Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Attorney General James Announces 75 Guns Turned in at Watervliet Gun Buyback


New York Attorney General Letitia James announced that 75 firearms were turned in at a community gun buyback event in Watervliet hosted by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and the Watervliet Police Department. This event was part of Attorney General James’ ongoing effort to combat gun violence and keep New Yorkers safe. In addition to the guns turned in at the Watervliet event, Attorney General James secured an additional 134 firearms from a community gun buyback event in Kingston, bringing the total number of guns secured today to 209. To date, Attorney General James has removed more than 7,200 guns from New York state since taking office in 2019.

“Gun buyback events are essential to getting dangerous weapons off of our streets and keeping our communities safe,” said Attorney General James. “Every firearm we recovered today was a potential tragedy prevented and a potential life saved. I thank the City of Watervliet’s Police Department and everyone who worked with my office on today’s event for their continued partnership in protecting New Yorkers from the scourge of gun violence.”

Table with a dozen firearms laying on it

This buyback event in Watervliet resulted in 75 guns being turned in, including three assault weapons, 38 handguns, and 31 long guns. Following today’s gun buyback events held in Kingston and Watervliet, Attorney General James has helped remove more than 7,200 guns out of New York communities.

“The State Police is proud to partner with the New York State Attorney General's Office and the Watervliet Police Department on this initiative, with the shared goal of preventing senseless gun-involved tragedies and improving safety in our local communities,” said New York State Police Superintendent Steven G. James. “Gun buyback programs can prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands, and are a complement to our overall strategy to reduce gun violence.”

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