Wednesday, February 4, 2015


What You Should Know 
By State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District 

You should know that we human beings have mastered the ability to create our own psychological defense mechanisms to point out other people's problems in order to cover up our own. This is the case of our beloved Governor Andrew Cuomo, who just released a 5-point reform plan for New York State's Legislators.

Some call it tough talk and others call it bragging, when the Governor says either we take his plan or we get no Budget - but if you look carefully, my dear reader, the Governor's reform plan only involves other people's power and benefits. He has completely excluded himself from this deal, distancing himself from being scrutinized.

Governor Andrew Cuomo's 5-Point Plan includes:

1. Total disclosure of lawmaker outside income.
This means every other area of income, including the family's income from other sources. I am not sure if this only applies to the lawmakers of the New York State Legislature, or if it also includes the Governor and his family members, his girlfriend, and the State Attorney General, the State Comptroller, and their spouses and significant others and family members.

2. A constitutional amendment requiring convicted public officials to forfeit their pensions
This reform sounds like a big deal, but in reality, it will only deal with the future, and won't fix much or make a big difference at all. 

3. Reforming the legislative travel expense system
This measure only focuses on the travel expenses for legislators. It does not include the travel expenses for Governor Andrew Cuomo's use of helicopters, planes, motorcades, motorcycles, and the security details that join him. Nor does it include his national and international travel costs and all of those expenses.

4. Campaign funds be spent only for campaign purposes
This means that it would not be proper for the Governor to use $100+ thousand dollars from his $35 million dollars in campaign funds to pay for the prominent white collar criminal defense lawyer he hired when federal investigators widened their investigation about possible obstruction of justice or witness tampering with Governor Andrew Cuomo's Moreland Commission.

5. Campaign finance reform
This measure should include a piece of legislation that I introduced in the State Senate in 2010 to increase transparency. Banning outside income isn't enough; who is giving you money is the other part - as in Quid pro Quo. My Senate bill requires cash and in-kind contributions valued over $250 to be placed on an elected official’s web site within thirty days of receipt of the contribution. The specific dollar amount, type of contribution, and the identity of the donor, will also be required.

The biggest measure that is needed to end corruption in Albany - which was not included in Governor Andrew Cuomo's 5 Points of Reform - is to put an end to Three-Men-in-a-Room.  It is nice, great, and even magnificent for Governor Andrew Cuomo to fill his lungs and boldly announce his call for reform.  But, how come our dear Governor (while bragging about reform) does not even touch the issue of Three-Men-in-a-Room?

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara blasted the concentration of power that goes along with New York's Three-Men-in-a-Room" by saying: "Power in New York State, as far as anyone can tell, is concentrated in the hands of just a few men—some would say, just three men.”

He also added: "Why three men? Can there be a woman? Do they always have to be white? How small is the room that they can only fit three men? Is it three men in a closet? Are there cigars? Can they have Cuban cigars now? After a while, doesn't it get a little gamy in that room?"

My dear reader, Governor Andrew Cuomo took member items away from the legislators - and took them for himself and his office. Now he talks about reforming others - but not himself.

If Governor Andrew Cuomo really wants to talk about reform, then he needs to do away with the Three-Men-in-a-Room style of government that rules New York State.

Ladies and gentlemen, Governor Andrew Cuomo publicly stated that he will not sign the Budget unless his 5 points are approved. We legislators should tell Governor Cuomo that we will not vote for his budget unless he includes reform for the Three-Men-in-a-Room.

This is State Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az, and this is what you should know.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Shootings, Homicides on the Rise in First Month of New Year

That was the headline in today's New York Post. 

The Post reports that the statistic for murder was up 18.2 percent this month when compared to the same month of January in 2014. The numbers were 39 this year to only 33 last year. This is also a 30 percent increase from the same reporting time two years ago. 

The Post also reports that the number of shooting victims was up by 30 percent from 90 last year to 117 this year for the same period. Shootings also were up 22.5 percent from 80 last year to 98 this year.

The Post goes on to say that most of the increase has been in Manhattan South and South Queens. You can read the entire Post story here.

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: Mayor de Blasio’s ‘State of Our City’ Address

“We welcome Mayor de Blasio’s announcement of committing $200 million to the Lower Grand Concourse for the creation of 4,000 affordable housing units, site remediation, social programs and the redevelopment of our transit structure and infrastructure. My office, the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation, SoBRO and others have long advocated for the transformative redevelopment of the Lower Grand Concourse and our Harlem River waterfront, and we look forward to working with the de Blasio administration on this transformative proposal.

“I am also looking forward to working with the mayor to bring more affordable housing to The Bronx, including veterans’ and senior housing. My administration has helped to create nearly 16,000 new units of housing since 2009, and we know that increased affordable housing development can help narrow the gap of inequality. The administration’s commitment to examine the future of the Cromwell/Jerome corridor, to open this neighborhood up to greater housing development, is a welcome one.

“My office has long supported expanding ferry service to Soundview. We have to attract manufactures and new commerce to our borough while also easing commutes, and we believe that with the upgrading of our local infrastructure and the development of a ferry system that connects The Bronx with not just Manhattan but the other boroughs over our waterways as well, we can open up our borough to new economic development and recreation opportunities.

“In The Bronx, we are maximizing our assets, and improving the quality of life of our residents. We have created thousands of new jobs and helped improve existing businesses as well as created new ones. Our efforts are significant, but there is more to be done. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Mayor de Blasio and his administration as we develop an agenda that makes The Bronx and even better place to live, work and raise a family,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Upcoming Events From the Van Cortlandt Senior Center

  :JASA Hosts Art Salon Presentation for Older Adults

WHAT:   JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center will host artist France Hilbert as part of our JASA Art Salon series.  A meal of turkey meatballs or vegetarian burger will be served at 12:15 PM.

We would like to invite you to join us for Ms. Hilbert's power point retrospective. Recommended senior voluntary contribution for lunch is $2.00 and $1.00 for the event. Non-seniors are welcome to attend for a fee of $6.15 for the meal and $2.00 for the event. 

WHO:   France Hilbert is a contemporary artist and art educator. Hilbert’s major work consists of sculpture for public space. As a classically trained artist, she also has created many commissioned paintings and drawings. This event will be hosted by JASA, a New York-based nonprofit serving 43,000+ older adults each year by providing social work, recreational, health, home care, housing, cultural, and educational services to help sustain them in their homes and communities and offer opportunities for a better quality of life. 

WHEN: Monday, Feb. 23rd, 2015 

 12:15 pm – 2:15 pm 

WHERE: JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center

3880 Sedgwick Ave, 1st Floor

Bronx, NY 10463



 JASA Hosts Film History Presentation for Older Adults

WHAT: JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center will host a slide presentation about the life accomplishments of actress Hedy Lamarr. A meal of stuffed cabbage or tuna salad will be served at 12:15 PM.

We would like to invite you to join us for this presentation. Hedy Lamarr was a famous actress as well as an inventor.
Recommended senior voluntary contribution for lunch is $2.00 and $1.00 for the event. Non-seniors are welcome to attend for a fee of $6.15 for the meal and $2.00 for the event.

WHO: Pierre Montiel graduated City College with a degree in Cinema and Speech.
He has been presenting slide lectures on Hollywood's legendary stars from the golden age since 1998. This event will be hosted by JASA, a New York-based nonprofit serving 43,000+ older adults each year by providing social work, recreational, health, home care, housing, cultural, and educational services to help sustain them in their homes and communities and offer opportunities for a better quality of life.

WHEN: Wednesday, Feb. 25th, 2015

 12:15 pm – 2:15 pm

WHERE: JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center

3880 Sedgwick Ave, 1st Floor

Bronx, NY 10463


Congratulations Pour in For New Speaker Carl Heastie


“I am incredibly proud that my good friend, Assembly Member Carl Heastie, has been elected to serve as the new Speaker of the New York State Assembly by his colleagues.

“Speaker Heastie’s credentials speak for themselves. He has done a great job representing his Bronx and New York City constituents since first being elected in 2000, and will continue to do so in his new role as Speaker.

“Carl Heastie’s ascension to the speakership is historic, for several reasons. Speaker Heastie is the first African-American to hold this position, as well as the first-ever Bronx resident. The impact of Speaker Heastie’s trailblazing path to the speakership cannot be understated. Here, during Black History Month, we have elevated an African-American man of tremendous ability and accomplishment to the pinnacle of New York State government.

“Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie has always made the people of The Bronx proud, and I know he will continue to do so as our speaker. I look forward to continuing my work with Speaker Heastie in his new role, as we enact an agenda that makes our borough, our city and our state an even better place,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz.

Assemblyman Dinowitz congratulates Carl Heastie on being elected Speaker of the Assembly

   Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Chair of the Bronx Assembly Delegation, today congratulated Carl Heastie on being elected Speaker of the New York State Assembly.

Assemblyman Dinowitz said, “I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to my friend and colleague, Carl Heastie, on his election as Speaker of the New York State Assembly. This is a historic day for New York State. Today, my colleagues and I have chosen a man who has displayed exemplary leadership skills and a remarkable ability to bring people together to reach consensus throughout his years in public service.”

Assemblyman Dinowitz continued, “Carl and I have worked closely together for over a decade. In 2008, Carl and I, along with a number of other elected officials, helped reorganize political leadership in the Bronx to be more inclusive and representative of the diversity of this great borough in what was called the “Rainbow Rebellion.” I know Carl to be a tireless advocate for his constituents and a strong voice on labor, education, and many other important issues.”

“As Chair of the Bronx Democratic Party, Carl has proven to be a fair, inclusive, and effective leader who understands that working collaboratively is more important than claiming credit. I have no doubt that he will have a similarly effective approach as leader of our Democratic conference and Speaker of the Assembly. I look forward to working closely with our new Speaker and my other Assembly colleagues to fight for Democratic values, from protecting tenants’ rights, to keeping our communities safe and healthy, to providing quality public education for our children, in the years to come,” Assemblyman Dinowitz concluded.


"I offer my sincerest congratulations to Assemblyman Carl Heastie as he takes on his new role as Speaker. In the years I've had the pleasure of knowing now Speaker Heastie I've always been impressed by his ability to bring people together and build coalitionsThis smooth and swift transition demonstrates to hard-working New York taxpayers that those representing them in the Assembly have put their lives and the lives of their families ahead of politics during the critical months ahead. 

"There is a lot of work to be done this legislative session and the Independent Democratic Conference has outlined a number of solid and sensible proposals that will keep our great state moving in the right direction through our New Deal for New York and Invest NY agendas, including: creating good paying jobs; revitalizing infrastructure; creating more middle class affordable housing; making college more affordable and ensuring that we are supporting our children and seniors. 

"I know we will have a strong partner in Speaker Heastie as we work on these important policy initiatives and know he will be a great advocate and tireless leader for the City of New York and the entire state in the years ahead. "

Statement from Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda
RE: Election of Speaker Carl E. Heastie

  “The last few weeks in the Assembly have been difficult for all Members.  However, now is an opportunity for us to start fresh and move towards real reform in this legislative body.

Over the last few days I have enjoyed interacting with my colleagues to discuss ways to better run this institution.  It has been a pleasure to hear from the candidates for Speaker on their thoughts regarding the ideas we as a group presented to them.  I believe it has been a truly worthwhile effort and one that I hope we will continue to build on in the coming months.

I would also like to congratulate our new Speaker, Carl E. Heastie, someone who I have gotten to know very well in his role as Chair of the Bronx Democratic Party.  I know that he will be a fair leader of this body and will work with other members towards meaningful reforms.

It is a great day for the Bronx to have one of our own elected to such a prominent position.  I know that he will make our borough proud.”

Senator Espaillat Congratulates Newly Elected Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie

“I had the pleasure of serving with Carl Heastie in the Assembly and can think of no better person to lead the chamber moving forward. He is an energetic, thoughtful and committed legislator who puts the people first.  When I was Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus I worked with Carl to put together the ‘People’s Budget’, a list of the Caucus’s legislative priorities. I look forward to continuing to work with him to forward progressive policies in New York State. "


"I am elated to learn that my brother Carl Heastie was chosen as speaker by the membership of the New York State Assembly.  His leadership style offers an inclusionary vision that will be admired both upstate and downstate as the people of New York get to know him. For his part, he has pledged to bring about change in the Assembly that will regain the voters trust. I can say that we, in the 12th Council District, are so proud to see the man who has represented us for the past 15 years ascend to this leadership role," said Council Member Andy King, co-chair of the Black, Latino & Asian Caucus of the New York City Council who was in Albany to witness the vote. "To my brother, friend and State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, congratulations to you for accepting this 'historic challenge.'"

Statement from Council Member Ritchie Torres on the Election of Carl Heastie as Speaker of the New York Assembly

My own experience with the new Speaker of the Assembly, Carl Heastie, leads me to believe that he will be to the Assembly what he has been to the Bronx for almost seven years: a magnanimous statesman, intent on governing with the calm wisdom and core integrity that have been his trademark. It fills me with pride to know that the legislative home of Theodore Roosevelt will be ably led by a level-headed son of the Bronx, and makes me even prouder that the City and State I love will be better for it.

Bellow - a photo of city and state members of the Bronx delegation with the new speaker of the assembly Speaker Carl Heastie.  from left, are Assemblyman Pichardo, Assemblyman Crespo, Nevada Shillingford-King, Council Member Annabel Palma, Council Member Andy King, Speaker Heastie, Bronx Borough President Diaz, Council Member Gibson, Assemblyman Gjonaj, Assemblyman Dinowitz, State Senator Diaz, District Leader Tapia, and Assemblyman Sepulveda.

Monday, February 2, 2015

New Speaker Selection to Come Tuesday Morning

    It appears that Queens Assemblywoman Kathleen Nolan has admitted defeat in not having near enough votes to become the next speaker, but she has not withdrawn her name as of now.  

   A vote is scheduled for 11 A.M. tomorrow morning, this after a unanimous vote was taken to move up the scheduled speaker vote from February 10th. 

  It is expected that it will be a unanimous for Bronx Assemblyman and Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl Heastie.

   Either before or after being sworn in as the new speaker it is expected that Heastie will relinquish his role as Bronx Democratic County Leader. 

  Two names have surfaced as a replacement for Heastie as Bronx Democratic County Leader. The current Bronx Democratic County County Committee Chair Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, and recently named Somos chair Assemblyman Marcos Crespo.

  The argument for Assemblyman Dinowitz is that as Bronx Democratic County Committee Chair he is able to take over for Heastie since Dinowitz was the number two man in the county organization. 

 The argument for Assemblyman Crespo is that the Bronx is a majority Latino borough, and that it was Crespo who was elected to fill the vacant 85th assembly district when then Assemblyman Ruben Diaz Jr. was elected Bronx Borough President.

  It is not known yet when the election for the new Bronx Democratic County Leader will take place, but since he is second in command it is expected that Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz would be the man in charge until the vote for a new county leader is taken.


African-American Heritage Month

 Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


African-American Heritage Month 


"A Century of African- American Life, History, and Culture"
1915 - 2015

Ken Thompson
Brooklyn, District Attorney

Karen Washington
Community Activist/Urban Farmer

The Association for the Study of
African American Life and History
Bronx Branch

Thursday, February 12, 2015
12 Noon - 3:00 P.M.
Dreiser Loop Community Center, 177 Dreiser Loop
Co-op City

Please call to confirm your attendance 718-590-3522 or 

Since 2009, I Have Been Trying to Prevent It

What You Should Know 
By State Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District 

You should know that in order to prevent corruption and the temptation of elected officials from earning money from outside of their legislative salaries, back in 2009, which was six years ago, I introduced a piece of legislation, S.3149, which prohibits a member of the legislature from engaging in any outside paid activity during his or her term of office.  In other words, the New York State Legislature should be a full-time Legislature. See the attached copy of the bill. 

You should also know that for six consecutive years, I have re-introduced this bill.  In 2015 the same bill is known as S.111.  The only member of the Assembly to ever sponsor this bill was former Assemblyman Greg Ball, who introduced in that house in 2009 and 2010.  Since then, no member of the Assembly has introduced the bill in that house, and no support has been given from the leadership of the Senate to bring this bill to the floor for a vote. 

If the Senate and the Assembly leadership would have taken a look at my piece of legislation and would have given it the green light, I could assure, you that many of my colleagues would not be regretting their extra-curricular activities. 

I am not a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, but in 2009, when I introduced my legislation, I wrote a justification paragraph explaining the legislation. Anyone that reads it would think that it was a prophecy: 

JUSTIFICATION:  How much transparency should be demanded by the people of their representatives? As long as we allow legislators to hold outside business interests, there is a potential that these outside business interests could one day cause a serious conflict of interest, 
or at least in the public's eye, the perception of one. This bill prohibits members of the legislature from engaging in any outside paid activity during their term of office. The public has a right to know that his or her Senator or Assemblyperson is not beholden to outside financial pressures. The best way to limit legislators' outside income is to eliminate it. 

I hope that after all the recent scandals, my fellow legislators will see fit to give the green light to my bill. 

This is State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.