Thursday, November 23, 2023

Gov. Kathy Hochul - Happy Thanksgiving, New York!


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I want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! 

Watch a video message from me to you and your loved ones below ⤵️TWITTER

Thanksgiving offers an opportunity to reflect on the blessings in our lives. I know I’m grateful to be celebrating with my family, especially our grandbaby Sofia, who’s growing up so fast.

But for me and so many New Yorkers, this Thanksgiving is also bittersweet. This is the first year I’ll be celebrating without my dad, who passed away unexpectedly last month; and as great conflicts continue in our world, pain is being felt by communities across our state.  

I hope that the joy of spending time with loved ones brings you peace and comfort. 

As a mom, I know Thanksgiving and the holiday season offer a meaningful, and sometimes rare, opportunity to gather everyone around the table. Alongside younger children and high schoolers, college kids may be home for the first time since they left in August. With the rise in hateful rhetoric and actions both online and off, I encourage you to talk to your kids about what they’re hearing and seeing at school and on their campuses, and ways that they can spread kindness, not hate. New York State has resources to help facilitate these sometimes difficult, yet important, conversations.

Because it’s on all of us to do our part to create the kind of society we want to live in.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I also encourage all New Yorkers to give back.

Volunteer in your community.  

Support a small business this Saturday.

And, as we see the ugliness of hate rear its head amongst our communities, look for opportunities to spread love and kindness instead.  

As always, remember the spirit of warmth and appreciation that makes the holiday season so special.

From my family to yours: Happy Thanksgiving.

Gov. Kathy Hochul

Attorney General James Announces Guilty Verdict of Physician Who Subjected Patients to Unnecessary and Invasive Tests


Payam Toobian, M.D. Paid Kickbacks to Physicians for Patient Referrals and Defrauded Medicaid by Subjecting Patients to Unnecessary Radiological Tests

New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced that a jury found Payam Toobian, M.D. of Kings Point, New York, and his company, America’s Imaging Center, Inc., guilty on charges related to running a kickback scheme that defrauded Medicaid and subjected patients to invasive procedures they did not need. In August 2022, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) indicted Toobian, and today he was found guilty of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree, Health Care Fraud in the Third Degree, four of eight counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree, and two counts of violating the Social Services Law statute prohibiting the payment of kickbacks, all felony charges.

“All New Yorkers should be able to trust that their doctors are prioritizing their health, not simply using them to upcharge insurance companies,” said Attorney General James. “For years, Payam Toobian subjected patients to unnecessary and often invasive tests in order to enrich himself. This verdict will ensure he is held accountable for defrauding Medicaid and putting New Yorkers at risk. My office will continue to pursue any medical provider who attempts to profit at the expense of those in need of care.”

From January 2006 to August 2017, Toobian ran a kickback scheme in which he gave gift cards and cash to two physicians in exchange for the physicians’ referral of patients. In addition, from January 2014 to August 2017, Toobian directed his employees to add additional, unordered radiological procedures to orders submitted by referring physicians to increase the amount of money received from Medicaid. 

Toobian defrauded Medicaid and subjected patients to medically unnecessary and often invasive radiological testing without the direction, consent, or approval of the referring physicians responsible for the underlying care of those patients. The additional tests included MRIs of the brain, cervical spine, and lumbar spine, all “with contrast,” which required subjecting patients to unnecessary and invasive injections. Toobian then directed his staff to submit claims for payment to Medicaid for those medically unnecessary tests.

The OAG would like to thank the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General, the New York State Department of Health, and Medicaid MCOs, HealthFirst, MetroPlusHealth, and United Healthcare, for their cooperation and valuable assistance throughout the investigation.

MFCU’s investigation was led by Detectives Thomas Bolen, Robert Hatt, Dawn Scandaliato, and Michael McNally, with the assistance of Acting Assistant Chief Ronald Lynch and Deputy Chief William Falk. Trial and administrative support was provided by Detectives Thomas Fisch, Allison Gionta, and Adrian Klapper, Legal Support Analysts Anne Liptak, Kelvin Caraballo, and Caroline Lindeman, and MFCU’s Electronic Investigative Support Group. The investigative financial analysis was presented by Principal Auditor-Investigator Deowattie Persaud and Senior Auditor-Investigator Khristian Diaz, with assistance from Regional Chief Auditor Stacey Millis.  

The OAG was represented at trial by Special Assistant Attorneys General Robert Trudell and Samantha McCullagh, with the assistance of Special Assistant A.G. Ferron Lien, under the supervision of Thomas O’Hanlon, Chief of MFCU Criminal Investigations. MFCU is led by Director Amy Held and Assistant Deputy Attorney General Paul J. Mahoney. The Division for Criminal Justice is led by Chief Deputy Attorney General JosΓ© Maldonado and overseen by First Deputy Attorney General Jennifer Levy.

MFCU defends the public by addressing Medicaid provider fraud and protecting nursing home residents from abuse and neglect. If an individual believes they have information about Medicaid provider fraud or about an incident of abuse or neglect of a nursing home resident, they can file a confidential complaint online on OAG website or by calling MFCU's hotline at (800) 771-7755. If the situation is an emergency, please call 911. 

New York MFCU’s total funding for federal fiscal year (FY) 2024 is $68,997,928. Of that total, 75 percent, or $51,748,448, is awarded under a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The remaining 25 percent, totaling $17,249,480 for FY 2024, is funded by New York state.

NYC Comptroller Lander to Tesla Board: Musk Support of Antisemitism Invites Far Reaching Reputational Damage


Comptroller urges board’s swift response to exercise oversight & judgment and ensure CEO conduct won’t harm company

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander wrote to Tesla’s Board of Directors expressing concern regarding CEO Elon Musk’s explicit support of antisemitic statements, which have not yet been removed, and the Board’s silence about the comments. The New York City retirement systems have approximately $946 million in Tesla shares as of September 30, 2023.

“As CEO, Mr. Musk is the face of Tesla, and his behavior here, for better or worse, directly reflects on the Company,” the letter reads. “As Chair of the Board, you have a responsibility to all shareholders to hold Mr. Musk accountable for actions when they harm the Company and contravene the Company’s Code of Business Ethics. If the Board takes no action against Mr. Musk, it sends a message to all Tesla employees that the behavior of the company’s CEO is unassailable, the Company’s Code of Business Ethics is toothless, and employees are free to take any action or utter any words, no matter how hateful or harmful.”

On November 15, Musk stated that an antisemitic post on X was “the actual truth.” Because the dangerous language in the post was written by Musk it poses a threat to all his portfolio companies including Tesla. On November 16, X CEO Linda Yaccarino condemned antisemitism on the platform but Musk’s original comments still remain active.

The impact has already presented a financial and reputational impact, with condemnation by the White House and major advertisers pulling advertising, including but not limited to Apple, Disney, IBM, Warner Bros, Lionsgate, Sony Pictures and Paramount on the platform X. Lander insisted that shareholders, as well as employees, customers, and decent people everywhere are counting on the board to take action and that Tesla should not condone this troubling behavior. The behavior stands contrary to Tesla’s Code of Business Ethics, which reads in part: “Tesla has been, is and always aspires to be a Do the Right Thing company—in other words, engaging in conduct that you and your family would be proud of.”

Musk’s social media usage has drawn negative attention to his portfolio companies in the past. Prior behavior led to a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over his posts regarding taking Tesla private.

In the correspondence, Comptroller Lander also notes that the Tesla Code of Business Ethics has a specific section for CEO and Senior Financial Officers, which reads:

“The Board of Directors shall determine, or designate appropriate persons to determine, appropriate actions to be taken in the event of violations of the Code of Business Ethics or of these additional procedures by the CEO and Tesla’s senior financial officers. Such actions shall be reasonably designed to deter wrongdoing and to promote accountability for adherence to the Code of Business Ethics and to these additional procedures, and shall include written notices to the individual involved that the Board has determined that there has been a violation, censure by the Board, demotion or re-assignment of the individual involved, suspension with or without pay or benefits (as determined by the Board) and termination of the individual’s employment.”

Read the full letter to Tesla’s Board of Directors.

VCJC News & Notes 11/22/23 - 11/24/23

Van Cortlandt Jewish Center
News and Notes

This edition of the VCJC News & Notes is going out early, so that we can wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

VCJC wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving

Click to play video

Here's this week's edition of the VCJC News and Notes email. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful!


  1. Shabbos

    Shabbos information is, as always, available on our website, both in the information sidebar and the events calendar.
    Here are the times you need:  
    Shabbos Candles Friday 11/24/23 @ 4:14 pm
    Shabbos morning services at 8:40 am.  Please join the services if you can do so safely. 
    Shabbos Ends Saturday 11/25/23 @ 5:17 pm
    Kiddush given by Ron Wegsman in memory of his mother, Helen Wegman, on the occasion of her yahrzeit.


  2. Citibike comes to the neighborhood, discounts available
    See the map below for Citibike stands near VCJC.  Search Google for your neighborhood if you are elsewhere.

    Info from Finlay Scanlon, DOT Outreach Coordinator | Bike Share + Shared Mobility:

    To encourage ridership in the most recent expansion area, Lyft (the operator of Citi bike) offers a 40% discount for new annual members, as well as other discounts for existing members and NYCHA residents/SNAP recipients.

    The deadline to register is December 31, 2023. I’ve attached a flyer you can share that include information about the discount and how to enroll. If you need additional translations, don’t hesitate to ask.

    An image of the brochure with info about the discounts is below.

Our mailing address is:

Van Cortlandt Jewish Center
3880 Sedgwick Ave
Bronx, NY 10463 

Governor Hochul Encourages New Yorkers to Shop Locally on Small Business Saturday

A customer hands a credit card to a small business owner

November 25 Marks Small Business Saturday Throughout New York State

Supporting Local Businesses Helps to Create Jobs and Promote Regional Economic Growth

Governor Kathy Hochul today encouraged New Yorkers to support local and regional small businesses during the holiday season – especially this Saturday, November 25, for "Small Business Saturday," which celebrates the dedication and spirit of the state's small business owners. Small businesses represent 98 percent of all New York State businesses, and support 40 percent of the private sector workforce. By shopping locally, New Yorkers invest revenue and tax dollars back into their communities, support jobs, and further promote regional economic growth.

“As the daughter of a small business owner, I know it takes hard work and perseverance to start and grow a business,” Governor Hochul said. "Since the beginning of my administration, we have made historic investments in New York’s small businesses, which provide jobs, boost local economies, and have a huge impact on communities across the state. This Small Business Saturday and every day, I encourage New Yorkers to shop locally.”

Under Governor Hochul's leadership, New York continues to encourage the state's small businesses to grow, thrive and maximize opportunities for success through various initiatives and agency programs. Since taking office, the Governor has established and enhanced an unprecedented 26 programs exclusively for small businesses, and committed nearly $1 billion to supporting small businesses through Empire State Development.

New York is a one of the most entrepreneurial states in the nation and supports a network of Entrepreneurship Assistance Centers (EAC) throughout the state. These Centers provide instruction, training, technical assistance, and support services to New Yorkers who are interested in starting or recently started their own business, or entrepreneurs seeking to expand or strengthen their early-stage business.

Empire State Development oversees more than $500 million in federal funding awarded through the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI), designed to help small and traditionally disadvantaged businesses succeed. ESD's Division of Small Business supports businesses with less than 100 employees through a portfolio of programs and initiatives that encourage growth. The Division's website provides resources that help to walk small business owners through the available programs, including the state's Business Express website that outlines various business requirements.

The New York State Department of Labor offers a multitude of no-cost services for businesses of all sizes, including thousands of job postings on the NYSDOL website, access to tens of thousands of qualified candidates in its talent pool, career fairs and customized recruitment support, and human resources consultation services. More than 24,000 businesses each year work with NYSDOL to list their jobs, find the right candidates, access hiring and training incentives, obtain business tax credits and incentives, get help with one-on-one labor law and safety and health compliance services, and find layoff aversion resources. For more information, visit:

The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets supports New York's agricultural industry, which is home to nearly 33,500 farms, 700 farmers' markets and farm stands, and thousands of small agribusinesses. The Department supports farms and food and beverage businesses by providing several critical services that enhance their business and increase productivity, profitability, and competitiveness. It also provides direct promotional opportunities through the NYS Grown & Certified program, which markets local growers and producers participating in safe food handling and environmental sustainability programs, helping them better compete in the marketplace.

Additionally, the Taste NY program showcases New York farmers and food and beverage businesses at large public events and at more than 70 Taste NY locations across the State, including the State's Welcome Centers, where New Yorkers can find a gift for everyone on their holiday shopping list. New York’s regional Welcome Centers’ Taste NY Markets and Taste NY stores around the state offer specialty items as well as pre-made and customized gift baskets, local foods, handmade items, and other unique products. Taste NY Markets are also a great place to purchase a wide range of foods and beverages, from charcuterie meats and cheeses to wine and cider, that can be used to create fresh, delicious holiday meals. For a complete list of Taste NY locations, hours of operation and contact information, visit the Taste NY website.

The online marketplace, ShopTasteNY, offers opportunities to shop for New York agricultural products and gifts from the comfort of home. has holiday gift sets available for purchase, as well as its regular selection of products that highlight the quality and diversity of the state. Orders can be shipped anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. To better ensure gift orders arrive by December 24, it is recommended to have orders placed by Monday, December 18. This year,, Taste NY's online marketplace, will be offering several holiday weekend deals, including offering 50 percent off sitewide on Black Friday, Free Shipping and a Free Gift on Small Business Saturday and Sunday, and 30 percent off Gift Boxes and Free Shipping on Cyber Monday.

How to Support Small Businesses Every Day

  • Shop local - Make efforts to shop at small, local stores in your community. By shopping small, you are stimulating your local economy since small business owners tend to purchase supplies and goods nearby.
  • Purchase gift cards - Most small businesses, from your favorite restaurant, bar or coffee shop, your neighborhood specialty retailer, or your local hair salon, offer gift cards or gift certificates. By purchasing gift cards, it will inject needed investment into these businesses well past the holiday season.
  • Head to your local farmer's market - Many outdoor farmer's markets may head indoors this time of year, but there are still many one of a kind, unique offerings. From hand-made crafts to seasonal greenery - your local farmer's market is a great place to support local small businesses.
  • Visit or order take out or delivery from your local bar or restaurant - Don't forget to tip well. Restaurant workers were hit among the hardest by the pandemic. Many restaurants are still offering curbside delivery.
  • Give positive reviews - If you have found a great product, meal, or service or even a great promotion or sale, let your friends and family know. Don't forget to leave a great review on your social media feed. The best advertising is word-of-mouth.
  • If you have to make a return, take a store credit over a refund - If you can. This keeps the money within the small business and every little bit helps. 

Happy Thanksgiving from State Comptroller DiNapoli


Weekly News Header 590x202

Happy Thanksgiving from
State Comptroller DiNapoli

Pumpkins and corn

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on our blessings and be thankful for the people who enrich our lives. As you gather with your loved ones, I wish you happy times, good health, an abundance of laughter and good food. Happy Thanksgiving!