Sunday, June 14, 2015

Riverdale Riverfest 2015

  The highlight of Riverdale Riverfest 2015 was the concert by the current band Blood Sweat and Tears which was arraigned by State Senator Jeff Klein. KRVDC and all their volunteers helped made this years Riverdale Riverfest 2015 the best one yet. Below are just a few photos of Riverdale Riverfest 2015. 

Above - It may have been Senator Klein who got the band for Riverdale Riverfest 2015, but it was Councilman Andrew Cohen who was the best dressed elected official at Riverdale Riverfest 2015.
Below - Senator Jeff Klein may have also had the the best tan, but it was Councilman Andrew Cohen who had the best legs of the elected officials on the stage. Also in the photo are Congressman Eliot Engel, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, and hidden by the speaker Ms. Tracy Shelton of KRVDC.

Above -  Face painting was only one of the attractions for children at Riverdale Riverfest 2015. 
Below - The Buffalo Wild Wings mascot is found in front of the Buffalo Wild Wings booth, where wings were available with several of the 24 sauces ranging from mild to extreme. 

Above - The New York City Department of Transportation was at Riverdale Riverfest 2015, with information about Vision Zero. 
Below - During the afternoon there was a secondary stage where several other bands and groups showed off their talent. 

Above - A stilt walker was on scene as another one the many attractions. 
Below - S.C.A., The Society for Creative Anachronism presented medieval events. The photo is of Ms. Agatha Jurgo dressed in a beautiful costume of the era.

Riverdale Riverfest 2015 took place at the College of Mount St. Vincent, and an unidentified young lady sits at the college table. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015


RE: Bronx Rent Guidelines Board Hearing of June 11, 2015

I testify to urge that the Rent Guidelines Board consider a rent freeze for tenants when it votes on the proposed 2015 increases.

I was heartened last year when the Rent Guidelines Board approved a historically low rent increase. This was a first step in the right direction for our City by keeping the increase to a more manageable level for our tenants. However, it did not go far enough. We still have to offer vital relief to the poor and middle-class of our City, given how many residents are struggling and have not seen their own paychecks increase over the past few years. 

I believe that, in order to address the city’s growing income inequality, we should consider a rent freeze combined with a property tax decrease so that the people of this city have more money in their pockets to address basic needs, while also providing a respite for property owners who would not see an increase from their tenants.

In addition, the city needs to work to do more to diversify its housing stock not just by creating opportunities for low and middle-income housing but also developing greater prospects for homeownership.

New York City should be a place everyone can afford to live in and we should utilize every mechanism to preserve affordability for all New Yorkers. With that said, a rent freeze would be a major step towards assuring that affordability exists.

Thank you.

Bronx Borough President 

Ruben Diaz Jr.



SATURDAY, JUNE 20th 11 AM - 6 PM

Friday, June 12, 2015

Everyone Must Be at a Staff Meeting in a Manhattan Night Club From This Assembly Office

Below is Assembly Speaker and 83rd Assembly District Assemblyman Carl Heastie's office after I went into the district office for the third time in as many days to seek answers about a scathing New York Times front page story on Assemblyman Heastie's Campaign Spending and reporting of donations. On Wednesday when i went into the office, Mr. Jamil Bailey told me that I would have to talk to the Press person from the office. I was given a phone number to call which was incorrect to which Mr. Bailey apologized and corrected. Upon calling the second number there was no response. I went back today arriving at 12:15 PM. Mr. Bailey was not in the office and a young lady below told me that he was out to lunch. When I explained about the two phone numbers Mr. Bailey gave me I was given a third number that I was told would work. I then asked when Mr. Bailey would be back. I was told that the office worker did not know when Mr. Bailey would be back from lunch, and when I asked when he left to go to lunch the worker ran to the back to get someone she said was the Chief of Staff.  

It seems that my visit and inquiry as to the scathing New York Times article got results as Mr. Mike Whyland sent the following to my editor at the Bronx News.

To follow up on your inquiry  re the Times story -

The Board of Elections has verified that all expenditures were proper and within their guidelines.

Michael Whyland
NYS Assembly
Office of Speaker Carl E. Heastie

My answer will appear in my next 100 PERCENT column in the Bronx News, Parkchester News, and Coop-City News Assemblyman Heastie, as your constituents want answers. 

Abrazo Boricua in New York

Last night at Maestro's Caterers Mayors, Dignitaries and community leaders traveled from Puerto Rico to join more than 500 people who attended the Abrazo Boricua in New York. 

The Abrazo Boricua in New York has been coordinated by Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az, Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, and Assemblyman Michael Blake. 

This annual celebration is a prelude to the National Puerto Rican Day Parade in recognition of the many contributions of the Puerto Rican community to the development of the City of New York. 

This year, the Abrazo Boricua in New York was dedicated to: Dr. Ricardo “Ricky” RossellĂł, Mr. JosĂ© Perez, Dr. Rosa Gil and Ms. Maria Del Pilar Avila – four distinguished members of our community both here in new York and in Puerto Rico. 

Photos of the Abrazo Boricua are below.

Above - Ms. Yolanda Cruz sang both the American and Puerto Rican Anthems.
Below - A photo of the packed room as usual for one of Team Diaz Abrazos. 

Above - Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo speaks, as State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson, and Assemblyman Michael Blake are seated on the Dias. Seated in front you can see State Committeeman and son of Assemblyman Sepulveda his son Julian Sepulveda. 
Below Assemblyman Crespo awards Mr. Jose Perez with several citations for his work on behalf of furthering Puerto Rican causes as President of Mastermind Ltd. 

Above - Sra. Maria Del Pilar Avila the Executive Director of the New American Alliance receives her awards from Assemblyman Michael Blake.
Below - Dr. Rosa Gil the Founder, President, and CEo of Comunilife receives her awards from Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, who expressed his sadness that Dr. Gills organization was not around to help a very close family member many years ago. 

Above - State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. (left and half out of the photo) introduces his honoree Dr. Ricardo "Ricky" Rossello , Doctor of Ingenieria Biomedica.
Below - Dr. Ricardo "Ricky' Rossello inspires the crowd to the pleasure of Team Diaz.
Lower Bottom - Dr. Ricardo "Ricky' Rossello, with his awards given to him by State Senator Ruben diaz Sr.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Monday June 22nd CFMC Meeting Agenda

Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting

Monday, June 22, 2015 – 7:00 PM

DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue, Bronx NY 10467 - (718) 231-8470

I  Welcome and Call to Order Adaline Walker-Santiago, Chair

II Consider, Adopt June CFMC Agenda CFMC Representatives

III Consider, Adopt 4/20/15 Meeting Minutes CFMC Representatives

IV Access to Jerome Park Reservoir             CFMC Representatives & Public 

V Remarks from Commissioner Emily Lloyd DEP         

VI Croton Costs Report & Construction Schedule Bernard Daly, DEP 

VII Discussion, including New Business CFMC Representatives & Public 

VIII CFMC Discussion &.Date for Next  CFMC Representatives 

CFMC Meeting

IX Adjourn

49th Precinct Community Council Meeting Tuesday, June 30th 7:30 PM at The BRONX HOUSE, 990 Pelham Parkway South

Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz Announces Passage of his Bill, S.597

   Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az announced that the State Senate passed his bill S.597 today. This bill excludes crime data or statistics in setting rates of insurance when the data or statistics are as a result of crimes committed in correctional or detention facilities. 

Earlier today at an event sponsored by the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization that welcomed NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton, Senator Diaz stated: “I  am grateful to Commissioner Bratton for sending a delegation of NYPD officials to meet at my district office when we first brought this issue to light. We all know that crimes that occur on Rikers Island - which is officially located in Queens County - should not be counted as Bronx crimes. As soon as this change was made, the crime rate in the 41st Precinct here in the South Bronx went down considerably." 

Senator DĂ­az stated:  “This bill is very important, not only for my constituents, but for any New York resident across the state who lives near a prison or jail. Homeowners should not be subjected to increased insurance rates as a result of crimes that are committee inside correctional facilities.” 

Crimes that are committed within prisons and other correctional facilities should have no impact on the crime statistics of the surrounding area and on the local police precincts and departments.  Local police are not assigned to prisons and jails, local law enforcement has no ability whatsoever to prevent prison-based crime or increase their patrols in order to reduce crime. 

Editor's Note:
This has not become law, as the state Assembly must also pass this legislation, and it must be signed by Governor Cuomo to become law.