Monday, February 13, 2012


- Promotes Valerie Budzik to Deputy Comptroller for Legal Affairs / General Counsel -

  City Comptroller John C. Liu today announced the appointments of Ricardo Elias Morales to the position of First Deputy Comptroller and Valerie Budzik to the title of Deputy Comptroller / General Counsel.  Morales will be replacing current First Deputy Eric Eve as he departs the office to join strategic global communications firm RLM Finsbury as Partner, while Budzik assumes the role currently held by Morales.

Morales and Budzik will begin their new responsibilities immediately. First Deputy Comptroller Eve will depart the office effective February 24th, and will work with Morales closely to ensure a seamless transition.

“Ricardo and Eric have been key advisors and close confidants, and they have opined on nearly every decision we have made over these past two years,” Comptroller Liu said.  “I wish Eric the best and thank him for his countless hours of work as the chief of my leadership team and look forward to seeing the great things that Ricardo will bring to the table as he assumes this new role.”

“I look forward to using my expanded role and experience in government to build upon the significant achievements of Comptroller Liu’s administration,” Morales said.  “I am deeply honored to have Comptroller Liu’s continued trust and confidence, and am proud to undertake this new role.”

Prior to joining Comptroller Liu’s administration, Ricardo Morales served as General Counsel and Interim Chairman to the New York City Housing Authority, the largest public housing authority in North
America with a $3.2 billion annual budget and 11,600 employees.  At NYCHA, Morales was the principal architect of the NYCHA Audit Committee and was selected to receive the Ethics in Government Award by the NYC Conflicts of Interest Board for establishing a model ethics program.

Morales holds a J.D. degree from Georgetown University Law Center and received his bachelor’s degree from Amherst College. He and his wife reside in the Bronx.

“Ricardo has served as a linchpin of my administration since I first took office and continues to demonstrate extraordinary leadership and keen guidance,” Comptroller Liu said. “His new role will further leverage his deep knowledge of City government and enable our office to deliver on the commitment I made to City residents early on: to expand opportunity, increase transparency and root out waste, fraud and abuse.”

In elevating Valerie Budzik to Deputy Comptroller for Legal Affairs / General Counsel, Liu said “Valerie has been integral to the smooth and efficient functioning of this office.  I know she will continue to perform at the very highest levels and move our vigorous agenda forward.” Ms. Budzik holds a J.D degree from Fordham Law School and received her bachelor’s degree from Fordham University.  She and her family reside in Brooklyn.

As Deputy Comptroller for Legal Affairs / General Counsel, Morales currently oversees the Bureaus of Legal Affairs, Law and Adjustment and Labor Law.  In this capacity he also serves as advisor to the Comptroller on all legal matters that impact the mission and operations of the Comptroller’s office.  In the Comptroller’s role as investment advisor to the City Pension Funds, Morales provides legal advice and support on issues such as proxy solicitation matters, shareholder initiatives and securities litigation.  In addition, Morales works with Bureau of Contracts to ensure city agencies are in legal compliance for contract registration, the Bureau of Public Finance in structuring and negotiating bond sales, as well as the Bureau of Audit to review any legal issues or findings that may emerge as a result of ongoing audits. Ms. Budzik will now assume these responsibilities.

As First Deputy Comptroller, Morales will now be responsible for managing a staff of more than 700 employees and an operating budget of $74 million.

In addition to overseeing the day to day to operations of the Comptroller’s office, he will supervise the City’s audits of municipal agencies, its settlement of claims, accounting procedures and contracts, and its enforcement of prevailing wage laws. He will also act as the agency’s Chief Procurement Officer.

Friday, February 10, 2012

State of the Borough Address - Thursday , February 23, 2012 - 11:30am -


Please join Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. for the 2012
State of the Borough Address on Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 11:30am at
Harry S Truman High School.

RSVP to or 718-590-6116
By Senator Rev. RubΓ©n DΓ­az
32nd Senatorial District Bronx County, New York

It is a never-ending story. All we need to do is open a newspaper to find that bad news is being reported everywhere.  Here are some highlights from the past two weeks:

In the Bronx, a defenseless 18 year-old man, Ramarely Graham was fatally shot by a New York City Police Officer. Mr. Graham was cornered in his bathroom in his own home. You should know, dear reader, that Mr. Graham’s case is regrettably similar to the case of Amadou Diallo, another unarmed Bronx resident who was shot and killed by four NYPD officers thirteen years ago. And like the fatality of Amadou Diallo, elected officials, religious and community leaders, friends and neighbors continue to offer sympathy and support to Mr. Graham’s family. You should know, dear reader, that we also continue to demand justice in our communities.

President Obama has mandated under Health and Human Services regulations that Catholic churches and religious institutions throughout the United States must provide and pay for abortion services, sterilization and birth control devices. You should know that by doing this, the President of the United States is strangling religious liberty by mandating policies that violate some core religious principles.

The Ninth Circuit Court in California has decided to overrule Proposition 8, a ballot measure that added a provision to the California Constitution that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California”. You should know that this Ninth Circuit Court panel of unelected judges has decided that they know better than the will of more than half of California’s population.

In New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has expelled churches from worship services in public school buildings when the schools are empty. Naysayers insist that religion has no place in school buildings - even empty ones. You should know that this same Mayor prevented any member of the clergy from participating at the official 10 year Memorial Service of the 911 World Trade Center Terror Attacks.

The Susan B. Komen Foundation – famous for their pink ribbon to support breast cancer awareness - has bowed to the intense political and reflexive media pressure on behalf of Planned Parenthood and reversed their decision and will again contribute money to America’s largest abortion providers. The original reason the Komen Foundation gave to bar funds to Planned Parenthood this year was because their by-laws disallowed funding groups under federal investigation.
You should know that Planned Parenthood is under federal investigation by a Florida Congressman. You should also know that Planned Parenthood refers much of their breast cancer screening requests instead of providing those services themselves.

These are just some of the more publicized injustices from the past two weeks. People often ask me how I cope with all of the chaos that surrounds us. I tell them that as a Christian, I am not afraid. I know that no matter whatever trials and tribulations life presents to any of us, I trust the Lord.

This does not give me nor anyone else the right to sit back and do nothing. We live in a participatory democracy, and we have a responsibility to raise our voices, fight for justice, fight for our religious beliefs and use our right to vote and elect public officials that will represent us.

I am Senator Reverend RubΓ©n DΓ­az and this is what you should know.  

Senator Rivera Hosts Community Meet and Greet with Other Bronx Elected Officials
Assembly Members Gibson, Castro and Stevenson as well as Council Member Joel Rivera will Attend 

State Senator Gustavo Rivera (D,WF-Bronx) is hosting a community meet and greet tomorrow, Saturday, February 10th at 11:00AM, with Assembly Member Vanessa Gibson (D-Bronx), Assembly Member Nelson Castro (D-Bronx), Assembly Member Eric Stevenson (D-Bronx) and Council Member Joel Rivera (D-Bronx). This meeting is an opportunity for members of the East Tremont, Mount Hope, Fordham Heights and Bathgate areas of the Bronx to meet and talk about concerns and ideas about how to make the Bronx better directly with their local and state representatives.

WHO:  Senator Gustavo Rivera, Assembly Member Vanessa Gibson, Assembly Member Eric Stevenson, Assembly Member Nelson Castro and Council Member Joel Rivera

WHAT: Community Meet and Greet with representatives from the East Tremont, Mount Hope, Fordham Heights and Bathgate areas of the Bronx

WHERE:  St. Simon Stock Church, 2195 Valentine Avenue, Bronx, NY

WHEN: Saturday, February, 10th from 11:00AM – 1:00PM

*Refreshments and snacks will be served.

Thursday, February 9, 2012



Unprecedented shareholder proposal has already increased transparency of global suppliers to consumer products from iPhones to Xboxes

  Comptroller John C. Liu and the New York City Pension Funds called on Dell, Intel, and Motorola to follow the example set by other tech giants who have adopted their shareholder effort to increase their suppliers’ compliance with internationally-recognized standards of human and worker rights.   Apple, Hewlett Packard, and Microsoft all recently adopted new policies after discussions with the Comptroller’s office and the Pension Funds.

Reports last year of a rash of suicides at Foxconn, the world’s largest electronics contract manufacturer and a major supplier to Apple and other companies, focused the Comptroller’s attention on technology companies in which the Pension Funds are invested.  The technology firms that rely on Foxconn and other global suppliers have increasingly been made aware that responsible business practices are
vital to their future success.  Although some companies have internal “codes of conduct” for their suppliers, it is clear that this is not sufficient and has not curbed abuses.

“Violations of human and workers’ rights, even if by their suppliers, pose operational and reputational risks that these companies cannot ignore,” Comptroller Liu said.  “As long term investors we must be concerned about financial risk as well as alignment with basic values.  We have a responsibility to ensure that the profits and products that result from free trade are not created by the exploitation of workers in sweat shops, child labor, indentured slavery or other violations of human rights.”

The Comptroller’s office has engaged in a dialogue with many of the companies starting late last year when it began submitting the proposal to them.  The proposal was subsequently withdrawn from Apple, Hewlett Packard and Microsoft after they agreed to launch new programs under which key portions of their supply chain would begin publishing annual sustainability reports.

The proposal will be subject to a shareholder vote at the annual meetings of Dell, Intel, and Motorola this spring if those companies do not agree to adopt the request.  The Comptroller’s office expects to file the proposal at additional companies in the coming months.

“Microsoft, Apple, and Hewlett Packard have taken concrete steps to uphold international standards of workplace safety and human rights in their supply chains,” Comptroller Liu said.  “They have set an example
that we expect other companies will follow as we expand this effort.”

Companies’ supply chains are the area of their operations that are most vulnerable to labor, human rights and environmental abuses, creating both reputational and operating risks.  Current best practice is to conduct independent supplier audits, but audits alone have proven insufficient.   Therefore, increasing daylight on tech
suppliers is not only a global moral imperative but the basis of sound

The proposal calls on the companies to have their suppliers track workplace safety and human and worker rights based on international standards.  The suppliers should then publish their findings in independently verifiable reports.  The proposal asked that the companies use the internationally recognized Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

Companies That Have Adopted Shareholder Proposal
As a result of extended discussions with the Comptroller’s office, Apple agreed to increase the transparency of its suppliers on December 19.  This year Apple will require 90% of the companies it hires for final assembly of its products to publish annual sustainability reports based on the internationally recognized standards set out by the GRI.  The reports will describe the suppliers’ ability to comply with international standards of human and workers’ rights.  As a result of Apple’s changes, the shareholder proposal was withdrawn.

Hewlett Packard
On November 14, Hewlett Packard agreed to “encourage” its suppliers to demonstrate “continual improvement” by publishing annual sustainability reports based on GRI standards.  HP stated that it would show preference to suppliers that “meet or exceed” its expectations.  As a result the shareholder proposal was withdrawn.

Following discussions with the Comptroller’s office, Microsoft announced on October 13, 2011 that it would require its key hardware suppliers — including all suppliers for the Xbox — to prepare annual sustainability reports.   In addition, starting in 2013, Microsoft will require a cross section of its suppliers to provide reports on their adherence to the requirements listed in the existing Microsoft Vendor Code of Conduct. The code of conduct sets standards for legal compliance, business ethics, labor and human rights standards, environmental protection, and respect for intellectual property.  As a result, the Pension Funds withdrew the shareholder proposal.

The New York City Comptroller serves as the investment advisor to, custodian and trustee of the New York City Pension Funds. The New York City Pension Funds are composed of the New York City Employees’
Retirement System, Teachers’ Retirement System, New York City Police Pension Fund, New York City Fire Department Pension Fund and the Board of Education Retirement System. The New York City Pension Funds as of 2/6/2012 held a combined 46,272,577 shares at the six firms valued at $2,299,946,740.50, which includes 2,326,561 shares of Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) valued at $1,079,454,507; 5,019,990 shares of Dell (NASDAQ: DELL) valued at $88,602,823.50; 5,034,585 shares of Hewlett Packard (NYSE: HPQ) valued at $144,794,664.60; 13,891,735 shares of Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) valued at $371,187,159.20; 19,277,496 shares of Microsoft (NYSE: MSFT) valued at $582,180,379.20; and 722,210 shares of Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) valued at $33,727,207.00.


Encourage Supplier(s) to Publish an Annual Sustainability Report

WHEREAS, increasingly, multinational companies are realizing that their suppliers’ impacts and sustainability are inextricably intertwined with their own; and
WHEREAS, the UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study 2010, “A New Era of Sustainability”, found that 93% of surveyed CEOs believe that sustainability issues will be critical to the future success of their
business, and 88% believe that they should be integrating sustainability through their supply chain, where the most significant performance gap is seen; and
WHEREAS, a study by Aaron Bernstein and Christopher Greenwald, “Benchmarking Corporate Policies on Labor and Human Rights in Global Supply Chains,” (Pension and Capital Stewardship Project Labor and Work-Life Program Harvard Law School, Nov. 2009), found a significant gap between general policies against labor and human rights abuse and more detailed standards and enforcement mechanism required to carry them out; and
WHEREAS, in 2010, PUMA, the Sport lifestyle company, in cooperation with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI’s) Global Action Network for Transparency in the Supply Chain, which provides GRI certified training on transparent measurement and reporting to supplier factories, expanded its strategic suppliers sustainability reporting project with commitments from 20 suppliers in South East Asia and
other major sourcing regions that they will issue their own sustainability reports from 2011 on; and
WHEREAS, given the merit of the old adage, “What Gets Measured Gets Done”, the long-term interests of multinational companies and their shareholders would be enhanced if companies were to urge their suppliers to establish performance goals on human and worker rights, and to measure and publicly report on performance using internationally recognized standards and measurement protocols;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED:  the shareholders request that the Board of Directors, using a phased, tiered approach that the Company deems reasonable and practical, take the necessary steps to help move the
Company’s supplier(s) to begin publishing annual, independently verifiable, sustainability reports.  Among other important disclosures, reports should include the suppliers’ objective assessments and measurements of performance on workplace safety, and human and worker rights, using internationally recognized standards,
indicators and measurement protocols. In addition, reports should include incidents of non-compliance, actions taken to remedy those incidents, and measures taken to contribute to long-term prevention and mitigation.
Statement in Support
A company’s best opportunity for early identification and mitigation of the risks posed by the human and labor rights violations of its suppliers is the development and rigorous implementation of a risk-management framework to enable its monitoring and verification of its suppliers’ performance against internationally recognized standards of human and labor rights, using measurable and verifiable indicators of performance.  Annual sustainability reporting by its supplier(s) would strengthen the company’s ability to assess its suppliers’ performance, to hold its suppliers accountable, help to drive performance improvements, and enable investors to better understand and assess potential reputational and /or operational risks.


In addition to Comptroller Liu, the New York City Pension Funds trustees are:

New York City Employees’ Retirement System: Ranji Nagaswami, Mayor’s Representative (Chair); New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio; Borough Presidents: Scott Stringer (Manhattan), Helen Marshall
(Queens), Marty Markowitz (Brooklyn), James Molinaro (Staten Island), and Ruben Diaz, Jr. (Bronx); Lillian Roberts, Executive Director, District Council 37, AFSCME; John Samuelsen, President Transport Workers Union Local 100; Gregory Floyd, President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 237.

Teachers’ Retirement System: Ranji Nagaswami, Mayor’s Representative; Deputy Chancellor Kathleen Grimm, New York City Department of Education; Mayoral appointee Lisete Nieves and Sandra March, Melvyn Aaronson (Chair) and Mona Romain, all of the United Federation of Teachers.

New York City Police Pension Fund: Mayor Michael Bloomberg; New York City Finance Commissioner David Frankel; New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly (Chair); Patrick Lynch, Patrolmen’s
Benevolent Association; Michael Palladino, Detectives Endowment Association; Edward D. Mullins, Sergeants Benevolent Association; Thomas Sullivan, Lieutenants Benevolent Association; and, Roy T. Richter, Captain’s Endowment Association.

New York City Fire Department Pension Fund: Mayor Michael Bloomberg; New York City Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano (Chair); New York City Finance Commissioner David Frankel; Stephen Cassidy, President, James Slevin, Vice President, Robert Straub, Treasurer, and John Kelly, Brooklyn Representative and Chair, Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York; John Dunne, Captains’ Rep.; James Lemonda, Chiefs’ Rep., and James J. McGowan, Lieutenants’ Rep., Uniformed Fire Officers Association; and, Sean O’Connor, Marine Engineers Association.

Board of Education Retirement System: Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott; Mayoral: Eduardo Marti, Gitte Peng, Jeff Kay; Tino Hernandez, Judy Bergtraum, Freida Foster, Linda Laursell Bryant, and Lisette Nieves; Patrick Sullivan (Manhattan BP), Gbubemi Okotieuro (Brooklyn BP), Dmytro Fedkowskyj (Queens BP), Wilfredo Pagan (Bronx BP) and Diane  Peruggia (Staten Island BP); and employee members Joseph D’Amico of the IUOE Local 891 and Milagros Rodriguez of District Council 37, Local 372.


Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 16, 2012 – 7:00 PM
DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue, Bronx NY 10467

I  Welcome & Remarks of New Chair        Paul Foster, Chair

II  Consider, Adopt This Meeting Agenda        CFMC Representatives

III Consider, Adopt 1/12/12 Meeting Minutes    CFMC Representatives

IV Continuation, Further Discussion about Croton    Hector Aponte, DPR & CFMC Funded Parks and Costs            Representatives
V Construction Update, Schedule & Costs         Bernard Daly, P.E., DEP

VI  Explanation of Croton Design Contract        Lauren Competello, P.E., DEP
    Increases & Change Orders

VII Croton Jobs & Bronx Purchases    Thomas Farrell, P.E., Construction Manager

VIII CFMC Discussion, Set Next Meeting        CFMC Representatives

IX Adjourn

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Santorum Three for Three Last Night

 Last night the states of Colorado, Missouri, and Minnesota all held caucuses to determine their Republican choice for President. Mitt Romney the front runner lost all three races to Rick Santorum. We had no prediction in these three races, but if you check our blog archive of January you can find under the title "Gingrich wins South Carolina", that we predicted then and still believe that Rick Santorum will be the Republican candidate to challenge President Obama. 

  We now believe that Newt Gingrich will drop out of the race sometime soon to endorse Rick Santorum as the choice of the Republican Party for President of the United Stated.

  Santorum won Missouri with 55% to Romney at 25+%, with Paul getting 12+%, and 7+% to others. Newt Gingrich was not on the Missouri ballot.

  Santorum won Minnesota with 45% to Paul's 27%, with third place finisher Romney at 17%, and Gingrich at 11%.

  Santorum Won Colorado with 40% to Romney at 35%, Gingrich at 13%, and Paul at 12%.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Company to invest $112 million to build a state-of-the-art facility at the Harlem River Yards that will employ nearly 3,000 workers and serve as its center of regional 

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., today announced that FreshDirect, a leading fresh food internet grocer, will invest $112.6 million to build its new headquarters and operations center at Harlem River Yards, retaining nearly 2,000 existing jobs and creating almost 1,000 new jobs. The construction of the new facility will also result in the creation of approximately 684 construction jobs in the City.

“FreshDirect is a home-grown success that will now continue to grow and create jobs in New York,” Governor Cuomo said. “Creating almost a thousand new jobs is a real victory for the Bronx and a clear sign that leading New York companies see this state as the place to start, stay and strengthen their businesses.”

New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said, “Making sure that companies like FreshDirect can grow and invest in New York City is a key part of our strategy to rebuild and diversify our economy. A thousand new jobs at the Harlem River Yards is great news for the Bronx and a welcome boost to our City’s economy.”

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. said, “I welcome FreshDirect to the Bronx with open arms. This iconic company will not only stay in New York where it belongs thanks to this deal, they will bring 1,000 new jobs with them to our borough. More and more companies are discovering that the Bronx is a great place to do business, and FreshDirect’s move to our borough is a major positive step forward for our economy.”

FreshDirect Chief Executive Officer Jason Ackerman said, “From day one, New York has been our home, and we are grateful for the support of Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg in making New York a place FreshDirect wants to stay and grow in, and for Bronx Borough President Diaz welcoming us. With significant growth in our customer base, we need to expand our operations. A new state-of-the-art facility at the Harlem River Yard in the Bronx would allow us to operate more efficiently, maintain our relationships with NYS vendors, local farmers and purveyors and continue our long track record of growth and job creation in New York.”

FreshDirect, founded in 1999 and currently based in Long Island City, New York, purchases produce, meat and dairy from over 60 New York State-based farms and serves a customer base of over 100,000 people with 97 percent of their employees coming from New York State. To meet the needs of its rapidly growing customer base, FreshDirect will invest $112.6 million to construct a state-of-the-art 500,000 square foot facility on a 16 acre parcel at Harlem River Rail Yards in the Bronx. From its new headquarters and operations, the company will dramatically expand its service area to regions surrounding New York City, as well as New Jersey, Connecticut, and Philadelphia.

To encourage FreshDirect to retain and expand their operations in New York City, a package of state and city incentives valued at over $100 million is being provided to augment the company’s private investment including:

New York State:
· $18.9 million in Excelsior tax credits (ESD)
· $9 million capital grant (ESD)
· $4 million in energy grants and incentives (NYPA/NYSERDA)
· $1 million loan (ESD)
· Up to $1 million in vouchers for the purchase of electric vehicles (NYSERDA)

New York City:
· Approximately $74 million in sales tax exemptions, mortgage recording tax deferral, and real estate tax exemption spending approval (NYCIDA)
· $9.5 million to acquire assets to be used at the new facility at Harlem River Rail Yards pending approval (NYCIDA)
· $4.9 million in energy benefits (NYCEDC)
· $1 million loan (NYCEDC)

Bronx Borough President:
· $1 million capital grant

Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation:
· $3 million loan
· $500,000 capital grant

FreshDirect plans to purchase 10 electric refrigerated electric trucks from Smith Electric Vehicles, and five additional electric refrigeration units that can be placed on existing trucks. Smith Electric is a leader in zero-emission, all-electric commercial vehicles, which – through a federally-funded program and with assistance provided by New York City and State - recently announced plans to establish a clean technology manufacturing facility in the South Bronx that will create more than 100 new direct jobs.

Empire State Development President, CEO & Commissioner Kenneth Adams said, "Thanks to Governor Cuomo’s leadership, a true New York success story is staying in New York. This is another strong signal of how the Governor’s efforts to create a better business environment are paying off in the form of more jobs for New Yorkers."

New York City Economic Development Corporation President Seth W. Pinsky said, “While New York City is the home to some of the most innovative companies in the world, there are few that have impacted the daily habits of New Yorkers like FreshDirect. Over the next decade, this project will lead to significant investment in the South Bronx, creating thousands of jobs for New Yorkers, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in overall economic activity, and ensuring that this hometown success story is able to continue its tremendous growth right here in the five boroughs where it belongs.”

NYC Deputy Mayor Robert K. Steel said, “FreshDirect’s decision to expand in the Bronx is a strong statement of confidence in New York City's future. Today’s announcement is the latest sign that more and more businesses want to be in New York City.”

Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation President Marlene Cintron said, “FreshDirect's move to the Bronx will bring much needed jobs to the borough, along with additional business opportunities here and across the region for companies of all types. I look forward to working with them to expand the borough’s economy for years to come.”