Thursday, February 9, 2017

A.G. Schneiderman Announces $255,000 Settlement With General Contractor And Developer For Failure To Pay Workers Required Prevailing Wage

Settlement Is First Time Attorney General’s Office Has Enforced Prevailing Wage Laws Through The New York False Claims Act
Schneiderman:  We Will Not Allow Developers Or Contractors To Profit Off The Backs Of Hard-Working New Yorkers
   Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced a $255,000 settlement resolving whistleblower allegations that a New York City-based general contractor, a property developer, and their principals failed to enforce the prevailing wage requirements of their public works project.  The settlement was reached with A. Aleem Construction Inc., the general contractor (“Aleem”), its owner Mervyn Frank, and West 131st Street Development Corp., the developer (“West 131”), and West 131’s principals, Alan Levine and Ralph McKoy. As part of the settlement, Aleem and West 131 will pay a total of $255,000 in penalties and restitution.  The restitution will be used to fulfill unpaid wages and overtime for up to 28 carpenters and laborers cheated on Aleem and West 131’s project.  The Laborers’ Eastern Region Organizing Fund (“LEROF”), as the relator that alerted the Attorney General to this fraud, will receive a portion of the overall payments made by Aleem and West 131.
The settlement reached in this case marks the first time that the prevailing wage laws have been enforced through the New York False Claims Act.
“We will not allow developers or contractors to profit off the backs of hard-working New Yorkers,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “The law is clear: government contractors must pay their workers the prevailing wage. We will continue to aggressively pursue those who rip off taxpayers and fail to compensate workers the wages they are owed.”
The New York False Claims Act, an important tool for fighting fraud against the government, allows whistleblowers who have knowledge of fraud (known as “relators”) against New York State or local governments to file a complaint and to receive a portion of the money recovered.  In this case, the construction contract required workers to be paid the prevailing wage.  Prevailing wage laws seek to ensure that government contractors pay wages and benefits comparable to the local norms for a given trade, typically well above minimum wage rates.
The Attorney General alleges that Aleem and its owner and West 131 and its principals violated the New York False Claims Act by making claims for payment while acting in reckless disregard of their contractual obligations to ensure compliance with the prevailing wage laws.  An investigation by the Attorney General’s Office found that, despite their legal and contractual obligations to do so, these entities and individuals failed to ensure that the workers on the project were paid the required prevailing wages and, in fact, that at least some of the workers on the project were not paid as required by law. 
The Attorney General’s investigation relates to Aleem and West 131’s participation in the Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Program of the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), in which private developers renovated and resold deteriorated City-owned buildings.  The project was funded in part with federal monies and, as a consequence, federal prevailing wage laws applied.
As part of the settlement agreement, the Attorney General secured commitments from Aleem and West 131 to submit to extensive compliance, remediation, and training requirements.  The Attorney General’s Labor Bureau will actively monitor their adherence to these requirements.
The settlement stems from a joint enforcement effort with the United States Department of Labor (“USDOL”) in which the two agencies worked collaboratively to protect the rights of workers in New York.  The USDOL previously obtained a settlement of $189,000 from Aleem and its owner based on prevailing wage underpayments, and this payment will be credited toward the amount owed under today’s settlement.
“Contractors commit to paying workers the required wages and fringe benefits when they bid on federally funded construction contracts with taxpayer funds,” said Regional Administrator Mark Watson, Jr., U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. “Failure to pay prevailing wages deprives workers the wages they have earned, and gives an unfair advantage over employers who obey the law.”
James W. Versocki of Archer, Byington, Glennon & Levine LLP represents the Laborers Eastern Region Organizing Fund of the Laborers International Union of North America (“LIUNA”), the relator in this matter.   The Attorney General thanks the Laborers Eastern Region Organizing Fund for alerting his office to these serious violations of the law and for assisting the OAG in its investigation. 
Robert Bonanza, Business Manager of the 17,000 Member Mason Tenders District Council Of Greater New York, LIUNA said, “With the announcement of this first ever prevailing wage case settlement under the New York False Claims Act, Attorney General Schneiderman has shown that wage theft can be combatted through partnerships with whistleblowers, such as the Laborers Eastern Region Organizing Fund. On a daily basis we see the effects of wage theft on workers and their families, and once again the Attorney General has shown his commitment to protecting working people.” 
LEROF will utilize its share of the proceeds from the case to continue its mission of worker advocacy and outreach.
The Attorney General thanks the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development and the New York City Law Department’s Affirmative Litigation Division for their assistance in this investigation.
The investigation leading to the settlements announced today was conducted by the Taxpayer Protection Bureau, which Attorney General Schneiderman established in 2011 to combat the fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars, and by the Attorney General’s Labor Bureau.

A.G. Schneiderman And Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Announce Lawsuit Against RD Legal

Lawsuit Also Accuses Company Of Deceiving National Football League Concussion Victims
Schneiderman: The Alleged Actions By RD Legal—Scamming 9/11 Heroes And Former NFL Players Struggling With Severe Injuries—Is Simply Shameful
   Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and the  Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced today a lawsuit against RD Legal Funding, LLC, two related entities, and Roni Dersovitz, the companies’ founder and owner, for allegedly scamming 9/11 heroes out of money intended to cover medical costs, lost income, and other critical needs. RD Legal also allegedly conned National Football League (NFL) concussion victims. The Attorney General’s office and the CFPB allege that the illegal scheme deceived 9/11 first responders with cancer and other illnesses and football players with brain injuries out of millions of dollars by luring them into costly advances on compensation fund and settlement payouts by lying about the terms of the deals. In the suit filed in federal court, the lawsuit seeks to put an end to the company’s illegal practices, obtain relief for the victims, and impose penalties.
“The alleged actions by RD Legal—scamming 9/11 heroes and former NFL players struggling with severe injuries—are simply shameful. RD Legal used deceptive tactics to charge unlawfully high interest rates for advances on settlement and compensation funds, allowing them to profit off the backs of these unsuspecting individuals,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “My office will do all it can to end the fraudulent practices employed by RD Legal, recoup the illegal amounts charged by this company -- and make these victims whole again.”
“It is unconscionable that RD Legal scammed 9/11 heroes and NFL concussion victims out of millions of dollars,” said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. “We allege that this company and its owner lined their pockets with funds intended to cover medical care and other critical expenses for people who are sick and sidelined. Our lawsuit seeks to end this illegal scheme and get money back to those entitled to receive it.”
RD Legal, based in Cresskill, N.J., is a company that offers advances to consumers entitled to payouts from victim compensation funds or lawsuit settlements. The company targeted fund awardees including police, firefighters, paramedics, and others who were first responders to the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001. Many of these first responders suffer from cancers and other respiratory illnesses related to their exposure to dust and debris at the attack site, post‐traumatic stress disorder, depression, and memory loss. They were awarded money from the Zadroga Fund, established by Congress to assist with needs including mounting medical costs and lost income because of their inability to work. The company also targeted former NFL players who have been diagnosed with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and were entitled to payments from the settlement in a class action lawsuit.
The CFPB and the New York Attorney General allege that RD Legal contacted these consumers after they were awarded their money but before they received most of it. RD Legal then swooped in with a “deal,” offering the victims an upfront payment of some of the money they had not yet received which would be paid back when they received the balance of the payout. Through confusing contracts, RD Legal misrepresented to consumers their obligation to repay these expensive transactions, often collecting from the consumer more than twice what RD Legal had advanced only months earlier. Today’s lawsuit alleges that RD Legal’s illegal actions cost victims, many of whom suffered long‐term physical or cognitive harm, millions of dollars.
The CFPB and the New York Attorney General allege that the defendants violated several laws, including the Dodd‐Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act’s prohibition on deceptive and abusive acts and practices. Specifically, the CFPB and New York Attorney General allege that RD Legal:
  • Lured consumers into costly payouts by lying about the terms of the deal: Through convoluted contracts, RD Legal misrepresented to consumers what they were being offered. These misrepresentations deceived consumers, interfered with their understanding of the terms, costs, and conditions of the transactions, and prevented them from meaningfully evaluating what was being offered. The products were expensive. For example, one consumer was awarded $65,000 from the Zadroga Fund. While she waited for her full payment from the fund, RD advanced her $18,000. When her award payment from the fund arrived six months later, she had to repay $33,000 to RD Legal – so she paid $15,000 to RD above and beyond the money RD Legal advanced to her.
  • Lied about speeding up the processing of consumers’ claims: RD Legal lied to consumers by claiming that it could “cut through red tape” to obtain their anticipated payments from claims administrators faster than would otherwise be possible. In fact, RD Legal had no authority or ability to change when victim compensation or settlement payouts occurred.
  • Deceived consumers about when they would receive the money from RD Legal: RD Legal misrepresented to consumers when they would receive money from the company. On its website, the company promised that consumers would receive the money within several days of entering into the contract, but some consumers did not receive money until months after it was promised.
  • Illegally collected money from consumers: When consumers received their payouts from their actual settlement funds, RD Legal attempted to recover its money from the victims. But the complaint alleges that the costly transactions are not valid and enforceable or they are void under New York law because they violated the state interest rate cap. As a result, no payment is due and RD Legal had no right to collect.
The Attorney General's Office also alleges additional violations of New York state law in the complaint, including that these transactions are in fact loans under New York law with usurious interest rates.  On many of these loans, RD Legal collected effective interest rates ranging from 18% to over 250%.  These interest rates exceed New York’s 16% civil usury cap and its 25% criminal usury cap.  Under New York law, contracts that charge more than the maximum usury rate are void.  RD Legal also engaged in false advertising and deceptive, fraudulent and illegal practices under New York law.  
The CFPB and New York Attorney General complaint can be found here.

Comptroller Stringer: NYC’s Economic Growth Slowed at the End of 2016

NYC’s Gross City Product grew 1.8%, down from 2.8% last quarter

Unemployment rate ticked up to 5.6 percent as more New Yorkers entered the labor force

Average hourly earnings in NYC grew slower than inflation in the Fourth Quarter, remaining effectively flat for the year

Potential cuts from the Trump White House add economic uncertainty

   New York City’s economy showed signs of slowing growth in the Fourth Quarter of 2016, according to a Quarterly Economic Update released today by New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer. The analysis found that the City’s economy grew 1.8 percent during the fall and winter of 2016, down from 2.8 percent growth in the Third Quarter, and the second lowest rate since 2014.
The report highlighted several economic indicators that show a slowdown, including rising unemployment, lackluster wage growth, declining commercial leasing activity, and continued declines in venture capital investments. The Comptroller’s report comes as the City faces extraordinary uncertainty around funding cuts from Washington.
“Last August I reported the economy had gone from a sprint to a jog. Now, New York City’s economy has slowed to a walk. After years of steady growth, we’re beginning to see real signs of an economic slowdown. From flat wage growth, to an uptick in unemployment, to declining venture capital investments, there are causes for concern and we need to be prepared,” New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer said. “The economy’s still growing, but we have to make smart choices now so we are prepared in case tougher times arrive.”
The Fourth Quarter of 2016 saw 24,700 New Yorkers join the labor force, a positive indicator, although it helped drive the unemployment rate up to 5.6 percent.
Increases in average hourly earnings (AHE) slightly lagged inflation, with year-over-year rises of 1.5 percent and 1.6 percent respectively. That means that real wages and consumer buying power did not increase between the Fourth Quarters of 2015 and 2016. Between January and December of 2016, the City’s AHE grew less than 1 percent – the lowest annual growth since 2009.
Businesses in the City also reported indicators of a slowdown as 2016 came to a close. Venture capital investment in the New York metro area declined for the third consecutive quarter, falling 10.2 percent to about $2 billion. Total venture capital investment during 2016 fell for the first year since 2012 to $7.9 billion – 9.6 percent less than last year. In a positive sign, the City’s share of venture capital nationwide grew to 13.5 percent of the total.
In the Fourth Quarter, new commercial leasing activity in Manhattan fell 8.6 percent year-over-year to 5.8 million square feet (msf) – the fifth decline in the last six quarters. Overall, in 2016 total leasing activity fell 6.7 percent.
Released every quarter, the Comptroller’s Quarterly Economic Update examines a broad range of data that reflect current economic conditions in New York City. The report also highlights relevant national indicators. Though numbers can change significantly from quarter to quarter, they can be used to identify what could be potential long-term trends. Findings include:
New York City’s economy slowed at the end of 2016
  • The City’s economy expanded 1.8 percent in the Fourth Quarter of 2016, below the 2.8 percent growth in the Third Quarter.
  • For the entirety of 2016, the City economy expanded by 2.9 percent, slower than growth of 3.3 percent in 2015.
  • The City continued to outpace the nation, with U.S. GDP rising at a 1.6 percent rate for 2016 as a whole. The City’s Fourth Quarter growth almost matched national growth of 1.9 percent during that period.
The City’s job market was weaker than 2015
  • Preliminary data indicate that the City lost 14,500 private-sector jobs in the Fourth Quarter – the first quarterly decrease since the Third Quarter of 2009. The majority of these jobs were in medium-wage industries (8,500), followed by high-wage industries (4,100), and low-wage industries (1,900).
  • For 2016 as a whole, however, the City added a fairly robust 89,500 jobs, but lower than 119,100 added in 2015. This represents an increase of 2.1 percent, compared to 1.7 percent in the nation. Most new private-sector jobs in 2016 were in low-wage sectors (41,000 or 48.5 percent) followed by mid-wage (30,000 or 35.2 percent) and high-wage (14,000 or 16.3 percent).
Real wages remained flat
  • Private-sector average hourly earnings (AHE) in the City increased 1.5 percent, just below the 1.6 percent inflation rate in the metro area. For all of 2016, the City’s AHE grew only 0.7 percent, the lowest growth since 2009, and below national growth of 2.5 percent.
  • City personal income tax (PIT) revenues rose 2.9 percent on a year-over-year basis to about $2.6 billion in the last quarter of 2016. While income taxes withheld from paychecks rose 4.6 percent to over $1.9 billion, estimated tax payments, which reflect trends in taxpayers’ non-wage income, including interest earned, rental income, and capital gains, fell 7.9 percent to $297 million.
  • For the full year, City PIT revenues fell one percent as withholding grew 2.7 percent, but estimated tax payments declined 10 percent.
Unemployment rate rose
  • The City’s unemployment rate rose to 5.6 percent in the Fourth Quarter, up from 5.5 percent in the last quarter and above the U.S. average of 4.7 percent.
  • The number of unemployed New Yorkers rose by 8,400 in the Fourth Quarter, after increasing by 6,800 last quarter.
  • The City’s labor force increased by 24,700, implying that some discouraged job seekers have begun searching for work again.
  • In the Fourth Quarter, the unemployment rate fell to 4.4 percent in Queens, 5.2 percent in Brooklyn, and 7 percent in the Bronx. The rate remained unchanged at 5.1 percent in Staten Island and increased from 4.4 to 4.5 percent in Manhattan.
Venture capital investing and commercial leasing activity continued to contract
  • Venture capital investment in the New York metro area fell for the third consecutive quarter, declining 10.2 percent, to about $2 billion, but the City’s share of venture capital nationwide grew to 16.8 percent of the total.
  • For the full year, investment fell 9.6 percent to $7.9 billion, the first year of decline since 2012, and the City’s share of venture capital nationwide grew to 13.5 percent.
  • For the fifth time in the last six quarters, commercial leasing activity in Manhattan contracted, falling 6 percent to 5.8 million square feet in the Fourth Quarter.
  • In all of 2016, total Manhattan commercial leasing activity fell 6.7 percent.
Manhattan’s housing market slowed
  • While the average home sales price in Manhattan increased for the seventh consecutive quarter, growing 7.7 percent to about $2.1 million, the number of sales fell 7 percent.
  • Housing market conditions tightened in both Brooklyn and Queens, as the number of sales grew and average prices increased 17.3 percent to $947,553 and 9.8 percent to $573,455, respectively.


The Bronx Community Board 7 Veterans and Senior Services Committee is hosting its First Annual Veterans Breakfast and Soaring Eagle Awards Ceremony at Lehman College -Music Building on Friday, February 10, 2017 from 9am-12pm. 

This is an opportunity not only for all to enjoy a delicious breakfast buffet together, but to shed light on the prominent issues facing veterans, their families and dependents.  In response, to the latest and most comprehensive report from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2016), “22 military veterans on average die by suicide every day”. 

The award ceremony, the first of its kind, where local government officials recognize, amplify, and honor those who have served our country and as well as those who continue to make extraordinary contributions to their communities by presenting them with “The Soaring Heights Eagle Awards”.

After which the Soaring Eagle Recipients will then Honor, Celebrate and Recognize their Spouses, families and dependents, and loved ones those who have also made enormous sacrifices, journeyed the distance, and have weathered the storms by presenting them with “The Wind Beneath My Wings Award”.  ALL Veterans in attendance will be honored and expected to receive individualCitations.

**For those who will attend please enter through Gate 8 located on Bedford and Paul Avenue! 

Award Presenters Soaring Heights Eagle  Award Recipients   Wind Beneath My Wings Award Recipients  
Veterans and Community Members Honor Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr
NY Assembly Member Pichardo             US Veteran (Retired) General Commissioner Loree Sutton, MD Sgt. Perdroso (Posthumously) Laura Leitch, Spouse Linda Perdroso, Daughter
NY Council Member Cabrera                  US Veteran Stanley Scriven
NY Assembly Member Andy Cohen Devyn Wray-Scriven, Daughter
NY Assembly Member Marcos Crespo   US Veteran Johnnie H. Williams, Jr. Ana & Christina Williams, Family
NY Assembly Member Gjonaj                 US Veteran Robert Eppich, Jr. Robert Eppich, Sr., Dad
Bronx Veteran Court Mentors          US Veteran Ayanna Ahmand Dr. Stephannie L. Addo-Zuniga, Mentor
NYS Senator Jamaal Bailey                               US Veteran Anthony Rivieccio Sheila Sanchez, Friend
NY Council Member Ritchie Torres        Shawn C. Kingston, Veterans Outreach, James A. Peters VA Hosp. Selina Kingston, Mom
Centers for Healthy Living                  US Veteran Tiffany N. Barker LaTanga Blair, Mentor
MedEquip Supply Corp.                      US Veteran Steve Avallone US Veteran Hiawatha James Watts, Friend
St. Mary’s Hospital                          US Veteran Joseph Bello Vicki Bello, Wife
NY Assembly Member Jose Rivera US Veteran Latisha Russaw Ines Adan, Mentor
Sacred Fellowship Ministries             US Veteran Irwin Queen Dannette Queen
Bronx Independent Living                  US Veteran Michael Alford, Sr Cheryl Alford, Sister
Nat’l Puerto Rican Women                US Veteran Marco Bongioanni, MSE US Veteran Orlando Pellot
Assembly Member Benedetto US Veteran Joseph Binder           None
Water2Kids             US Veteran Jeffery Hunter None
Bronx Community Board 7 US Veteran Johnnie Brooks Denise Major
Bronx Community Board 7 US Veteran Luis Soltero-Rodriguez None
Bronx Community Board 7 US Veteran Robert “Bobby” Walker None

The Bronx Community Board 7 Veterans Committee and Senior Services Committees remain committed to honoring and increasing visibility of issues faced by Veterans and their families - with hope, respect, admiration and support.  

Engel Proud to Join House LGBT Caucus

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel issued the following statement on joining the House LGBT Caucus:

“More than 20 years ago, I was one of the very few House Members who voted against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). DOMA made same-sex couples and LGBT Americans invisible to their government. Thankfully, the Supreme Court eventually struck it down, but I voted against it in 1996 because it was the right thing to do. I voted against it because I believed every man and woman deserved the right to love whomever they choose, without fear of discrimination from their government. I voted against it because I knew those who stand against equality stand on the wrong side of history.

“Now, the American people are on our side. The majority of Americans see what I saw in 1996: that every American, regardless of their sexual orientation, deserves equal treatment under the law. That principle has guided me throughout my years in Congress, and I have consistently cast my vote to defend and protect those in the LGBT community because of it.

“I am proud to be the lead sponsor every Congress of a resolution supporting the National Day of Silence, which is an annual day of observance in schools aimed at bringing attention to the bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.

“Joining the House LGBT Caucus is the next step in my 20-plus year record of working to advance LGBT rights. I am so proud to be part of this bipartisan group of lawmakers, and I hope we will be able to work together to ensure equality for all Americans. Our country has come a long way, but the LGBT community still has obstacles to overcome. Together I hope we can pass federal LGBT nondiscrimation legislation, protect LGBT Americans from hate crimes, and continue to make progress toward our goal of equal dignity for every American.”


  The New York State Assembly voted on February 7th to implement a one year moratorium on cities from taxing consumers for using disposable plastic or paper shopping bags. A day earlier the moratorium was passed by the New York State Senate. The bill (A04883) prohibits any taxes, fees, or other charges to be implemented on carryout merchandise bags. If signed by the Governor, the moratorium will take effect February 15th, and expire at the end of 2017.

Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, and Assemblyman Michael Benedetto, were vocal proponents of the moratorium due to the financial burden it would have on low- and middle-income families, as well as, local businesses.

“I’m glad that both houses overwhelmingly passed the moratorium on the plastic bag fee. The bag fee law places a great financial burden on low-income New Yorkers already struggling to make ends meet. While I greatly value our environment, I believe there’s a more common-sense approach to clean up our cities. I’m excited to work with my colleagues toward a more sensible solution to a reduction in plastic litter,” said State Senator Jeff Klein.  

"I am pleased my colleagues and I have agreed to pass the moratorium on the plastic bag tax. New Yorkers cannot afford another tax, especially one that will disproportionately impact our low-income communities, working families, and senior citizens. I look forward to working towards a solution that paves the way for a cleaner environment, but does not place an unjust burden on our City's most vulnerable residents," Said Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

"By postponing this foolish tax on the residents of  New York City we have clearly told the New York City Council to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan that will be environmentally friendly but not tax the people," said Assemblyman Michael Benedetto. 

Wave Hill Events Feb 24–Mar 4

  The crossover from February to March is a moment when I hold my breath, feeling spring is almost within reach and wondering how strong winter’s grip will be. A perfect moment for natural distractions, and creative ones, too! Try a guided garden walk or a leisurely stroll on your own. Sign up for a new woodworking workshopa late addition to our calendar inspired by our much-loved Wave Hill Chair workshop. Or sign up to spend a few hours with Winter Workspace artist Cecile Chong, learning to meld storytelling and encaustic.

Visitors enjoy 20% discounts on all kids’ merchandise through today.

Construct your own outdoor side table, based on the design of the Wave Hill chair, with master carpenter and Director of Facilities Frank Perrone. Don’t have a garden or outdoor space? Use your table indoors! Participants receive step-by-step instructions; no previous carpentry skills required. Space is limited! $95 Member/$125 Non-member. Registration required, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center.

Join visiting artists Adam Frezza and Terri Chiao, past participants in Wave Hill’s Sunroom Project Space, on a visit to Wave Hill’s Cactus and Succulent House. Sketch these exotic desert dwellers, then, using papier-mĂąchĂ©, bendable wire, paint and paper, make an exotic paper plant of your own. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Honey is a sweet liquid produced by honeybees from the nectar of flowers. Discover fascinating facts about honey and compare the complex tastes of different varieties with beekeeper and Wave Hill Horticultural Interpreter Charles Day. Sample honey-infused recipes prepared by Chef Stephen Rosenberg of Great Performances. Free with admission to the grounds.

Join visiting artists Adam Frezza and Terri Chiao, past participants in Wave Hill’s Sunroom Project Space, on a visit to Wave Hill’s Cactus and Succulent House. Sketch these exotic desert dwellers, then, using papier-mĂąchĂ©, bendable wire, paint and paper, make an exotic paper plant of your own. Free with admission to the grounds. 

Artists in the Winter Workspace program share their studio practice with visitors on this Drop-in Sunday. Stop by Glyndor Gallery to speak to the artists and get a closer look at the creative process. Free with admission to the grounds. 

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Closed to the public

Work with Winter Workspace artist Cecile Chong to create a personal chronicle or story embedded permanently in encaustic. Fixed in beeswax and resin, your work will become a scrapbook page or visual time-capsule. $55/$45 Wave Hill Member. Registration required, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. 

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM–4:30PM.  Closes 5:30PMMarch 15–October 31.
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6–18. Free Saturday and Tuesday mornings until noon. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW - And Then Came Carl Heastie - By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 

And Then Came Carl Heastie

You should know that the 5 cents (5¢) per plastic bag fee that the Members of the New York City Council planned to impose on residents and shoppers in the City of New York has been postponed for one year.

It is important for you to know that the senior citizens, the poor, the needy and everyone else were threatened with the imposition of paying 5 cents (5¢) for every plastic bag they receive at the checkout, every time they shop in the City of New York.

You should also know that the Republican Members of the New York State Senate, under the Leadership of Senator John Flanagan, and with the help of some Democrats: Senator Joseph Addabbo, Senator Tony Avella, Senator Leroy Comrie, Senator Michael Gianaris, Senator Jeff Klein, Senator JosĂ© Peralta, Senator Roxanne Persaud, Senator Diane Savino, and Senator David Valesky, and myself, Senator RubĂ©n DĂ­az voted to approve legislation introduced by Senator Simcha Felder to stop the imposition of the 5 cents (5¢) fee.

This measure was supposed to start on February 15, 2017, as a late Valentine’s Day gift, throughout all five boroughs of the City of New York.

There were some who believed that our senior citizens, the poor and needy, along with everyone who shops in the five boroughs were doomed to pay the 5 cents (5¢) per plastic bag fee, with no way out, even though the New York State Senate had approved legislation to oppose this fee.
We were all ready to accept this hardship that would be imposed upon senior citizens, the poor and the needy …

And then came Carl Heastie, Speaker of the New York State Assembly, showing great compassion and concern not only for senior citizens, the poor and the needy, but for everyone in the City of New York.

Speaker Heastie allowed for a Bill to be introduced on the Assembly Floor, and then he led the way for Democratic Members of the Assembly to vote for the postponement of this measure for one more year, while a study is conducted to find ways and solutions for the environmental problems caused by shopping bags when they are thrown in the street.

This move by Speaker Heastie and the Members of the New York State Assembly, controlled in Albany by the Democrats is laudable. This sends a message to everyone in the State and the Nation that senior citizens, the poor and the needy really, really, REALLY have a voice in their Democratic Assembly Members, contrary to what took place within the New York State Senate.

You should know that it was discouraging and painful to see and hear Black and Hispanic Senators standing up on the Senate Floor to fight in favor of having senior citizens, the poor and the needy in the City of New York to pay the 5 cents (5¢) fee for each plastic bag.
It was even more painful and disheartening to see and hear even some of the Hispanic Senators standing and speaking on the Senate Floor in favor of imposing this 5 cent (5¢) per plastic bag fee on New York City residents

As you know, they are six Hispanic Senators in the New York Senate. They are: JosĂ© Peralta, Marisol Alcantara, Martin MalavĂ© Dilan, Gustavo Rivera, JosĂ© Peralta, and myself, Reverend RubĂ©n DĂ­az. Only two of us, SenatorJosĂ© Peralta and myself voted in favor of stopping the 5 cents (5¢) per plastic bag fee.

Ladies and gentlemen, you should know that all of the residents and shoppers in New York City will have some relief for at least one year, and will not have to pay the 5 cents (5¢) per plastic bag while shopping for groceries and other items.

This is all because then came New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and his troops, who like King Leonidas the great Spartan Warrior, who led his 300 hundred warriors against the impossible.

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.


If you look at the six Hispanic state senators Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. mentions, I have underlined, put in bold, and italics the name of Jose Padilla Jr. which Senator Reverend Diaz Sr. has mentioned twice. 

Is this once for Democrat Jose Padilla Jr., and one for IDC member Jose Padilla Jr.? 

Or is it that State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr, does not know who is who in the state senate with him? I don't know why the name of Hispanic Bronx/Manhattan State Senator Jose Marcos Serrano was not mentioned, but maybe State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. can answer that if he can remember. 

That is what you need to know.