Monday, August 14, 2023



New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced the appointment of Fabien Levy as deputy mayor for communications. As the city’s first ever deputy mayor for communications, Levy will coordinate communications across the whole of city government, instead of just City Hall and ensure city agencies are speaking with a unified message to New Yorkers. In this role, Levy will break down siloes and ensure every city agency is supporting each other and, in turn, highlighting the Adams administration’s vision to support working families across New York City.

“For too long, the good work of this city has been crushed by the boulder of bureaucracy. Our new deputy mayor for communications will make sure that every agency is supporting each other, and delivering for working class New Yorkers,” said Mayor Adams. “There is no one I trust more to amplify and get our message out there than Fabien Levy. A spokesman and champion for working people, Fabien is a passionate communicator. A native New Yorker raised by working-class Jewish-Middle Eastern parents, Fabien will be New York City’s first ever deputy mayor of Persian or Iraqi descent. Deputy Mayor Levy and I will work together to meet the challenges ahead and continue to deliver for New Yorkers every day.”


“I want to thank the mayor for trusting me to lead the communications team across this city. As someone originally from New York City, I know there is no higher form of public service than serving New Yorkers and I am thrilled to take on this role overseeing communications across city government,” said Deputy Mayor for Communications Fabien Levy. “This announcement is only possible because of the people who helped get me where I am today, including all my family, friends, and colleagues. Since I was a kid, I knew it was my responsibility to give back, help others, and — like the Jewish tenet ‘tikkun olam’ translates — repair the world. It is that sense of responsibility, that sense of community to leave the world in a better place than when we got here that drives me every day. I know that this new role will help further break down the siloes between our city agencies and City Hall and help provide New Yorkers with a better line of sight into how their city government operates as one as we work to help repair the world. I am ready to hit the ground running, and help build a city that is safer, more equitable, and prosperous for all.”


“In January 2022, Fabien Levy stepped up to serve our city as a member of Team Adams to partner and help build a better New York. More than a year and a half later, that’s exactly what he has done,” said Chief Advisor Ingrid P. Lewis-Martin. “I’ve had the pleasure to strategize and work directly with Fabien and have seen firsthand his tireless effort to move our city forward crisis after crisis — during all of which he has kept an even composure and positive mindset to do what is absolutely best for our city. With his new role as deputy mayor for communications, Fabien will be able to expand those efforts and ensure that city government speaks with a clear, effective voice.”


“With two decades of experience across federal, state, and city government, there is no better person to enter into this role than Fabien Levy,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “From day one, Fabien showed a talent for delivering this administration’s vision for the city, a tenacity for engaging with the press, and endless sense of collaboration with this team. Under Fabien’s leadership, we will continue to break down siloes across government communications and tell New Yorkers how we are ‘Getting Stuff Done’ every day.'”


“Fabien Levy’s fierce intelligence, tireless work ethic, and unwavering commitment to improving the lives of his fellow New Yorkers have made him an invaluable member of this administration and a central force behind our accomplishments,” said Chief of Staff Camille Joseph Varlack. “More importantly, Fabien’s care and compassion for everyday New Yorkers make him the perfect fit for deputy mayor for communications. I look forward to working with Fabien in this new role to ensure that our city government both listens and speaks to every New Yorker.”


“For the first time in the city’s history, we will have a deputy mayor for communications,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne-Williams Isom. “This role will execute Mayor Adams’ goal to streamline the city’s public messaging and to unify agency communications strategies. Ultimately, the role gives the city new capabilities to ‘Get Stuff Done’ for New Yorkers. Fabien is an experienced communications professional who is deeply committed to serving New Yorkers and delivering results. He will advance the administration’s vision to make the city fairer, more just, and more equitable. I look forward to working with him on this new endeavor and to now calling him my brother deputy mayor.”


“From day one, Fabien has demonstrated an unmatched work ethic and a profound commitment to the mayor’s ‘Get Stuff Done’ agenda,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres Springer. “As deputy mayor for communications, he will no doubt build on that record and his deep experience working at every level of government to ensure that we bring our agenda directly to the people of New York City, and engage every community in tackling our most urgent challenges.”


“I am so happy and proud to see New York City’s own fiery, formidable flack Fabien move up to the larger and fitting role of running the entire Adams’ administration communications operation,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi “Fabien has a pulse on what New Yorkers need and want to hear. As deputy mayor of communications, he will keep our entire city up to date, and, most importantly, in ways that are both accessible and interesting to all.”   


“I am excited to welcome Fabien Levy to the role of deputy mayor for communications, as he brings a wealth of experience into this leadership position,” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Ana Almanzar. “He has been and will continue to be a vital part of our team to bring in new audiences and strengthen the existing connections with all our communities across the New York City.”


Reporting to Deputy Mayor Levy will be City Hall’s communications director, press secretary, director of the office of community and ethnic media, research director, and senior advisor for creative communications. Levy will also work closely with communications and press staff across all of city government.


About Fabien Levy


For the last 19 months, Levy has served as press secretary to Mayor Adams, where he managed the Press Office and response to thousands of press inquiries, as well as helping put together hundreds of mayoral events.


Levy brings two decades of communications experience to the role. He previously worked on numerous presidential, U.S. senate, U.S. House, and mayoral races across the country, as well as in California state government.


In 2011, Levy worked as communications director on a special election in upstate New York, where he helped elect now Governor Kathy Hochul to Congress. After serving for more than a year in her congressional office as communication director, Levy joined the Obama administration as press secretary at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he was part of the rapid response team during the Affordable Care Act’s first open enrollment period.


Immediately preceding his joining the Adams administration as press secretary, Levy served as press secretary and senior advisor to New York Attorney General Letitia James, where he was the office's chief spokesperson and worked with press on a day-to-day basis on a variety of issues, in addition to helping the team map out Attorney General James’ communications vision.


Levy is a native New Yorker, who graduated from Syracuse University with a dual B.A. in Political Science and Broadcast Journalism.


Levy will report directly to Mayor Adams.

Governor Hochul Renews Call for Federal Government and Freight Rail Industry to Take Action to Improve Rail Safety

 A freight train traverses a railroad crossing.

Actions Would Accelerate Existing Regulatory Implementation and Increase Transparency

 Governor Kathy Hochul today continued to urge Congress, federal regulators and the freight rail industry to take additional proactive steps to prevent freight rail disasters following last week’s derailment in Montgomery County. These measures, first outlined by the Governor in February, will help create a safer freight rail transportation industry, while increasing state emergency response capabilities through improved federal oversight.

“Keeping New Yorkers safe is my number one priority, so we cannot wait for another disaster to happen before we take steps to improve rail safety,” Governor Hochul said. “The train derailment last week in Montgomery County was thankfully free of injuries or spills but demonstrates the incredible need for the federal government and the freight rail industry to take action and protect both residents and the environment.”

Specifically, Governor Hochul calls on Congress, the freight rail industry and federal regulators to take the following actions:

  • Expedite the phase-in of safer tank cars (DOT 117's) for hazardous materials in advance of the Congressionally mandated 2029 deadline.
  • Modernize braking regulations and increase the use of electronically controlled pneumatic brakes (ECP) to prevent potential rail derailments.
  • Require rail roads to provide advance notification to State emergency response teams of hazardous cars moving through their state.
  • Expand state and local grants specifically for hazmat preparedness and response planning.

New York State Department of Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez said, “I applaud the Governor’s continued call for a multi-pronged set of actions on this important safety matter. We all recognize that enhancing rail safety is not something that New York State can address on its own - it requires our partners in the freight rail industry and the federal government to work together with us to achieve these important safety objectives. Strengthening rail safety in New York State will help further protect our communities and the environment, reducing the frequency and severity of rail crashes, which are results that we all seek to achieve.”

News, updates and more from NYC Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr.


It was an honor to welcome Governor Kathy Hochul to the Bronx to discuss the important priorities of our Borough. 

Thank you, Governor Hochul, for being a strong advocate for the needs of the Bronx and for taking the time to come and visit us!

Fue un honor dar la bienvenida a la gobernadora Kathy Hochul al Bronx para hablar sobre las prioridades importantes de nuestro municipio.

¡Gracias, gobernadora Hochul, por ser una firme defensora de las necesidades del Bronx y por tomarse el tiempo para venir a visitarnos!


The second night of our ‘52 Park Salsa Concert Series’ closed out with a bang thanks to Pete Nater & Associates, and surprise guests from El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico Jerry Rivas, Richie Bastar, and Freddie Rivera!

Thank you to all the Bronxites who came out to enjoy some ‘Salsa In The Park’ with Team Salamanca, Freddy Perez Jr, the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, Acacia Network, Bronx Community Board 2 & El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico!


La segunda noche de nuestra Serie de Conciertos de Salsa en '52 Park ' cerrΓ³ con fuerza gracias a Pete Nater & Associates, y los invitados sorpresa de El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico Jerry Rivas, Richie Bastar y Freddie Rivera!

Gracias a todos los habitantes del Bronx que vinieron a disfrutar de 'Salsa In The Park' con el Equipo Salamanca, Freddy PΓ©rez Jr, el Departamento de Parques y RecreaciΓ³n de la Ciudad de Nueva York, Acacia Network, Bronx Community Board 2 y El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico !


I was proud to join my colleagues from city and state government as we announced plans to repurpose and rebuild the Kingsbridge Armory. 

In total $200 million has been allocated for this project, with $100 million each coming from Governor Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams. 

Thank you, CM Pierina Sanchez and Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition, for your determined work in ensuring we could make this project a reality.


Me enorgulleciΓ³ unirme a mis colegas del gobierno de la ciudad y del estado cuando anunciΓ‘bamos planes para reutilizar y reconstruir Kingsbridge Armory.

En total, se han asignado $200 millones para este proyecto, con $100 millones cada uno provenientes de la gobernadora Kathy Hochul y el alcalde Eric Adams.

Gracias CM Pierina Sanchez y la CoaliciΓ³n de la Comunidad y el Clero del Noroeste del Bronx por su trabajo determinado para garantizar que pudiΓ©ramos hacer realidad este proyecto.

I had a wonderful time attending the Morrison Avenue Festival in Soundview. 

Thank you, Assemblymember Kenny Burgos, Hispanic Federation, and Freddy Perez Jr, for putting on such a great event for the Bronx community.


PasΓ© un tiempo maravilloso asistiendo al Festival Morrison Avenue en Soundview.

Gracias, al AsambleΓ­sta Kenny Burgos, FederaciΓ³n Hispana y Freddy PΓ©rez Jr, por organizar un gran evento para la comunidad del Bronx.


I am proud to be partnering with the Acacia Network and Freddy 
Perez to bring the 2023 ‘52 Park Salsa Concert Series’ to the Bronx 
this August.

Our third concert will be this WEDNESDAY, August 16th, 
featuring BRENDA K. STARR.

I hope to see you all there!

*Please make a note of all dates listed on the flier for 
specific artist performance dates*


Me enorgullece asociarme con Acacia Network y Freddy PΓ©rez 
para traer la Serie de Conciertos de Salsa en  '52 Park  de 2023 al 
Bronx este mes de Agosto.

Nuestro tercer concierto serΓ‘ este MIΓ‰RCOLES 16 de Agosto

¡Espero verlos a todos ustedes allΓ­!

*Tome nota de todas las fechas enumeradas en el volante 
para las fechas de presentaciΓ³n de artistas especΓ­ficos*

Council Member Salamanca
District Office at: 
1070 Southern Boulevard
Bronx, New York 10459
(718) 402-6130

Permits Filed For 1320 Inwood Avenue In Mount Eden, The Bronx


Permits have been filed for a 14-story mixed-use building at 1320 Inwood Avenue in Mount Eden, The Bronx. Located between West 170th Street and Clarke Place West, the lot is near the 170th Street subway station, serviced by the 4 train. Ralph Fasano of the Concern for Independent Living is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 144-foot-tall development will yield 139,972 square feet, with 88,892 square feet designated for residential space and 51,080 square feet for community facility space. The building will have 113 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 786 square feet. The concrete-based structure will also have a cellar, a 39-foot-long rear yard, and eight enclosed parking spaces.

Dattner Architects is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits have not been filed yet. An estimated completion date has not been announced.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Governor Hochul Celebrates Annual Dominican Day Parade and Highlights Recent Efforts to Strengthen Ties Between New York and the Dominican Republic

 Governor Hochul delivers remarks at the Dominican Day Parade Breakfast

Governor Met With President Luis Abinader of the Dominican Republic To Discuss Opportunities For Economic And Cultural Collaboration

Announces Banco de Reservas de la Republica Dominicana Approved to Open Representative Office in New York, First-Ever in the United States

Highlights $1.5 Million For Dominican Studies Institute At City College (CUNY DSI)

Signs Legislation S.4329-A /A.3935-A Authorizing Department of Motor Vehicles to Allow People to Exchange Their Valid Overseas License for a New York Driver’s License If Agreement Is Reached With Foreign Government

Ahead of the Dominican Day Parade, Governor Kathy Hochul today celebrated New York’s Dominican community and highlighted the close ties between New York and the Dominican Republic. Governor Hochul met with Dominican President Luis Abinader, announced that the Dominican Republic’s largest commercial bank was approved to open a representative office in New York, highlighted $1.5 million in State funding for the Dominican Studies Institute at City College and signed new legislation allowing the Department of Motor Vehicles to reach agreements with governments outside the United States that could allow individuals to exchange their driver’s licenses.

"New York wouldn't be New York without our Dominican community," Governor Hochul said. "Today and every day, I am so grateful to the Dominican community for their work in making New York State a better place and will continue to work to ensure that New York remains a great place for Dominican Americans to call home."

Governor Hochul met with Luis Abinader, President of the Dominican Republic as well as Congressman Adriano Espaillat and other Dominican officials. The leaders had a productive conversation, discussing the many opportunities for cultural and economic collaboration between New York State and the Dominican Republic. Governor Hochul expressed her commitment to be a strong partner to the Dominican Republic and to the large Dominican population that calls New York home.

To strengthen the bond between the Dominican Republic and New York, the Department of Financial Services has approved a license for Banco de Reservas de la Republica Dominicana, or Banreservas, to open a representative office in New York, their first-ever office in the United States. Banreservas is the largest commercial bank in the Dominican Republic and provides a wide range of critical banking services and financial products, including remittance services. The office will serve as a hub to build community and business connections between the Dominican Republic and New York City.

Banreservas joins over 120 foreign and wholesale banking institutions with assets of more than $2.7 trillion that have been licensed by the department. The approval of this representative office, located in Upper Manhattan at 2420 Amsterdam Avenue, puts Banreservas in the world’s financial epicenter and enhances the deep economic ties between New York State and the Dominican Republic.

Home to nearly one million people of Dominican descent, New York State has been working to strengthen the bond between the Dominican Republic and the United States. The Dominican Studies Institute at City College (CUNY DSI) is the nation's first university-based research institute devoted to the study of people of Dominican descent in the United States and other parts of the world. This year, Governor Hochul announced that CUNY DSI will receive $1.5 million to support ongoing operations and initiatives to preserve the culture and history of Dominican New Yorkers.

Additionally, Governor Hochul signed Legislation S.4329-A /A.3935-A which authorizes the DMV to enter into agreements with governments outside of the United States to allow new residents from those countries to exchange their valid license for a valid New York driver’s license, without passing any knowledge or road test. The DMV must determine that the other country in the agreement has a “comparable licensing process” including knowledge and road testing.

The law sets requirements for the agreements, including that the exchange would only apply to drivers over the age of 18; that it would apply only to standard licenses, not commercial licenses or motorcycle licenses; and that parties to the agreement must confirm through designated officials that the applicant has a valid license to exchange. License reciprocity would be subject to the timing of the executed agreement between DMV and the foreign government.

Statement from Comptroller Brad Lander on New York Supreme Court Ruling on Medicare Advantage


New York City Comptroller Brad Lander released the following statement in response to the New York Supreme Court ruling on shifting retirees to a Medicare Advantage plan:

“This ruling is a win for the many retirees who fought for the health care that they worked so hard for and were promised. When the Medicare Advantage contract was submitted to us this spring, our office declined to register it because we were concerned that litigation raised doubts about the City’s authority to enter into the contract. This decision shows we were right to do so.

“As a matter of public policy, beyond the scope of our office’s specific Charter responsibility for contract registration, I was and remain seriously concerned about the privatization of Medicare plans, overbilling by insurance companies, and barriers to care under Medicare Advantage. It is vital that all seniors—and all New Yorkers—get quality health coverage as a basic human right.

“At the same time, given the growing costs of health care for both retirees and active employees we cannot ignore that there are real cost questions facing the City when it comes to health care. It is time for all parties to come to the table to identify creative and effective solutions.

Governor Hochul Announces More Than $38.6 Million for Supportive Housing Projects

row of residential homes 

Funding Awards Will Lead to the Creation of 410 Units of Permanent Supportive Housing for Formerly Homeless New Yorkers

State-Funded Program is Aimed at Breaking Cycles of Homelessness; Part of Governor Hochul's $25 Billion Five-Year Housing Plan

 Governor Kathy Hochul today announced more than $38.6 million for housing projects in the New York City, Long Island, and Southern Tier regions that will provide permanent supportive housing for individuals who have experienced homelessness. Supported by the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance's Homeless Housing and Assistance Program, the awards will fund the creation of 410 units to serve formerly homeless individuals, including those with a mental illness or substance use disorder, and survivors of domestic violence among others.

"Permanent, supportive housing can have a transformational impact on the lives of New Yorkers experiencing homelessness,” Governor Hochul said. "By funding these projects, we are able to provide the services and support necessary to help New Yorkers break the cycle of homelessness and provide them with a safe and stable place to call home.”

The grants were awarded through a competitive process by the New York State Homeless Housing and Assistance Corporation, a public benefit corporation staffed by the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. Through this program, New York State has appropriated more than $1.6 billion toward the development of supportive housing, creating more than 26,000 units of housing to support individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

The awards include three projects totaling more than $20.6 million that are being funded through the $128 million allocated for the program in the FY 2023 Budget. With these awards, the state has fully appropriated this funding to projects that will build 1,093 units of permanent supportive housing, 32 new units of emergency housing and preserve one unit of emergency housing.

Also awarded were two projects totaling $17.9 million from the $128 million allocated through the FY 2024 Budget. These projects are expected to collectively add 250 units of supportive housing.

The latest projects awarded funding include:

  • Mercy Haven, Inc., $4 million to develop eight units in Hempstead in Nassau County. Hempstead Homeless Housing will renovate two existing multi-unit residential homes on two separate sites.
  • YWCA of Binghamton and Broome County, $6.6 million to develop 38 units in Binghamton in Broome County. Part of a larger project, the Lisle Avenue Apartments will construct a four-story building for the residential component and renovate an adjacent building to serve as a childcare center.
  • Bowery Residents’ Committee, Inc., $10 million to develop 114 units in Manhattan. The Hill Top Apartments will provide supportive housing for frequent users of the New York City Health and Hospitals (H+H) system who have behavioral health conditions and a history of homelessness.
  • Breaking Ground II Housing Development Fund Corporation, $10 million to develop 217 units in New York City. The 1760 Third Avenue project will convert an existing 19-story former student dormitory in the East Harlem section of Manhattan.
  • WellLife Network, Inc., $7.9 million to develop 33 units in Medford in Suffolk County. Part of a larger project, Medford Gardens will construct a fully electric and accessible three-story apartment building.

The Homeless Housing and Assistance Program is an important component of Governor Hochul's $25 billion, five-year, comprehensive housing plan, which was initially adopted as part of the FY 2023 Budget. Governor Hochul's plan will help create or preserve 100,000 affordable homes across New York State, including 10,000 with support services for vulnerable populations.

New York State Office of Mental Health Commissioner Dr. Ann Sullivan said, "Welcoming, safe, and supportive housing is critical for the recovery of individuals living with mental illness and addiction. It gives a solid foundation upon which to build their lives. The projects announced by Governor Hochul today will benefit these individuals, their families, and their entire communities”

New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports Commissioner Dr. Chinazo Cunningham said, "Supportive housing is a critical component in recovery from substance use disorder. The risk of homelessness can be a significant barrier to a person’s recovery. The funds made available through the homeless housing and assistance program will help promote self-reliance, support successful long-term recovery, and increase overall quality of life for families and individuals.”

Wells Fargo Hits $780M Financing Milestone For New York City Affordable Housing Projects


Aerial view of Edgemere Commons - Aufgang Architects

Aerial view of Edgemere Commons - Aufgang Architects

The Community Lending and Investment division of Wells Fargo has reached a new milestone, $780.3 million in construction financing for affordable housing projects in New York City and Westchester County. The figure represents five loans, all closed in June 2023, the company’s largest-ever half-cycle allocation.

The list of New York City developments includes Peninsula Phase II, Wakefield Yards, and Blondell Commons in The Bronx, as well as Edgemere Commons Building B1 in Queens. St. Clair, the fifth and final project, is located in Yonkers. Together, these projects will yield more than 1,100 apartments.

The division, abbreviated as CLI, provided $250.6 million in debt and equity financing to Gilbane Development CompanyThe Hudson Companies, and MHANY Management for Peninsula Phase 2, the second phase of the redevelopment of the former Spofford Juvenile Detention Facility in The Bronx. Located in the borough’s Hunts Point neighborhood, the project will comprise 359 affordable units, all reserved for households earning up to 70 percent Area Median Income (AMI). A total of fifty-four apartments will be set aside for formerly homeless tenants.

The building will also house a new daycare and a community facility for two local non-profit organizations.

Rendering of The Peninsula affordable housing campus - WXY Architecture + Urban Design

Rendering of The Peninsula affordable housing campus – WXY Architecture + Urban Design

For Wakefield Yards, CLI provided $179.1 million in financing to Radson Development. When complete, the project will create 251 affordable units for households earning up to 80 percent AMI. This includes 38 apartments set aside for the formerly homeless.

A $147.1 million package provided to Exact Capital Group will be used to complete Blondell Commons, a 182-unit affordable housing property in Westchester Square, Bronx. Available apartments will be reserved for households earning up to 70 percent AMI.

Rendering of the next affordable housing property to debut at Edgemere Commons - Courtesy of Aufgang Architects

Rendering of the next affordable housing property to debut at Edgemere Commons – Courtesy of Aufgang Architects

Tishman Speyer’s TS Communities received $138.6 million from CLI for their sprawling Edgemere Commons affordable housing complex in Far Rockaway, Queens. The loan will support completion of Building B1 located at the corner of Beach Channel Drive and Beach 52nd Street. The 247,000-square-foot building will comprise 237 apartments for households between 30 percent and 80 percent AMI, including 36 apartments reserved for the formerly homeless.

The building will also house 8,000 square feet of retail space, and a 7,500-square-foot community facility. Upon completion Edgemere Commons will have 11 buildings and encompass around 2,050 apartments.

The smallest financial package, a $65 million loan, was provided to MacQuesten Development for St. Clair, a 76-unit, 100 percent affordable project located in Yonkers. The 10-story property occupies a trio of parcels at 32 Main Street, 36-38 Main Street, and Riverdale Avenue, and will create 76 apartments. Available homes will be reserved for households earning from 50 percent to 80 percent AMI.