Showing posts with label Assemblymember Michael Blake - Statement on the 62nd Anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assemblymember Michael Blake - Statement on the 62nd Anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2017

Assemblymember Michael Blake - Statement on the 62nd Anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat, which lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Today, December 1st, 2017 marks the 62nd anniversary of Rosa Parks not giving up her seat that lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott.  Please see Assembly Member Michael Blake's statement:
In an environment where women are taking courageous and bold stances to speak up for justice, equity and fairness, we pause to never forget how Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat 62 years ago today gave all of us a chance to stand up as a people for generations to come.  Moreover, at a time where eyes of political and societal discourse are forthcoming in Alabama, it is a powerful reminder that all women, Black women and women of color have and continue to be transformational leaders for change in our communities who move our prospect of the promise forward.  It may have been a seat on a bus, but, it was a movement far greater than one vehicle. 
Whether it is Rosa keeping her seat to Colin taking a knee, true courage is realizing that you will suffer personal attacks for the sake of your people achieving progress.  The realization that it is not about the individual but the collective is why Rosa Parks is a Shero! 
Never forget that Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on December 1st, 1955 which later lead to the bus boycott from December 5, 1955 until December 20, 1956.  We may not realize that our one act of courage can shift the course of history forever.  We must also recognize that justice does not come quickly, and we should not be deterred if the reward is not immediate.  Because Rosa Parks was not going to have her justice denied any longer, we have a chance to move history's journey of justice further down the road to a new vision unseen. 
Thank you Rosa Parks for not standing up.  It is our moment to be descendents of your lineage of courage and refuse to give in to present day injustices until we all can move forward together.