Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Suburban Chicago Man Arrested for Allegedly Threatening Violence at Upcoming Presidential Inauguration


 A suburban Chicago man was arrested today on a federal criminal charge for allegedly threatening to commit violence at the upcoming presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C.

LOUIS CAPRIOTTI, 45, of Chicago Heights, Ill., is charged with transmitting a threat in interstate commerce, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago.  Capriotti was arrested near his home this morning.  He is scheduled to make an initial court appearance today at 3:30 p.m. CST before U.S. Magistrate Judge Gabriel A. Fuentes.

The complaint and arrest were announced by John R. Lausch, Jr., United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; Emmerson Buie, Jr., Special Agent-in-Charge of the Chicago Field Office of the FBI; and Christopher Diiorio, Special Agent-in-Charge of the U.S. Secret Service Chicago Field Office.  The U.S. Capital Police provided valuable assistance in the investigation.  The government is represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney William Dunne.

In a Dec. 29, 2020, voicemail for a U.S. House member from New Jersey, Capriotti allegedly stated that if certain individuals “think that Joe Biden is going to put his hand on the Bible and walk into that [expletive] White House on January 20th, they’re sadly [expletive] mistaken.”  Capriotti further stated in the voicemail, “We will surround the [expletive] White House and we will kill any [expletive] Democrat that steps on the [expletive] lawn,” the complaint alleges.  According to the complaint, Capriotti has a history of leaving profane voicemails for members of Congress. 

“Our office takes the security of our public servants very seriously,” said U.S. Attorney Lausch.  “Individuals who cross the line of free speech by making unlawful threats will be held accountable.” 

The public is reminded that a complaint is not evidence of guilt.  The defendant is presumed innocent and entitled to a fair trial at which the government has the burden of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.  The charge in the complaint is punishable by a maximum sentence of five years in prison.  If convicted, the Court must impose a reasonable sentence under federal statutes and the advisory U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.

Attorney General James Ready to Take Legal Action Against Insurrectionists or Domestic Terrorists Who Riot at New York State Capitol


 New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement in response to reports that insurrectionists and domestic terrorists are considering riots at the New York state Capitol in Albany and at state Capitols across the nation between now and next Wednesday, January 20, when Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris are sworn in as the president and vice president of the United States:

“After last week’s deadly attack at the U.S. Capitol, my office is closely monitoring all threats against our state Capitol in Albany. While I am working with law enforcement on the ground to ensure the chaos that we saw in Washington, DC does not take place right here in New York, we will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who seeks to terrorize or harm legislators, Capitol staff, law enforcement, or members of the public. Our system of government may not be perfect, but it works, and we will not allow those fueled by lies and unhinged conspiracy theories to run wild as they violently seek to overthrow the government through sedition and insurrection. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, our duly elected president and vice president, will assume office on January 20th and history will remember all who sought to destroy our democratic republic.”

Comptroller Stringer Unveils Plan to Ensure Fair Distribution of PPP to New York City Small Businesses


Just 12 percent of the more than 1.1 million employee-based and non-employer businesses in New York City received a PPP loan compared to 24 percent in North Dakota

Recommends creating a multi-lingual proactive community outreach team, partnering with non-profits and external stakeholders to increase awareness, and creating comprehensive list of all financial institutions administering the PPP so that businesses know exactly where to go

 New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer released a plan to make sure New York City’s small businesses get their fair share of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding amid the ongoing economic distress of the pandemic. With the program now reopened, Comptroller Stringer outlined recommendations for the City to proactively help more small and immigrant-owned businesses apply for and receive this vital lifeline– including creating a multi-lingual community outreach team, partnering with non-profits and external stakeholders to increase awareness, and creating a comprehensive list of all the financial institutions administering the PPP so businesses know exactly where to go.

“New York City’s small businesses are struggling to keep their doors open and the lights on. PPP should have been a lifeline to these businesses, but they were drastically shortchanged,” said Comptroller Stringer. “Too few of our businesses were able to access the first round of funding – so we need to step up at the local level and use every tool at our disposal to proactively ensure our small businesses are not shut out of the next wave of PPP loans. The City should start implementing our recommendations immediately to make sure New York small businesses get their fair share of funding, can remain open, and our economic recovery stays on track.”

The Paycheck Protection Program was intended to support small businesses by helping them to retain staff and stem job losses amid the shutdowns and other disruptions in the early months of the pandemic. However, an analysis released by Comptroller Stringer found New York City lagged far behind in its share of eligible businesses that received a PPP loan. Just 12 percent of the more than 1.1 million employee-based and non-employer businesses in the city received a PPP loan, compared to more sparsely populated and less economically impacted states such as North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa, where more than 20 percent of businesses received a loan. The report also showed notable disparities between boroughs and industries receiving PPP loans, with non-profits getting minimal support through the program.

The Paycheck Protection Program reopened on Monday, January 11. Comptroller Stringer outlined the following recommendations to ensure New York City small businesses get their fair share of PPP loans:

  • Build a multi-lingual, multi-ethnic team—modeled after the Tenant Support Unit—for proactive outreach and support, working with various ethnic and immigrant organizations to build capacity quickly.
  • The City should compile and disseminate a comprehensive list of all the financial institutions that are administering the PPP so that businesses know exactly where to go and have the necessary contact information.
  • The City’s Small Business Services, in collaboration with BIDs and other business associations, should create the NYC Door-to-Door Outreach Team and knock on the door of every commercial corridor business, reach out to proprietors, and help them prepare paperwork for the PPP program. They should also create a business hotline to help walk businesses through the application process, connect them to a lending institution, and to conduct phone outreach.
  • In the first rounds of the PPP program, Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) proved highly effective at providing loans to small businesses.  The City should work closely with these organizations to ensure that our small and minority-owned businesses are not left out in the latest round. The City should also provide funds to MDIs and CDFIs to hire experts in PPP paperwork preparation.
  • While freelancers and other solo entrepreneurs were eligible for PPP loans, less than 5 percent received one. The City should work with the Freelancers Union and other relevant organizations to improve outreach and support.
  • The City should amplify the PPP program at every opportunity, advertising the relaunch of the program on TV, radio, social media, and public transit and encouraging local businesses to apply.

As of December 30, 2020, small business revenue was down 67% in Manhattan, 43% in Queens, 38% in the Bronx, 37% in Brooklyn, and 28% in Staten Island compared to the first week of January 2020. According to Comptroller Stringer’s Save Main Street report, immigrant New Yorkers and communities of color have been hardest hit; 73 percent of Main Street jobs in New York City are held by people of color, 53 percent by immigrants, and 29 percent by non-citizens. An analysis by Comptroller Stringer estimated that the city would forgo at least $1.5 billion in taxable tourism sales for the next year.


Where have you been on FAIR SHARE of the Homeless population since you have been City Comptroller? why is it that a borough with only 18 percent of the cities population (the Bronx) has 37 percent of the homeless population and the DHS is adding more by overloading one Bronx Community Board with 400 single adult males in two new nearby homeless shelters that will destroy the community? Or is the Comptroller just a mere formality as DHS Commissioner Banks said.



 Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Jonnel Doris today launched Fair Share NYC, a targeted campaign to connect small business owners to federal relief funds. Federal funds include the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a forgivable loan to help businesses keep their workforce employed, and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Advance, a grant of up to $10,000 for businesses in low-income communities.

“PPP loans can be a lifeline for hard-hit small businesses in all five boroughs, and New York City will do everything we can to connect these businesses to the resources they deserve,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I encourage every New Yorker to shop local and help these community anchors get back on their feet in the weeks and months to come.”
“New York City’s economic recovery must be inclusive, so it is imperative that we help the diverse local businesses throughout the City survive and thrive," said Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Vicki Been. “Fair Share NYC provides critical resources to ensure our small businesses have a fair shot in receiving the needed federal funds."
“Small businesses are the lifeblood of New York City’s economy," said J. Phillip Thompson, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives and Co-Chair of the Racial Inclusion and Equity Taskforce. “Fair Share NYC will help these businesses secure the federal dollars they need to stay open and keep thousands of New Yorkers employed.”
“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and SBS is committed to keeping them resilient,” said Jonnel Doris, Commissioner of the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS). “Meeting this goal requires that we all work together, and we are grateful to our federal partners for bringing these critical dollars to the City’s neediest business owners.”
Fair Share NYC aims to provide technical assistance to businesses seeking to access $284.45 billion in PPP loans that was recently approved in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021. This new package provides additional funding for businesses that did not receive PPP money in the first round, especially minority- and women-owned businesses. It also earmarks funding for “very small” businesses and lending through community-based lenders.
The City is offering free resources through Fair Share NYC to help businesses secure loans. Resources include:
  • Daily webinars to review the PPP and EIDL Advance programs and offer guidance on how to apply;
  • One-on-one assistance to find the best financing option for each business and get help filling out the application;
  • Connections to PPP lenders; and
  • Information about additional federal resources.
Resources will be available in multiple languages, including Spanish and Chinese. Small businesses should visit or call 888-SBS-4NYC for more information.


Yes Mr. Mayor let's talk about Fair Share when it comes to the Homeless population. The Bronx has only 18 percent of the NYC population, but the Bronx has 37 percent of the Homeless population.  DHS is not going by its FAIR SHARE of housing the homeless citywide, and is forcing more single adult homeless males into the Bronx Mr. Mayor.




 Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced that the City of New York is taking steps to terminate three Trump Organization agreements with the City after last week’s deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

The Administration will be notifying the Trump Organization that the City will begin the process to cancel its agreements to operate the Central Park Carousel, Wollman and Lasker skating rinks, and Ferry Point Golf Course in accordance with the steps outlined in the contracts. 


“The President incited a rebellion against the United States government that killed five people and threatened to derail the constitutional transfer of power,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “The City of New York will not be associated with those unforgivable acts in any shape, way or form, and we are immediately taking steps to terminate all Trump Organization contracts.”


“Mr. Trump’s incitement of violence at our Capitol was an abomination,” said Corporation Counsel James E. Johnson. “In light of last week’s attack on our Capitol and our democracy, we have concluded that it is in the best interests of New Yorkers for the City to commence the process of cancelling these contracts and terminating its business ties with the Trump Organization.” 


The PGA recently cancelled the 2022 PGA Championship at a Trump golf course.  In its contract with the Trump Organization to run Ferry Point Golf Course, the City called for a championship level golf course that would attract major championship events.


The termination process for each location is detailed in each of the City agreements. The Carousel is currently closed and termination will be effective 25 days after the City’s termination notice is delivered. The Agreement for the Wollman and Lasker Rinks terminates after 30 days written notice. The process for terminating the Ferry Point Golf Course is more detailed and is expected to take a number of months.



The SBA Disaster Loan Is Now Available in Salt Lake City | Economic  Development


SBA is collecting the requested information in order to make a loan under SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program to the qualified entities listed in this application that are impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The information will be used in determining whether the applicant is eligible for an economic injury loan. If you do not submit all the information requested, your loan cannot be fully processed.

The estimated time for completing this entire application is two hours and ten minutes
The Applicant understands that the SBA is relying upon the self-certifications contained in this application to verify that the Applicant is an eligible entity, and that the Applicant is providing this self-certification under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746 for verification purposes.

If you have questions about this application, please contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-659-2977 or (TTY: 1-800-877-8399) 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021



After news reports that Bronx State Senator Luis Sepúlveda has been arrested on domestic violence charges, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz has issued the following statement:


“There are unfortunately too many families in our borough who have experienced domestic violence in their households. If it is true that State Senator Sepúlveda committed these horrible acts, then he must resign his elected office. I urge anyone who is experiencing domestic violence to know that they are not alone and there are people available who can help.”


New York City offers a 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-621-HOPE (1-800-621-4673). There may be resources available to help, including temporary housing, emergency shelter, and supportive services for yourself and your children.


For LGBTQ domestic violence issues, NYC Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Program can be contacted at 212-714-1141. For people with disabilities, Barrier-Free Living can be contacted at 212-533-4358.

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - JANUARY 12, 2021


8,926 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,492 Patients in the ICU; 909 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 7.73%

164 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"New York is continuing to fight COVID-19 across the state by increasing our testing capacity, ensuring the hospitals have enough space, and vaccinating New Yorkers as quickly as possible," Governor Cuomo said. "The numbers over the past two weeks suggest you could see a flattening after a spike from Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year. We said we would hope and aspire for a flattening in late January, and you could argue that you start to see a flattening now. Positivity in almost every region is down from the high during this holiday spike."

A post-Thanksgiving increase that grew through Christmas and the New Year and starting to flatten.

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Total Vaccine Doses Administered - 645,037
  • Test Results Reported - 196,671
  • Total Positive - 15,214
  • Percent Positive - 7.73%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 8,926 (+281)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 918
  • Hospital Counties - 56
  • Number ICU - 1,492 (+66)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 909 (+18)
  • Total Discharges - 111,141 (+541)
  • Deaths - 164
  • Total Deaths - 32,007