Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Free Summer Movies Under the Stars

Please join me for A Summer Movie Under the StarsEnjoy a free, family movie at Long Meadow North in Prospect Park on Wednesdays from July 22nd to August 12th, all beginning at 7:00 PM: 
  • July 22nd - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
  • July 29th - Where the Wild Things Are
  • August 5th - The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part I
  • August 12th - Happy Feet
The movies start shortly after sunset. Bring your own blanket!


P.S. Save the dates for these upcoming events, which I am proud to support, at and around Brooklyn Borough Hall; please contact our office for additional information:

Elected Officials and Leaders of the Livery Industry Against City Council Bill

  Bronx elected officials and livery tax industry leaders met this morning to discuss their concerns with a bill that is pending before the New York City Council that will add 10,000 commercial vehicles to the taxi industry.  This legislation is  causing a fight between Mayor Bill DeBlasio and Uber.

A consensus was reached by the group that there is no protection in this bill as it is now, to protect the livery industry, and as such the City Council should not take a vote and should hold the bill until it includes protection for the livery industry.

This meeting was attended by State Senators Rev Ruben Diaz and Adriano Espaillat;  Bronx Democratic County Leader Marcos Crespo; Assemblymen Luis Sepulveda, Jose Rivera and Victor Pichardo.  Representing the Taxi Industry were: Cira Angeles, Antonio Cabrera, Daniel Genese, Elvin Marte, Marcos De La Cruz, Nancy Soria, Francisco Roa, Jose R. Jean, and Avik Kabessa.

BDCC Announces Endorsement of Hillary Clinton

   Today the Bronx Democratic County Committee (BDCC), chaired by Assembly Member Marcos A. Crespo, announced its endorsement of Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the campaign race for the 2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination.

“As our former U.S Senator from New York and then U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has a proven track record of leadership and commitment to championing issues that are important to every day Americans. Bronx Democrats are proud to endorse her not only because she believes in building our party and making it stronger than ever but because we are united by our Democratic values in the fight to build stronger communities and ensuring that all people, regardless of background, can achieve their full potential,” said Bronx Democratic Party Leader Marcos A. Crespo.

“I enthusiastically endorse Hillary Clinton for President. As a long time supporter of Hillary Clinton I have seen up close her strong commitment to progressive ideals, her amazing work ethic and her incredible knowledge of every possible issue of concern to us,” echoed Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, County Committee Chair. “No one has ever been more qualified or more prepared to be President. I am confident that the Bronx will overwhelmingly support her candidacy and I look forward to working to help elect her president of the United States.”

"Hillary Clinton has been a champion for working families throughout her entire political career. Her leadership, achievements, and experience make her the ideal presidential candidate," said Bronx Party Secretary and Councilwoman Annabel Palma. “I am proud to join my colleague, Assembly Member Crespo, and the Bronx Democratic County Committee, in resoundingly supporting Hillary Clinton to be our next president of this great country of ours."

Bronx Democratic County Committee
As the Democratic Party organization in The Bronx, the Bronx Democratic County Committee’s mission is not only to help elect Democrats across the borough who will continue to fight for progress and for the residents of our communities, but we are also deeply committed to our Democratic values through engaging Bronxites year-round to increase access to resources by connecting them to legal, financial, and other public services, participating in political activism initiatives, and serving as an inclusive facilitator between our communities and Party members.

Assemblyman Dinowitz Reminds Consumers of the Dangers of Unsecured Furniture

   Following Ikea’s recent announcement that they will be offering free wall anchoring kits to customers who have purchased certain products, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz reminded consumers of the dangers of not securing heavy household furniture.

“Nearly every two weeks a child dies when a TV or some other large piece of furniture falls on them,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “According to one study from the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission, over 349 consumers were killed between 2000 and 2011 as a result of furniture toppling over; 84% of those deaths were children younger than nine years old. This is exactly why I sponsored a bill earlier this year requiring the New York State Department of State’s Division of Consumer Protection to create a public awareness campaign about the dangers of unsecured furniture” (A.7018).

The same federal commission estimates that over 43,000 consumers are injured each year in similar tip-over incidents; more than 25,000 of those injuries being suffered by children younger than 18. Falling furniture accounts for more than half of the reported injuries. However, falling televisions are more deadly, as they are associated with 62% of reported fatalities.

Mr. Dinowitz’s bill, which passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support in both the Assembly and in the Senate where it was sponsored by Senator Patricia Ritchie (R-Jefferson), and is to be sent to the Governor’s office for his signature or veto. Specifically, the legislation requires the Division of Consumer Protection to develop, establish, and implement a public awareness campaign related to the dangers of unsecured furniture, televisions, and other household appliances.

“The number one victims of unsecured furniture are overwhelmingly children. These tragedies are easily preventable, and it starts with passing along the information to and making the public aware of how to put a stop to these incidents from happening,” Assemblyman Dinowitz noted. “Ikea’s recent announcement serves as a reminder to all of us of the dangers associated with un-anchored furniture, and the propensity of these incidents to result in severe injury.”

“I strongly urge the Governor to sign this bill in to law,” said Mr. Dinowitz. “This awareness campaign is going to save many lives by encouraging people to take the appropriate actions when it comes to securing furniture.”


          Patrick L. Gualtieri, a U.S. Army veteran of Vietnam who helped build a struggling New York City Veterans Day Parade intoAmerica’s Parade, the largest celebration of service in America, died July 21 after a short illness.
Pat Gualtieri, 70, was born and raised in Brooklyn.  He served in the U.S. Army from 1966-68, including a one-year tour in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive.
He once described lying in the jungle watching as “Puff,” an American gunship, rained fire on North Vietnemese regulars during Tet.  “I had mixed feelings, happy to be alive, yet saddened that so many would die.”
After a career in event production in Los Angeles, Pat returned to New York City in 2000 to take over the struggling Veterans Day Parade.  As executive director of the United War Veterans Council, producers of the parade, Gualtieri built the annual event into America’s Parade, the largest celebration of service in the nation.
The parade now includes more than 25,000 participants, including active duty military units, veterans organizations, high school marching bands from around the nation, top elected officials from New York City and New York State and the highest ranking U.S. military commanders.
Hundreds of thousands of spectators line Fifth Avenue on November 11 to pay tribute to veterans.  Pat also has arranged to have the parade broadcast nationwide and on Armed Forces TV to every U.S. military installation and ship in the world.
“The veterans community mourns the loss of a giant, who devoted his life to honoring those who served,” said Vincent McGowan, founding president of the United War Veterans Council.  “Pat’s boundless energy and unflagging goodwill helped drive our efforts to shape a world-class effort to honor service on November 11 and every day of the year.”
Pat is survived by two daughters, Tara Mendelson and Gayla Gualtieri; a brother, Joseph; a grandson and granddaughter; and his life partner, Marlene ‘Molly’ Levi.
There will be a memorial visitation Saturday2 – 5 p.m. and 7 – 10 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., at Cusimano & Russo Funeral Home, 2005 West 6th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11223.
Memorial donations may be made to Friends of Vietnam Veterans Plaza and The United War Veterans Council.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Friends of Mark Gjonaj Fundraiser 7/28/15

Please Join us in a Fundraising Celebration for
New York State Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Don Coqui Restaurant
565 City Island Avenue
Bronx NY 10464

Food and Refreshments will be served.

For more information:

(Click HERE to download contribution form)

Assemblyman Luis Sepúlveda Calls on Citizens to Report Illegal Guns After Shootings

Office of Assemblyman Luis Sepúlveda
District Office: 1973 Westchester Ave, Bx. NY ∙ 
Phone: 718-931-8620

  Assemblyman Luis R. Sepúlveda today urged community members to report illegal guns and suspicious activity to the NYPD's Operation Gun Stop Program after a spate of shootings in the Bronx over the weekend.  Rewards of $1,000 are available for anonymous tips phoned into 1-866-GUN-STOP (1-866-486-7867).

"The Bronx is bleeding, and it's our youngest citizens who are being affected the most," said Assemblyman Sepúlveda.  "We must come together as a community to put a stop to this violence.  If you know someone with a gun, call the NYPD's Operation Gun Stop hotline so that we can remove as many guns from the street as possible.  Too many times I've had to console mothers who have lost their children to gun violence. It must come to an end."

On Sunday, Assemblyman Sepúlveda met with Yvonne Rodriguez, the mother of Ray Rosello, 20, who was shot and killed early Sunday morning in West Farms. Rodriguez has been an active member of the West Farms community and has worked with Assemblyman Sepúlveda on a number of projects.  Her annual block party to encourage community involvement is scheduled for this Saturday, just a week after the death of her son.  She now intends on holding that block party in his memory.

Sepúlveda also called for an increase in gun control to prevent the flood of guns into New York.

"When I was first elected as a member of the Assembly, one of the first bills I voted on was the SAFE Act.  I'm proud of the strict gun laws we have in New York State, but we must work harder to prevent the importation of guns from states with lax gun laws.”

During the weekend of July 19th multiple shooting incidents occurred in the Bronx, including the fatal shooting of Rosello just blocks from where Sepúlveda lives, and at a barbecue where six people were shot.

Operation Gun Stop, privately funded by the New York City Police Foundation, began in 2001 and since then has led to over 5,500 arrests and the removal of 3,350 illegal weapons from New York City Streets.

Assemblyman Luis Sepúlveda represents New York’s 87th Assembly District, which includes  the Bronx neighborhoods of Parkchester, Castle Hill, West Farms, Van Nest, Unionport, and Stratton Park.