Monday, October 22, 2012

Bedford Mosholu Community Association Clean Up

     This past Saturday Ms. Barbara Stronzer and her troops from the Bedford Mosholu Community Association took on the fallen leaves in the park and on the nearby sidewalk. The flaking paint on the fence posts around the the park was taken care of by new 80th Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj (as you will see in the photos below), and his team of helpers from the family. Ms. Stronzer even was able to plant some flowers in the base of a huge tree that was knocked down during the last hurricane. 

Left - You can see part of the huge tree stump that dwarfs the people in the photo. It was the bed of this tree stump that flowers were planted.
Right - Youngsters Eleeyah Marroro & Ganimete Mujaj flank Ms. Stronzer and Ejlo Zagreda (Mark Gjonaj's 87 year old grandfather).

Left - New Assemblyman Mark Gjaonaj painting part of the wall on Mosholu Parkway. 
Right - Assemblyman Gjonaj is surrounded by family.

Left - Four generations of the Gjonal family were on hand to help. Assemblyman Gjonaj has his arms around his wife Roberta & mother Rosa, who are flanked by Marks grandfather and sons Nicholas & Joseph whose  cousins round out the group.
Right - Ms. Stronzer and others join in for this photo.

Cirque Chinois - U.S. Premiere - Nov. 4

 Direct from Beijing! Inaugural U.S. Tour!
The National Circus of
The People's Republic Of China Performing
Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 4pm
Bronx, NY – Lehman Center for the Performing Arts proudly presents one of China’s most acclaimed and influential circus troupes introducing Cirque Chinois, a spectacular new production for its inaugural North American tour. For nearly six decades, The National Circus of the People’s Republic of China has been performing its unique style of circus, making it one of the longest running and most distinguished circus troupes in China. They offer a one-of-a-kind experience that has mesmerized and astounded audiences of all ages. The company’s New York City debut is on Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 4pm at Lehman Center for the Performing Arts, 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West, Bronx, NY.
The National Circus of the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1953, making it one of the longest running and most distinguished circus troupes in China which has travelled the world. It’s especially acclaimed because of its unique acts such as Grand Flying Trapeze, Group Contortion, and many other outstanding acts. The artists in the troupe have won international awards and the company has won over twenty gold and silver medals and awards at international circus festivals including the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival, Cirque de Demain, and China National Acrobatic Competition. During the 1980’s, the company changed the concept of the “animal circus” to a new style of “non-animal circus” which influenced the pioneers of “Cirque du Soleil” who invited many coaches from the company to teach them the acts. The company’s Flying Trapeze troupe was invited to perform in the U.S. with the “Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus” in 1999 and with the “UniverSoul Circus” in 2007.  
Special ticket price for children 12 and under, $10 any seat
The performance of THE NATIONAL CIRCUS OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA takes place on Sunday, November 4 at 4pm.  Lehman Center for the Performing Arts Concert Hall is located at 250 Bedford Park Blvd. W. on the campus of Lehman College in the Bronx.  Tickets cost $45, $40 and $25, and for children 12 and under, $10 any seat.  Tickets can be purchased through 24 hour online access at or by calling the Lehman Center box office at 718-960-8833 open Monday & Wednesday-Friday 10am-5pm (closed on Tuesdays) and beginning at 12 noon on the day of the concert.  Lehman Center is accessible by #4 or D train to Bedford Park Blvd., and is right off several major highways, including the Henry Hudson Parkway, the Saw Mill River Parkway and Major Deegan Expressway.  Low-cost on-site parking available for $5.
Lehman Center is supported, in part, with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the New York City Council.  The 2012-2013 season is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, JPMorgan Chase, and through corporations, foundations and private donations.  Special $10 tickets for children are underwritten by Con Edison.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Vote of No Confidence For CB 8 Chairman

(This was taken from my column "Riverdale Report" in the "Bronx News this past week)

   It appears that current Community Board # 8 Chairman Robert Fanuzzi has lost not only control of CB 8, but also the support of a majority of the boards members. During the Economic Development Committee report an issue came up about the proposed street festival on Riverdale Avenue for the date of December 2nd. In discussing the festival the head of the committee made a motion for the approval and support of the full board of the street festival. An issue of an amendment to the motion came up where as the chairman of the board Mr. Fanuzzi ruled that the amendment was out of order. The ruling was then challenged by the Chair of the Law and Ethics Committee and put to a vote of the full board. The result of the full board vote was that the members voted to overrule Chairman Fanuzzi on his ruling, and things went downhill again for the second straight month. CB 8 Chairman Fanuzzi refused to recognize several board members and ruled them out of order when they tried to speak. Fanuzzi however did recognize one member who then made a motion to table the whole matter, which passed. Chairman Fanuzzi also allowed that same member to continue on with a tirade on another member without attempting to stop it or rule it out of order until the tirade was over. 
   In doing some research the Street Activity Permit process has changed as of December 2011, and apparently Fanuzzi was trying to push something through that he knew or should have known was wrong. In the past 125 signatures from the neighborhood had to be collected to show support for an event, and then the community board chair or District Manager could just sign off on these street permits. The permit process now needs review by the full community board. One would have to assume that since over 125 signatures were collected and presented at the Economic Development Committee meeting. CB 8 Chairman Fanuzzi must have wanted to keep this quiet since the Kingsbridge Riverdale Van Cortlandt Development Corporation was involved in the application process, and announced 11th City Council candidate Cliff Stanton is the Treasurer of KRVDC. Since Riverdale Avenue is a major street and emergency route this should have been taken up in the Traffic and Transportation Committee. 
   This was the case last month when CB 8 Chairman Fanuzzi had appointed a Youth Committee Chair over the summer that was struck down when it finally became known that the agreement between Community Board 8 and the Department of Youth Services became voided in 1996 (over 12 years ago) when the Department of Youth Services was merged into the Department of Youth and Community Development that also deals with matters other than just youth issues. Fanuzzi had the board appoint a special committee of four members of his choosing (which included himself) to come up with an interim youth committee and by-law change. 
   Also made know by the Treasurer of Community Board 8 was the fact that Mayor Bloombergs proposed first round of budget cuts would leave CB 8 in a defect of several thousands of dollars over the allocations of two of the three council members who cover CB 8. With the budget cuts to other areas in their districts these two council members may also have to stop their generosity to CB 8.. Several years ago CB 8 had to let go of one of its excellent staffers in a budget cut since the current District Manager of CB 8 was hired at one of (if not the) highest pay scales in the city. The previous DM worked part time hours with additional staff members, and CB 8 may be forced to let go or cut back on the two remaining staff members or the District Manager of the board. 
   If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog at you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.


By Senator Rev. RubΓ©n DΓ­az
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York
Governor Cuomo’s not only working against the Democratic Party but also against Black and Hispanics in New York State

    You should know that recently, Governor Andrew Cuomo publicly endorsed Republican Senator Stephen Saland against his Democratic opponent.  Governor Cuomo claims that he did so because Senator Saland voted to legalize gay marriage in New York State.

How many Democrats in New York State are stepping up to criticize our fearless leader as he breaks rank to endorse a Republican opponent for State Senate?

I’ll do the honors and be the first.

You should know that each time I endorse a candidate who is not a Democrat but who shares my moral principles of traditional marriage and respect for the unborn, I am publicly mocked in news articles, in blogs and oh yes, in tweets.  I receive phone calls from fellow Democrats, some who are too afraid to speak to me themselves and shoulder their complaint to my son, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., telling me to stop because my support for any Republican is not good for the Democratic Party.

But wait just a minute.  I am not the leader of the Democratic Party setting an example; I’m only a soldier.  Whether or not the criticism and complaints against me continue, I think everyone knows that I will stand by my beliefs.

So about Governor Cuomo"The Big Cheese" – who is New York State’s Democratic Party leader?  Doesn’t he have a responsibility to be true to the Democratic Party in New York State?  Doesn’t he have a responsibility to support Democrats?

You should know that the control of the New York State Senate will be determined by the outcome of the November 6th General Election for the State Senate races.  Governor Cuomo’s endorsement of a Republican for Senate makes our victory as Democrats a real challenge.
I didn’t want to bring the race card into this, but you should know that every position of high level in New York State, from Governor to Comptroller, to Attorney General – is all White.  There are no Blacks or Hispanics in high positions in New York State.  In 2012 in New York State, the only chance we have, not only as Democrats who want to and have the ability to get back control of the Senate, but also to get a minority in a statewide leadership position, is to get Democrats in control of the State Senate.

I believe that Governor Cuomo is not only working against the Democratic Party as the leader – who as the leader should be protecting and defending the party and its candidates – but I also believe that he is working against racial equality and minority opportunities by preventing Black and Hispanics from gaining positions of leadership in New York State.

If Democrats are unable to take back control of the Senate, I wonder who will be out there shaking Governor Cuomo’s hand? Due to the fact that by refusing to endorse members of his own party, (which he is the top leader) and doing everything possible to stop the Democrats from getting elected to New York State Senate, he will be completely responsible for his own party’s defeat and preventing a Black or Hispanic from becoming the leader of the New York State Senate.

This is Senator Rev. RubΓ©n DΓ­az and this is what you should know.



Says District Office Available to Help
With Complaints

Now that the “heat season” has commenced, Council Member Oliver Koppell said it is important for tenants to know their rights with respect to heat and hot water and the means at their disposal to remedy the situation if they are receiving inadequate services.
The law requires building owners to provide heat and hot water to all tenants under the following conditions: 

Hot water must be provided 365 days a year at a constant minimum temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
From October 1st to May 31st, a period designated as “Heat Season”, building owners must provide heat as follows:
.Between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. if the outside temperature falls  below 55 degrees, the inside temperature is required to be at       least 68 degrees Fahrenheit and,

.Between the hours of 10: 00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., if the temperature outside falls below 40 degrees, the inside temperature is required to be at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
Tenants who are cold in their apartments should;
            . First notify the building owner, managing agent or superintendent.
. If services are not restored, call the City’s Customer Service Center at 311.
 The law requires HPD to notify the landlord of the complaint and, if heat is not restored, an inspector is sent to issue a violation. If the landlord does not respond to the violation, HPD can arrange for the restoration of essential services and bill the owner for the cost.  
“The city takes very seriously the landlord’s responsibility to provide adequate heat and hot water as evidenced by the fact that recently the penalties for landlords who fail to these services were increased,” Koppell said.
The penalty for failing to provide heat and hot water is $250-$500 per day for each initial violation and $500-$1,000 per day for each subsequent violation in the same building during the same and/ or next calendar year or during the same and/or next heat season.
Everyone is entitled to be comfortable in their apartment,” Koppell said.  “No one should have to do without the basic necessities. If tenants do not receive relief through regular channels, my district office staff is available to help,” Koppell said.  “Call ((718) 549-7300”. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wave Hill Events November 2–November 9

     The deeper we move into the fall season, the more landscape takes charge. Seems counter-intuitive, right, after the excitement of spring and the lush gardens of summer? But as leaves fall, the vista opens up, and the design and layout of the gardens becomes more apparent. With temperatures still mild, this is an opportunity to take it all in—and even better, structure that experience on a guided garden walk or gallop across the Great Lawn.  Elizabeth Hamby’s Sunday workshop is just icing on the cake!

Dances with Leaves/Bailando con las hojas
Fashion a festive crown or costume from fall leaves and leaf rubbings, toss leaves in the wind, jump and run through leaf piles. Make artful arrangements of leaves on the lawn and collage leaf designs to carry home. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Artists meet with a curator, gallerist or critic for a 20-minute session of feedback on their portfolio. Review fee: $25 per artist to meet with one reviewer. Registration required, online or by calling 718.549.3200 x398.

Dances with Leaves/Bailando con las hojas
Fashion a festive crown or costume from fall leaves and leaf rubbings, toss leaves in the wind, jump and run through leaf piles. Make artful arrangements of leaves on the lawn and collage leaf designs to carry home. Free with admission to the grounds.

Join visual artist Elizabeth Hamby to experiment with techniques that push the physical and conceptual boundaries of the book. Using techniques of visual note-taking, paper-cutting and collage, weave materials-based research with explorations of memory and sense of place. Session fee: $20 Member/$30 Non-member. Registration required, online at, by calling 718.549.3200 x305 or at the Perkins Visitor Center.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all day.

Join an exhibition interpreter for one of our regularly scheduled tours of Wave Hill’s fall exhibition Foregrounding the Palisades, sculptural installations by artists Isidro Blasco, Blane de St. Croix and Paula Winokur that focus on the cliffs across the Hudson River, a quintessential feature of Wave Hill’s vista—and history.  In the Sunroom, Gail Biederman suspends a net-like map of commercial and handmade felt reflecting local topography. Tours take place Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2PM. Free, and admission to the grounds is free all day.

Enjoy colorful foliage at its seasonal peak. Horticultural Interpreter Charles Day shares some of his favorite trees and shrubs in their vibrant fall finery. Free with admission to the grounds.

 A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM—4:30PM. Closes 5:30PM, March 15—October 31.  
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6—18. Free Saturday mornings until noon. Free until noon October Tuesdays, and all day Tuesdays in November. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Program s are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 3o minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at


Audit Finds Dept. of Finance Fails To Collect Even After Giving Discounts to Commercial Fleets; FedEx, Verizon Top List of Fines Overdue

City Comptroller John C. Liu today announced that an audit of the City Department of Finance’s (DOF) collection of parking tickets discovered that the agency has failed to go after millions of dollars in fines owed by companies with delivery fleets.  The DOF gives these same companies discounts on their tickets. 

“It’s bad enough that people feel like they’re constantly blitzed with parking tickets,” Comptroller Liu said. “It’s absolutely galling to now find that the City lets big companies off the hook on millions in parking tickets. At the minimum, the City should be as efficient collecting money from big companies as it is from residents and small business owners, who apparently never get a break.”

The DOF manages two programs that offer commercial fleets discounts on parking tickets. The NYC Delivery Solutions (Stipulated Fine) program covers companies that make quick deliveries or service calls, such as private mail couriers. The DOF’s Commercial Abatement Program enrolls commercial fleets that are not engaged in time-sensitive services, such as plumbing repair companies. 

To enroll in the discount programs, companies first must pay all their outstanding tickets, waive their right to challenge future tickets, and agree to pay fines within 15 days. The DOF can remove any company that fails to abide by the agreement from the program and levy fines on them without the discount.

Comptroller Liu’s audit found many companies that did not live up to the agreement and ignored large outstanding debts on their parking tickets without any penalty from the DOF.

Private citizens, whose vehicles can be towed or booted if they fail to contest or pay $350 in tickets within 100 days, were once able to obtain discounts on parking tickets. The DOF canceled this discount program for private citizens as of January 2012.

$6,421,588 Overdue but No Enforcement

As of April 2012, the DOF was holding $9.3 million in tickets, of which two-thirds had gone unpaid for more than 30 days. In fact, of $6.4 million in overdue uncollected fines, more than half — $3.7 million — had gone unpaid for more than six months.

Companies that ignore their tickets and continue business as usual feel no repercussion, because DOF does not use its powers to strike them from the discount programs and pursue collections.

If the DOF removed delinquent companies from the discount programs, it could pursue civil judgments, deny vehicle registrations, and tow vehicles with unpaid parking tickets.  Moreover, if the DOF took companies out of the program, it could charge them the full ticket amounts — resulting in more revenue for the City. For example, auditors randomly selected 20 companies (10 from each program) from the population of 110 participants that each owed more than $10,000 in fines. These 20 participants had a total of $923,284 outstanding discounted fines. If removed from the program the firms would have to pay their original fines — $3,979,581 — resulting in $3 million more in revenue to the City.  

The audit also found that the DOF did not collect all outstanding fines before enrolling companies in the discount program, as required.  The audit examined a sample of 20 companies in the programs and found that the DOF failed to collect outstanding fines, totaling $195,886, from seven before admitting them to the discount program.

A copy of the audit is attached to this e-mail and also available for download at: 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


    In February 2012, during his State of the City Address, Comptroller Liu proposed the Capital Acceleration Plan, which was designed to create thousands of jobs, enhance the City’s aging infrastructure, and save taxpayer dollars. Details of the plan were released in May 2012.  In the months since then, the Comptroller’s office has been in discussions with the Mayor’s Office and the City Council about its implementation. The plan as announced today will:

·         Accelerate $1 billion in already approved projects from the City’s Capital Plan (school construction, road repairs, park upgrades, etc.)

·         Create 8,000 jobs

·         Save more than $200 million in debt service by taking advantage of historically low interest rates

Below is the official announcement by Mayor Bloomberg.

The City of New York
Office of the Mayor
New York, NY 10007


Plan Will Make more than $1 Billion Available for Necessary Infrastructure Investments, Including Repairs to Roadways, Waterfront and Schools

    Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, City Comptroller John C. Liu and City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn today announced changes to the City’s four-year Capital Commitment Plan to accelerate work on more than $1 billion of critical infrastructure projects throughout the city. The changes will accelerate capital commitments to projects that are in progress or are ready to begin and, in many cases, could be completed within the next 20 months. By accelerating key infrastructure projects, the City will add to the record amount of annual capital investment made since 2002, which have helped sustain essential services and keep New Yorkers safe. The authorized projects include road and bridge repairs, waterfront infrastructure development, and improvements to schools and libraries. Comptroller Liu first raised the idea for an accelerated capital spending plan earlier this year. The Administration and Comptroller worked to structure the finances for the changes, and the Administration and City Council worked to identify areas where accelerated investment would meet immediate needs and provide for long-term savings. The Mayor, Comptroller and Speaker made the announcement today in the Blue Room at City Hall.

    “Throughout our Administration, during good economic times and bad, one thing has remained constant: We’ve continued to invest in New York City’s future,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “Working with Comptroller Liu and Speaker Quinn, we were able to move beyond our different opinions to finalize a plan that fast-tracks critical infrastructure projects. Efforts like this one are what make City government effective and are yet another example of how, in contrast to places like Washington where people from opposing parties or ideas cannot get anything accomplished, here in New York City, we can work together to what is right for our city.”

    “Tough economic times demand creative solutions like this Capital Acceleration Plan,” said Comptroller Liu. “Put simply, this plan will deliver a much-needed shot in the arm to our City’s economy. Creating good jobs, accelerating infrastructure improvements and realizing long-term cost savings are a winning trifecta for our city’s taxpayers. I applaud the Mayor and the City Council for recognizing this as a good idea and following through on it.”

    “The City Council has long recognized the importance of the City’s capital construction program, both for its value as investment in infrastructure, and for the role it plays as economic stimulus and job creation,” said Speaker Quinn. “Now is the time to take advantage of low interest rates and construction costs and accelerate sorely needed construction projects while creating close to 10,000 jobs over the next two fiscal years. I want to thank Mayor Bloomberg for working with the Council and Comptroller Liu to make this smart investment in our city’s future.”

    The accelerated investment program will fund projects that are a part of the four-year Capital Commitment Plan. An update of the plan was also released today, as required by the City Charter. The projects represent basic but critical work across several City agencies. Expediting their start and construction timetables will allow the City to take advantage of low borrowing interest rates and construction costs, saving taxpayers more than $200 million over the life of the bonds and creating an estimated 8,000 jobs.

    The City will move up capital commitments to FY 2013 and FY 2014 for certain projects that were to be done later in the capital plan. The projects set for accelerated capital funding include:

$175 million in FY 2013 and $115 million in FY 2014 for repairs and upgrades to 100 school buildings

$59.8 million to resurface additional 300 lane-miles of roadway

$37.7 million on street reconstruction

$19.1 million for vehicular and pedestrian bridge repair

$13.2 million for waterfront infrastructure

    Under Mayor Bloomberg, the city has invested $89 billion in capital commitments from FY 2002 through FY 2012 - more than any administration in city history. The City sustained record annual investment even as the economic downturn required budget gap closing measures.