Thursday, May 23, 2024

Comptroller Lander Releases FY 2025 Executive Budget Analysis and Testifies to City Council


New York City Comptroller Brad Lander released his office’s Fiscal Year 2025 Executive Budget Analysis and testified to the City Council on New York City’s economy and City finances.

Excerpts from Comptroller Lander’s testimony: 

“Stronger fiscal management is not contrary to deeper investment in programs that create opportunities and address severe affordability challenges facing working class New Yorkers. Quite the opposite, it helps us to preserve and target resources to where they are most needed, so that New York City can remain a place of opportunity for New Yorkers at all income levels, and the city can continue to grow and flourish in the years ahead.”

“Strategic investments in areas like special education services may cost money in the short run but will ultimately improve student outcomes and reduce a billion in annual spending on special education Carter cases.”

“Instead of cutting core services, the City’s fiscal health and the lives of New Yorkers would be better served by planning and implementing long-term efficiency measures in each financial plan that gradually build over time and reduce waste, not service delivery.”

The Comptroller’s Office’s FY 2025 Executive Budget Report is available here

The hearing can be viewed online here

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