Showing posts with label Assemblyman Sepulveda: Fighting for Criminal Justice Reform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assemblyman Sepulveda: Fighting for Criminal Justice Reform. Show all posts

Monday, May 4, 2015

Assemblyman Sepulveda: Fighting for Criminal Justice Reform

Last week my colleagues and I from the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Caucus announced in Albany the formation of a list of criminal justice reforms that we will be sending to Governor Cuomo and the legislative leaders.  
Newsday released an article entitled "New York Legislators to Push for Criminal Justice Reforms" in which I state that "we have a lost generation of black and Latino men and women, and it has not made us safer."  It is for this reason that my colleagues and I are pushing for reforms like raising the age of criminal responsibility, grand jury disclosure, increasing access to mental health services, and providing our children with a better education.
You can read the full article here: New York Legislators to Push for Criminal Justice Reforms.
I am proud to be one of the Members of the Assembly pushing for these changes.  New York should be at the forefront of criminal justice reform, but we haven't been.  I intend on working to change that

Your Assemblyman,
Luis R. Sepúlveda

Office of Assemblyman Luis R. Sepulveda
1973 Westchester Ave