Showing posts with label WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW - By Councilman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW - By Councilman. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW - By Councilman, Rubén Díaz Sr. District 18 Bronx County, New York

Scott Stringer goes against the only 2 Dominican State Senate Members

You should know that apparently, it seems that the New York City Scott Stringer does not like Latinos, especially Dominicans to occupy state elected office. 

It is important for you to know that all of the seven members in the “New York State Senate Independent Democratic Conference” are facing primaries from other Democrats supported by the Senate Regular Democrats headed by Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins. 

Since 2010 Senator Jeff Klein broke away from the “Regular” Democrats and created the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC).   Since then Senator Klein has been joined by six other dissatisfied senators, thereby creating an alliance with the Republicans and Governor Cuomo.    As a result of said alliance, the IDC members obtain benefits for their respective districts while the “Regular” Democrats are left out in the cold not acquiring any benefits. 

The IDC is made up of a pretty well balance ethnic composition.  Jeff Klein, Diane Savino, David Valesky and Tony Avella are Caucasian.  Senator Jessie Hamilton is African American and Marisol Alcantara and Jose Peralta are Dominican. 

Rumor has it that Mr. Scott Stringer has joined those who hate to see the members of the “IDC” bringing the bacon to their districts while the rest are being left salivating and angry to see how impotent they have become. 

Rumor also has it that Mr. Stringer has seen the opportunity to divide and get even with the Dominicans for past rifts between him and the Dominican Leadership. 

So, like a warrior that hungers for vengeance, Mr. Stringer has decided to support candidates against the only two Dominicans (Alcantara and Peralta) leaving Jeff Klein and his White Senators out of Stringer’s firing range. 

Remember my dear readers all the seven (7) members of the (IDC) all of them have primary challenges……All of them. 

Scott Stringer, owes an explanation to the Dominican Community.  Why is he supporting candidates that are challenging the only two Dominicans?    Why is he not supporting those candidates that are running against the other member’s.

On the other hand I must ask myself where are the voices of those so called Leaders of the Dominican Community?

This is Councilman Ruben Diaz, and this is what you should know.  

Rev. Ruben Diaz, Sr.
New York City Council Member 18th District  


It did not take long for new Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. to go after the number one contender for mayor in 2021. A race that will see many elected officials who will be running for mayor including his son the current Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. I can not wait to read what Ruben Diaz Sr. has to say about other possible Democratic mayoral candidates such as the current Public Advocate Letitia James, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, the current City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, Brooklyn Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, and possibly even a celebrity candidate such as the one running for governor this year.   

Not only has Ruben Diaz Sr. insulted the White voters of the city, but he also has insulted the Dominican leaders and elected officials of the city. 

It is going to be a fun next three years watching Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr, go from a contender for Mayor to a candidate for City Comptroller.