LGBT community are shameful, discriminatory, and must be spoken out against.

“Throughout my career in Congress I have been a strong supporter of LGBT rights. I was one of only a handful of members to oppose the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996, and I am currently a cosponsor of the Equality Act, which would extend civil rights protections to LGBT Americans. I have also cosponsored legislation to address LGBT discrimination in schools, in our military and in the workplace. Every year I introduce a resolution supporting the National Day of Silence, an annual day of observance in schools aimed at bringing attention to the bullying, harassment, and discrimination faced by LGBT students.

“No doubt, the LGBT community has come a long way in a short time. But we still have a long way to go. Please know that I will continue to fight for policies that ensure equal rights and protections for every American.”

Engel Announces $246,519,289 in Title 1 Funding for Bronx Schools

  Congressman Eliot Engel, a leading member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, today announced that the U.S. Department of Education has allocated $246,519,289 in federal funds to schools in the Bronx as part of the Fiscal Year 2017 Title 1 allocations.

Part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the Title I program provides financial assistance to school districts so that they can afford services to students at risk of not meeting state academic achievement standards, especially in areas with high concentrations of low-income families.

“The Title 1 program provides critical resources to help our local school districts with everything from modernizing their infrastructure to improving staffing, all to provide students with the best possible chance to succeed in the classroom” Congressman Engel said. “These funds also support preschool, after-school, and summer programming. They are critical to our schools, but unfortunately as part of his new budget proposal, President Trump has suggested cutting funding to schools districts and the students who need it most, including millions in cuts to aid through Title I. We cannot allow that to happen, and luckily Congress has the power of the purse. As the budget process progresses, know that I will fight hard to ensure Title 1 funding is sufficiently funded for 2018 and beyond.”

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Engel on Senate GOP's Version of Trumpcare

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement regarding Senate Republicans’ version of the American Health Care Act, or “Trumpcare”:

“For weeks, Senate Republicans have been careful not to let a single detail of their health care bill see the light of day. There have been zero hearings, zero committee reviews, and they’ve shown zero willingness to explain their plan, which will intimately affect millions of Americans and upset one-sixth of the nation’s economy.

“There is one thing, though, that Senate Republicans have claimed: their version of Trumpcare will be better for Americans than the House version that President Trump called ‘mean.’

“They’re not fooling anyone.

“Just like the House bill, the Senate’s Trumpcare still makes harsh cuts to Medicaid, still abolishes the Medicaid expansion that’s brought health care to millions, and still lets states gut the protections Americans rely on for quality coverage. It still lavishes tax cuts on corporations and the very rich, paid for on the backs of hardworking families. And it will still force Americans to pay more and get less.

“If Republicans want to lie to themselves about what they’re doing, that’s fine. But they need to stop lying to the American people.

“Just yesterday, the President promised that the Senate’s Trumpcare would be ‘a plan with heart.’ If this is ‘a plan with heart,’ I’d hate to see what Republicans think is a plan without it.”

Engel Cosponsors Voting Rights Advancement Act

Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a leading member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, has cosponsored H.R. 2978, the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), legislation that would fully restore key aspects of the Voting Rights Act that were struck down by the Supreme Court in 2013.

In Shelby County v. Holder the Supreme Court struck down key provisions of the landmark 1965 law, including section 5, which required jurisdictions with a history of discrimination to seek pre-approval of changes in voting rules that could affect minorities. The Voting Rights Advancement Act would restore full protections to the Voting Rights Act and create a new coverage formula that would apply to states with repeated voting rights violations in the last 25 years.

“The Supreme Court got it wrong in 2013 when they struck down key elements of the Voting Rights Act. Its time Congress took action to correct that mistake,” Congressman Engel said. “In the last four years we have seen some states, emboldened by the Shelby decision, enact laws that are designed specifically to suppress minority voting populations. This cannot stand. Congress must act to ensure every American’s right to vote is fully protected under law, and that is why we must pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act immediately.”

In addition, Engel has introduced a Constitutional Amendment, HJ Res. 28, that deals with several election law issues including voting rights, gerrymandering, and the abolishment of the Electoral College.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel, House Dems Write to White House Warning of Cybersecurity Deficiencies at Trump Properties

  Congressman Eliot Engel, the Ranking Member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a top Member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, penned a letter to White House Counsel Donald McGahn signed by 23 of his House colleagues urging the White House to take immediate action to secure vulnerable networks at Trump properties, including Mar-a-Lago.

Recent reports have highlighted network vulnerabilities at several Trump properties where the President often spends time vacationing, taking meetings, and hosting foreign leaders. Among other deficiencies, these reports uncovered weakly encrypted wifi networks at Mar-a-Lago, unsuitable for protecting vital information. 

Engel Opposes Financial CHOICE Act

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement on the Financial CHOICE Act:

“The Financial CHOICE Act is yet another bill designed by the GOP to dismantle key consumer protections under the false pretense of ‘consumer choice.’ If signed into law it will undo significant portions of the Dodd-Frank financial reforms, threatening to send our economy back to a time when reckless behavior in the financial sector was the norm. This bill could trigger another financial crisis, which as we all know can take years to fix, and do untold harm to the job market and working-class families in New York. I strongly oppose this bill and any action that could drag our economy back to the brink of collapse.”   

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel Cosponsors MYDATA Act to Protect Internet Privacy

  Congressman Eliot Engel, a leading member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, has cosponsored the MYDATA Act, a bill that would protect broadband users from unfair or deceptive practices relating to privacy or data security.

The MYDATA Act would give the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) jurisdiction over broadband providers, and would empower the FTC to promote rules that prohibit unfair and deceptive practices relating to privacy and data security across the Internet. As it currently stands, the FTC is unable to adequately protect consumers from these types of practices by broadband companies, due to a loophole in the Federal trade Commission Act.

“We live in a digital age which means controlling how our personal information is disseminated online is a difficult task,” Engel said. “Republicans in Congress and the White House have made it virtually impossible by allowing broadband providers to use and sell Americans’ sensitive information about their health, finance and families without their permission.  The MYDATA Act would help swing the pendulum back toward the consumer by giving the FTC the teeth it needs to establish safeguards for privacy and data security across the internet.

“Your personal information should not be a commodity for-sale to the highest bidder. We must take action to correct this glaring gap in the law on this crucial concern.”

The MYDATA Act was introduced by Rep. Jerry McNerney in May of 2017.  


  Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement:

“I am shocked by reports that President Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian diplomats last week. This certainly raises questions about whether the President recognizes the serious implications of disclosing such sensitive information to an adversary.

“I will be meeting later this week with National Security Advisor McMaster in a classified session, and will seek answers about what was revealed and how it could damage American national security.

“It’s time for Congress to come together in a bipartisan way, establish an independent commission to investigate, and get to the truth.”

Friday, February 24, 2017

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel Statement on Trump Administration Plan for Mass Deportation

“I am profoundly disappointed with the Trump Administration’s plan to ramp up a mass deportation program. According to a DHS memo, this plan includes thousands of new federal agents for his ‘deportation force,’ new construction of detention centers for suspected immigrants, and an expansion of the so-called 287(g) program to draft local law enforcement to help break up families and deport working people. These actions would unquestionably close communities off from law enforcement, drive immigrants back into the shadows, drain the economy, and needlessly frighten millions of our peaceful neighbors.

“Deporting millions en masse without regard for their family ties, their jobs, or their contributions to society could never be constructive. And no matter what the Administration says, this is indeed what they are planning—to build up a deportation force and attempt a program of mass relocation of 11 million people. I will continue to fight for sensible immigration reform that protects families, bolsters the economy, and keeps our country safe. The Administration’s plan will do none of these things.”

Engel Statement on the Administration Withdrawing Guidelines for Transgender Students

Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a leading member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and member of the House LGBT Caucus, issued the following statement on the Administration’s move to withdraw guidelines for transgender students in schools:

“The Administration has turned its back on the LGBT community by withdrawing Obama era guidelines that support transgender students. Discrimination under the guise of ‘states’ rights’ is nothing new for Republicans, but each time they try it it’s an affront to our sensibilities. The Administration should be working to support transgender students, not shame them. These guidelines were the result of years of careful consideration and legal analysis. Now, the Administration has undone that work on a whim.

“School officials, educators, and activists recognize the threats these young people face every day. They are frequently the victims of bullying and often suffer crippling depression as a result. That is why under President Obama we moved to treat these students with equal respect for their gender identity. Now, by revoking these guidelines, the Administration has effectively turned back the clock on these students, leaving them vulnerable once again.”

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel Calls Out GOP Attempts to Repeal Children's Health Care

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a leading member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement on the impact that a Republican repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would have on America’s children:

“Even though they still have no plan for the aftermath, Republicans are plowing away towards their goal to destroy the health coverage of tens of millions, and drive up costs for millions more. Heartbreakingly, their plans would have particularly harmful effects on America’s children.

“Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) cover 40 percent of New York’s children. In addition, Medicaid financed 51 percent of all births in New York in 2014. Yet the GOP wants to undo the Medicaid expansion and radically restructure this program that is a lifeline to so many.

“Repealing the ACA won’t just endanger the millions of young Americans who gained insurance coverage through the law – it will hurt families’ finances. If the GOP succeeds, New York alone will lose 130,700 jobs just in 2019. Imagine a parent who loses a job on account of repeal, suddenly unable to afford a new health plan for the exact same reason.

“I wish my GOP colleagues would consider the consequences before they set this perverse chain of events in motion.”

Engel Statement on the Confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a leading member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement on the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education:

“As a former classroom teacher, I know firsthand how vital it is to do everything we can for our students, especially in our public school system. We often hear Republicans echo the mantra ‘Make American Great Again’ – but if we fail to educate our future leaders, we can never truly be great.

“I believe Ms. DeVos is woefully unqualified to run the Department of Education. The Secretary of Education should be committed to every child, not just a select few. To all children who seek knowledge, not just the ones she deems worthy. It is clear that the American people share my concerns: the Vice President needed to break a tie—the first in American history on a cabinet pick—in order to confirm her.

“Despite today’s disappointing results, I will continue to speak out in support of policies and programs that help America’s public school students and the hardworking teachers who serve them.”

Friday, January 6, 2017

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel Highlights New Report: GOP’s ACA Repeal Would Cost New York 130,700 Jobs in 2019 Alone

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, announced that a new report finds Republicans’ repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would cause New York to lose 130,700 jobs in 2019 alone, while the U.S. overall would lose 2.6 million jobs.

The report details how the consequences of ACA repeal would reach far beyond the health care system, with considerable costs for state economies.

“This new report shows that ACA repeal wouldn’t just strip away affordable health coverage from millions of Americans. It would also kill jobs and hinder economic growth in New York and across the country,” Engel said

In addition to job loss, the report analyzes how ACA repeal would affect each state’s economic output. The report finds that repealing the ACA would shrink New York’s economy by more than $89 billion from 2019 to 2023.

“This report confirms that the people of New York simply cannot afford the disastrous GOP plot to repeal the ACA,” Engel said. “Democrats will not stand by and allow Republicans to dismantle the health and financial security of so many hard-working American families.”

The report, prepared by the nonpartisan Commonwealth Fund and George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, analyzes the economic impact of the repeal of two specific provisions of the Affordable Care Act: the premium tax credits for individuals in the ACA Marketplaces and the Medicaid expansion. 

Engel Statement on House Passage of REINS Act and Midnight Rule Relief Act

Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a leading member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement in response to this week’s House passage of the REINS Act and the Midnight Rule Relief Act:

“To hear House Republicans tell it, clean air, safe consumer products, worker protections, and useful medicines have made America less competitive. All the REINS Act and the Midnight Rule Relief Act would do is destroy the progress we made under President Obama while making it impossible to keep our drinking water clean, or to protect our supermarkets from contaminated food, or to keep our worksites safe.

“The USDA, OSHA, and EPA are not ‘job killers.’ They’re life savers. That is why I will continue to oppose both of these bills, along with coming attacks on the Affordable Care Act, Social Security, Medicare, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the many other advances we’ve made in the last 8 years.”