Wednesday, May 15, 2024

City Parks Foundation - Urgent Call to Action for Park Supporters!


Attention all park supporters! The NYC Council’s Parks Committee is convening for a final hearing on the mayor’s budget at 1pm on May 20th. This budget slashes $55M for parks, including a hiring freeze for 600 essential workers responsible for keeping our green spaces clean and vibrant. If enacted, we face trash-strewn parks, delayed sprinklers, reduced rec center hours, and neglected tree care. This cannot happen!

We need YOUR voice to make a difference! City Parks Foundation urges everyone passionate about our green spaces to testify about their importance to our communities. The more voices the Council hears, the stronger our case for restoring support for parks citywide!

For support in testifying, please check the resources below:

  • Familiarize yourself with critical talking points

  • Use New Yorkers for Parks’ budget testimony guide to customize your testimony

  • Our friends at the Natural Areas Conservancy are hosting a session on how to prepare testimony on Wednesday, May 15, 12 - 1pm. Register now! Questions? Contact Emily Walker at

  • Please share your testimony with Sherisse Palomino at New Yorkers for Parks in advance. As leaders of the Play Fair Coalition, New Yorkers for Parks will deliver them as a complete package to the City Council.


Your action is vital in protecting our city’s public spaces! Thank you for your dedication!

City Parks Foundation

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